782 lines
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782 lines
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#ifndef __glrender_h_
#define __glrender_h_
** Copyright 1991-1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
#include "types.h"
#include "constant.h"
#include "cpu.h"
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
#include "phong.h"
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
** used to approximate zero (and avoid divide by zero errors)
** when doing polygon offset with dzdx = 0.
#define __GL_PGON_OFFSET_NEAR_ZERO .00001
** Epsilon value for detecting non-scaling transformation matrices:
#define __GL_MATRIX_UNITY_SCALE_EPSILON ((__GLfloat)0.0001)
typedef GLuint __GLstippleWord;
** A fragment is a collection of all the data needed after rasterization
** of a primitive has occured, but before the data is entered into various
** framebuffers. The data contained in the fragment has been normalized
** into a form for immediate storage into the framebuffer.
struct __GLfragmentRec {
/* Screen x, y */
GLint x, y;
/* Z coordinate in form used by depth buffer */
__GLzValue z;
** Color of the fragment. When in colorIndexMode only the r component
** is valid.
__GLcolor color;
/* Texture information for the fragment */
__GLfloat s, t, qw;
/* Fog information for the fragment */
__GLfloat f;
** Shader record for iterated objects (lines/triangles). This keeps
** track of all the various deltas needed to rasterize a triangle.
struct __GLshadeRec {
GLint dxLeftLittle, dxLeftBig;
GLint dxLeftFrac;
GLint ixLeft, ixLeftFrac;
GLint dxRightLittle, dxRightBig;
GLint dxRightFrac;
GLint ixRight, ixRightFrac;
__GLfloat area;
__GLfloat dxAC, dxBC, dyAC, dyBC;
__GLfragment frag;
GLint length;
/* Color */
__GLfloat rLittle, gLittle, bLittle, aLittle;
__GLfloat rBig, gBig, bBig, aBig;
__GLfloat drdx, dgdx, dbdx, dadx;
__GLfloat drdy, dgdy, dbdy, dady;
/* Depth */
GLint zLittle, zBig;
GLint dzdx;
__GLfloat dzdyf, dzdxf;
/* Texture */
__GLfloat sLittle, tLittle, qwLittle;
__GLfloat sBig, tBig, qwBig;
__GLfloat dsdx, dtdx, dqwdx;
__GLfloat dsdy, dtdy, dqwdy;
__GLfloat fLittle, fBig;
__GLfloat dfdy, dfdx;
GLuint modeFlags;
__GLzValue *zbuf;
GLint zbufBig, zbufLittle;
__GLstencilCell *sbuf;
GLint sbufBig, sbufLittle;
__GLcolor *colors;
__GLcolor *fbcolors;
__GLstippleWord *stipplePat;
GLboolean done;
__GLcolorBuffer *cfb;
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
__GLphongShade phong;
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
** The distinction between __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH and __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH_LIGHT is
** simple. __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH indicates if the polygon will be smoothly
** shaded, and __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH_LIGHT indicates if the polygon will be
** lit at each vertex. Note that __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH might be set while
** __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH_LIGHT is not set if the lighting model is GL_FLAT, but
** the polygons are fogged.
#define __GL_SHADE_RGB 0x0001
#define __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH 0x0002 /* smooth shaded polygons */
#define __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_TEST 0x0004
#define __GL_SHADE_TEXTURE 0x0008
#define __GL_SHADE_STIPPLE 0x0010 /* polygon stipple */
#define __GL_SHADE_STENCIL_TEST 0x0020
#define __GL_SHADE_DITHER 0x0040
#define __GL_SHADE_LOGICOP 0x0080
#define __GL_SHADE_BLEND 0x0100
#define __GL_SHADE_ALPHA_TEST 0x0200
#define __GL_SHADE_TWOSIDED 0x0400
#define __GL_SHADE_MASK 0x0800
/* Two kinds of fog... */
#define __GL_SHADE_SLOW_FOG 0x1000
#define __GL_SHADE_CHEAP_FOG 0x2000
/* do we iterate depth values in software */
#define __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_ITER 0x4000
#define __GL_SHADE_LINE_STIPPLE 0x8000
#define __GL_SHADE_CULL_FACE 0x00010000
#define __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH_LIGHT 0x00020000 /* smoothly lit polygons */
