2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

1072 lines
34 KiB

#include "lsmem.h"
#include "lstxtglf.h"
#include "lstxtmap.h"
#include "txtils.h"
#include "txtln.h"
#include "txtobj.h"
#include "zqfromza.h"
typedef struct
long cWhite;
long duMaxWhite;
long duTotalWhite;
long cContinuous;
long duMaxContinuous;
long duMinContinuous;
long cDiscrete;
long duMaxDiscrete;
typedef struct
long cExpginfo;
EXPG* pexpg;
long cResidual;
#define priorSpace 1
#define priorMax 8
#define cDiscreteMax 25
#define min(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define max(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
static LSERR CollectGlyphExpInfo(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, LSTFLOW lstflow, LSDEVICE lsdev,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast,
long* rgdu, long* rgduGind, EXPGINFO* pexpginfo);
static LSERR ApplyPriorGlyphExp(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, LSTFLOW lstflow, LSDEVICE lsdev,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast,
long prior, long duToDistribute, EXPG* pexpg, long* rgdu, long* rgduGind,
long* rgduRight, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed);
LSERR static ApplyDiscrete(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, LSTFLOW lstflow, LSDEVICE lsdev,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast,
long prior, long duToDistribute, long cDiscrete,
long* rgduGind, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed);
static void ApplyOneEachContinuous(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst,
long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast, long prior, long duToDistribute, long cContinuous,
long* rgduGind, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed);
static void ApplyFullWhiteContinuous(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast,
long prior,
long* rgdu, long* rgduGind, long* rgduRight, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed);
static void ApplyPropWhiteContinuous(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, BOOL fWhiteOnly,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast, long prior,
long duToDistribute, long duTotalMin,
long* rgdu, long* rgduGind, long* rgduRight, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed);
static void ApplyResidualGlyphExp(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, long itxtobjFirst,
long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLim, long duToDistribute,
long cResidual, long* rgduGind, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed);
static void FixExpt(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, long itxtobjFirst, long iwchVeryFirst,
long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast, long* rgduGright);
static void CalcExpandChanges(long cWhole, long duDenom, long duRest, long duLocal, long duMax,
long* pduChange, long* pduAddCurrent);
static void ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(long ind, long* rgduGind, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed, long duChange);
/* A P P L Y G L Y P H E X P A N D */
%%Function: ApplyGlyphExpand
%%Contact: sergeyge
Applies glyph expansion
First collects information about expansion opportunities
Then applies expansion according to priorities
If it is not sufficient, applies risidual expansion
LSERR ApplyGlyphExpand(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, LSTFLOW lstflow, LSDEVICE lsdev,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast,
long duToDistribute, long* rgdu, long* rgduGind, long* rgduRight, long* rgduGright,
BOOL* pfFullyJustified)
LSERR lserr;
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
EXPGINFO expginfo;
EXPG rgexpg[priorMax];
long duDistributed;
long i;
pilsobj = ((PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[0].pdobj)->plnobj->pilsobj;
expginfo.pexpg = rgexpg;
expginfo.cExpginfo = priorMax;
lserr = CollectGlyphExpInfo(plsgrchnk, lstflow, lsdev,
itxtobjFirst, iwchFirst, itxtobjLast, iwchLast, rgdu, rgduGind, &expginfo);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
for (i = 0; i < priorMax && duToDistribute > 0; i++)
lserr = ApplyPriorGlyphExp(plsgrchnk, lstflow, lsdev, itxtobjFirst, iwchFirst, itxtobjLast, iwchLast,
i + 1, duToDistribute, &expginfo.pexpg[i], rgdu, rgduGind, rgduRight, rgduGright,
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
Assert(duDistributed <= duToDistribute);
duToDistribute -= duDistributed;
FixExpt(plsgrchnk, itxtobjFirst, iwchFirst, itxtobjLast, iwchLast, rgduGright);
if (duToDistribute > 0 && expginfo.cResidual > 0)
ApplyResidualGlyphExp(plsgrchnk, itxtobjFirst, iwchFirst, itxtobjLast, iwchLast, duToDistribute,
expginfo.cResidual, rgduGind, rgduGright, &duDistributed);
Assert(duDistributed == duToDistribute);
duToDistribute = 0;
*pfFullyJustified = (duToDistribute == 0);
return lserrNone;
/* C O L L E C T G L Y P H E X P I N F O */
%%Function: CollectGlyphExpInfo
%%Contact: sergeyge
Collects expansion information and agreagated values for
the expansion algorithm.
