2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

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** Module: NTFS Compression Disk Cleanup Cleaner
** File: compguid.h
** Purpose: Defines A 'NTFS Compression Cleaner' Class ID for OLE 2.0
** Notes: The unique Class ID of this Compression Cleaner class is:
** {B50F5260-0C21-11D2-AB56-00A0C9082678}
** Mod Log: Created by Jason Cobb (2/97)
** Adapted for Compression Cleaner by DSchott (6/98)
** Copyright (c)1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef COMPGUID_H
#define COMPGUID_H
** Microsoft C++ include files
#include <objbase.h>
#include <initguid.h>
** Class ID
// {B50F5260-0C21-11D2-AB56-00A0C9082678}
0xB50F5260L, 0x0C21, 0x11D2, 0xAB, 0x56, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x08, 0x26, 0x78);
#define REG_COMPCLEANER_GUID TEXT("{B50F5260-0C21-11D2-AB56-00A0C9082678}")
#define REG_COMPCLEANER_CLSID TEXT("CLSID\\{B50F5260-0C21-11D2-AB56-00A0C9082678}")
#define REG_COMPCLEANER_INPROCSERVER32 TEXT("CLSID\\{B50F5260-0C21-11D2-AB56-00A0C9082678}\\InProcServer32")
#define REG_COMPCLEANER_DEFAULTICON TEXT("CLSID\\{B50F5260-0C21-11D2-AB56-00A0C9082678}\\DefaultIcon")
#endif // COMPGUID_H
** End of File