2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

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#ifndef _texture_h_
#define _texture_h_
** Copyright 1991,1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
** $Revision: 1.11 $
** $Date: 1995/01/25 18:07:23 $
#include "types.h"
#define __GL_TEX_TARGET_INDEX_1D 2
#define __GL_TEX_TARGET_INDEX_2D 3
// This doesn't correspond to an actual default texture, it's just a special
// name for the static DDraw texobj.
// Texobj name for the DDraw texobj. This can't be zero because it
// must be distinct from a default texture name. Technically that's
// all that matters, but in reality it's nice to use a number that's
// uncommon as a normal texture name because it makes it easy to
// identify the DDraw texture object vs. a normal texture object.
// This difference can never be guaranteed, though, so no code should
// ever be written that assumes name matching is good enough to
// identify the DDraw texture object.
#define __GL_TEX_DDRAW 0xdddddddd
** Client state set with glTexGen.
** This structure is shared with MCD as MCDTEXTURECOORDGENERATION.
typedef struct __GLtextureCoordStateRec {
/* How coordinates are being generated */
GLenum mode;
/* eye plane set via API, stored for MCD */
__GLcoord eyePlaneSet;
/* eye plane equation (used iff mode == GL_EYE_LINEAR) */
__GLcoord eyePlaneEquation;
/* object plane equation (used iff mode == GL_OBJECT_LINEAR) */
__GLcoord objectPlaneEquation;
} __GLtextureCoordState;
** Client state set with glTexEnv
typedef struct __GLtextureEnvStateRec {
/* environment "blend" function */
GLenum mode;
/* environment color */
__GLcolor color;
} __GLtextureEnvState;
//!!! Don't change this structure without changing MCDTEXTURESTATE !!!
** Client state set with glTexParameter
typedef struct __GLtextureParamStateRec {
/* S & T wrap modes */
GLenum sWrapMode;
GLenum tWrapMode;
/* min and mag filter */
GLenum minFilter;
GLenum magFilter;
/* border color */
__GLcolor borderColor; /* Unscaled! */
} __GLtextureParamState;
** Stackable texture object state.
typedef struct __GLtextureObjectStateRec {
GLuint name; /* name of the texture */
GLfloat priority; /* priority of the texture object */
} __GLtextureObjectState;
** Client state per texture map per dimension.
typedef struct __GLperTextureStateRec {
** Texture parameter state (set with glTexParameter).
__GLtextureParamState params;
** Texture object bindings and priorities.
__GLtextureObjectState texobjs;
} __GLperTextureState;
** Stackable client texture state. This does not include
** the mipmaps, or level dependent state. Only state which is
** stackable via glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib is here. The rest of the
** state is in the machine structure below.
typedef struct __GLtextureStateRec {
/* Per coordinate texture state (set with glTexGen) */
__GLtextureCoordState s;
__GLtextureCoordState t;
__GLtextureCoordState r;
__GLtextureCoordState q;
/* Per texture state */
__GLperTextureState *texture;
/* Per texture environment state */
__GLtextureEnvState *env;
} __GLtextureState;
typedef __GLfloat __GLtextureBuffer;
typedef struct __GLtexelRec {
__GLfloat r, g, b;
__GLfloat luminance;
__GLfloat alpha;
__GLfloat intensity;
} __GLtexel;
typedef struct __GLmipMapLevelRec __GLmipMapLevel;
typedef struct __GLtextureRec __GLtexture;
//!!! Don't change this structure without changing MCDMIPMAPLEVEL !!!
struct __GLmipMapLevelRec {
__GLtextureBuffer *buffer;
/* Image dimensions, including border */
GLint width, height;
/* Image dimensions, doesn't include border */
GLint width2, height2;
__GLfloat width2f, height2f;
/* log2 of width2 & height2 */
GLint widthLog2, heightLog2;
/* Border size */
GLint border;
/* Requested internal format */
GLint requestedFormat;
/* Base internal format */
GLint baseFormat;
/* Actual internal format */
GLint internalFormat;
/* Component resolution */
GLint redSize;
GLint greenSize;
GLint blueSize;
GLint alphaSize;
GLint luminanceSize;
GLint intensitySize;
/* Extract function for this mipmap level */
void (FASTCALL *extract)(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result);
//!!! Don't change this structure without changing MCDTEXTUREDATA !!!