// Set when the texture mode makes polygon color irrelevant
#define __GL_SHADE_FULL_REPLACE_TEXTURE 0x00040000
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
** This is set when shade-model is GL_PHONG_EXT and Lighting is ON
** otherwise use smooth shading.
** Used in place of __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH_LIGHT when ShadeModel is
#define __GL_SHADE_PHONG 0x00100000
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
// Set when the current sub-triangle is the last (or only) subtriangle
#define __GL_SHADE_LAST_SUBTRI 0x00080000
#ifdef GL_WIN_specular_fog
// Set when the specularly-lit textures are needed using fog.
#define __GL_SHADE_SPEC_FOG 0x00200000
#endif //GL_WIN_specular_fog
#define __GL_SHADE_COMPUTE_FOG 0x00400000
#define __GL_SHADE_INTERP_FOG 0x00800000
** __GL_STIPPLE_COUNT_BITS is the number of bits needed to represent a
** stipple count (5 bits).
** __GL_STIPPLE_BITS is the number of bits in a stipple word (32 bits).
#define __GL_STIPPLE_SHIFT(i) (1 << (__GL_STIPPLE_BITS - 1 - (i)))
#define __GL_STIPPLE_SHIFT(i) (1 << (i))
#ifdef NT
// Allow 256 bytes of stipple on the stack. This may seem small but
// stipples are consumed a bit at a time so this is good enough for
// 2048 stipple bits
** Accumulation buffer cells for each color component. Note that these
** items needs to be at least 2 bits bigger than the color components
** that drive them, with 2 times being ideal. This declaration assumes
** that the underlying color components are no more than 14 bits and
** hopefully 8.
typedef struct __GLaccumCellRec {
__GLaccumCellElement r, g, b, a;
} __GLaccumCell;
struct __GLbitmapRec {
GLsizei width;
GLsizei height;
GLfloat xorig;
GLfloat yorig;
GLfloat xmove;
GLfloat ymove;
GLint imageSize; /* An optimization */
/* bitmap */
extern void __glDrawBitmap(__GLcontext *gc, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
GLfloat xOrig, GLfloat yOrig,
GLfloat xMove, GLfloat yMove,
const GLubyte bits[]);
extern __GLbitmap *__glAllocBitmap(__GLcontext *gc,
GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
GLfloat xOrig, GLfloat yOrig,
GLfloat xMove, GLfloat yMove);
extern void FASTCALL __glRenderBitmap(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLbitmap *bitmap,
const GLubyte *bits);
/* New AA line algorithm supports widths one or more. Until that changes,
** don't change this minimum!
#define __GL_POINT_SIZE_MINIMUM ((__GLfloat) 1.0)
#define __GL_POINT_SIZE_MAXIMUM ((__GLfloat) 10.0)
#define __GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY ((__GLfloat) 0.125)
extern void FASTCALL __glBeginPoints(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glEndPoints(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glPoint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
extern void FASTCALL __glPointFast(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
/* Various point rendering implementations */
void FASTCALL __glRenderAliasedPointN(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v);
void FASTCALL __glRenderAliasedPoint1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v);
void FASTCALL __glRenderAliasedPoint1_NoTex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v);
void FASTCALL __glRenderFlatFogPoint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v);
#ifdef NT
void FASTCALL __glRenderFlatFogPointSlow(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v);
void FASTCALL __glRenderAntiAliasedRGBPoint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v);
void FASTCALL __glRenderAntiAliasedCIPoint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v);
#define __GL_LINE_WIDTH_MINIMUM ((__GLfloat) 0.5)
#define __GL_LINE_WIDTH_MAXIMUM ((__GLfloat) 10.0)
#define __GL_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY ((__GLfloat) 0.125)
