2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

840 lines
22 KiB

#include "lsmem.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include "lstxtbrs.h"
#include "lstxtmap.h"
#include "lsdntext.h"
#include "zqfromza.h"
#include "locchnk.h"
#include "posichnk.h"
#include "objdim.h"
#include "lskysr.h"
#include "lstxtffi.h"
#include "txtils.h"
#include "txtln.h"
#include "txtobj.h"
static void GetOneCharWidth(PTXTOBJ ptxtobj, long dwch, long* pdurChar);
static LSERR GetWidthOfGlyph(PILSOBJ pilsobj, PLSRUN plsrun, LSTFLOW lstflow, WCHAR wch, BOOL* pfSuccessful,
GINDEX* pgind, long* pdurNew, long* pdupNew);
static LSERR GetWidthOfChar(PILSOBJ pilsobj, PLSRUN plsrun, LSTFLOW lstflow, WCHAR wch,
long* pdurNew, long* pdupNew);
/* F I N D N O N S P A C E B E F O R E */
%%Function: FindNonSpaceBefore
%%Contact: sergeyge
BOOL FindNonSpaceBefore(PCLSCHNK rglschnk, long itxtobjCur, long iwchCur,
long* pitxtobjBefore, long* piwchBefore)
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
long iwch;
BOOL fInSpace;
long itxtobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
long iwchFirst;
pilsobj = ((PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[0].pdobj)->plnobj->pilsobj;
fInSpace = fTrue;
itxtobj = itxtobjCur;
iwch = iwchCur;
while (fInSpace && itxtobj >= 0)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if ((ptxtobj->txtkind != txtkindRegular && ptxtobj->txtkind != txtkindSpecSpace ||
(pilsobj->grpf & fTxtWrapAllSpaces)) && ptxtobj->txtkind != txtkindEOL )
*pitxtobjBefore = itxtobj;
*piwchBefore = ptxtobj->iwchLim - 1;
if (iwchCur < *piwchBefore)
*piwchBefore = iwchCur;
fInSpace = fFalse;
else if (ptxtobj->txtkind == txtkindRegular)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
for (; iwch >= iwchFirst && pilsobj->pwchOrig[iwch] == pilsobj->wchSpace; iwch--);
if (iwch >= iwchFirst)
*pitxtobjBefore = itxtobj;
*piwchBefore = iwch;
fInSpace = fFalse;
iwch = ptxtobj->iwchFirst - 1;
if (fInSpace)
*pitxtobjBefore = 0;
*piwchBefore = iwch;
return !fInSpace;
/* F I N D N O N S P A C E A F T E R */
%%Function: FindNonSpaceAfter
%%Contact: sergeyge
BOOL FindNonSpaceAfter(PCLSCHNK rglschnk, DWORD clschnk, long itxtobjCur, long iwchCur,
long* pitxtobjAfter, long* piwchAfter)
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
long iwch;
BOOL fInSpace;
long itxtobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
long iwchLim;
pilsobj = ((PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[0].pdobj)->plnobj->pilsobj;
fInSpace = fTrue;
itxtobj = itxtobjCur;
iwch = iwchCur;
while (fInSpace && itxtobj < (long)clschnk)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtkind != txtkindRegular && ptxtobj->txtkind != txtkindSpecSpace ||
(pilsobj->grpf & fTxtWrapAllSpaces))
*pitxtobjAfter = itxtobj;
*piwchAfter = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
if (iwchCur > *piwchAfter)
*piwchAfter = iwchCur;
fInSpace = fFalse;
else if (ptxtobj->txtkind == txtkindRegular)
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
for (; iwch < iwchLim && pilsobj->pwchOrig[iwch] == pilsobj->wchSpace; iwch++);
if (iwch < iwchLim)
*pitxtobjAfter = itxtobj;
*piwchAfter = iwch;
fInSpace = fFalse;
iwch = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
if (fInSpace)
*pitxtobjAfter = clschnk - 1; /* Important for correct ptbo settting in TryBreakAcrossSpaces */
