2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

756 lines
20 KiB

** Copyright 1991,1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "imports.h"
** This file contains span packers. A span packer takes a span of source
** data, and packs its contents into the user's data space.
** The packer is expected to aquire information about store modes from
** the __GLpixelSpanInfo structure.
void FASTCALL __glInitPacker(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo)
GLint alignment;
GLint lsb_first;
GLint components;
GLint element_size;
GLint rowsize;
GLint padding;
GLint group_size;
GLint groups_per_line;
GLint skip_pixels, skip_lines;
GLint swap_bytes;
GLenum format, type;
const GLvoid *pixels;
format = spanInfo->dstFormat;
type = spanInfo->dstType;
pixels = spanInfo->dstImage;
skip_pixels = spanInfo->dstSkipPixels;
skip_lines = spanInfo->dstSkipLines;
alignment = spanInfo->dstAlignment;
lsb_first = spanInfo->dstLsbFirst;
swap_bytes = spanInfo->dstSwapBytes;
components = __glElementsPerGroup(format);
groups_per_line = spanInfo->dstLineLength;
element_size = __glBytesPerElement(type);
if (element_size == 1) swap_bytes = 0;
group_size = element_size * components;
rowsize = groups_per_line * group_size;
if (type == GL_BITMAP) {
rowsize = (groups_per_line + 7)/8;
padding = (rowsize % alignment);
if (padding) {
rowsize += alignment - padding;
if (((skip_pixels & 0x7) && type == GL_BITMAP) ||
(swap_bytes && element_size > 1)) {
spanInfo->dstPackedData = GL_FALSE;
} else {
spanInfo->dstPackedData = GL_TRUE;
if (type == GL_BITMAP) {
spanInfo->dstCurrent = (GLvoid *) (((const GLubyte*) pixels) +
skip_lines * rowsize + skip_pixels / 8);
spanInfo->dstStartBit = skip_pixels % 8;
} else {
spanInfo->dstCurrent = (GLvoid *) (((const GLubyte*) pixels) +
skip_lines * rowsize + skip_pixels * group_size);
spanInfo->dstRowIncrement = rowsize;
spanInfo->dstGroupIncrement = group_size;
spanInfo->dstComponents = components;
spanInfo->dstElementSize = element_size;
** Reduces and unscales a RGBA, FLOAT span into a RED, FLOAT span, unscaling
** as it goes.
void __glSpanReduceRed(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *outData = (GLfloat *) outspan;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLfloat rs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
*outData++ = *inData * rs;
inData += 4;
** Reduces and unscales a RGBA, FLOAT span into a GREEN, FLOAT span, unscaling
** as it goes.
void __glSpanReduceGreen(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *outData = (GLfloat *) outspan;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLfloat gs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale;
inData++; /* Skip first red */
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
*outData++ = *inData * gs;
inData += 4;
** Reduces and unscales a RGBA, FLOAT span into a BLUE, FLOAT span, unscaling
** as it goes.
void __glSpanReduceBlue(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *outData = (GLfloat *) outspan;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLfloat bs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale;
inData += 2; /* Skip first red, green */
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
*outData++ = *inData * bs;
inData += 4;
** Reduces and unscales a RGBA, FLOAT span into a ALPHA, FLOAT span, unscaling
** as it goes.
void __glSpanReduceAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *outData = (GLfloat *) outspan;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLfloat as = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
inData += 3; /* Skip first red, green, blue */
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
*outData++ = *inData * as;
inData += 4;
** Reduces and unscales a RGBA, FLOAT span into a RGB, FLOAT span, unscaling
** as it goes.
void __glSpanReduceRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *outData = (GLfloat *) outspan;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLfloat rs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale;
GLfloat bs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale;
GLfloat gs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale;
GLfloat red, green, blue;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
red = *inData++ * rs;
green = *inData++ * gs;
blue = *inData++ * bs;
*outData++ = red;
*outData++ = green;
*outData++ = blue;