struct __GLtextureRec {
/* Back pointer to context */
__GLcontext *gc;
/* Copy of parameter state */
// This is the start of MCDTEXTUREDATA:
__GLtextureParamState params;
/* Copy of texure object stackable state */
__GLtextureObjectState texobjs;
/* Level information */
__GLmipMapLevel *level;
/* Dimension of this texture (1 or 2) */
GLint dim;
#ifdef GL_EXT_paletted_texture
// The palette is the same for all mipmap levels so it
// is a texture field rather than a mipmap field
GLsizei paletteSize;
RGBQUAD *paletteData;
// Type of palette data, determined by glColorTableEXT
// and applied to all mipmap levels
GLenum paletteBaseFormat;
// internalFormat given in glColorTableEXT call, for
GLenum paletteRequestedFormat;
/* maximum( log2(level[0].width2), log2(level[0].height2) ) */
GLint p;
/* Min/Mag switchover point */
__GLfloat c;
/* Create a new mipmap level for this texture */
__GLtextureBuffer * (FASTCALL *createLevel)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint lod, GLint components,
GLsizei w, GLsizei h, GLint border,
GLint dim);
/* Texturing function for this texture */
void (*textureFunc)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat rho);
/* Apply current environment function to fragment */
void (FASTCALL *env)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel);
/* Magnification routine for this texture */
void (FASTCALL *magnify)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod,
__GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t,
__GLtexel *result);
/* Minification routine for this texture */
void (FASTCALL *minnify)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod,
__GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t,
__GLtexel *result);
/* Linear filter for this texture */
void (FASTCALL *linear)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex,
__GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result);
/* Nearest filter for this texture */
void (FASTCALL *nearest)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex,
__GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result);
void *pvUser; // user-defined expansion for caching, etc.
DWORD textureKey; // driver-private key for MCD-accelerated textures
// The palette can be subdivided into multiple sections. paletteSize
// and paletteData point to a single section, while the Total versions
// contain information about the entire palette.
GLsizei paletteTotalSize;
RGBQUAD *paletteTotalData;
// Number of subdivisions in total palette minus one
GLsizei paletteDivision;
// Shift to go from subdivision number to palette entry
GLsizei paletteDivShift;
typedef struct __GLperTextureMachineRec {
__GLtexture map;
} __GLperTextureMachine;
** Texture object structure.
** refcount field MUST be first in the structure.
typedef struct __GLtextureObjectRec {
GLint refcount; /* reference count: create with 1; delete when 0 */
/* refcount MUST be first in this structure */
GLenum targetIndex; /* index of the target it's bound to */
GLboolean resident; /* residence status of the texture object */
__GLperTextureMachine texture; /* actual texture data */
struct __GLtextureObjectRec *lowerPriority; /* Priority list link */
struct __GLtextureObjectRec *higherPriority; /* Priority list link */
HANDLE loadKey; /* Texture memory load key for unloading */
} __GLtextureObject;
typedef struct __GLsharedTextureStateRec {
/* Stores pointers to texture objects, retrieved by name */
__GLnamesArray *namesArray;
/* List of all texture objects sorted by priority */
__GLtextureObject *priorityListHighest;
__GLtextureObject *priorityListLowest;
} __GLsharedTextureState;
** DDraw texture flags.
/* Whether the texture's format is supported by generic or not */
#define DDTEX_GENERIC_FORMAT 0x00000001
/* Whether all texture surfaces are in video memory or not */
#define DDTEX_VIDEO_MEMORY 0x00000002
typedef struct ___GLddrawTexture {
/* If levels is greater than zero, a DirectDraw texture is current */
GLint levels;
/* Level-zero surface with cached description */
/* Storage space for DirectDraw texture definitions */
__GLtextureObject texobj;
/* levels surface pointers */
GLuint flags;
} __GLddrawTexture;
typedef struct __GLtextureMachineRec {
__GLperTextureMachine **texture;
/* Array of ptrs to the currently bound texture objects. */
__GLtextureObject **boundTextures;
/* Array of dummy texture objects for the default textures */
__GLtextureObject *defaultTextures;
#ifdef GL_WIN_multiple_textures
/* Current texture index */
GLuint texIndex;
#endif // GL_WIN_multiple_textures
/* Current enabled texture */
__GLtexture *currentTexture;
/* Current DirectDraw texture */
__GLddrawTexture ddtex;
/* The OR of all texture enable bits */
GLboolean textureEnabled;
/* State that can be shared between contexts */
__GLsharedTextureState *shared;
} __GLtextureMachine;
/* Check for texture consistency before enabling texturing */
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glIsTextureConsistent(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum texture);
/* Fragment texturing routines */
extern void __glFastTextureFragment(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat rho);
extern void __glTextureFragment(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat rho);
extern void __glMipMapFragment(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat rho);
/* Texturing routines */
extern void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod,
__GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t,
__GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glNearestFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod,
__GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t,
__GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glNMNFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod,
__GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t,
__GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glLMNFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod,
__GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t,
__GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glNMLFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod,
__GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t,
__GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glLMLFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod,
__GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t,
__GLtexel *result);
/* Filter routines */
extern void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex,
__GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex,
__GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glNearestFilter1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex,
__GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glNearestFilter2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex,
__GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter2_BGR8Repeat(__GLcontext *gc,
__GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter2_BGRA8Repeat(__GLcontext *gc,
__GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result);
/* Texture environment functions */
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateL(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateLA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureDecalRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureDecalRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendL(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendLA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceL(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceLA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