*piwchAfter = iwch;
return !fInSpace;
/* F I N D P R E V C H A R */
%%Function: FindPrevChar
%%Contact: sergeyge
BOOL FindPrevChar(PCLSCHNK rglschnk, long itxtobjCur, long iwchCur,
long* pitxtobjBefore, long* piwchBefore)
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[itxtobjCur].pdobj;
if (iwchCur > ptxtobj->iwchFirst)
*pitxtobjBefore = itxtobjCur;
*piwchBefore = iwchCur - 1;
return fTrue;
else if (itxtobjCur > 0)
*pitxtobjBefore = itxtobjCur - 1;
*piwchBefore = ((PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[*pitxtobjBefore].pdobj)->iwchLim - 1;
return fTrue;
*pitxtobjBefore = 0;
*piwchBefore = ((PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[0].pdobj)->iwchFirst - 1;
return fFalse;
/* F I N D N E X T C H A R */
%%Function: FindNextChar
%%Contact: sergeyge
BOOL FindNextChar(PCLSCHNK rglschnk, DWORD clschnk, long itxtobjCur, long iwchCur,
long* pitxtobjAfter, long* piwchAfter)
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[itxtobjCur].pdobj;
if (iwchCur < ptxtobj->iwchLim - 1)
*pitxtobjAfter = itxtobjCur;
*piwchAfter = iwchCur + 1;
return fTrue;
else if (itxtobjCur < (long)clschnk - 1)
*pitxtobjAfter = itxtobjCur + 1;
*piwchAfter = ((PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[*pitxtobjAfter].pdobj)->iwchFirst;
return fTrue;
/* not found but set correct values for ptbo in TryBreakAcrossSpaces */
*pitxtobjAfter = clschnk - 1;
*piwchAfter = ((PTXTOBJ)rglschnk[*pitxtobjAfter].pdobj)->iwchLim;
return fFalse;
/* C A L C P A R T W I D T H S */
%%Function: CalcPartWidths
%%Contact: sergeyge
Calculates width from the beginning of the dobj until character iwchLim
LSERR CalcPartWidths(PTXTOBJ ptxtobj, long dwchLim, POBJDIM pobjdim, long* pdur)
LSERR lserr;
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
long* rgdur;
long durSum;
long i;
pilsobj = ptxtobj->plnobj->pilsobj;
rgdur = pilsobj->pdur;
Assert(dwchLim <= ptxtobj->iwchLim - ptxtobj->iwchFirst);
lserr = LsdnGetObjDim(pilsobj->plsc, ptxtobj->plsdnUpNode, pobjdim);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (dwchLim == 0)
*pdur = 0;
return lserrNone;
durSum = 0;
/* Calculate the tail of the string, then subtract */
for (i = ptxtobj->iwchFirst + dwchLim; i < ptxtobj->iwchLim; i++)
durSum += rgdur[i];
*pdur = pobjdim->dur - durSum;
return lserrNone;
/* C A L C P A R T W I D T H S G L Y P H S */
%%Function: CalcPartWidthsGlyphs
%%Contact: sergeyge
Calculates width from the beginning of the dobj until character iwchLim
LSERR CalcPartWidthsGlyphs(PTXTOBJ ptxtobj, long dwchLim, POBJDIM pobjdim, long* pdur)
LSERR lserr;
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
long* rgdurGind;
long durSum;
long igindStart;
long i;
pilsobj = ptxtobj->plnobj->pilsobj;
rgdurGind = pilsobj->pdurGind;
Assert(dwchLim <= ptxtobj->iwchLim - ptxtobj->iwchFirst);
Assert(ptxtobj->iwchFirst + dwchLim == ptxtobj->iwchLim ||
pilsobj->ptxtinf[ptxtobj->iwchFirst + dwchLim].fFirstInContext);
igindStart = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, ptxtobj->iwchFirst + dwchLim);
lserr = LsdnGetObjDim(pilsobj->plsc, ptxtobj->plsdnUpNode, pobjdim);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
durSum = 0;
/* Calculate the tail of the string, then subtract */
for (i = igindStart; i < ptxtobj->igindLim; i++)
durSum += rgdurGind[i];
*pdur = pobjdim->dur - durSum;
return lserrNone;
/* C H E C K H O T Z O N E */
