2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992-1999.
// File: Restrict.hxx
// Contents: C++ wrapper(s) for restrictions.
// History: 31-Dec-93 KyleP Created
// 28-Jul-94 KyleP Hand marshalling
// 05-Apr-95 t-ColinB Added a SetValue to CPropertyRestriction
// Notes: These C++ wrappers are a bit of a hack. They are
// dependent on the layout of the matching C structures.
// Inheritance from C structures cannot be used directly
// because MIDL doesn't support C++ style inheritance,
// and these structures are defined along with their
// respective Ole interfaces in .idl files.
// No virtual methods (even virtual destructors) are
// allowed because they change the layout of the class
// in C++. Luckily, the class hierarchies below are
// quite flat. Virtual methods are simulated with
// switch statements in parent classes.
// In C, all structures must be allocated via CoTaskMemAlloc.
// This is the only common allocator for Ole.
#if !defined( __RESTRICT_HXX__ )
#define __RESTRICT_HXX__
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#include <query.h>
#include <stgvar.hxx>
// The OFFSETS_MATCH macro is used to verify structure offsets between
// C++ structures and their corresponding C structures. 0 Cannot be used
// as pointer because of special treatment of casts to 0 in C++
#define OFFSETS_MATCH( class1, field1, class2, field2 ) \
( (ULONG_PTR)&((class1 *)10)->field1 == \
(ULONG_PTR)&((class2 *)10)->field2 )
// Forward declarations
class CNodeRestriction;
class PSerStream;
class PDeSerStream;
// Class: CFullPropertySpec
// Purpose: Describes full (PropertySet\Property) name of a property.
// History: 08-Jan-93 KyleP Created
class CFullPropSpec
// Constructors
CFullPropSpec( GUID const & guidPropSet, PROPID pidProperty );
CFullPropSpec( GUID const & guidPropSet, WCHAR const * wcsProperty );
// Validity check
inline BOOL IsValid() const;
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CFullPropSpec( CFullPropSpec const & Property );
CFullPropSpec & operator=( CFullPropSpec const & Property );
// Destructor
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size );
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p );
void operator delete( void * p );
#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
inline void operator delete( void * p, void * pp );
// C/C++ conversion
inline FULLPROPSPEC * CastToStruct();
inline FULLPROPSPEC const * CastToStruct() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CFullPropSpec( PDeSerStream & stm );
// Comparators
int operator==( CFullPropSpec const & prop ) const;
int operator!=( CFullPropSpec const & prop ) const;
// Member variable access
inline void SetPropSet( GUID const & guidPropSet );
inline GUID const & GetPropSet() const;
void SetProperty( PROPID pidProperty );
BOOL SetProperty( WCHAR const * wcsProperty );
inline WCHAR const * GetPropertyName() const;
inline PROPID GetPropertyPropid() const;
inline PROPSPEC GetPropSpec() const;
inline BOOL IsPropertyName() const;
inline BOOL IsPropertyPropid() const;
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
# endif
GUID _guidPropSet;
PROPSPEC _psProperty;
int CFullPropSpec::operator==( CFullPropSpec const & prop ) const
if ( prop._psProperty.ulKind != _psProperty.ulKind )
return 0;
switch( _psProperty.ulKind )
if ( GetPropertyPropid() != prop.GetPropertyPropid() )
return 0;
if ( _wcsicmp( GetPropertyName(), prop.GetPropertyName() ) != 0 )
return 0;
return 0;
return prop._guidPropSet == _guidPropSet;
int CFullPropSpec::operator!=( CFullPropSpec const & prop ) const
if (*this == prop)
return( 0 );
return( 1 );
if ( _psProperty.ulKind == PRSPEC_LPWSTR &&
_psProperty.lpwstr )
CoTaskMemFree( _psProperty.lpwstr );
// Member: CFullPropSpec::CFullPropSpec, public
// Synopsis: Construct name based propspec
// Arguments: [guidPropSet] -- Property set
// [wcsProperty] -- Property
// History: 22-Jun-93 KyleP Created
CFullPropSpec::CFullPropSpec( GUID const & guidPropSet,
WCHAR const * wcsProperty )