Spaces from character-based runs contribute as expansion opportunities
of exptAddWhiteSpace type with prior==priorSpace and duMax==lsexpinfInfinity
static LSERR CollectGlyphExpInfo(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, LSTFLOW lstflow, LSDEVICE lsdev,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchVeryFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast,
long* rgdu, long* rgduGind, EXPGINFO* pexpginfo)
LSERR lserr;
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
PLNOBJ plnobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjLast;
PLSRUN plsrun;
LSEXPINFO* plsexpinf;
EXPTYPE* pexpt;
long itxtobj;
long iwchFirst;
long iwchLim;
long igindFirst;
long igindLim;
long igind;
long iwSpace;
memset(pexpginfo->pexpg, 0, sizeof(EXPG) * pexpginfo->cExpginfo);
pexpginfo->cResidual = 0;
ptxtobjLast = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[max(0, itxtobjLast)].pdobj;
plnobj = ptxtobjLast->plnobj;
pilsobj = plnobj->pilsobj;
itxtobj = itxtobjFirst;
plsexpinf = pilsobj->plsexpinf;
pexpt = plnobj->pexpt;
while (itxtobj <= itxtobjLast)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
Assert(iwchFirst < ptxtobj->iwchLim);
igindFirst = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, iwchFirst);
plsrun = plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].plsrun;
while ((!(ptxtobj->txtf & txtfLastShaping)) && itxtobj < itxtobjLast )
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
Assert (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased);
Assert(ptxtobj->igindFirst == ((PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj-1].pdobj)->igindLim);
Assert(ptxtobj->iwchFirst == ((PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj-1].pdobj)->iwchLim);
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
igindLim = ptxtobj->igindLim;
Assert(itxtobj <= itxtobjLast);
if (itxtobj == itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
Assert(IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1 <= igindLim);
igindLim = IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast);
while (!FIgindFirstInContext(pilsobj, igindLim) && rgduGind[igindLim] == 0)
Assert(igindLim >= ptxtobj->igindFirst);
lserr = (*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnGetGlyphExpansionInfo)(pilsobj->pols, plsrun, lsdev,
&pilsobj->pwchOrig[iwchFirst], &plnobj->pgmap[iwchFirst], iwchLim - iwchFirst,
&plnobj->pgind[igindFirst], &plnobj->pgprop[igindFirst], igindLim - igindFirst,
lstflow, itxtobj == itxtobjLast, &pexpt[igindFirst], &plsexpinf[igindFirst]);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
for (igind = igindFirst; igind < igindLim; igind++)
Assert(plsexpinf[igind].prior < priorMax);
if (plsexpinf[igind].prior > 0)
switch (pexpt[igind])
case exptAddWhiteSpace:
Assert(plsexpinf[igind].duMax > 0);
if (rgduGind[igind] > 0)
pexpginfo->pexpg[plsexpinf[igind].prior - 1].duMaxWhite += plsexpinf[igind].duMax;
pexpginfo->pexpg[plsexpinf[igind].prior - 1].duTotalWhite += rgduGind[igind];
pexpginfo->pexpg[plsexpinf[igind].prior - 1].cWhite++;
case exptAddInkContinuous:
Assert(plsexpinf[igind].duMax > 0);
Assert(plsexpinf[igind].u.AddInkContinuous.duMin > 0);
pexpginfo->pexpg[plsexpinf[igind].prior - 1].duMaxContinuous += plsexpinf[igind].duMax;
pexpginfo->pexpg[plsexpinf[igind].prior - 1].duMinContinuous +=
pexpginfo->pexpg[plsexpinf[igind].prior - 1].cContinuous++;
case exptAddInkDiscrete:
Assert(plsexpinf[igind].duMax > 0);
pexpginfo->pexpg[plsexpinf[igind].prior - 1].duMaxDiscrete += plsexpinf[igind].duMax;
pexpginfo->pexpg[plsexpinf[igind].prior - 1].cDiscrete++;
if (plsexpinf[igind].fCanBeUsedForResidual)
if (ptxtobj->txtkind == txtkindRegular)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
if (itxtobj < itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