%%Function: CheckHotZone
%%Contact: sergeyge
LSERR CheckHotZone(PCLOCCHNK plocchnk, long itxtobj, long iwch, BOOL* pfInHyphenZone)
LSERR lserr;
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
long dur;
long durLeftIndent;
OBJDIM objdim;
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plocchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
pilsobj = ptxtobj->plnobj->pilsobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
lserr = CalcPartWidthsGlyphs(ptxtobj, iwch + 1 - ptxtobj->iwchFirst, &objdim, &dur);
lserr = CalcPartWidths(ptxtobj, iwch + 1 - ptxtobj->iwchFirst, &objdim, &dur);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
durLeftIndent = 0;
if (pilsobj->grpf & fTxtIndentChangesHyphenZone )
lserr = LsdnGetLeftIndentDur(pilsobj->plsc, &durLeftIndent);
Assert(lserr == lserrNone);
*pfInHyphenZone =
(plocchnk->lsfgi.urColumnMax - (plocchnk->ppointUvLoc[itxtobj].u + dur) + durLeftIndent >=
UrFromUa(plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, &pilsobj->lsdevres, pilsobj->duaHyphenationZone) );
return lserrNone;
/* P R O C E S S Y S R */
%%Function: ProcessYsr
%%Contact: sergeyge
LSERR ProcessYsr(PCLOCCHNK plocchnk, long itxtobjYsr, long dwchYsr, long itxtobjPrev, long itxtobjPrevPrev,
YSRINF ysrinf, BOOL* pfSuccess, HYPHOUT* phyphout)
LSERR lserr;
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
PLNOBJ plnobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjYsr;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjPrev;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjPrevPrev;
const LSCHNKE* pchnkeYsr;
const LSCHNKE* pchnkePrev;
const LSCHNKE* pchnkePrevPrev;
long iwchYsr;
long durPrevOld = 0;
long durPrevPrevOld = 0;
long dupNew;
long durNew;
long dupHyphen;
long durHyphen;
BOOL fSuccessful;
GINDEX gind;
memset(phyphout, 0, sizeof(*phyphout));
*pfSuccess = fTrue;
pchnkeYsr = &plocchnk->plschnk[itxtobjYsr];
ptxtobjYsr = (PTXTOBJ)pchnkeYsr->pdobj;
plnobj = ptxtobjYsr->plnobj;
pilsobj = plnobj->pilsobj;
iwchYsr = ptxtobjYsr->iwchFirst + dwchYsr;
if (ptxtobjYsr->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
lserr = GetWidthOfGlyph(pilsobj, pchnkeYsr->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, pilsobj->wchHyphen,
&fSuccessful, &gind, &durHyphen, &dupHyphen);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (!fSuccessful)
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
phyphout->gindHyphen = gind;
phyphout->igindHyphen = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobjYsr, iwchYsr) + 1;
lserr = GetWidthOfChar(pilsobj, pchnkeYsr->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, pilsobj->wchHyphen, &durHyphen, &dupHyphen);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
phyphout->durHyphen = durHyphen;
phyphout->dupHyphen = dupHyphen;
Assert(phyphout->wchPrev == 0);
Assert(phyphout->durPrev == 0);
Assert(phyphout->dupPrev == 0);
Assert(phyphout->wchPrevPrev == 0);
Assert(phyphout->durPrevPrev == 0);
Assert(phyphout->dupPrevPrev == 0);
switch (ysrinf.kysr)
case kysrNormal:
case kysrChangeAfter:
if (itxtobjPrev == itxtobjYsr && (ptxtobjYsr->txtf & txtfGlyphBased) && !FIwchOneToOne(pilsobj, iwchYsr))
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
phyphout->iwchLim = iwchYsr + 2;
phyphout->dwchYsr = 2;
phyphout->durChangeTotal = durHyphen;
case kysrChangeBefore:
if (itxtobjPrev == ichnkOutside)
