2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

312 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- (for GNU Emacs)
// Copyright (c) 1985-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// This file is part of the Microsoft Research IPv6 Network Protocol Stack.
// You should have received a copy of the Microsoft End-User License Agreement
// for this software along with this release; see the file "license.txt".
// If not, please see http://www.research.microsoft.com/msripv6/license.htm,
// or write to Microsoft Research, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399.
// Abstract:
// IPsec Database data structures.
//#define IPSEC_DEBUG
// Return values for SPLookup.
#define LOOKUP_DROP 0x01
#define LOOKUP_CONT 0x02
#define LOOKUP_BYPASS 0x04
#define LOOKUP_IKE_NEG 0x08
#define NO_TUNNEL ((UINT)-1)
#define SA_INVALID 0
#define SA_VALID 1
#define SA_REMOVED 4
// Bound the raw key size that we'll accept when creating an SA.
// REVIEW: This should be big enough to handle any rational key. Is it?
#define MAX_KEY_SIZE 1024
#define MAX_CONTEXT_SIZE 128
#define MAX_RESULT_SIZE 32
// IPSecSpec - IPsec Specification.
// This is the protocol and mode used for IPsec. The RemoteIPAddr is set
// when a tunnel to a security gateway is used.
typedef struct IPSecSpec {
uint Protocol; // IP Protocol of IPSec employed, 0 for *.
uint Mode; // Transport or Tunnel.
IPv6Addr RemoteSecGWIPAddr; // Set when Security Gateway Tunnel is used.
} IPSecSpec;
// Security algorithms have these prototypes.
// The 'Context' is per-algorithm specific.
// REVIEW: This enough for both encryption and authentication?
typedef void AlgorithmKeyPrepProc(uchar *RawKey, uint RawKeySize, uchar *Key);
typedef void AlgorithmInitProc(void *Context, uchar *Key);
typedef void AlgorithmOpProc(void *Context, uchar *Key, uchar *Data,
uint Len);
typedef void AlgorithmFinalProc(void *Context, uchar *Key, uchar *Result);
// REVIEW: Use Algorithm specific ContextSize or just have a universal max?
// REVIEW: Ditto for KeySize.
typedef struct SecurityAlgorithm {
ushort KeySize; // Bytes used by key information.
ushort ContextSize; // Bytes used by contextual information.
uint ResultSize; // Bytes returned by FinalProc.
AlgorithmKeyPrepProc *PrepareKey; // Key preprocessing.
AlgorithmInitProc *Initialize; // Prepare algorithm (estab. context).
AlgorithmOpProc *Operate; // Run algorithm on increment of data.
AlgorithmFinalProc *Finalize; // Get final result.
} SecurityAlgorithm;
extern void
typedef struct SecurityPolicy SecurityPolicy;
typedef struct SecurityAssociation SecurityAssociation;
// Security Policy Database structure.
// Contains all the information relevant to a security policy.
struct SecurityPolicy { // SP entry.
SecurityPolicy *Next;
SecurityPolicy *Prev;
uint RemoteAddrField; // Single, range, or wildcard.
uint RemoteAddrSelector; // Packet or policy.
IPv6Addr RemoteAddr; // Start of range or single value.
IPv6Addr RemoteAddrData; // End of range.
uint LocalAddrField; // Single, range, or wildcard.
uint LocalAddrSelector; // Packet or policy.
IPv6Addr LocalAddr; // Start of range or single value.
IPv6Addr LocalAddrData; // End of range.
uint TransportProtoSelector; // Packet or policy.
ushort TransportProto; // If NONE, protocol is opaque (and
// the ports should be skipped too).
uint RemotePortField; // Single, range, or wildcard.
uint RemotePortSelector; // Packet or policy.
ushort RemotePort; // Start of range or single value.
ushort RemotePortData; // End of range.
uint LocalPortField; // Single, range, or wildcard.
uint LocalPortSelector; // Packet or policy.
ushort LocalPort; // Start of range or single value.
ushort LocalPortData; // End of range.
uint SecPolicyFlag; // Bypass/Discard/Apply.
IPSecSpec IPSecSpec; // IPsec Protocol and Mode.
void *Name; // Required (gag) selector type for
// system or user@system identifiers.
// If NULL, this selector is opaque.
uint DirectionFlag; // Direction of traffic.
SecurityPolicy *SABundle; // Policy for use IPsec nesting.
SecurityPolicy *PrevSABundle; // Pointer used during SP deletion.
SecurityAssociation *OutboundSA; // Pointer to outbound SA.
SecurityAssociation *InboundSA; // Pointer to inbound SA.
uint Index; // Index used during ioctl.
uint IFIndex; // Interface index (0 to wildcard).
uint RefCnt; // Reference count.
uint NestCount; // Count of nested IPSec for Bundles.
uint Valid;
// Security Association (SA) Database structure.
// A unique SA is the tuple of the SPI, the destination address,
// and the IPSec protocol of the packet. For packets with
// multiple IPSec extension headers, there are multiple SAs,
// comprising an SA Bundle.
