
180 lines
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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
Dialog_ Control Type X Y Width Height Attributes Property Text Control_Next Help
s72 s50 s20 i2 i2 i2 i2 I4 S50 L0 S50 L50
Control Dialog_ Control
ActionDialog ActionData Text 12 30 456 12 3
ActionDialog ActionProgress95 ProgressBar 12 50 350 20 65537 Progress done
ActionDialog ActionText Text 12 10 456 12 3
ActionDialog Cancel PushButton 378 50 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel
AdminInstallBrowse Cancel PushButton 380 210 90 20 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel ComboText
AdminInstallBrowse Combo DirectoryCombo 110 10 300 80 458755 TARGETDIR Up
AdminInstallBrowse ComboText Text 10 10 90 20 3 &Location of folder: Combo
AdminInstallBrowse List DirectoryList 10 40 460 110 3 TARGETDIR TailText
AdminInstallBrowse NewFolder PushButton 450 10 20 20 3670019 New List create new folder|
AdminInstallBrowse OK PushButton 380 160 90 20 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK Cancel
AdminInstallBrowse Tail PathEdit 110 160 260 20 3 TARGETDIR OK
AdminInstallBrowse TailText Text 10 160 90 20 3 &Selected path: Tail
AdminInstallBrowse Up PushButton 420 10 20 20 3670019 Up NewFolder go to parent folder|
AdminInstallPoint Back PushButton 204 270 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}< &Back Next
AdminInstallPoint Browse PushButton 306 120 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}B&rowse Cancel
AdminInstallPoint Cancel PushButton 102 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Back
AdminInstallPoint Edit PathEdit 130 90 266 20 3 TARGETDIR Browse
AdminInstallPoint EditQ Text 130 70 270 18 3 Network &installation point: Edit
AdminInstallPoint Next PushButton 306 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next > EditQ
AdminInstallPoint Text Text 130 40 270 18 3 Where would you like to create your install?
Browse Cancel PushButton 380 210 90 20 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel ComboText
Browse Combo DirectoryCombo 80 10 330 80 983051 _BrowseProperty Up
Browse ComboText Text 10 10 90 20 3 &Look in: Combo
Browse List DirectoryList 10 40 460 135 11 _BrowseProperty List of directories TailText
Browse NewFolder PushButton 450 10 20 20 3670019 New List create new folder|
Browse OK PushButton 380 185 90 20 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK Cancel
Browse Tail PathEdit 80 185 295 20 11 _BrowseProperty OK
Browse TailText Text 10 190 90 20 3 &Folder name: Tail
Browse Up PushButton 420 10 20 20 3670019 Up NewFolder go to parent folder|
Cancel No PushButton 84 90 60 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&No Yes
Cancel Text Text 12 12 216 12 3 Are you sure you want to cancel?
Cancel Yes PushButton 12 90 60 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Yes No
CCPDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel OK
CCPDialog Drive VolumeSelectCombo 12 136 200 100 2621443 CCP_DRIVE Cancel
CCPDialog DriveText Text 12 110 100 18 3 Drive: Drive
CCPDialog OK PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next>> DriveText
CCPDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous
CCPDialog Text Text 12 24 400 80 3 Setup failed to locate a qualifying product on your hard drive(s). Please select the drive that contains the qualifying product.
CCPFail OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 Exit
CCPFail Text Text 12 12 400 80 3 Setup has failed to locate a qualifying product. If you feel cheated, please contact Microsoft.
CustomCompleteDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
CustomCompleteDialog CompleteText Text 20 120 400 80 2 This selection will install all the components of the product.
CustomCompleteDialog CustomText Text 20 120 400 80 2 This selection will give you complete control over what components will be installed.
CustomCompleteDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> SomethingElse
CustomCompleteDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
CustomCompleteDialog SomethingElse RadioButtonGroup 20 20 400 80 3 InstallMode Cancel
CustomCompleteDialog TypicalText Text 20 120 400 80 2 This selection will install the most frequently used components.
DiskCost List VolumeCostList 12 70 450 100 393219 List of volumes
DiskCost OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 OK
DiskCost Text Text 12 12 400 40 3 The current selections require the following amount of disk space on the different volumes. The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features.
ErrorDialog A PushButton 100 160 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel
ErrorDialog C PushButton 100 160 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel
ErrorDialog ErrorText Text 125 20 155 130 3 {&Times9}
ErrorDialog I PushButton 100 160 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Ignore
ErrorDialog N PushButton 100 160 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&No
ErrorDialog O PushButton 100 160 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK
ErrorDialog R PushButton 100 160 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Retry
ErrorDialog Y PushButton 100 160 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Yes
ExitDialog OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}OK
ExitDialog Text Text 110 40 360 12 3 Install has completed successfully.
FastMaintenanceDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel InstallNow
FastMaintenanceDialog InstallNow PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Install Now Cancel
FastMaintenanceDialog Text Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you ready to install?
FastMaintenanceDialog Text2 Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you ready to complete your suspended installation?
FatalError Continue PushButton 300 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Continue Later OK
FatalError OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK Restore
FatalError Restore PushButton 100 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Restore Continue
FatalError Text Text 100 40 370 50 3 Installation ended prematurely because of an error.
FatalError Text2 Text 100 100 370 50 3 Do you want to restore the system to its previous state, or do you want to continue the installation at a later time?