for (iwSpace = ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesFirst; iwSpace < ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesLim &&
pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace] < iwchFirst; iwSpace++);
for (; iwSpace < ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesLim &&
pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace] < iwchLim; iwSpace++)
pexpginfo->pexpg[priorSpace - 1].duMaxWhite += lsexpinfInfinity;
pexpginfo->pexpg[priorSpace - 1].duTotalWhite += rgdu[pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace]];
pexpginfo->pexpg[priorSpace - 1].cWhite++;
return lserrNone;
/* A P P L Y P R I O R G L Y P H E X P A N D */
%%Function: ApplyPriorGlyphExpand
%%Contact: sergeyge
Applies glyph expansion for particular priority
1. Apply Discrete expansion
2. If the rest to distribute is bigger than the sum of maximus for other distribution types
use these maximums for distribution
else if sum of mimimums is less than the rest to distribute
distribute proportionally to this minimums (width of character for AddWhiteSpace type)
increase AddContinuous opportrunities by minimum one by one while possible,
distribute the rest in White opportunities proportionally
static LSERR ApplyPriorGlyphExp(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, LSTFLOW lstflow, LSDEVICE lsdev,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast,
long prior, long duToDistribute, EXPG* pexpg, long* rgdu, long* rgduGind,
long* rgduRight, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed)
LSERR lserr;
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
long duCovered;
const BOOL fWhiteOnly = fTrue;
*pduDistributed = 0;
pilsobj = ((PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[0].pdobj)->plnobj->pilsobj;
Assert(duToDistribute > 0);
if (pexpg->cDiscrete > 0)
lserr = ApplyDiscrete(plsgrchnk, lstflow, lsdev, itxtobjFirst, iwchFirst, itxtobjLast, iwchLast,
prior, duToDistribute, pexpg->cDiscrete,
rgduGind, rgduGright, &duCovered);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
Assert(duCovered <= duToDistribute);
duToDistribute -= duCovered;
*pduDistributed += duCovered;
if (duToDistribute > 0 && pexpg->cWhite + pexpg->cContinuous > 0 )
if (pexpg->duMaxWhite + pexpg->duMaxContinuous <= duToDistribute)
ApplyFullWhiteContinuous(plsgrchnk, itxtobjFirst, iwchFirst, itxtobjLast, iwchLast,
prior, rgdu, rgduGind, rgduRight, rgduGright, &duCovered);
Assert(duCovered == pexpg->duMaxWhite + pexpg->duMaxContinuous);
duToDistribute -= duCovered;
*pduDistributed += duCovered;
else if (pexpg->duTotalWhite + pexpg->duMinContinuous <= duToDistribute)
Assert(pexpg->duMaxWhite + pexpg->duMaxContinuous > duToDistribute);
ApplyPropWhiteContinuous(plsgrchnk, !fWhiteOnly,
itxtobjFirst, iwchFirst, itxtobjLast, iwchLast,
prior, duToDistribute, pexpg->duTotalWhite + pexpg->duMinContinuous,
rgdu, rgduGind, rgduRight, rgduGright, &duCovered);
duToDistribute -= duCovered;
*pduDistributed += duCovered;
Assert(pexpg->duTotalWhite + pexpg->duMinContinuous > duToDistribute);
if (pexpg->cContinuous > 0)
ApplyOneEachContinuous(plsgrchnk, itxtobjFirst, iwchFirst, itxtobjLast, iwchLast,
prior, duToDistribute, pexpg->cContinuous,
rgduGind, rgduGright, &duCovered);
duToDistribute -= duCovered;
*pduDistributed += duCovered;
if (pexpg->cWhite > 0 && duToDistribute > 0)
ApplyPropWhiteContinuous(plsgrchnk, fWhiteOnly,
itxtobjFirst, iwchFirst, itxtobjLast, iwchLast,
prior, duToDistribute, pexpg->duTotalWhite,
rgdu, rgduGind, rgduRight, rgduGright, &duCovered);
duToDistribute -= duCovered;
*pduDistributed += duCovered;
return lserrNone;
/* A P P L Y D I S C R E T E */
%%Function: ApplyDiscrete
%%Contact: sergeyge
Applies disctrete glyph expansion for particular priority
Goes ones from first to last glyph on this priority level, and chooses maximum
discrete opportunity which still fits.