// The SA selectors are the same as the SP selectors. If the selector entry
// in the SP has the take from policy flag set, the matching selector entry
// in the SA contains NONE (0) since the SP and SA selector are the same.
// If the selector entry in the SP has the take from packet flag set, the
// matching selector entry in the SA contains the value from the packet.
struct SecurityAssociation { // SA entry.
SecurityAssociation *Next;
SecurityAssociation *Prev;
ulong SPI; // Security Parameter Index.
IPv6Addr SADestAddr; // Destination address.
uint IPSecProto; // IPSec protocol.
ulong SequenceNum; // Used by anti-replay algorithms.
uint SequenceNumOverflowFlag; // What to do when sequence number
// overflows.
uchar *RawKey; // For debugging key problems.
uint RawKeyLength;
uchar *Key; // Pointer to secret key.
uint KeyLength; // Key length in bytes.
uint AlgorithmId; // Algorithm to apply.
IPv6Addr DestAddr; // Packet value or NONE.
IPv6Addr SrcAddr; // Packet value or NONE.
ushort TransportProto; // Packet value or NONE.
ushort DestPort; // Packet value or NONE.
ushort SrcPort; // Packet value or NONE.
uint DirectionFlag; // Direction of traffic.
SecurityAssociation *ChainedSecAssoc; // Chained SA pointer.
SecurityPolicy *SecPolicy; // Pointer to SP entry. Only set
// for first entry of a chain or
// single entry.
uint Index; // Index used during ioctl.
uint RefCnt; // Reference Count.
uint Valid; // This entry still valid?
__inline void
AddRefSA(SecurityAssociation *SA)
// Structure used to link "seen" SAs onto packet structure.
// REVIEW: using uints for Mode and NextHeader is wasteful.
struct SALinkage {
SALinkage *Next; // Next entry on stack of "seen" SAs.
SecurityAssociation *This; // SA used to accept this packet.
uint Mode; // Mode received in (Transport or Tunnel).
uint NextHeader; // Header following one associated with this.
// Lookup result.
struct IPSecProc {
SecurityAssociation *SA;
uint Mode; // Tunnel or Transport.
uchar *AuthData; // Where to put authentication data.
uint Offset; // Where to start doing the authentication (ESP only).
uint BundleSize; // Array Size only first element has actual size.
uint ByteSize; // Amount of bytes for this IPSec header.
// Global variables.
extern KSPIN_LOCK IPSecLock;
extern SecurityPolicy *SecurityPolicyList; // List of current policies.
extern SecurityAssociation *SecurityAssociationList; // List of associations.
extern ulong SecurityStateValidationCounter; // For validating cached state.
extern SecurityAlgorithm AlgorithmTable[]; // Array of IPSec Algorithms.
extern int MobilitySecurity; // Mobility security (on or off).
__inline void
// Function prototypes.
extern void
RemoveSecurityAssociation(SecurityAssociation *SA);
extern int
DeleteSA(SecurityAssociation *SA);
extern void
ReleaseSA(SecurityAssociation *SA);
extern void
RemoveSecurityPolicy(SecurityPolicy *SP);
extern int
DeleteSP(SecurityPolicy *SP);
extern int
InboundSecurityCheck(IPv6Packet *Packet, ushort TransportProtocol,
ushort SourcePort, ushort DestPort, Interface *IF);
extern void
FreeIPSecToDo(IPSecProc *IPSecToDo, uint Number);
extern IPSecProc *
OutboundSPLookup(IPv6Addr *SourceAddr, IPv6Addr *DestAddr,
ushort TransportProtocol, ushort SourcePort,
ushort DestPort, Interface *IF, uint *Action);
extern SecurityPolicy *
FindSecurityPolicyMatch(SecurityPolicy *List, uint IFIndex, uint PolicyIndex);
extern SecurityAssociation *
FindSecurityAssociationMatch(ulong Index);
extern int
InsertSecurityPolicy(SecurityPolicy *SP);
extern int
InsertSecurityAssociation(SecurityAssociation *SA);
extern ulong
GetSecurityPolicyIndex(SecurityPolicy *SP);
extern uint
IPSecBytesToInsert(IPSecProc *IPSecToDo, uint *TunnelStart,
uint *TrailerLength);
extern uint
IPSecInsertHeaders(uint Mode, IPSecProc *IPSecToDo, uchar **InsertPoint,
uchar *NewMemory, PNDIS_PACKET Packet,
uint *TotalPacketSize, uchar *PrevNextHdr,
uint TunnelStart, uint *BytesInserted,
uint *NumESPTrailers, uint *JUST_ESP);
extern uint
IPSecAdjustMutableFields(uchar *InsertPoint, IPv6RoutingHeader *SavedRtHdr);
extern void
IPSecAuthenticatePacket(uint Mode, IPSecProc *IPSecToDo, uchar *InsertPoint,
uint *TunnelStart, uchar *NewMemory,
uchar *EndNewMemory, PNDIS_BUFFER NewBuffer1);
extern void
dump_encoded_mesg(uchar *buff, uint len);
void DumpKey(uchar *buff, uint len);