** Don't change these constants without fixing LIGHT/rex_linespan.ma which
** currently assumes that __GL_X_MAJOR is 0.
#define __GL_X_MAJOR 0
#define __GL_Y_MAJOR 1
** Use a fixed point notation of 15.17
** This should support screen sizes up to 4K x 4K, with 5 subpixel bits
** for 4K x 4K screens.
#define __GL_LINE_FRACBITS 17
#define __GL_LINE_INT_TO_FIXED(x) ((x) << __GL_LINE_FRACBITS)
#define __GL_LINE_FLOAT_TO_FIXED(x) ((x) * (1 << __GL_LINE_FRACBITS))
#define __GL_LINE_FIXED_HALF (1 << (__GL_LINE_FRACBITS-1))
#define __GL_LINE_FIXED_TO_FLOAT(x) (((GLfloat) (x)) / __GL_LINE_FIXED_ONE)
#define __GL_LINE_FIXED_TO_INT(x) (((unsigned int) (x)) >> __GL_LINE_FRACBITS)
** Contains variables needed to draw all line options.
struct __GLlineOptionsRec {
GLint axis, numPixels;
__GLfloat offset, length, oneOverLength;
GLint xStart, yStart;
GLint xLittle, xBig, yLittle, yBig;
GLint fraction, dfraction;
__GLfloat curF, curR, curG, curB, curA, curS, curT, curQW;
__GLzValue curZ;
__GLfloat antiAliasPercent;
__GLfloat f0;
GLint width;
const __GLvertex *v0, *v1;
/* Anti-aliased line only info */
__GLfloat realLength;
__GLfloat dldx, dldy;
__GLfloat dddx, dddy;
__GLfloat dlLittle, dlBig;
__GLfloat ddLittle, ddBig;
__GLfloat plength, pwidth;
/* Anti-aliased stippled lines only */
__GLfloat stippleOffset;
__GLfloat oneOverStippleRepeat;
** Line state. Contains all the line specific state, as well as
** procedure pointers used during rendering operations.
typedef struct {
** stipplePosition indicates which bit in mask is being examined
** for the next pixel in the line to be rendered. It is also used
** by feedback lines to determine if they are the first of a connected
** loop.
GLint stipplePosition;
** Repeat factor. After repeat is reduced to zero the
** stipplePosition is updated.
GLint repeat;
** Set to FALSE when the stipple needs to be reset.
GLboolean notResetStipple;
__GLlineOptions options;
} __GLlineMachine;
#ifdef NT
// renderLine flags
#define __GL_LVERT_FIRST 0x0001
void FASTCALL __glBeginLStrip(__GLcontext *gc);
void FASTCALL __glEndLStrip(__GLcontext *gc);
void FASTCALL __glBeginLLoop(__GLcontext *gc);
void FASTCALL __glEndLLoop(__GLcontext *gc);
void FASTCALL __glBeginLines(__GLcontext *gc);
void FASTCALL __glEndLines(__GLcontext *gc);
#ifdef NT
void FASTCALL __glClipLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1,
GLuint flags);
void FASTCALL __glNopLineBegin(__GLcontext *gc);
void FASTCALL __glNopLineEnd(__GLcontext *gc);
void FASTCALL __glClipLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1);
#ifdef NT
void FASTCALL __glRenderAliasLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0,
__GLvertex *v1, GLuint flags);
void FASTCALL __glRenderFlatFogLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0,
__GLvertex *v1, GLuint flags);
void FASTCALL __glRenderAntiAliasLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0,
__GLvertex *v1, GLuint flags);
BOOL FASTCALL __glInitLineData(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1);
void FASTCALL __glRenderAliasLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1);
void FASTCALL __glRenderFlatFogLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0,
__GLvertex *v1);
void FASTCALL __glRenderAntiAliasLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1);
void FASTCALL __glInitLineData(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1);
** Line procs
GLboolean FASTCALL __glProcessLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glProcessLine3NW(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glWideLineRep(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDrawBothLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glScissorLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glStippleLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glStencilTestLine(__GLcontext *);
#ifdef NT
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepth16TestStencilLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestStencilLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthPassLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDitherCILine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDitherRGBALine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glStoreLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glAntiAliasLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestLine_asm(__GLcontext *gc);
** A LEQUAL specific line depth tester because LEQUAL is the method of
** choice. :)
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestLine_LEQ_asm(__GLcontext *gc);
/* Assembly routines */
void __glDTP_LEQUAL(void);
void __glDTP_EQUAL(void);
void __glDTP_GREATER(void);
void __glDTP_NOTEQUAL(void);
void __glDTP_GEQUAL(void);
void __glDTP_ALWAYS(void);
void __glDTP_LESS(void);
void __glDTP_LEQUAL_M(void);
void __glDTP_EQUAL_M(void);
void __glDTP_GREATER_M(void);
void __glDTP_NOTEQUAL_M(void);
void __glDTP_GEQUAL_M(void);
void __glDTP_ALWAYS_M(void);
void __glDTP_LESS_M(void);
#ifdef NT
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepth16TestLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestLine(__GLcontext *);