: _guidPropSet( guidPropSet )
_psProperty.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID;
SetProperty( wcsProperty );
// Member: CFullPropSpec::CFullPropSpec, public
// Synopsis: Construct propid based propspec
// Arguments: [guidPropSet] -- Property set
// [pidProperty] -- Property
// History: 22-Jun-93 KyleP Created
CFullPropSpec::CFullPropSpec( GUID const & guidPropSet, PROPID pidProperty )
: _guidPropSet( guidPropSet )
_psProperty.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID;
_psProperty.propid = pidProperty;
// Member: CFullPropSpec::CFullPropSpec, public
// Synopsis: Default constructor
// Effects: Defines property with null guid and propid 0
// History: 22-Jun-93 KyleP Created
RtlZeroMemory( &_guidPropSet, sizeof(_guidPropSet) );
_psProperty.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID;
_psProperty.propid = 0;
// Member: CFullPropSpec::operator=, public
// Synopsis: Assignment operator
// Arguments: [Property] -- Source property
// History: 17-Jul-93 KyleP Created
CFullPropSpec & CFullPropSpec::operator=( CFullPropSpec const & Property )
// Clean up.
new (this) CFullPropSpec( Property );
return *this;
// Class: CColumns
// Purpose: C++ wrapper for COLUMNSET
// History: 22-Jun-93 KyleP Created
class CColumns
// Constructors
CColumns( unsigned size = 0 );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CColumns( CColumns const & src );
CColumns & operator=( CColumns const & src );
// Destructor
// Validity check
inline BOOL IsValid() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CColumns( PDeSerStream & stm );
// C/C++ conversion
inline COLUMNSET * CastToStruct();
// Member variable access
void Add( CFullPropSpec const & Property, unsigned pos );
void Remove( unsigned pos );
inline CFullPropSpec const & Get( unsigned pos ) const;
inline unsigned Count() const;
unsigned _cCol;
CFullPropSpec * _aCol;
unsigned _size;
// Structure: SortKey
// Purpose: wraper for SORTKEY class
class CSortKey
// Constructors
inline CSortKey();
CSortKey( CFullPropSpec const & ps, ULONG dwOrder );
CSortKey( CFullPropSpec const & ps, ULONG dwOrder, LCID locale );
// Validity check
inline BOOL IsValid() const;
// Member variable access
inline void SetProperty( CFullPropSpec const & ps );
inline CFullPropSpec const & GetProperty() const;
inline ULONG GetOrder() const;
inline LCID GetLocale() const;
inline void SetLocale(LCID locale);
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CSortKey( PDeSerStream & stm );
CFullPropSpec _property;
ULONG _dwOrder;
LCID _locale;
// Class: CSort
// Purpose: C++ wrapper for SORTSET
// History: 22-Jun-93 KyleP Created
class CSort
// Constructors
CSort( unsigned size = 0 );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CSort( CSort const & src );
CSort & operator=( CSort const & src );
// Destructor
// Validity check
inline BOOL IsValid() const;
// C/C++ conversion
inline SORTSET * CastToStruct();
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CSort( PDeSerStream & stm );
// Member variable access
void Add( CSortKey const &sk, unsigned pos );
void Add( CFullPropSpec const & Property, ULONG dwOrder, unsigned pos );
void Remove( unsigned pos );
inline CSortKey const & Get( unsigned pos ) const;
inline unsigned Count() const;
unsigned _csk;
CSortKey * _ask;
unsigned _size;
// Class: CRestriction
// Purpose: Base restriction class
// History: 31-Dec-93 KyleP Created
class CRestriction
// Constructors
inline CRestriction();
inline CRestriction( ULONG RestrictionType, LONG lWeight );
// Copy constructors/assigment/clone
CRestriction * Clone() const;
// Destructor
// Validity check
BOOL IsValid() const;
// C/C++ conversion
inline RESTRICTION * CastToStruct() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
static CRestriction * UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
// Member variable access
inline ULONG Type() const;
inline LONG Weight() const;
inline void SetWeight( LONG lWeight );
inline CNodeRestriction * CastToNode() const;
BOOL IsLeaf() const;
