359 lines
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359 lines
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#ifndef _transform_h_
#define _transform_h_
** Copyright 1991, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
** $Revision: 1.18 $
** $Date: 1993/11/29 20:34:42 $
#include "vertex.h"
extern __GLcoord __gl_frustumClipPlanes[6];
extern void FASTCALL __glComputeClipBox(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glUpdateDepthRange(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glUpdateViewport(__GLcontext *gc);
#ifdef NT
extern void FASTCALL __glUpdateViewportDependents(__GLcontext *gc);
** Note:
** Other code assumes that all types >= __GL_MT_IS2D are also 2D
** Other code assumes that all types >= __GL_MT_W0001 are also W0001
** Other code assumes that all types >= __GL_MT_IS2DNR are also 2DNR
** These enumerants are exposed to the MCD.
#define __GL_MT_GENERAL 0 /* No information */
#define __GL_MT_W0001 1 /* W row looks like 0 0 0 1 */
#define __GL_MT_IS2D 2 /* 2D matrix */
#define __GL_MT_IS2DNR 3 /* 2D non-rotational matrix */
#define __GL_MT_IDENTITY 4 /* Identity */
** Matrix struct. This contains a 4x4 matrix as well as function
** pointers used to do a transformation with the matrix. The function
** pointers are loaded based on the matrix contents attempting to
** avoid unneccesary computation.
// Matrix structure.
typedef struct __GLmatrixBaseRec {
__GLfloat matrix[4][4];
} __GLmatrixBase;
// Projection matrix structure.
typedef struct __GLmatrixPRec {
__GLfloat matrix[4][4];
GLenum matrixType;
} __GLmatrixP;
// Modelview and texture transform structures.
// This structure is exposed to the MCD as MCDMATRIX.
struct __GLmatrixRec {
__GLfloat matrix[4][4];
** matrixType set to general if nothing is known about this matrix.
** matrixType set to __GL_MT_W0001 if it looks like this:
** | . . . 0 |
** | . . . 0 |
** | . . . 0 |
** | . . . 1 |
** matrixType set to __GL_MT_IS2D if it looks like this:
** | . . 0 0 |
** | . . 0 0 |
** | 0 0 . 0 |
** | . . . 1 |
** matrixType set to __GL_MT_IS2DNR if it looks like this:
** | . 0 0 0 |
** | 0 . 0 0 |
** | 0 0 . 0 |
** | . . . 1 |
GLenum matrixType;
void (FASTCALL *xf1)(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat *v, const __GLmatrix *m);
void (FASTCALL *xf2)(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat *v, const __GLmatrix *m);
void (FASTCALL *xf3)(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat *v, const __GLmatrix *m);
void (FASTCALL *xf4)(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat *v, const __GLmatrix *m);
void (FASTCALL *xfNorm)(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat *v, const __GLmatrix *m);
void (FASTCALL *xf1Batch)(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void (FASTCALL *xf2Batch)(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void (FASTCALL *xf3Batch)(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void (FASTCALL *xf4Batch)(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void (FASTCALL *xfNormBatch) (POLYARRAY *pa, const __GLmatrix *m);
// Transform and normalize
void (FASTCALL *xfNormBatchN)(POLYARRAY *pa, const __GLmatrix *m);
GLboolean nonScaling;
extern void FASTCALL __glGenericPickMatrixProcs(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmatrix *m );
extern void FASTCALL __glGenericPickInvTransposeProcs(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmatrix *m );
extern void FASTCALL __glGenericPickMvpMatrixProcs(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmatrix *m );
** Transform struct. This structure is what the matrix stacks are
** composed of. inverseTranspose contains the inverse transpose of matrix.
** For the modelView stack, "mvp" will contain the concatenation of
** the modelView and current projection matrix (i.e. the multiplication of
** the two matricies).
** The beginning of this structure is exposed to the MCD as MCDTRANSFORM.
// Transform flags
// Used for MCD
#define XFORM_CHANGED 0x00000001
// Internal
#define XFORM_UPDATE_INVERSE 0x00000002
// Modelview transform structure.
struct __GLtransformRec {
__GLmatrix matrix;
__GLmatrix mvp;
GLuint flags;
/* Sequence number tag for mvp */
GLuint sequence;
__GLmatrix inverseTranspose;
// Texture transform structure.
typedef struct __GLtransformTRec {
__GLmatrix matrix;
} __GLtransformT;
// Projection transform structure.
typedef struct __GLtransformPRec {
__GLmatrixP matrix;
/* Sequence number tag for mvp */
GLuint sequence;
} __GLtransformP;
/* Unbias an x,y coordinate */
#define __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, x) ((x) - (gc)->constants.viewportXAdjust)
#define __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, y) ((y) - (gc)->constants.viewportYAdjust)
** Transformation machinery state. Contains the state needed to transform
** user coordinates into eye & window coordinates.
typedef struct __GLtransformMachineRec {
** Transformation stack. "modelView" points to the active element in
** the stack.
__GLtransform *modelViewStack;
__GLtransform *modelView;
** Current projection matrix. Used to transform eye coordinates into
** NTVP (or clip) coordinates.
__GLtransformP *projectionStack;
__GLtransformP *projection;
GLuint projectionSequence;
