2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

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#ifndef __glimports_h_
#define __glimports_h_
** Copyright 1991, 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
** Imports from outside libraries.
** $Revision: 1.8 $
** $Date: 1993/12/09 01:57:59 $
#include <memory.h>
#include <math.h>
#if defined(NT)
** MEMMOVE handles overlapping memory (slower)
** MEMCOPY does not handle overlapping memory (faster)
#define __GL_MEMCOPY(to,from,count) RtlCopyMemory(to,from,(size_t)(count))
#define __GL_MEMMOVE(to,from,count) RtlMoveMemory(to,from,(size_t)(count))
#define __GL_MEMZERO(to,count) RtlZeroMemory(to,(size_t)(count))
#define __GL_MEMCOPY(to,from,count) memcpy(to,from,(size_t)(count))
#define __GL_MEMMOVE(to,from,count) memmove(to,from,(size_t)(count))
#define __GL_MEMZERO(to,count) memset(to,0,(size_t)(count))
#ifdef _ALPHA_
extern float fpow(float, float);
#define __GL_POWF(a,b) ((__GLfloat)fpow((__GLfloat)(a), (__GLfloat)(b)))
#define __GL_POWF(a,b) ((__GLfloat)pow((double)(a),(double)(b)))
#define __GL_CEILF(f) ((__GLfloat)ceil((double) (f)))
#define __GL_SQRTF(f) ((__GLfloat)sqrt((double) (f)))
#define __GL_ABSF(f) ((__GLfloat)fabs((double) (f)))
#define __GL_FLOORF(f) ((__GLfloat)floor((double) (f)))
#define __GL_FLOORD(f) floor(f)
#define __GL_SINF(f) ((__GLfloat)sin((double) (f)))
#define __GL_COSF(f) ((__GLfloat)cos((double) (f)))
#define __GL_ATANF(f) ((__GLfloat)atan((double) (f)))
#define __GL_ATAN2F(x, y) ((__GLfloat)atan2((double) (x), (double) (y)))
#define __GL_LOGF(f) ((__GLfloat)log((double) (f)))
#endif /* __glimports_h_ */