ULONG TreeCount() const;
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
# endif
inline void SetType( ULONG RestrictionType );
ULONG _ulType;
LONG _lWeight;
// Class: CNodeRestriction
// Purpose: Boolean AND/OR/VECTOR restriction
// History: 31-Dec-93 KyleP Created
class CNodeRestriction : public CRestriction
// Constructors
CNodeRestriction( ULONG NodeType, unsigned cInitAllocated = 2 );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CNodeRestriction( const CNodeRestriction& nodeRst );
CNodeRestriction * Clone() const;
// Destructor
// Validity check
BOOL IsValid() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CNodeRestriction( ULONG ulType, LONG lWeight, PDeSerStream & stm );
// Node manipulation
void AddChild( CRestriction * presChild, unsigned & pos );
inline void AddChild( CRestriction * presChild );
CRestriction * RemoveChild( unsigned pos );
// Member variable access
inline void SetChild( CRestriction * presChild, unsigned pos );
inline CRestriction * GetChild( unsigned pos ) const;
inline unsigned Count() const;
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
# endif
void Grow();
ULONG _cNode;
CRestriction ** _paNode;
// Members mapped to C structure end here. The following will
// be reserved in the C structure to maintain to C <--> C++
// facade.
ULONG _cNodeAllocated;
// Class: CNotRestriction
// Purpose: Boolean AND/OR/VECTOR restriction
// History: 31-Dec-93 KyleP Created
class CNotRestriction : public CRestriction
// Constructors
inline CNotRestriction();
inline CNotRestriction( CRestriction * pres );
CNotRestriction( CNotRestriction const & notRst );
CNotRestriction *Clone() const;
// Destructor
// Validity check
inline BOOL IsValid() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CNotRestriction( LONG lWeight, PDeSerStream & stm );
// Node manipulation
inline void SetChild( CRestriction * pres );
inline CRestriction * GetChild() const;
inline CRestriction * RemoveChild();
BOOL HasChild() const { return 0 != _pres; }
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
# endif
CRestriction * _pres;
// Class: CVectorRestriction
// Purpose: Extended boolean (vector) restriction
// History: 08-Jan-93 KyleP Created
class CVectorRestriction : public CNodeRestriction
// Constructors
inline CVectorRestriction( ULONG ulRankMethod,
unsigned cInitAllocated = 128 );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
inline CVectorRestriction( CVectorRestriction const & vecRst );
CVectorRestriction * Clone() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CVectorRestriction( LONG lWeight, PDeSerStream & stm );
// Member variable access
inline void SetRankMethod( ULONG ulRankMethod );
inline ULONG RankMethod() const;
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
# endif
ULONG _ulRankMethod;
// Class: CContentRestriction
// Purpose: Scope restriction
// History: 07-Jan-93 KyleP Created
class CContentRestriction : public CRestriction
// Constructors
CContentRestriction( WCHAR const * pwcsPhrase,
CFullPropSpec const & Property,
ULONG ulGenerateMethod = 0,
LCID lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID() );
CContentRestriction( CContentRestriction const & contentRst );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CContentRestriction * Clone() const;
// Destructor
// Validity check
inline BOOL IsValid() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CContentRestriction( LONG lWeight, PDeSerStream & stm );
// Member variable access
void SetPhrase( WCHAR const * pwcsPhrase );
inline WCHAR const * GetPhrase() const;
inline void SetProperty( CFullPropSpec const & Property );
inline CFullPropSpec const & GetProperty() const;
LCID GetLocale() const { return _lcid; }
inline void SetGenerateMethod( ULONG ulGenerateMethod );
inline ULONG GenerateMethod() const;
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
# endif
CFullPropSpec _Property; // Property Name
WCHAR * _pwcsPhrase; // content
LCID _lcid;
ULONG _ulGenerateMethod; // Generate method.