LSERR static ApplyDiscrete(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, LSTFLOW lstflow, LSDEVICE lsdev,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchVeryFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast,
long prior, long duToDistribute, long cDiscrete,
long* rgduGind, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed)
LSERR lserr;
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
PLNOBJ plnobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjLast;
PLSRUN plsrun;
LSEXPINFO* plsexpinf;
EXPTYPE* pexpt;
long itxtobj;
long iwchFirst;
long iwchLim;
long igindFirst;
long igindLim;
long igind;
long rgduDiscrete[cDiscreteMax];
long* pduDiscrete;
long cwidths;
int i;
*pduDistributed = 0;
ptxtobjLast = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[max(0, itxtobjLast)].pdobj;
plnobj = ptxtobjLast->plnobj;
pilsobj = plnobj->pilsobj;
itxtobj = itxtobjFirst;
plsexpinf = pilsobj->plsexpinf;
pexpt = plnobj->pexpt;
for (itxtobj = itxtobjLast; itxtobj >= itxtobjFirst && cDiscrete > 0 && duToDistribute > 0; itxtobj--)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
Assert(iwchFirst < ptxtobj->iwchLim);
igindFirst = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, iwchFirst);
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
igindLim = ptxtobj->igindLim;
Assert(itxtobj <= itxtobjLast);
if (itxtobj == itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
Assert(IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1 <= igindLim);
igindLim = IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1;
plsrun = plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].plsrun;
for (igind = igindLim - 1; igind >= igindFirst && cDiscrete > 0 && duToDistribute > 0; igind--)
if (pexpt[igind] == exptAddInkDiscrete && plsexpinf[igind].prior == prior)
if (duToDistribute > plsexpinf[igind].duMax)
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, plsexpinf[igind].duMax);
duToDistribute -= plsexpinf[igind].duMax;
pduDiscrete = rgduDiscrete;
cwidths = plsexpinf[igind].u.AddInkDiscrete.cwidths - 1;
if (cwidths > cDiscreteMax)
pduDiscrete = (*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnNewPtr)(pilsobj->pols, sizeof(long) * cwidths);
if (pduDiscrete == NULL) return lserrOutOfMemory;
lserr = (pilsobj->plscbk->pfnGetGlyphExpansionInkInfo)(pilsobj->pols, plsrun, lsdev,
plnobj->pgind[igind], plnobj->pgprop[igind], lstflow, cwidths, pduDiscrete);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
if (pduDiscrete != rgduDiscrete)
(*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnDisposePtr)(pilsobj->pols, pduDiscrete);
return lserr;
#ifdef DEBUG
for (i = 0; i < cwidths - 1; i++)
Assert(pduDiscrete[i] <= pduDiscrete[i+1]);
for (i = cwidths - 1; i >= 0 && pduDiscrete[i] > duToDistribute; i--);
if (i >= 0)
Assert(pduDiscrete[i] <= duToDistribute);
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, pduDiscrete[i]);
duToDistribute -= pduDiscrete[i];
if (pduDiscrete != rgduDiscrete)
(*pilsobj->plscbk->pfnDisposePtr)(pilsobj->pols, pduDiscrete);
return lserrNone;
/* A P P L Y O N E E A C H C O N T I N U O U S */
%%Function: ApplyOneEachContinuous
%%Contact: sergeyge
Applies glyph expansion for particular priority
Goes ones from first to last glyph on this priority level, and adds minimum
to each glyph with AddIncContinuous exapnsion type, if this minimum still fits
static void ApplyOneEachContinuous(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, long itxtobjFirst, long iwchVeryFirst,
long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast, long prior, long duToDistribute, long cContinuous,
long* rgduGind, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed)
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
PLNOBJ plnobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjLast;
LSEXPINFO* plsexpinf;
EXPTYPE* pexpt;
long itxtobj;
long iwchFirst;
long iwchLim;
long igindFirst;
long igindLim;
long igind;
*pduDistributed = 0;
ptxtobjLast = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[max(0, itxtobjLast)].pdobj;
plnobj = ptxtobjLast->plnobj;