extern void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color,
__GLtexel *tx);
/* Extract a texel from a texture level (no border) */
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelL(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelLA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGB(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGBA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelI(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGB8(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGBA8(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelBGR8(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelBGRA8(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
/* Extract a texel from a texture level (the texture has a border) */
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelL_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelLA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGB_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGBA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelI_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGB8_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGBA8_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
#ifdef GL_EXT_paletted_texture
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI8BGR_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI8BGR(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI16BGR_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI16BGR(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI8BGRA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI8BGRA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI16BGRA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
extern void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI16BGRA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *res);
#ifdef GL_EXT_bgra
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelBGR8_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result);
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelBGRA8_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result);
#endif // GL_EXT_bgra
/* Texture init */
extern void FASTCALL __glInitTextureUnpack(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *, GLint,
GLint, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *,
GLenum, GLboolean);
extern void FASTCALL __glInitImagePack(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLint width, GLint height, GLenum format, GLenum type,
const GLvoid *buf);
/* List execution texture image code */
extern void __gllei_TexImage1D(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum target, GLint lod,
GLint components, GLint length,
GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type,
const GLubyte *image);
extern void __gllei_TexImage2D(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum target, GLint lod,
GLint components, GLint w, GLint h,
GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type,
const GLubyte *image);
extern void __gllei_TexSubImage1D(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum target, GLint lod,
GLint xoffset, GLint length,
GLenum format, GLenum type,
const GLubyte *image);
extern void __gllei_TexSubImage2D(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum target, GLint lod,
GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset,
GLsizei w, GLsizei h,
GLenum format, GLenum type,
const GLubyte *image);
/* Rho calculation routines */
extern __GLfloat __glComputeLineRho(__GLcontext *gc,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat wInv);
extern __GLfloat __glNopLineRho(__GLcontext *gc,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat wInv);
extern __GLfloat __glComputePolygonRho(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLshade *sh,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t,
__GLfloat winv);
extern __GLfloat __glNopPolygonRho(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLshade *sh,
__GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat winv);
extern __GLtexture *FASTCALL __glCheckTexImage1DArgs(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum target,
GLint lod, GLint components,
GLsizei length, GLint border,
GLenum format, GLenum type);
extern __GLtexture *FASTCALL __glCheckTexImage2DArgs(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum target,
GLint lod, GLint components,
GLsizei w, GLsizei h, GLint border,
GLenum format, GLenum type);
/* Texture Lookup */
extern __GLtextureObjectState *FASTCALL __glLookUpTextureTexobjs(__GLcontext *gc,
GLenum target);
/* Texture Lookup */
extern __GLtextureParamState *FASTCALL __glLookUpTextureParams(__GLcontext *gc,
GLenum target);
extern __GLtexture *FASTCALL __glLookUpTexture(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum target);
extern __GLtextureObject *FASTCALL __glLookUpTextureObject(__GLcontext *gc,
GLenum target);
/* Texture Initialization */
extern void FASTCALL __glEarlyInitTextureState(__GLcontext *gc);
GLboolean FASTCALL __glInitTextureObject(__GLcontext *gc,
__GLtextureObject *texobj,
GLuint name, GLuint targetIndex);
void FASTCALL __glInitTextureMachine(__GLcontext *gc, GLuint targetIndex,
__GLperTextureMachine *ptm,
GLboolean allocLevels);
/* Bind Texture used by pop or entry point. */
extern void FASTCALL __glBindTexture(__GLcontext *gc, GLuint targetIndex, GLuint name, GLboolean callGen);
#ifdef NT
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glCanShareTextures(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcontext *shareMe);
extern void FASTCALL __glShareTextures(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcontext *shareMe);
void FASTCALL __glSetPaletteSubdivision(__GLtexture *tex, GLsizei subdiv);
#ifdef GL_EXT_paletted_texture
// Attempt to set the extraction function. If no palette is set,
// this can't be done
void __glSetPaletteLevelExtract8(__GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp,
GLint border);
void __glSetPaletteLevelExtract16(__GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp,
GLint border);
#endif // GL_EXT_palette_texture
void __glTexPriListRealize(__GLcontext *gc);
void __glTexPriListAddToList(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtextureObject *texobj);
void __glTexPriListAdd(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtextureObject *texobj,
GLboolean realize);
void __glTexPriListRemoveFromList(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtextureObject *texobj);
void __glTexPriListRemove(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtextureObject *texobj,
GLboolean realize);
void __glTexPriListChangePriority(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtextureObject *texobj,
GLboolean realize);
void __glTexPriListLoadSubImage(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum target, GLint lod,
GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset,
GLsizei w, GLsizei h);
void __glTexPriListLoadImage(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum target);
void __glTexPriListUnloadAll(__GLcontext *gc);
__GLtextureBuffer * FASTCALL __glCreateProxyLevel(__GLcontext *gc,
__GLtexture *tex,
GLint lod, GLint components,
GLsizei w, GLsizei h, GLint border,
GLint dim);
__GLtextureBuffer * FASTCALL __glCreateLevel(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex,
GLint lod, GLint components,
GLsizei w, GLsizei h, GLint border,
GLint dim);
GLvoid FASTCALL __glCleanupTexObj(__GLcontext *gc, void *pData);
void __glFreeSharedTextureState(__GLcontext *gc);