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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
// File: combstr.h
#ifndef COMBSTR_H
#define COMBSTR_H
#ifndef BOOL_H
#include <bool.h>
#ifndef STRCONV_H
#include <strconv.h>
namespace microsoft {
namespace com {
class bstr
//REVIEW: need to add support for copy-on-write iterators.
public: bstr() throw()
: m_Data(NULL)
public: bstr(const bstr& s) throw()
: m_Data(s.m_Data)
public: bstr(const char* s) throw()
: m_Data(new Data(s))
public: bstr(const wchar_t* s) throw()
: m_Data(new Data(s))
public: ~bstr() throw()
public: bstr& operator=(const bstr& s) throw()
m_Data = s.m_Data;
return *this;
public: bstr& operator=(const char* s) throw()
m_Data = new Data(s);
return *this;
public: bstr& operator=(const wchar_t* s) throw()
m_Data = new Data(s);
return *this;
public: bstr& operator+=(const bstr& s) throw()
Data* newData = new Data(*this, s);
m_Data = newData;
return *this;
public: bstr operator+(const bstr& s) const throw()
bstr b = *this;
b += s;
return b;
public: operator const wchar_t*() const throw()
return m_Data ? m_Data->GetWString() : NULL;
public: operator const char*() const throw()
return m_Data ? m_Data->GetString() : NULL;
public: bool operator!() const throw()
return m_Data ? !m_Data->GetWString() : true;
public: bool operator==(const bstr& str) const throw()
return _Compare(str) == 0;
public: bool operator!=(const bstr& str) const throw()
return _Compare(str) != 0;
public: bool operator<(const bstr& str) const throw()
return _Compare(str) < 0;
public: bool operator>(const bstr& str) const throw()
return _Compare(str) > 0;
public: bool operator<=(const bstr& str) const throw()
return _Compare(str) <= 0;
public: bool operator>=(const bstr& str) const throw()
return _Compare(str) >= 0;
public: BSTR copy() const throw()
return m_Data ? m_Data->Copy() : NULL;
public: unsigned int length() const throw()
return m_Data ? m_Data->length() : 0;
//REVIEW: create size(of)()
private: class Data
public: Data(const char* s) throw()
: m_str(NULL), m_RefCount(1)
if (s)
m_wstr = str2BSTR(s);
else m_wstr = NULL;
public: Data(const wchar_t* s) throw()
: m_str(NULL), m_RefCount(1)
if (s)
m_wstr = wcs2BSTR(s);
else m_wstr = NULL;
public: Data(const bstr& s1, const bstr& s2)
: m_str(NULL), m_RefCount(1)
const unsigned int l1 = s1.length();
const unsigned int l2 = s2.length();
m_wstr=SysAllocStringLen(s1, l1+l2);
memcpy(m_wstr+l1, static_cast<const wchar_t*>(s2), l2+1);
public: unsigned long AddRef() throw()
return m_RefCount;
public: unsigned long Release() throw()
//REVIEW: may not want InterlockedDecrement for simple speed cases?
if (!InterlockedDecrement(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&m_RefCount)))
delete this;
return m_RefCount;
public: operator const wchar_t*() const throw()
return m_wstr;
public: operator const char*() const throw()
return GetString();
public: const wchar_t* GetWString() const throw()
return m_wstr;
public: const char* GetString() const throw()
if (!m_str && m_wstr)
const unsigned int len=SysStringLen(m_wstr)+1;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1100
m_str = new char[len];
memcpy(m_str, WCS2STR(m_wstr), len);
#else //REVIEW: Strip after v5 ships
const_cast<Data*>(this)->m_str = new char[len];
memcpy(const_cast<Data*>(this)->m_str, WCS2STR(m_wstr), len);
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1100
return m_str;
public: BSTR Copy() const throw()
return m_wstr ? SysAllocStringLen(m_wstr, SysStringLen(m_wstr)) : NULL;
public: unsigned int length()
return m_wstr ? SysStringLen(m_wstr) : 0;
private: wchar_t* m_wstr;
private: mutable char* m_str;
private: unsigned long m_RefCount;
private: Data()
// Never allow default construction
private: Data(const Data& s) throw()
// Never allow copy
: m_str(NULL), m_RefCount(1)
if (s.m_wstr)
m_wstr = SysAllocStringLen(s.m_wstr, SysStringLen(s.m_wstr));
else m_wstr = NULL;
private: ~Data()
// Prevent deletes from outside. Release() must be used.
// ASSERT if the count is not 0
private: void _Free()
if (m_wstr)
if (m_str)
delete m_str;
}; // class Data
private: Data* m_Data;
private: void _AddRef()
if (m_Data)
private: void _Free() throw()
if (m_Data)
m_Data = NULL;
private: int _Compare(const bstr& str) const throw()
if (m_Data == str.m_Data)
return 0;
if (!m_Data && str.m_Data)
return -1;
if (m_Data && !str.m_Data)
return 1;
#ifndef OLE2ANSI
return wcscmp(*m_Data, str);
return strcmp(*m_Data, str);
}; // class bstr
} // namespace com
} // namespace microsoft
using namespace microsoft;
using namespace com;
#endif // COMBSTR_H