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
pchnkePrev = &plocchnk->plschnk[itxtobjPrev];
ptxtobjPrev = (PTXTOBJ)pchnkePrev->pdobj;
if (iwchYsr < ptxtobjPrev->iwchFirst || iwchYsr >= ptxtobjPrev->iwchLim)
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
if (ptxtobjPrev->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
lserr = GetWidthOfGlyph(pilsobj, pchnkePrev->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, ysrinf.wchYsr,
&fSuccessful, &gind, &durNew, &dupNew);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (!fSuccessful || !FIwchOneToOne(pilsobj, iwchYsr))
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
phyphout->gindPrev = gind;
phyphout->igindPrev = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobjPrev, iwchYsr);
lserr = GetWidthOfChar(pilsobj, pchnkePrev->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, ysrinf.wchYsr, &durNew, &dupNew);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
GetOneCharWidth(ptxtobjPrev, iwchYsr, &durPrevOld);
phyphout->iwchLim = iwchYsr + 2;
phyphout->dwchYsr = 2;
phyphout->wchPrev = ysrinf.wchYsr;
phyphout->durPrev = durNew;
phyphout->dupPrev = dupNew;
phyphout->durChangeTotal = durHyphen + durNew - durPrevOld;
case kysrAddBefore:
if (ptxtobjYsr->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
lserr = GetWidthOfGlyph(pilsobj, pchnkeYsr->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, ysrinf.wchYsr,
&fSuccessful, &gind, &durNew, &dupNew);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (!fSuccessful || !FIwchOneToOne(pilsobj, iwchYsr))
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
phyphout->gindPrev = gind;
phyphout->igindPrev = phyphout->igindHyphen - 1;
lserr = GetWidthOfChar(pilsobj, pchnkeYsr->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, ysrinf.wchYsr, &durNew, &dupNew);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
/* procedure CheckReallocArrays made shure we have enough space in arrays */
phyphout->iwchLim = iwchYsr + 3;
phyphout->dwchYsr = 3;
phyphout->wchPrev = ysrinf.wchYsr;
phyphout->durPrev = durNew;
phyphout->dupPrev = dupNew;
phyphout->durChangeTotal = durHyphen + durNew;
case kysrDelAndChange:
if (itxtobjPrev == ichnkOutside || itxtobjPrevPrev == ichnkOutside)
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
pchnkePrev = &plocchnk->plschnk[itxtobjPrev];
ptxtobjPrev = (PTXTOBJ)pchnkePrev->pdobj;
pchnkePrevPrev = &plocchnk->plschnk[itxtobjPrevPrev];
ptxtobjPrevPrev = (PTXTOBJ)pchnkePrevPrev->pdobj;
if (iwchYsr < ptxtobjPrev->iwchFirst || iwchYsr >= ptxtobjPrev->iwchLim ||
iwchYsr - 1 < ptxtobjPrevPrev->iwchFirst || iwchYsr - 1>= ptxtobjPrevPrev->iwchLim)
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
GetOneCharWidth(ptxtobjPrev, iwchYsr, &durPrevOld);
GetOneCharWidth(ptxtobjPrevPrev, iwchYsr - 1, &durPrevPrevOld);
if (ptxtobjPrev->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
lserr = GetWidthOfGlyph(pilsobj, pchnkePrev->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, pilsobj->wchSpace,
&fSuccessful, &gind, &durNew, &dupNew);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (!fSuccessful || !FIwchOneToOne(pilsobj, iwchYsr))
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
phyphout->gindPrev = gind;
phyphout->igindPrev = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobjPrev, iwchYsr);
