2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

548 lines
28 KiB

#ifndef _pixel_h_
#define _pixel_h_
** Copyright 1991,1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
#include "types.h"
#include "vertex.h"
#include "constant.h"
/* Not much for elegance, but it works. */
#define __GL_REMAP_PM(x) ((x) - GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I)
** Pixel type not exlicitly defined by the spec, but implictly suggested.
#define __GL_RED_ALPHA 1
#ifdef GL_EXT_paletted_texture
// Pixel type needed to distinguish paletted texture data from
// normal color index
#define __GL_PALETTE_INDEX 2
typedef struct __GLpixelMapHeadRec {
GLint size;
GLint tableId;
union {
GLint *mapI; /* access index (integral) entries */
__GLfloat *mapF; /* access component (float) entries */
} base;
} __GLpixelMapHead;
//!!! Don't change this structure without changing MCDPIXELTRANSFER !!!
typedef struct __GLpixelTransferModeRec {
__GLfloat r_scale, g_scale, b_scale, a_scale, d_scale;
__GLfloat r_bias, g_bias, b_bias, a_bias, d_bias;
__GLfloat zoomX;
__GLfloat zoomY;
GLint indexShift;
GLint indexOffset;
GLboolean mapColor;
GLboolean mapStencil;
} __GLpixelTransferMode;
//!!! Don't change this structure without changing MCDPIXELPACK !!!
typedef struct __GLpixelPackModeRec {
GLboolean swapEndian;
GLboolean lsbFirst;
GLuint lineLength;
GLuint skipLines;
GLuint skipPixels;
GLuint alignment;
} __GLpixelPackMode;
//!!! Don't change this structure without changing MCDPIXELUNPACK !!!
typedef struct __GLpixelUnpackModeRec {
GLboolean swapEndian;
GLboolean lsbFirst;
GLuint lineLength;
GLuint skipLines;
GLuint skipPixels;
GLuint alignment;
} __GLpixelUnpackMode;
typedef struct __GLpixelStateRec {
__GLpixelTransferMode transferMode;
__GLpixelMapHead pixelMap[__GL_N_PIXEL_MAPS];
__GLpixelPackMode packModes;
__GLpixelUnpackMode unpackModes;
GLuint pixelMapTableId;
** Read buffer. Where pixel reads come from.
GLenum readBuffer;
** Read buffer specified by user. May be different from readBuffer
** above. If the user specifies GL_FRONT_LEFT, for example, then
** readBuffer is set to GL_FRONT, and readBufferReturn to
GLenum readBufferReturn;
} __GLpixelState;
typedef struct __GLpixelMachineRec {
GLboolean modifyRGBA; /* Is the RGBA path being modified? */
GLboolean modifyCI;
GLboolean modifyDepth;
GLboolean modifyStencil;
/* scaled values indicating what a red of 0 maps to, an alpha of 1 ... */
GLfloat red0Mod, green0Mod, blue0Mod, alpha1Mod;
GLfloat *redMap; /* Lookup tables with no modification */
GLfloat *greenMap;
GLfloat *blueMap;
GLfloat *alphaMap;
GLfloat *iMap;
GLvoid *iCurMap, *redCurMap, *greenCurMap, *blueCurMap, *alphaCurMap;
GLboolean rgbaCurrent;
GLfloat *redModMap; /* Lookup tables for modification path */
GLfloat *greenModMap;
GLfloat *blueModMap;
GLfloat *alphaModMap;
GLboolean iToICurrent; /* Lookup table for modification of CI */
GLfloat *iToIMap;
GLboolean iToRGBACurrent; /* Lookup tables from CI to RGBA */