** Texture matrix stack.
__GLtransformT *textureStack;
__GLtransformT *texture;
** Temporary verticies used during clipping. These contain verticies
** that are the result of clipping a polygon edge against a clipping
** plane. For a convex polygon at most one vertex can be added for
** each clipping plane.
__GLvertex *clipTemp;
__GLvertex *nextClipTemp;
** The smallest rectangle that is the intersection of the window clip
** and the scissor clip. If the scissor box is disabled then this
** is just the window box. Note that the x0,y0 point is inside the
** box but that the x1,y1 point is just outside the box.
GLint clipX0;
GLint clipY0;
GLint clipX1;
GLint clipY1;
** The viewport translated into offset window coordinates. maxx and maxy
** are one past the edge (an x coord is in if minx <= x < maxx).
GLint minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
** The same thing expressed as floating point numbers.
__GLfloat fminx, fminy, fmaxx, fmaxy;
#ifdef SGI
// Not used.
** Fast 2D transform state. If the mvp matrix is >= __GL_MT_IS2D, then
** matrix2D contains the matrix to transform object coordinates directly
** to window coordinates.
** Even though this optimization is used on a per implementation basis,
** this matrix is maintained up to date by the soft code.
__GLmatrix matrix2D;
#endif // SGI
/* A flag for fast path triangle rendering.
** If this flag is set, then the user has created a viewport that
** fits within the window, and we can make it render fast. If, however,
** the viewport extends outside the window, we have to be more careful
** about scissoring.
GLboolean reasonableViewport;
} __GLtransformMachine;
extern void __glDoClip(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLvertex *v0,
const __GLvertex *v1, __GLvertex *result, __GLfloat t);
extern void FASTCALL __glDoLoadMatrix(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLfloat m[4][4],
BOOL bIsIdentity);
extern void FASTCALL __glDoMultMatrix(__GLcontext *gc, void *data,
void (FASTCALL *multiply)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmatrix *m, void *data));
extern void __glDoRotate(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat angle, __GLfloat ax,
__GLfloat ay, __GLfloat az);
extern void __glDoScale(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat x, __GLfloat y, __GLfloat z);
extern void __glDoTranslate(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat x, __GLfloat y,
__GLfloat z);
extern void FASTCALL __glComputeInverseTranspose(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtransform *tr);
** Matrix routines.
extern void FASTCALL __glCopyMatrix(__GLmatrix *dst, const __GLmatrix *src);
extern void FASTCALL __glInvertTransposeMatrix(__GLmatrix *dst, const __GLmatrix *src);
extern void FASTCALL __glMakeIdentity(__GLmatrix *result);
extern void FASTCALL __glMultMatrix(__GLmatrix *result, const __GLmatrix *a,
const __GLmatrix *b);
extern void __glTranspose3x3(__GLmatrix *dst, __GLmatrix *src);
** Miscellaneous routines.
extern void FASTCALL __glNormalize(__GLfloat dst[3], const __GLfloat src[3]);
extern void FASTCALL __glNormalizeBatch(POLYARRAY* pa);
extern void FASTCALL __glPushModelViewMatrix(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glPopModelViewMatrix(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glLoadIdentityModelViewMatrix(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glPushProjectionMatrix(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glPopProjectionMatrix(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glLoadIdentityProjectionMatrix(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glPushTextureMatrix(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glPopTextureMatrix(__GLcontext *gc);
extern void FASTCALL __glLoadIdentityTextureMatrix(__GLcontext *gc);
** Xforming routines.
void FASTCALL __glXForm4_2DNRW(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[4],
const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_2DNRW(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[3],
const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm4_2DW(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[4],
const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_2DW(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[3],
const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm4_W(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[4], const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3x3(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[3], const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_W(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[3], const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm2_W(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[2], const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm4(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[4], const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[3], const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm2(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[2], const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm2_2DW(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[2],
const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm2_2DNRW(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[2],
const __GLmatrix *m);
#endif /* !__GL_USEASMCODE */
void FASTCALL __glXForm1_W(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[1], const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm1(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[1], const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm1_2DW(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[1],
const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm1_2DNRW(__GLcoord *res, const __GLfloat v[1],
const __GLmatrix *m);
** Batched versions of the above routines.
void FASTCALL __glXForm4_2DNRWBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_2DNRWBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm4_2DWBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_2DWBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm4_WBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3x3Batch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_WBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm2_WBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm4Batch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3Batch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm2Batch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm2_2DWBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm2_2DNRWBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
#endif /* !__GL_USEASMCODE */
void FASTCALL __glXForm1_WBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm1Batch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm1_2DWBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm1_2DNRWBatch(__GLcoord *start, __GLcoord *end, const __GLmatrix *m);
// Transformations for normals
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_2DNRWBatchNormal (POLYARRAY *pa, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_2DNRWBatchNormalN (POLYARRAY *pa, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_2DWBatchNormal (POLYARRAY *pa, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3_2DWBatchNormalN (POLYARRAY *pa, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3x3BatchNormal (POLYARRAY *pa, const __GLmatrix *m);
void FASTCALL __glXForm3x3BatchNormalN (POLYARRAY *pa, const __GLmatrix *m);