pilsobj = plnobj->pilsobj;
itxtobj = itxtobjFirst;
plsexpinf = pilsobj->plsexpinf;
pexpt = plnobj->pexpt;
for (itxtobj = itxtobjLast; itxtobj >= itxtobjFirst && cContinuous > 0 && duToDistribute > 0; itxtobj--)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
Assert(iwchFirst < ptxtobj->iwchLim);
igindFirst = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, iwchFirst);
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
igindLim = ptxtobj->igindLim;
Assert(itxtobj <= itxtobjLast);
if (itxtobj == itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
Assert(IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1 <= igindLim);
igindLim = IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1;
for (igind = igindLim - 1; igind >= igindFirst && cContinuous> 0 && duToDistribute > 0; igind--)
if (pexpt[igind] == exptAddInkContinuous && plsexpinf[igind].prior == prior)
if (duToDistribute > plsexpinf[igind].u.AddInkContinuous.duMin)
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, plsexpinf[igind].u.AddInkContinuous.duMin);
duToDistribute -= plsexpinf[igind].u.AddInkContinuous.duMin;
/* A P P L Y F U L L W H I T E C O N T I N U O U S */
%%Function: ApplyFullWhiteContinuous
%%Contact: sergeyge
Applies glyph expansion for particular priority
Goes ones from first to last glyph on this priority level, and adds maximum
to each glyph with AddIncContinuous or AddWhiteSpace exapnsion type
static void ApplyFullWhiteContinuous(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchVeryFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast,
long prior,
long* rgdu, long* rgduGind, long* rgduRight, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed)
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
PLNOBJ plnobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjLast;
LSEXPINFO* plsexpinf;
EXPTYPE* pexpt;
long itxtobj;
long iwchFirst;
long iwchLim;
long igindFirst;
long igindLim;
long igind;
long iwSpace;
*pduDistributed = 0;
ptxtobjLast = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[max(0, itxtobjLast)].pdobj;
plnobj = ptxtobjLast->plnobj;
pilsobj = plnobj->pilsobj;
itxtobj = itxtobjFirst;
plsexpinf = pilsobj->plsexpinf;
pexpt = plnobj->pexpt;
for (itxtobj = itxtobjFirst; itxtobj <= itxtobjLast; itxtobj++)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
Assert(iwchFirst < ptxtobj->iwchLim);
igindFirst = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, iwchFirst);
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
igindLim = ptxtobj->igindLim;
Assert(itxtobj <= itxtobjLast);
if (itxtobj == itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
Assert(IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1 <= igindLim);
igindLim = IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1;
for (igind = igindFirst; igind < igindLim; igind++)
if (plsexpinf[igind].prior == prior &&
(pexpt[igind] == exptAddWhiteSpace || pexpt[igind] == exptAddInkContinuous))
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, plsexpinf[igind].duMax);
if (ptxtobj->txtkind == txtkindRegular && prior == priorSpace)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
if (itxtobj < itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
for (iwSpace = ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesFirst; iwSpace < ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesLim &&
pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace] < iwchFirst; iwSpace++);
for (; iwSpace < ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesLim &&
pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace] < iwchLim; iwSpace++)
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace], rgdu, rgduRight, pduDistributed, lsexpinfInfinity);
/* A P P L Y P R O P W H I T E C O N T I N U O U S */
%%Function: ApplyPropWhiteContinuous
%%Contact: sergeyge
Applies glyph expansion for particular priority
Goes ones from first to last glyph on this priority level, and increases width
for each glyph with AddIncContinuous or AddWhiteSpace exapnsion type
proportionally to its minimum (for InkCont) or width of character (for WhiteSpace).