// Class: CComplexContentRestriction
// Purpose: Supports scaffolding query language
// History: 08-Jan-93 KyleP Created
class CComplexContentRestriction : public CRestriction
// Constructors
CComplexContentRestriction( WCHAR * pwcsExpression,
LCID lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID() );
CComplexContentRestriction( const CComplexContentRestriction& compRst );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CComplexContentRestriction * Clone() const;
// Destructors
// Validity check
BOOL IsValid() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CComplexContentRestriction( LONG lWeight, PDeSerStream & stm );
// Member variable access
void SetExpression( WCHAR * pwcsExpression );
inline WCHAR * GetExpression();
LCID GetLocale() const { return _lcid; }
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
# endif
WCHAR * _pwcsExpression;
LCID _lcid;
// Class: CNatLanguageRestriction
// Purpose: Supports natural language queries
// History: 18-Jan-95 SitaramR Created
class CNatLanguageRestriction : public CRestriction
// Constructors
CNatLanguageRestriction( WCHAR const * pwcsPhrase,
CFullPropSpec const & Property,
LCID lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID() );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CNatLanguageRestriction * Clone() const;
// Destructors
// Validity check
inline BOOL IsValid() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CNatLanguageRestriction( LONG lWeight, PDeSerStream & stm );
// Member variable access
void SetPhrase( WCHAR const * pwcsPhrase );
inline WCHAR const * GetPhrase() const;
inline void SetProperty( CFullPropSpec const & Property );
inline CFullPropSpec const & GetProperty() const;
LCID GetLocale() const { return _lcid; }
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
# endif
CFullPropSpec _Property; // Property Name
WCHAR * _pwcsPhrase; // content
LCID _lcid;
// Class: CPropertyRestriction
// Purpose: Property <relop> constant restriction
// History: 08-Jan-93 KyleP Created
// 08-Nov-93 DwightKr Added new SetValue() methods
class CPropertyRestriction : public CRestriction
// Constructors
CPropertyRestriction( ULONG relop,
CFullPropSpec const & Property,
CStorageVariant const & prval );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CPropertyRestriction * Clone() const;
// Destructors
// Validity check
inline BOOL IsValid() const;
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
CPropertyRestriction( LONG lWeight, PDeSerStream & stm );
// Member variable access
inline void SetRelation( ULONG relop );
inline ULONG Relation();
inline void SetProperty( CFullPropSpec const & Property );
inline CFullPropSpec const & GetProperty() const;
inline void SetValue( double dValue );
inline void SetUI4( ULONG ulValue );
inline void SetValue( ULONG ulValue );
inline void SetValue( LONG lValue );
inline void SetValue( LARGE_INTEGER llValue );
inline void SetValue( FILETIME ftValue );
inline void SetValue( CY CyValue );
inline void SetValue( float fValue );
inline void SetValue( SHORT sValue );
inline void SetValue( const CStorageVariant &prval );
inline void SetDate ( DATE dValue );
inline void SetBOOL( BOOL fValue );
void SetValue( BLOB & bValue );
void SetValue( WCHAR * pwcsValue );
void SetValue( GUID * pguidValue);
inline CStorageVariant const & Value();
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
# endif
void _CleanValue();
ULONG _relop; // Relation
CFullPropSpec _Property; // Property Name
CStorageVariant _prval; // Constant value
// Inline methods for CFullPropSpec
inline void * CFullPropSpec::operator new( size_t size )
