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// BitmapSurfaces.idl : IDL source for BitmapSurfaces.dll
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
// produce the type library (BitmapSurfaces.tlb) and marshalling code.
import "ocmm.idl";
interface IDirectDrawSurface;
cpp_quote( "STDAPI CreateMIMEMap( IMapMIMEToCLSID** ppMap );" )
cpp_quote( "STDAPI DecodeImage( IStream* pStream, IMapMIMEToCLSID* pMap," )
cpp_quote( " IUnknown* pEventSink );" )
cpp_quote( "STDAPI SniffStream( IStream* pInStream, UINT* pnFormat," )
cpp_quote( " IStream** ppOutStream );" )
cpp_quote( "STDAPI GetMaxMIMEIDBytes( ULONG* pnMaxBytes );" )
cpp_quote( "STDAPI IdentifyMIMEType( const BYTE* pbBytes, ULONG nBytes," )
cpp_quote( " UINT* pnFormat );" )
cpp_quote( "STDAPI ComputeInvCMAP(const RGBQUAD *pRGBColors, ULONG nColors, BYTE *pInvTable," )
cpp_quote( " ULONG cbTable);" )
cpp_quote( "STDAPI DitherTo8( BYTE * pDestBits, LONG nDestPitch, BYTE * pSrcBits, LONG nSrcPitch," )
cpp_quote( " REFGUID bfidSrc, RGBQUAD * prgbDestColors, RGBQUAD * prgbSrcColors, BYTE * pbDestInvMap," )
cpp_quote( " LONG x, LONG y, LONG cx, LONG cy, LONG lDestTrans, LONG lSrcTrans);" )
cpp_quote( "STDAPI CreateDDrawSurfaceOnDIB(HBITMAP hbmDib, IDirectDrawSurface **ppSurface);" )
uuid( 4EF17940-30E0-11d0-B724-00AA006C1A01 ),
helpstring( "ISniffStream Interface" ),
pointer_default( unique )
interface ISniffStream : IUnknown
HRESULT Init( IStream* pStream );
HRESULT Peek( void* pBuffer, ULONG nBytes, ULONG* pnBytesRead );
uuid( 7C48E840-3910-11d0-86FC-00A0C913F750 ),
helpstring( "IDithererImpl Interface" ),
pointer_default( unique )
interface IDithererImpl : IUnknown
HRESULT SetDestColorTable( ULONG nColors, const RGBQUAD* prgbColors );
HRESULT SetEventSink( IImageDecodeEventSink* pEventSink );
uuid( CF790840-2DC4-11D0-B724-00AA006C1A01 ),
version( 1.0 ),
helpstring( "ImgUtil 1.0 Type Library")
library ImgUtilLib
uuid( A860CE50-3910-11d0-86FC-00A0C913F750 ),
helpstring( "CoDitherToRGB8 Class" )
coclass CoDitherToRGB8
[default] interface IImageDecodeEventSink;
uuid( 6A01FDA0-30DF-11d0-B724-00AA006C1A01 ),
helpstring( "CoSniffStream Class" )
coclass CoSniffStream
[default] interface IStream;
uuid( 30C3B080-30FB-11d0-B724-00AA006C1A01 ),
helpstring( "CoMapMIMEToCLSID Class" )
coclass CoMapMIMEToCLSID
[default] interface IMapMIMEToCLSID;