static void ApplyPropWhiteContinuous(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, BOOL fWhiteOnly,
long itxtobjFirst, long iwchVeryFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast, long prior,
long duToDistribute, long duDenom,
long* rgdu, long* rgduGind, long* rgduRight, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed)
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
PLNOBJ plnobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjLast;
LSEXPINFO* plsexpinf;
EXPTYPE* pexpt;
long itxtobj;
long iwchFirst;
long iwchLim;
long igindFirst;
long igindLim;
long igind;
long cWhole;
long duAddCurrent;
long duDebt;
long duRest;
long duChange;
long iwch;
long iwSpace;
long duDebtSaved;
*pduDistributed = 0;
ptxtobjLast = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[max(0, itxtobjLast)].pdobj;
plnobj = ptxtobjLast->plnobj;
pilsobj = plnobj->pilsobj;
plsexpinf = pilsobj->plsexpinf;
pexpt = plnobj->pexpt;
cWhole = duToDistribute / duDenom;
duRest = duToDistribute - cWhole * duDenom;
duAddCurrent = 0;
duDebt = 0;
for (itxtobj = itxtobjFirst; itxtobj <= itxtobjLast; itxtobj++)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
Assert(iwchFirst < ptxtobj->iwchLim);
igindFirst = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, iwchFirst);
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
igindLim = ptxtobj->igindLim;
Assert(itxtobj <= itxtobjLast);
if (itxtobj == itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
Assert(IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1 <= igindLim);
igindLim = IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1;
for (igind = igindFirst; igind < igindLim; igind++)
if (plsexpinf[igind].prior == prior)
if (pexpt[igind] == exptAddWhiteSpace)
Assert(rgduGright[igind] == 0 || pexpt[igind] == exptAddInkDiscrete);
CalcExpandChanges(cWhole, duDenom, duRest,
rgduGind[igind], plsexpinf[igind].duMax, &duChange, &duAddCurrent);
if (duChange > 0)
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, duChange);
else if (pexpt[igind] == exptAddInkContinuous && !fWhiteOnly)
Assert(rgduGright[igind] == 0 || pexpt[igind] == exptAddInkDiscrete);
CalcExpandChanges(cWhole, duDenom, duRest, plsexpinf[igind].u.AddInkContinuous.duMin,
plsexpinf[igind].duMax, &duChange, &duAddCurrent);
if (duChange > 0)
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, duChange);
if (ptxtobj->txtkind == txtkindRegular && prior == priorSpace)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
if (itxtobj < itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
for (iwSpace = ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesFirst; iwSpace < ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesLim &&
pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace] < iwchFirst; iwSpace++);
for (; iwSpace < ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesLim &&
pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace] < iwchLim; iwSpace++)
iwch = pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace];
CalcExpandChanges(cWhole, duDenom, duRest, rgdu[iwch], lsexpinfInfinity,
&duChange, &duAddCurrent);
if (duChange > 0)
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(iwch, rgdu, rgduRight, pduDistributed, duChange);
duDebt = duToDistribute - *pduDistributed;
Assert(duDebt >= 0);
/* If not everything distributed, distribute it somehow not violating Min/Max boundaries */
duDebtSaved = 0;
while (duDebt > 0 && duDebt != duDebtSaved)
duDebtSaved = duDebt;
for (itxtobj = itxtobjLast; itxtobj >= itxtobjFirst && duDebt > 0; itxtobj--)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
Assert(iwchFirst < ptxtobj->iwchLim);
igindFirst = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, iwchFirst);
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
igindLim = ptxtobj->igindLim;
Assert(itxtobj <= itxtobjLast);
if (itxtobj == itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
Assert(IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1 <= igindLim);
igindLim = IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1;
for (igind = igindLim - 1; igind >= igindFirst && duDebt > 0; igind--)
if (plsexpinf[igind].prior == prior && rgduGright[igind] < plsexpinf[igind].duMax)
if (pexpt[igind] == exptAddWhiteSpace)
duChange = min(rgduGind[igind] - rgduGright[igind], min(duDebt, plsexpinf[igind].duMax - rgduGright[igind]));
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, duChange);
duDebt -= duChange;
else if (pexpt[igind] == exptAddInkContinuous && !fWhiteOnly)
Assert(rgduGright[igind] > 0);
duChange = min(plsexpinf[igind].u.AddInkContinuous.duMin, min(duDebt, plsexpinf[igind].duMax - rgduGright[igind]));
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, duChange);
duDebt -= duChange;
if (ptxtobj->txtkind == txtkindRegular && prior == priorSpace)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
if (itxtobj < itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