** Line stippled procs
GLboolean FASTCALL __glScissorStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glWideStippleLineRep(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDrawBothStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glStencilTestStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
#ifdef NT
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepth16TestStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepth16TestStencilStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestStencilStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthPassStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDitherCIStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDitherRGBAStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glStoreStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glAntiAliasStippledLine(__GLcontext *);
** C depth-test routines
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_NEVER( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_LEQUAL( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_LESS( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_EQUAL( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_GREATER( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_NOTEQUAL( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_GEQUAL( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_ALWAYS( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_LEQUAL_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_LESS_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_EQUAL_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_GREATER_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_NOTEQUAL_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_GEQUAL_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT_ALWAYS_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_LEQUAL( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_LESS( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_EQUAL( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_GREATER( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_NOTEQUAL( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_GEQUAL( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_ALWAYS( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_LEQUAL_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_LESS_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_EQUAL_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_GREATER_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_NOTEQUAL_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_GEQUAL_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
GLboolean FASTCALL __glDT16_ALWAYS_M( __GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
extern GLboolean (FASTCALL *__glCDTPixel[32])(__GLzValue, __GLzValue * );
** Polygon machine state. Contains all the polygon specific state,
** as well as procedure pointers used during rendering operations.
typedef struct __GLpolygonMachineRec {
** Internal form of users stipple. Users stipple is always
** normalized to stippleWord sized with the LSB of each word mapping
** to the left x coordinate.
__GLstippleWord stipple[32];
** Polygon (triangle really) shading state. Used by polygon fillers
** and span routines.
__GLshade shader;
** Lookup table that returns the face (0=front, 1=back) when indexed
** by a flag which is zero for CW and 1 for CCW. If FrontFace is CW:
** face[0] = 0
** face[1] = 1
** else
** face[0] = 1
** face[1] = 0
GLubyte face[2];
** Internal form of polygon mode for each face
GLubyte mode[2];
** Culling flag. 0 when culling the front face, 1 when culling the
** back face and 2 when not culling.
GLubyte cullFace;
} __GLpolygonMachine;
/* defines for above cullFlag */
#define __GL_CULL_FLAG_DONT 2
/* Indicies for face[] array in polygonMachine above */
#define __GL_CW 0
#define __GL_CCW 1
/* Internal numbering for polymode values */
#define __GL_POLYGON_MODE_FILL (GL_FILL & 0xf)
#define __GL_POLYGON_MODE_LINE (GL_LINE & 0xf)
extern void FASTCALL __glBeginPolygon(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glBeginQStrip(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glBeginQuads(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glBeginTFan(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glBeginTriangles(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glBeginTStrip(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glClipTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a, __GLvertex *b,
__GLvertex *c, GLuint orClipCodes);
extern void FASTCALL __glClipPolygon(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, GLint nv);
extern void __glDoPolygonClip(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex **vp, GLint nv,
GLuint orClipCodes);
extern void FASTCALL __glFrustumClipPolygon(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, GLint nv);
extern void FASTCALL __glConvertStipple(__GLcontext *gc);
/* Rectangle processing proc */
extern void __glRect(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat x0, __GLfloat y0,