#ifdef GL_EXT_bgra
** Reduces and unscales a RGBA, FLOAT span into a BGR, FLOAT span, unscaling
** as it goes.
void __glSpanReduceBGR(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *outData = (GLfloat *) outspan;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLfloat rs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale;
GLfloat bs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale;
GLfloat gs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale;
GLfloat red, green, blue;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
red = *inData++ * rs;
green = *inData++ * gs;
blue = *inData++ * bs;
*outData++ = blue;
*outData++ = green;
*outData++ = red;
** Reduces and unscales a RGBA, FLOAT span into a LUMINANCE, FLOAT span,
** unscaling as it goes.
void __glSpanReduceLuminance(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *outData = (GLfloat *) outspan;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLfloat l, one;
GLfloat rs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale;
GLfloat bs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale;
GLfloat gs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale;
one = __glOne;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
l = inData[0] * rs + inData[1] * gs + inData[2] * bs;
if (l > one) l = one;
*outData++ = l;
inData += 4;
** Reduces and unscales a RGBA, FLOAT span into a LUMINANCE_ALPHA, FLOAT span,
** unscaling as it goes.
void __glSpanReduceLuminanceAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *outData = (GLfloat *) outspan;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLfloat l, one;
GLfloat rs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale;
GLfloat bs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale;
GLfloat gs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale;
GLfloat as = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
one = __glOne;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
l = inData[0] * rs + inData[1] * gs + inData[2] * bs;
if (l > one) l = one;
*outData++ = l;
inData += 3;
*outData++ = *inData++ * as;
** Reduces and unscales a RGBA, FLOAT span into a __GL_RED_ALPHA, FLOAT span,
** unscaling as it goes.
void __glSpanReduceRedAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *outData = (GLfloat *) outspan;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLfloat r, one;
GLfloat rs = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale;
GLfloat as = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
one = __glOne;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
*outData++ = *inData++ * rs;
inData += 2;
*outData++ = *inData++ * as;
** Packs to any component of type UNSIGNED_BYTE from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackUbyte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLubyte *outData = (GLubyte *) outspan;
GLint components = spanInfo->dstComponents;
GLint totalSize = width * components;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = (GLubyte) UNSAFE_FTOL((*inData++) * __glVal255 + __glHalf);
** Packs to any component of type BYTE from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackByte(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLbyte *outData = (GLbyte *) outspan;
GLint components = spanInfo->dstComponents;
GLint totalSize = width * components;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = __GL_FLOAT_TO_B(*inData++);
** Packs to any component of type UNSIGNED_SHORT from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackUshort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLushort *outData = (GLushort *) outspan;
GLint components = spanInfo->dstComponents;
GLint totalSize = width * components;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = (GLushort) UNSAFE_FTOL((*inData++) * __glVal65535 + __glHalf);
** Packs to any component of type SHORT from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackShort(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLshort *outData = (GLshort *) outspan;
GLint components = spanInfo->dstComponents;
GLint totalSize = width * components;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = __GL_FLOAT_TO_S(*inData++);
** Packs to any component of type UNSIGNED_INT from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackUint(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLuint *outData = (GLuint *) outspan;
GLint components = spanInfo->dstComponents;
GLint totalSize = width * components;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = __GL_FLOAT_TO_UI(*inData++);
** Packs to any component of type INT from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackInt(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint width = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLint *outData = (GLint *) outspan;
GLint components = spanInfo->dstComponents;
GLint totalSize = width * components;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = __GL_FLOAT_TO_I(*inData++);
** Packs to any index of type UNSIGNED_BYTE from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackUbyteI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint totalSize = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLubyte *outData = (GLubyte *) outspan;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = (GLubyte) UNSAFE_FTOL(*inData++);
** Packs to any index of type BYTE from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackByteI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint totalSize = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLbyte *outData = (GLbyte *) outspan;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = UNSAFE_FTOL(*inData++) & 0x7f;
** Packs to any index of type UNSIGNED_SHORT from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackUshortI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint totalSize = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLushort *outData = (GLushort *) outspan;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = (GLushort) UNSAFE_FTOL(*inData++);
** Packs to any index of type SHORT from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackShortI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint totalSize = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLshort *outData = (GLshort *) outspan;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = UNSAFE_FTOL(*inData++) & 0x7fff;
** Packs to any index of type UNSIGNED_INT from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackUintI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint totalSize = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLuint *outData = (GLuint *) outspan;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = FTOL(*inData++);
** Packs to any index of type INT from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackIntI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i;
GLint totalSize = spanInfo->realWidth;
GLfloat *inData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
GLint *outData = (GLint *) outspan;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
for (i=0; i<totalSize; i++) {
*outData++ = FTOL(*inData++) & 0x7fffffff;
void __glSpanCopy(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint totalSize = spanInfo->realWidth * spanInfo->srcComponents *