if (ptxtobjPrevPrev->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
lserr = GetWidthOfGlyph(pilsobj, pchnkePrevPrev->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, ysrinf.wchYsr,
&fSuccessful, &gind, &durNew, &dupNew);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (!fSuccessful || !FIwchOneToOne(pilsobj, iwchYsr - 1))
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
phyphout->gindPrevPrev = gind;
phyphout->igindPrevPrev = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobjPrevPrev, iwchYsr - 1);
lserr = GetWidthOfChar(pilsobj, pchnkePrevPrev->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, ysrinf.wchYsr, &durNew, &dupNew);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
phyphout->iwchLim = iwchYsr + 2;
phyphout->dwchYsr = 2;
phyphout->wchPrev = pilsobj->wchSpace;
phyphout->durPrev = 0;
phyphout->dupPrev = 0;
phyphout->wchPrevPrev = ysrinf.wchYsr;
phyphout->durPrevPrev = durNew;
phyphout->dupPrevPrev = dupNew;
phyphout->durChangeTotal = durHyphen + durNew - durPrevOld - durPrevPrevOld;
case kysrDeleteBefore:
if (itxtobjPrev == ichnkOutside)
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
pchnkePrev = &plocchnk->plschnk[itxtobjPrev];
ptxtobjPrev = (PTXTOBJ)pchnkePrev->pdobj;
if (iwchYsr < ptxtobjPrev->iwchFirst || iwchYsr >= ptxtobjPrev->iwchLim)
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
GetOneCharWidth(ptxtobjPrev, iwchYsr, &durPrevOld);
if (ptxtobjPrev->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
lserr = GetWidthOfGlyph(pilsobj, pchnkePrev->plsrun, plocchnk->lsfgi.lstflow, pilsobj->wchSpace,
&fSuccessful, &gind, &durNew, &dupNew);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (!fSuccessful || !FIwchOneToOne(pilsobj, iwchYsr))
*pfSuccess = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
phyphout->gindPrev = gind;
phyphout->igindPrev = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobjPrev, iwchYsr);
phyphout->iwchLim = iwchYsr + 2;
phyphout->dwchYsr = 2;
phyphout->wchPrev = pilsobj->wchSpace;
phyphout->durPrev = 0;
phyphout->dupPrev = 0;
phyphout->durChangeTotal = durHyphen - durPrevOld;
if (itxtobjPrev != itxtobjYsr && durPrevOld != 0)
phyphout->ddurDnodePrev += (phyphout->durPrev - durPrevOld);
if (itxtobjPrevPrev != itxtobjYsr && durPrevPrevOld != 0)
if (itxtobjPrev == itxtobjPrevPrev || itxtobjPrev == itxtobjYsr)
phyphout->ddurDnodePrev += (phyphout->durPrevPrev - durPrevPrevOld);
phyphout->ddurDnodePrevPrev += (phyphout->durPrevPrev - durPrevPrevOld);
return lserrNone;
#define cIncreaseBeakInfoMax 4
/* G E T P B R K I N F */
%%Function: GetPbrkinf
%%Contact: sergeyge
Gets the pointer to the available BREAKINFO staructure
LSERR GetPbrkinf(PILSOBJ pilsobj, PDOBJ pdobj, BRKKIND brkkind, BREAKINFO** ppbrkinf)
LSERR lserr;
BREAKINFO* pbreakinf;
long ibrkinf = 0xFFFF;
BOOL fInChildList;
pbreakinf = pilsobj->pbreakinf;
lserr = LsdnFInChildList(pilsobj->plsc, ((PTXTOBJ)pdobj)->plsdnUpNode, &fInChildList);
Assert(lserr == lserrNone);
if (!fInChildList)
case brkkindPrev:
ibrkinf = 0;
case brkkindNext:
ibrkinf = 1;
case brkkindForce:
ibrkinf = 2;
for (ibrkinf = 3; ibrkinf < (long)pilsobj->breakinfMac &&
(pbreakinf[ibrkinf].pdobj != pdobj || pbreakinf[ibrkinf].brkkind != brkkind); ibrkinf++);
if (ibrkinf < (long)pilsobj->breakinfMac)
Assert(ibrkinf < 3 || pbreakinf[ibrkinf].pdobj == pdobj && pbreakinf[ibrkinf].brkkind == brkkind);