void * p = CoTaskMemAlloc( size );
return( p );
inline void * CFullPropSpec::operator new( size_t size, void * p )
return( p );
inline void CFullPropSpec::operator delete( void * p )
if ( p )
CoTaskMemFree( p );
#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
inline void CFullPropSpec::operator delete( void * p, void * pp )
inline BOOL CFullPropSpec::IsValid() const
return ( ( _psProperty.ulKind == PRSPEC_PROPID ) ||
( ( _psProperty.ulKind == PRSPEC_LPWSTR ) &&
( 0 != _psProperty.lpwstr ) ) );
inline void CFullPropSpec::SetPropSet( GUID const & guidPropSet )
_guidPropSet = guidPropSet;
inline GUID const & CFullPropSpec::GetPropSet() const
return( _guidPropSet );
inline PROPSPEC CFullPropSpec::GetPropSpec() const
return( _psProperty );
inline WCHAR const * CFullPropSpec::GetPropertyName() const
return( _psProperty.lpwstr );
inline PROPID CFullPropSpec::GetPropertyPropid() const
return( _psProperty.propid );
inline BOOL CFullPropSpec::IsPropertyName() const
return( _psProperty.ulKind == PRSPEC_LPWSTR );
inline BOOL CFullPropSpec::IsPropertyPropid() const
return( _psProperty.ulKind == PRSPEC_PROPID );
inline BOOL CColumns::IsValid() const
return ( 0 != _aCol );
inline CFullPropSpec const & CColumns::Get( unsigned pos ) const
if ( pos < _cCol )
return( _aCol[pos] );
return( *(CFullPropSpec *)0 );
// Inline methods for CColumns
inline unsigned CColumns::Count() const
return( _cCol );
inline COLUMNSET * CColumns::CastToStruct()
return( (COLUMNSET *)this );
// Inline methods for CSortKey
inline CSortKey::CSortKey()
inline BOOL CSortKey::IsValid() const
return _property.IsValid();
inline void CSortKey::SetProperty( CFullPropSpec const & ps )
_property = ps;
inline void CSortKey::SetLocale( LCID locale )
_locale = locale;
inline CFullPropSpec const & CSortKey::GetProperty() const
return( _property );
inline LCID CSortKey::GetLocale() const
return( _locale );
inline ULONG CSortKey::GetOrder() const
return( _dwOrder );
// Inline methods of CSort
inline BOOL CSort::IsValid() const
return ( 0 != _ask );
inline SORTSET * CSort::CastToStruct()
return( (SORTSET *)this );
inline CSortKey const & CSort::Get( unsigned pos ) const
if ( pos < _csk )
return( _ask[pos] );
return( *(CSortKey *)0 );
inline unsigned
CSort::Count() const
return( _csk );
// Inline methods of CRestriction
inline CRestriction::CRestriction()
: _ulType( RTNone ),
_lWeight( MAX_QUERY_RANK )
inline CRestriction::CRestriction( ULONG RestrictionType, LONG lWeight )
: _ulType( RestrictionType ),
_lWeight( lWeight )
inline RESTRICTION * CRestriction::CastToStruct() const
// It would be nice to assert valid _ulType here, but there is
// no published assert mechanism for external use.
return ( (RESTRICTION *)this );
inline FULLPROPSPEC * CFullPropSpec::CastToStruct()
return((FULLPROPSPEC *) this);
inline FULLPROPSPEC const * CFullPropSpec::CastToStruct() const
return((FULLPROPSPEC const *) this);
inline ULONG CRestriction::Type() const
return ( _ulType );
inline LONG CRestriction::Weight() const
return ( _lWeight );
inline void CRestriction::SetWeight( LONG lWeight )
_lWeight = lWeight;
inline void CRestriction::SetType( ULONG RestrictionType )
_ulType = RestrictionType;
// Inline methods of CNodeRestriction
inline void CNodeRestriction::AddChild( CRestriction * prst )
unsigned pos;
AddChild( prst, pos );
inline unsigned CNodeRestriction::Count() const
return _cNode;
inline CNodeRestriction * CRestriction::CastToNode() const
// It would be nice to assert node type here, but there is
// no published assert mechanism for external use.
