220 lines
6.6 KiB
220 lines
6.6 KiB
#include "lsimeth.h"
/* Character location for pfnFetchWarichuWidthAdjust callback */
enum warichucharloc {
warichuBegin, /* Character preceeds Warichu object */
warichuEnd /* Character follows Warichu object */
* Warichu Object Callbacks to Client
typedef struct WARICHUCBK
LSERR (WINAPI* pfnGetWarichuInfo)(
POLS pols,
LSCP cp,
LSTFLOW lstflow,
PCOBJDIM pcobjdimFirst,
PCOBJDIM pcobjdimSecond,
PHEIGHTS pheightsRef,
PHEIGHTS pheightsPres,
long *pdvpDescentReservedForClient);
/* GetWarichuInfo
* pols (IN): The client context for the request.
* cp (IN): the cp of the Warichu object.
* lstflow (IN): the lstflow of Warichu parent subline
* pcobjdimFirst (IN): dimensions of first line of Warichu.
* pcobjdimSecond (IN): dimensions of second line of Warichu.
* pheightsRef (OUT): specifies heights for Warichu object in reference
* device units.
* pheightsPres (OUT): specifies heights for Warichu object in presentation
* device units.
* pdvpDescentReservedForClient (OUT): specifies the part of the descent area
* that the client is reserving for its own use (usually for the purpose
* of underlining) in presentation device units. The object will begin its
* display area below the baseline at the difference between
* pheightsRef->dvDescent and *pdvpDescentReservedForClient.
LSERR (WINAPI* pfnFetchWarichuWidthAdjust)(
POLS pols,
LSCP cp,
enum warichucharloc wcl,
PLSRUN plsrunForChar,
WCHAR wch,
MWCLS mwclsForChar,
PLSRUN plsrunWarichuBracket,
long *pdurAdjustChar,
long *pdurAdjustBracket);
/* FetchWarichuWidthAdjust
* pols (IN): The client context for the request.
* cp (IN): the cp of the Warichu object.
* wcl (IN): specifies the location of the character and bracket.
* plsrunForChar (IN): the run of the character that is either previous or
* following the Warichu object. Whether preceeding or following is
* determined by value of the wcl parameter above.
* wch (IN): character that is either preceeding or following the Warichu
* object.
* mwclsForChar (IN): mod width class for the wch parameter.
* plsrunWarichuBracket (IN): plsrun for leading or following bracket of
* the Warichu.
* pdurAdjustChar (OUT): the amount that the width of the input character
* should be adjusted. A negative value means the width of the input
* character should be made smaller.
* pdurAdjustBracket (OUT): the amount that the width of the Warichu bracket
* should be adjusted. A negative value means the width of the Warichu
* bracket should be made smaller.
LSERR (WINAPI* pfnWarichuEnum)(
POLS pols,
PLSRUN plsrun,
PCLSCHP plschp,
LSCP cp,
LSDCP dcp,
LSTFLOW lstflow,
BOOL fReverse,
BOOL fGeometryNeeded,
const POINT* pt,
PCHEIGHTS pcheights,
long dupRun,
const POINT *ptLeadBracket,
PCHEIGHTS pcheightsLeadBracket,
long dupLeadBracket,
const POINT *ptTrailBracket,
PCHEIGHTS pcheightsTrailBracket,
long dupTrailBracket,
const POINT *ptFirst,
PCHEIGHTS pcheightsFirst,
long dupFirst,
const POINT *ptSecond,
PCHEIGHTS pcheightsSecond,
long dupSecond,
PLSSUBL plssublLeadBracket,
PLSSUBL plssublTrailBracket,
PLSSUBL plssublFirst,
PLSSUBL plssublSecond);
/* WarichuEnum
* pols (IN): client context.
* plsrun (IN): plsrun for the entire Warichu Object.
* plschp (IN): is lschp for lead character of Warichu Object.
* cp (IN): is cp of first character of Warichu Object.
* dcp (IN): is number of characters in Warichu Object
* lstflow (IN): is text flow at Warichu Object.
* fReverse (IN): is whether text should be reversed for visual order.
* fGeometryNeeded (IN): is whether Geometry should be returned.
* pt (IN): is starting position , iff fGeometryNeeded .
* pcheights (IN): is height of Warichu object, iff fGeometryNeeded.
* dupRun (IN): is length of Warichu Object, iff fGeometryNeeded.
* ptLeadBracket (IN): is point for second line iff fGeometryNeeded and
* plssublLeadBracket not NULL.
* pcheightsLeadBracket (IN): is height for Warichu line iff fGeometryNeeded
* and plssublLeadBracket not NULL.
* dupLeadBracket (IN): is length of Warichu line iff fGeometryNeeded and
* plssublLeadBracket not NULL.
* ptTrailBracket (IN): is point for second line iff fGeometryNeeded and
* plssublLeadBracket not NULL.
* pcheightsTrailBracket (IN): is height for Warichu line iff fGeometryNeeded
* and plssublTrailBracket not NULL.
* dupTrailBracket (IN): is length of Warichu line iff fGeometryNeeded and
* plssublTrailBracket not NULL.
* ptFirst (IN): is starting point for main line iff fGeometryNeeded
* pcheightsFirst (IN): is height of main line iff fGeometryNeeded
* dupFirst (IN): is length of main line iff fGeometryNeeded
* ptSecond (IN): is point for second line iff fGeometryNeeded and
* plssublSecond not NULL.
* pcheightsSecond (IN): is height for Warichu line iff fGeometryNeeded
* and plssublSecond not NULL.
* dupSecond (IN): is length of Warichu line iff fGeometryNeeded and
* plssublSecond not NULL.
* plssublLeadBracket (IN): is subline for lead bracket.
* plssublTrailBracket (IN): is subline for trail bracket.
* plssublFirst (IN): is first subline in Warichu object.
* plssublSecond (IN): is second subline in Warichu object.
#define WARICHU_VERSION 0x300
* Warichi object initialization data that the client application must return
* when the Warichu object handler calls the GetObjectHandlerInfo callback.
typedef struct WARICHUINIT
DWORD dwVersion; /* Version must be WARICHU_VERSION */
WCHAR wchEndFirstBracket; /* Escape char to end first bracket */
WCHAR wchEndText; /* Escape char to end text */
WCHAR wchEndWarichu; /* Escape char to end object */
WCHAR wchUnused; /* For alignment */
WARICHUCBK warichcbk; /* Callbacks */
BOOL fContiguousFetch; /* Always refetch whole subline & closing brace
after reformatting inside warichu */
LSERR WINAPI LsGetWarichuLsimethods(
/* GetWarichuLsimethods
* plsim (OUT): Warichu object callbacks.
#endif /* WARICHU_DEFINED */