*ppbrkinf = &pbreakinf[ibrkinf];
else if (pilsobj->breakinfMac < pilsobj->breakinfMax)
*ppbrkinf = &pilsobj->pbreakinf[pilsobj->breakinfMac];
Assert(pilsobj->breakinfMac == pilsobj->breakinfMax);
pbreakinf = (*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnReallocPtr)(pilsobj->pols, pilsobj->pbreakinf,
(pilsobj->breakinfMax + cIncreaseBeakInfoMax) * sizeof(BREAKINFO) );
if (pbreakinf == NULL)
return lserrOutOfMemory;
pilsobj->pbreakinf = pbreakinf;
pilsobj->breakinfMax += cIncreaseBeakInfoMax;
*ppbrkinf = &pilsobj->pbreakinf[pilsobj->breakinfMac];
memset(*ppbrkinf, 0, sizeof(BREAKINFO));
return lserrNone;
/* Internal functions implementation */
/* G E T O N E C H A R W I D T H */
%%Function: GetOneCharWidth
%%Contact: sergeyge
Reports width of the character iwch
static void GetOneCharWidth(PTXTOBJ ptxtobj, long iwch, long* pdurChar)
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
*pdurChar = ptxtobj->plnobj->pilsobj->pdurGind[IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, iwch)];
*pdurChar = ptxtobj->plnobj->pilsobj->pdur[iwch];
/* G E T W I D T H O F C H A R */
%%Function: GetWidthOfChar
%%Contact: sergeyge
Reports width of the character wch with plsrun
static LSERR GetWidthOfChar(PILSOBJ pilsobj, PLSRUN plsrun, LSTFLOW lstflow, WCHAR wch, long* pdurNew, long* pdupNew)
LSERR lserr;
long durSumJunk;
long limDurJunk;
lserr = (*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnGetRunCharWidths)(pilsobj->pols, plsrun, lsdevReference, &wch, 1, LONG_MAX, lstflow,
(int*)pdurNew, &durSumJunk, &limDurJunk);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (pilsobj->fDisplay)
if (!pilsobj->fPresEqualRef)
lserr = (*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnGetRunCharWidths)(pilsobj->pols, plsrun, lsdevPres, &wch, 1, LONG_MAX, lstflow,
(int*)pdupNew, &durSumJunk, &limDurJunk);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
else /* fPresEqualRef */
*pdupNew = *pdurNew;
return lserrNone;
/* G E T W I D T H O F G L Y P H */
%%Function: GetWidthOfGlyph
%%Contact: sergeyge
Reports width of the glyph corresponding to the character with plsrun
static LSERR GetWidthOfGlyph(PILSOBJ pilsobj, PLSRUN plsrun, LSTFLOW lstflow, WCHAR wch, BOOL* pfSuccessful,
GINDEX* pgind, long* pdurNew, long* pdupNew)
LSERR lserr;
GPROP* pgpropTemp;
GPROP gprop;
GMAP gmap;
GINDEX* pgindTemp;
DWORD cgind;
GOFFSET goffs;
*pfSuccessful = fTrue;
lserr = (*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnGetGlyphs)(pilsobj->pols, plsrun, &wch, 1, lstflow, &gmap, &pgindTemp, &pgpropTemp, &cgind);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (cgind != 1)
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
*pgind = *pgindTemp;
gprop = *pgpropTemp;
lserr = (*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnGetGlyphPositions)(pilsobj->pols, plsrun, lsdevReference, &wch, &gmap, 1, pgind,
&gprop, cgind, lstflow,
(int*)pdurNew, &goffs);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
Assert(goffs.du == 0);
Assert(goffs.dv == 0);
if (pilsobj->fDisplay)
if (!pilsobj->fPresEqualRef)
lserr = (*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnGetGlyphPositions)(pilsobj->pols, plsrun, lsdevPres, &wch, &gmap, 1, pgind,
&gprop, cgind, lstflow,
(int*)pdupNew, &goffs);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
*pdupNew = *pdurNew;
return lserrNone;