__GLfloat x1, __GLfloat y1);
** Triangle render proc that handles culling, twosided lighting and
** polygon mode.
extern void FASTCALL __glRenderTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c);
extern void FASTCALL __glRenderFlatTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c);
extern void FASTCALL __glRenderSmoothTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c);
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
extern void FASTCALL __glRenderPhongTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c);
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
extern void FASTCALL __glDontRenderTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c);
** Triangle filling procs for each polygon smooth mode
void FASTCALL __glFillTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c, GLboolean ccw);
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
extern void FASTCALL __glFillPhongTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c, GLboolean ccw);
extern void FASTCALL __glFillAntiAliasedPhongTriangle(__GLcontext *gc,
__GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b,
__GLvertex *c,
GLboolean ccw);
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
void FASTCALL __glFillFlatFogTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c,
GLboolean ccw);
void FASTCALL __glFillAntiAliasedTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c,
GLboolean ccw);
#ifdef GL_WIN_specular_fog
void FASTCALL __glFillFlatSpecFogTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c,
GLboolean ccw);
#endif //GL_WIN_specular_fog
** Polygon offset calc
extern __GLfloat __glPolygonOffsetZ(__GLcontext *gc );
** Span procs
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glProcessSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glProcessReplicateSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glClipSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glStippleSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glAlphaTestSpan(__GLcontext *);
/* Assembly routines */
void FASTCALL __glDTS_LEQUAL(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_EQUAL(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_GREATER(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_GEQUAL(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_ALWAYS(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_LESS(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_LEQUAL_M(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_EQUAL_M(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_GREATER_M(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_GEQUAL_M(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_ALWAYS_M(void);
void FASTCALL __glDTS_LESS_M(void);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glStencilTestSpan_asm(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestSpan_asm(__GLcontext *);
extern void (*__glSDepthTestPixel[16])(void);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glStencilTestSpan(__GLcontext *);
#ifdef NT
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepth16TestSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestSpan(__GLcontext *);
#ifdef NT
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepth16TestStencilSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestStencilSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthPassSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glColorSpan1(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glColorSpan2(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glColorSpan3(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glFlatRGBASpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glShadeRGBASpan(__GLcontext *);
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glPhongRGBASpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glPhongCISpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glPhongRGBALineSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glPhongCILineSpan(__GLcontext *);
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glFlatCISpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glShadeCISpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glTextureSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glFogSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glFogSpanSlow(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDrawBothSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glIntegrateSpan1(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glIntegrateSpan2(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glIntegrateSpan3(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glIntegrateSpan4(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDitherRGBASpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDitherCISpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glRoundRGBASpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glRoundCISpan(__GLcontext*);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glLogicOpSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glMaskRGBASpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glMaskCISpan(__GLcontext *);
** Stippled span procs
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glStippleStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glAlphaTestStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glStencilTestStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
#ifdef NT
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepth16TestStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepth16TestStencilStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthTestStencilStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDepthPassStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glColorStippledSpan1(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glColorStippledSpan2(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glColorStippledSpan3(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glTextureStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glFogStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glFogStippledSpanSlow(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDrawBothStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glIntegrateStippledSpan1(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glIntegrateStippledSpan2(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glIntegrateStippledSpan3(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glIntegrateStippledSpan4(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glBlendStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDitherRGBAStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glDitherCIStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glRoundRGBAStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glRoundCIStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glLogicOpStippledSpan(__GLcontext *);
extern void FASTCALL __glValidateAlphaTest(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glValidateStencil(__GLcontext *gc, __GLstencilBuffer *sfb);
#define __GL_STENCIL_RANGE (1 << (sizeof(__GLstencilCell) * 8))/*XXX*/
void __glFogFragmentSlow(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfragment *fr, __GLfloat f);
__GLfloat FASTCALL __glFogVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *fr);
__GLfloat FASTCALL __glFogVertexLinear(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *fr);
void __glFogColorSlow(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *out, __GLcolor *in,
__GLfloat fog);
/* color index anti-alias support function */
extern __GLfloat __glBuildAntiAliasIndex(__GLfloat idx,
__GLfloat antiAliasPercent);
** Dithering implementation stuff.
#define __GL_DITHER_BITS 4
#define __GL_DITHER_INDEX(x,y) (((x) & 3) + (((y) & 3) << 2))
extern GLbyte __glDitherTable[16];
#endif /* __glrender_h_ */