return ( (CNodeRestriction *)this );
inline void CNodeRestriction::SetChild( CRestriction * presChild,
unsigned pos )
if ( pos < _cNode )
_paNode[pos] = presChild;
inline CRestriction * CNodeRestriction::GetChild( unsigned pos ) const
if ( pos < _cNode )
return( _paNode[pos] );
return( 0 );
// Inline methods of CNotRestriction
inline CNotRestriction::CNotRestriction()
: CRestriction( RTNot, MAX_QUERY_RANK ),
inline CNotRestriction::CNotRestriction( CRestriction * pres )
: CRestriction( RTNot, MAX_QUERY_RANK ),
_pres( pres )
inline BOOL CNotRestriction::IsValid() const
return ( 0 != _pres && _pres->IsValid() );
inline void CNotRestriction::SetChild( CRestriction * pres )
delete _pres;
_pres = pres;
inline CRestriction * CNotRestriction::GetChild() const
return( _pres );
inline CRestriction * CNotRestriction::RemoveChild()
CRestriction *pRst = _pres;
_pres = 0;
return pRst;
// Inline methods of CVectorRestriction
inline CVectorRestriction::CVectorRestriction( ULONG ulRankMethod,
unsigned cInitAllocated )
: CNodeRestriction( RTVector, cInitAllocated )
SetRankMethod( ulRankMethod );
inline CVectorRestriction::CVectorRestriction( CVectorRestriction const & vecRst )
: CNodeRestriction( vecRst ),
_ulRankMethod( vecRst.RankMethod() )
inline void CVectorRestriction::SetRankMethod( ULONG ulRankMethod )
if ( ulRankMethod <= VECTOR_RANK_JACCARD )
_ulRankMethod = ulRankMethod;
inline ULONG CVectorRestriction::RankMethod() const
return ( _ulRankMethod );
// Inline methods of CContentRestriction
inline BOOL CContentRestriction::IsValid() const
return ( _Property.IsValid() && 0 != _pwcsPhrase );
inline WCHAR const * CContentRestriction::GetPhrase() const
return( _pwcsPhrase );
inline void CContentRestriction::SetProperty( CFullPropSpec const & Property )
_Property = Property;
inline CFullPropSpec const & CContentRestriction::GetProperty() const
return( _Property );
inline void CContentRestriction::SetGenerateMethod( ULONG ulGenerateMethod )
_ulGenerateMethod = ulGenerateMethod;
inline ULONG CContentRestriction::GenerateMethod() const
return( _ulGenerateMethod );
// Inline methods of CComplexContentRestriction
inline BOOL CComplexContentRestriction::IsValid() const
return ( 0 != _pwcsExpression );
inline WCHAR * CComplexContentRestriction::GetExpression()
return( _pwcsExpression );
// Inline methods of CNatLanguageRestriction
inline BOOL CNatLanguageRestriction::IsValid() const
return ( _Property.IsValid() && 0 != _pwcsPhrase );
inline WCHAR const * CNatLanguageRestriction::GetPhrase() const
return( _pwcsPhrase );
inline void CNatLanguageRestriction::SetProperty( CFullPropSpec const & Property )
_Property = Property;
inline CFullPropSpec const & CNatLanguageRestriction::GetProperty() const
return( _Property );
// Inline methods of CPropertyRestriction
inline BOOL CPropertyRestriction::IsValid() const
return ( _Property.IsValid() && _prval.IsValid() );
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetRelation( ULONG relop )
_relop = relop;
inline ULONG CPropertyRestriction::Relation()
return( _relop );
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetProperty( CFullPropSpec const & Property )
_Property = Property;
inline CFullPropSpec const & CPropertyRestriction::GetProperty() const
return( _Property );
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetValue( double dValue )
_prval = dValue;
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetValue( ULONG ulValue )
_prval.SetUI4( ulValue );
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetUI4( ULONG ulValue )
_prval.SetUI4( ulValue );
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetValue( LONG lValue )
_prval = lValue;
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetValue( LARGE_INTEGER llValue )
_prval = llValue;
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetValue( FILETIME ftValue )
_prval = ftValue;
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetValue( CY cyValue )
_prval = cyValue;
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetValue( float fValue )
_prval = fValue;
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetValue( SHORT sValue )
_prval = sValue;
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetValue( const CStorageVariant &prval )
_prval = prval;
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetBOOL( BOOL fValue )
_prval.SetBOOL( (SHORT)fValue );
inline void CPropertyRestriction::SetDate( DATE dValue )
_prval.SetDATE( dValue );
inline CStorageVariant const & CPropertyRestriction::Value()
return( _prval );
#endif // __RESTRICT_HXX__