__GL_MEMCOPY(outspan, inspan, totalSize);
** Packs to any index of type BITMAP from a span of the same
** format of type FLOAT.
void __glSpanPackBitmap(__GLcontext *gc, __GLpixelSpanInfo *spanInfo,
GLvoid *inspan, GLvoid *outspan)
GLint i,j;
GLint width;
GLvoid *userData;
GLfloat *spanData;
GLint lsbFirst;
GLint startBit;
GLint bit;
GLubyte ubyte, mask;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc;
width = spanInfo->width;
userData = outspan;
spanData = (GLfloat *) inspan;
lsbFirst = spanInfo->dstLsbFirst;
startBit = spanInfo->dstStartBit;
i = width;
bit = startBit;
ubyte = *(GLubyte *) userData;
if (lsbFirst) {
if (bit) {
switch(bit) {
case 1:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x02;
else ubyte &= ~0x02;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 2:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x04;
else ubyte &= ~0x04;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 3:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x08;
else ubyte &= ~0x08;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 4:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x10;
else ubyte &= ~0x10;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 5:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x20;
else ubyte &= ~0x20;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 6:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x40;
else ubyte &= ~0x40;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 7:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x80;
else ubyte &= ~0x80;
*(GLubyte *) userData = ubyte;
userData = (GLvoid *) ((GLubyte *) userData + 1);
while (i >= 8) {
ubyte = 0;
i -= 8;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x01;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x02;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x04;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x08;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x10;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x20;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x40;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x80;
*(GLubyte *) userData = ubyte;
userData = (GLvoid *) ((GLubyte *) userData + 1);
if (i) {
ubyte = *(GLubyte *) userData;
mask = 0x01;
while (i-- > 0) {
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= mask;
else ubyte &= ~mask;
mask <<= 1;
*(GLubyte *) userData = ubyte;
} else {
if (bit) {
switch(bit) {
case 1:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x40;
else ubyte &= ~0x40;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 2:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x20;
else ubyte &= ~0x20;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 3:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x10;
else ubyte &= ~0x10;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 4:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x08;
else ubyte &= ~0x08;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 5:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x04;
else ubyte &= ~0x04;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 6:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x02;
else ubyte &= ~0x02;
if (--i == 0) break;
case 7:
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x01;
else ubyte &= ~0x01;
*(GLubyte *) userData = ubyte;
userData = (GLvoid *) ((GLubyte *) userData + 1);
while (i >= 8) {
ubyte = 0;
i -= 8;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x80;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x40;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x20;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x10;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x08;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x04;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x02;
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= 0x01;
*(GLubyte *) userData = ubyte;
userData = (GLvoid *) ((GLubyte *) userData + 1);
if (i) {
ubyte = *(GLubyte *) userData;
mask = 0x80;
while (i-- > 0) {
if (((GLint) *spanData++) & 1) ubyte |= mask;
else ubyte &= ~mask;
mask >>= 1;
*(GLubyte *) userData = ubyte;