for (iwSpace = ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesLim - 1; iwSpace >= ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesFirst &&
pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace] >= iwchLim; iwSpace--);
for (; iwSpace >= ptxtobj->u.reg.iwSpacesFirst &&
pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace] >= iwchFirst && duDebt > 0; iwSpace--)
iwch = pilsobj->pwSpaces[iwSpace];
duChange = min(rgdu[iwch] - rgduRight[iwch], duDebt);
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(iwch, rgdu, rgduRight, pduDistributed, duChange);
duDebt -= duChange;
Assert(duDebt == duToDistribute - *pduDistributed);
/* A P P L Y R E S I D U A L G L Y P H E X P */
%%Function: ApplyResidualGlyphExp
%%Contact: sergeyge
Distributes equally between all risidual opportunities
static void ApplyResidualGlyphExp(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, long itxtobjFirst,
long iwchVeryFirst, long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast, long duToDistribute,
long cResidual, long* rgduGind, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed)
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjLast;
LSEXPINFO* plsexpinf;
long itxtobj;
long iwchFirst;
long iwchLim;
long igindFirst;
long igindLim;
long igind;
long cUsed;
long duAdd;
long cBound;
*pduDistributed = 0;
if (cResidual == 0)
ptxtobjLast = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[max(0, itxtobjLast)].pdobj;
pilsobj = ptxtobjLast->plnobj->pilsobj;
itxtobj = itxtobjFirst;
plsexpinf = pilsobj->plsexpinf;
duAdd = duToDistribute / cResidual;
cBound = duToDistribute - duAdd * cResidual;
cUsed = 0;
for (itxtobj = itxtobjFirst; itxtobj <= itxtobjLast; itxtobj++)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
Assert(iwchFirst < ptxtobj->iwchLim);
igindFirst = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, iwchFirst);
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
igindLim = ptxtobj->igindLim;
Assert(itxtobj <= itxtobjLast);
if (itxtobj == itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
Assert(IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1 <= igindLim);
igindLim = IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1;
for (igind = igindFirst; igind < igindLim; igind++)
if (plsexpinf[igind].fCanBeUsedForResidual)
if (cUsed < cBound)
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, duAdd + 1);
ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(igind, rgduGind, rgduGright, pduDistributed, duAdd);
Assert(duToDistribute == *pduDistributed);
/* F I X E X P T */
%%Function: FixExpt
%%Contact: sergeyge
Zeroes expt for the glyphs which were not changed,
so correct distribution type is passed to client at display time
static void FixExpt(const LSGRCHNK* plsgrchnk, long itxtobjFirst, long iwchVeryFirst,
long itxtobjLast, long iwchLast, long* rgduGright)
PTXTOBJ ptxtobj;
PTXTOBJ ptxtobjLast;
EXPTYPE* pexpt;
long itxtobj;
long iwchFirst;
long iwchLim;
long igindFirst;
long igindLim;
long igind;
ptxtobjLast = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[max(0, itxtobjLast)].pdobj;
pexpt = ptxtobjLast->plnobj->pexpt;
itxtobj = itxtobjFirst;
for (itxtobj = itxtobjFirst; itxtobj <= itxtobjLast; itxtobj++)
ptxtobj = (PTXTOBJ)plsgrchnk->plschnk[itxtobj].pdobj;
if (ptxtobj->txtf & txtfGlyphBased)
iwchFirst = iwchVeryFirst;
if (itxtobj > itxtobjFirst)
iwchFirst = ptxtobj->iwchFirst;
Assert(iwchFirst < ptxtobj->iwchLim);
igindFirst = IgindFirstFromIwch(ptxtobj, iwchFirst);
iwchLim = ptxtobj->iwchLim;
igindLim = ptxtobj->igindLim;
Assert(itxtobj <= itxtobjLast);
if (itxtobj == itxtobjLast)
iwchLim = iwchLast + 1;
Assert(IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1 <= igindLim);
igindLim = IgindLastFromIwch(ptxtobjLast, iwchLast) + 1;
for (igind = igindFirst; igind < igindLim; igind++)
if (rgduGright[igind] == 0)
pexpt[igind] = 0;
/* C A L C E X P A N D C H A N G E S */
%%Function: CalcExpandChanges
%%Contact: sergeyge
Arithmetics for proportional distribution
static void CalcExpandChanges(long cWhole, long duDenom, long duRest, long duLocal, long duMax,
long* pduChange, long* pduAddCurrent)
/* REVIEW sergeyge: is __int64 necessary to avoid overflow??? */
__int64 temp;
temp = Mul64 (duRest, duLocal) + *pduAddCurrent;
Assert(duDenom > 0);
Assert(Div64 (temp, duDenom) < 0x7FFFFFFF);
*pduChange = (long) Div64 (temp, duDenom);
Assert( temp - Mul64(*pduChange, duDenom) < 0x7FFFFFFF);
*pduAddCurrent = (long)(temp - Mul64(*pduChange, duDenom));
*pduChange += (cWhole * duLocal);
if (*pduChange > duMax)
*pduChange = duMax;
/* A P P L Y G L Y P H E X P A N D C H A N G E S */
%%Function: ApplyGlyphExpandChanges
%%Contact: sergeyge
static void ApplyGlyphExpandChanges(long ind, long* rgduGind, long* rgduGright, long* pduDistributed, long duChange)
rgduGind[ind] += duChange;
rgduGright[ind] += duChange;
*pduDistributed += duChange;