GLfloat *iToRMap;
GLfloat *iToGMap;
GLfloat *iToBMap;
GLfloat *iToAMap;
} __GLpixelMachine;
extern void FASTCALL __glInitDefaultPixelMap(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum map);
#define __GL_MAX_SPAN_SIZE (__GL_MAX_MAX_VIEWPORT * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat))
struct __GLpixelSpanInfoRec {
GLenum srcFormat, srcType; /* Form of source image */
const GLvoid *srcImage; /* The source image */
GLvoid *srcCurrent; /* The current pointer into the source data */
GLint srcRowIncrement; /* Add this much to get to the next row */
GLint srcGroupIncrement; /* Add this much to get to the next group */
GLint srcComponents; /* (4 for RGBA, 1 for ALPHA, etc.) */
GLint srcElementSize; /* Size of one element (1 for BYTE) */
GLint srcSwapBytes;
GLint srcLsbFirst;
GLint srcSkipPixels, srcSkipLines;
GLint srcLineLength;
GLint srcAlignment;
GLboolean srcPackedData; /* True if source data is packed */
GLint srcStartBit; /* After applying skipPixels */
GLenum dstFormat, dstType; /* Form of destination image */
const GLvoid *dstImage; /* The destination image */
GLvoid *dstCurrent; /* The current pointer into the dest data */
GLint dstRowIncrement; /* Add this much to get to the next row */
GLint dstGroupIncrement; /* Add this much to get to the next group */
GLint dstComponents; /* (4 for RGBA, 1 for ALPHA, etc.) */
GLint dstElementSize; /* Size of one element (1 for BYTE) */
GLint dstSwapBytes;
GLint dstLsbFirst;
GLint dstSkipPixels, dstSkipLines;
GLint dstLineLength;
GLint dstAlignment;
GLboolean dstPackedData; /* True if destination data is packed */
GLint dstStartBit; /* After applying skipPixels */
__GLfloat zoomx, zoomy;
GLint width, height; /* Size of image */
GLint realWidth; /* Width of actual span (after xZoom) */
__GLfloat readX, readY; /* Reading coords (CopyPixels, ReadPixels) */
__GLfloat x, y; /* Effective raster coordinates */
GLint startCol, startRow; /* First actual pixel goes here */
GLint endCol; /* Last column rendered (minus coladd) */
GLint columns, rows; /* Taking zoomx, zoomy into account */
GLboolean overlap; /* Do CopyPixels src/dest regions overlap? */
GLint rowsUp, rowsDown; /* Stuff for overlapping CopyPixels regions */
GLint rowadd, coladd; /* Adders for incrementing the col or row */
__GLfloat rendZoomx; /* effective zoomx for render span */
__GLzValue fragz; /* save this computation in the span walker */
__GLfloat rpyUp, rpyDown;
GLint startUp, startDown;
GLint readUp, readDown;
GLvoid *redMap, *greenMap, *blueMap, *alphaMap;
GLvoid *indexMap;
GLshort *pixelArray; /* Array of pixel relication counts (if */
/* zoomx < -1 or zoomx > 1) or pixels to */
/* skip (if zoomx < 1 and zoomx > -1). */
#ifdef GL_EXT_paletted_texture
// Used when the source or destination has a palette
// These fields are only used for expanding palette index
// data into RGBA so only source fields are needed
RGBQUAD *srcPalette;
GLint srcPaletteSize;
** A pile of span routines used by the DrawPixels, ReadPixels, and
** CopyPixels functions.
void (FASTCALL *spanReader)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *outspan);
void (*(spanModifier[7]))(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void (FASTCALL *spanRender)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan);
/* px_api.c */
extern GLboolean __glCheckDrawPixelArgs(__GLcontext *gc, GLsizei width,
GLsizei height, GLenum format,
GLenum type);
void FASTCALL __glPixelSetColorScales(__GLcontext *);
/* px_paths.c */
GLboolean FASTCALL __glClipDrawPixels(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glComputeSpanPixelArray(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glLoadUnpackModes(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLboolean packed);
void __glInitDrawPixelsInfo(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLint width, GLint height, GLenum format,
GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels);
void FASTCALL __glDrawPixels4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glDrawPixels3(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glDrawPixels2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glDrawPixels1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glDrawPixels0(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void __glSlowPickDrawPixels(__GLcontext *gc, GLint width, GLint height,
GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels,
GLboolean packed);
void FASTCALL __glGenericPickDrawPixels(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glClipReadPixels(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glLoadPackModes(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void __glInitReadPixelsInfo(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height,
GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels);
void FASTCALL __glReadPixels5(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glReadPixels4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glReadPixels3(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glReadPixels2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glReadPixels1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glReadPixels0(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void __glSlowPickReadPixels(__GLcontext *gc, GLint x, GLint y,
GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels);
void FASTCALL __glGenericPickReadPixels(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glClipCopyPixels(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void __glInitCopyPixelsInfo(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height,
GLenum format);
void FASTCALL __glCopyPixels2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyPixels1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyPixels0(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyPixelsOverlapping(__GLcontext *gc,
__GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo, GLint modifiers);
void __glSlowPickCopyPixels(__GLcontext *gc, GLint x, GLint y, GLint width,
GLint height, GLenum type);
void FASTCALL __glGenericPickCopyPixels(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyImage1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyImage2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyImage3(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyImage4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyImage5(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyImage6(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glCopyImage7(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void FASTCALL __glGenericPickCopyImage(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLboolean applyPixelTransfer);
/* px_modify.c */
void FASTCALL __glBuildRGBAModifyTables(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelMachine *pm);
void FASTCALL __glBuildItoIModifyTables(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelMachine *pm);
void FASTCALL __glBuildItoRGBAModifyTables(__GLcontext *gc,
__GLpixelMachine *pm);
void __glSpanModifyRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyRed(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyBlue(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyGreen(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyLuminance(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyLuminanceAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyRedAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyDepth(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyStencil(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanModifyCI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
/* px_pack.c */
void FASTCALL __glInitPacker(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void __glSpanReduceRed(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanReduceGreen(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanReduceBlue(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanReduceAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanReduceRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
#ifdef GL_EXT_bgra
void __glSpanReduceBGR(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanReduceLuminance(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanReduceLuminanceAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanReduceRedAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackUbyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackByte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackUshort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackShort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackUint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackInt(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackUbyteI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackByteI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackUshortI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackShortI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackUintI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackIntI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanCopy(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanPackBitmap(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
/* px_read.c */
void FASTCALL __glSpanReadRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanReadRGBA2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanReadCI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanReadCI2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanReadDepth(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanReadDepth2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanReadStencil(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanReadStencil2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
/* px_render.c */
void FASTCALL __glSlowDrawPixelsStore(__GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBubyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBubyte2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBAubyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBAubyte2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepthUint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepthUint2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepth2Uint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepth2Uint2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencilUshort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencilUshort2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencilUbyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencilUbyte2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIushort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIushort2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIubyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIubyte2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIubyte3(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCIubyte4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderRGBA2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepth(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderDepth2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderCI2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencil(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
void FASTCALL __glSpanRenderStencil2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *span);
/* px_unpack.c */
GLint FASTCALL __glElementsPerGroup(GLenum format);
__GLfloat FASTCALL __glBytesPerElement(GLenum type);
void FASTCALL __glInitUnpacker(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo);
void __glSpanUnpackBitmap(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackBitmap2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackRGBubyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackIndexUbyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackRGBAubyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSwapBytes2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSwapBytes2Dst(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSwapAndSkipBytes2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSwapBytes4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSwapBytes4Dst(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSwapAndSkipBytes4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSkipPixels1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSkipPixels2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSkipPixels4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSlowSkipPixels2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanSlowSkipPixels4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanAlignPixels2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanAlignPixels2Dst(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanAlignPixels4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanAlignPixels4Dst(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackUbyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackByte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackUshort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackShort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackUint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackInt(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackUbyteI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackByteI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackUshortI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackShortI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackUintI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnpackIntI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanClampFloat(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanClampSigned(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanExpandRed(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanExpandGreen(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanExpandBlue(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanExpandAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanExpandRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
#ifdef GL_EXT_bgra
void __glSpanExpandBGR(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanExpandLuminance(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanExpandLuminanceAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanExpandRedAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanScaleRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnscaleRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
#ifdef GL_EXT_bgra
void __glSpanScaleBGRA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanUnscaleBGRA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
#ifdef GL_EXT_paletted_texture
void __glSpanModifyPI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
void __glSpanScalePI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan);
#endif /* _pixel_h_ */