FilesInUse Exit PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Exit Retry
FilesInUse Ignore PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Ignore Text
FilesInUse List ListBox 12 70 450 100 3 FileInUseProcess Exit
FilesInUse Retry PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Retry Ignore
FilesInUse Text Text 12 12 460 18 3 The &following applications should be closed before continuing the install: List
FirstInstallDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Next
FirstInstallDialog Line Line 12 80 456 1 1
FirstInstallDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> Cancel
FirstInstallDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous
FirstInstallDialog Text Text 12 12 400 60 3 ProductName Welcome to [ProductName].
FirstMaintenanceDialog AddRemove PushButton 20 20 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Add/Remove RemoveAll
FirstMaintenanceDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
FirstMaintenanceDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> AddRemove
FirstMaintenanceDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
FirstMaintenanceDialog Reinstall PushButton 20 100 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}R&einstall ReinstallMode
FirstMaintenanceDialog ReinstallMode PushButton 120 100 150 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Select reinstall mode Cancel
FirstMaintenanceDialog RemoveAll PushButton 20 60 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Remove All Reinstall
FirstRun Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
FirstRun NameE Edit 100 12 300 20 3 USERNAME {47} OrgQ
FirstRun NameQ Text 12 12 80 18 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}N&ame: NameE
FirstRun Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> NameQ
FirstRun OrgE Edit 100 40 300 20 3 COMPANYNAME {53} PIDQ
FirstRun OrgQ Text 12 40 80 18 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}&Organization: OrgE
FirstRun PIDE MaskedEdit 12 90 450 15 3 PIDKEY [PIDTemplate] Cancel
FirstRun PIDQ Text 12 70 450 20 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}Please, enter the product &ID found on your CD box. PIDE
FirstRun Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
FirstRun2 Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
FirstRun2 Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK Cancel
FirstRun2 PIDNumber Text 20 80 440 25 3 {\TimesRed16}[ProductID]
FirstRun2 PIDText Text 20 20 440 40 3 This is your product ID number:
FirstRun2 Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
IdentityDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
IdentityDialog NameE Edit 100 12 300 20 3 USERNAME {47} OrgQ
IdentityDialog NameQ Text 12 12 80 18 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}N&ame: NameE
IdentityDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> NameQ
IdentityDialog OrgE Edit 100 40 300 20 3 COMPANYNAME {53} PIDQ
IdentityDialog OrgQ Text 12 40 80 18 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}&Organization: OrgE
IdentityDialog PIDE MaskedEdit 12 90 450 15 3 PIDKEY [PIDTemplate] Cancel
IdentityDialog PIDQ Text 12 70 450 20 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}Please, enter the product &ID found on your CD box. PIDE
IdentityDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
OutOfDisk List VolumeCostList 12 70 450 100 3 List of volumes
OutOfDisk OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}OK
OutOfDisk Text Text 12 12 400 40 3 Out of disk space. The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features.
PIDDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
PIDDialog NameDbLang Text 180 100 200 15 3 [USERNAME]
PIDDialog NameTDbLang Text 20 100 150 15 3 User Name (w/ database's font):
PIDDialog NameTUserLang Text 20 80 150 15 3 User Name (w/ user's UI font):
PIDDialog NameUserLang Text 180 80 200 15 1048579 [USERNAME]
PIDDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> Cancel
PIDDialog PIDNumber Text 20 40 440 25 3 {\TimesRed16}[ProductID]
PIDDialog PIDText Text 20 20 440 15 3 This is your product ID number:
PIDDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
PreActionDialog ActionData Text 12 50 456 12 3
PreActionDialog ActionText Text 12 30 456 30 3 Please, wait while we prepare for the installation.
PreActionDialog Cancel PushButton 378 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel
Reinstall Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
Reinstall Complete PushButton 20 100 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}C&omplete Cancel
Reinstall CompleteText Text 125 100 260 25 3 {\Times9}Replace all files, rewrite all registry entries, fix up all shortcuts
Reinstall Minimal PushButton 20 20 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Minimal Normal
Reinstall MinimalText Text 125 20 260 25 3 {\Times9}Replace only missing files, rewrite machine registry entries
Reinstall Normal PushButton 20 60 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Normal Complete
Reinstall NormalText Text 125 60 260 25 3 {\Times9}Replace all files whose versions don't match exactly, rewrite all registry entries
Reinstall Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Minimal
ReinstallMode Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel OK
ReinstallMode OK PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK ReinstallRepair
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileChecksum CheckBox 20 110 400 18 3 ReinstallFileChecksum Reinstall if exe or dll has an invalid checksum ReinstallFileForce
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileEqualVersion CheckBox 20 70 400 18 3 ReinstallFileEqualVersion Reinstall if file is missing, or an older or equal version exists ReinstallFileExact
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileExact CheckBox 20 90 400 18 3 ReinstallFileDifferingVersion Reinstall if existing file has a different version ReinstallFileChecksum
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileForce CheckBox 20 130 400 18 3 ReinstallFileForceAll &Force all files to be reinstalled, regardless of checksum or version ReinstallUserData
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileOlderVersion CheckBox 20 50 400 18 3 ReinstallFileOlderVersion Reinstall if file is missing, or an older version exists ReinstallFileEqualVersion
ReinstallMode ReinstallFilePresent CheckBox 20 30 400 18 3 ReinstallFilePresent Reinstall only if file is missing ReinstallFileOlderVersion
ReinstallMode ReinstallMachineData CheckBox 20 170 400 18 3 ReinstallMachineData Verify that required local &machine registry entries are present ReinstallShortcut
ReinstallMode ReinstallRepair CheckBox 20 10 400 18 3 ReinstallRepair &Repair all detected reinstall problems ReinstallFilePresent
ReinstallMode ReinstallShortcut CheckBox 20 190 400 18 3 ReinstallShortcut Validate shortcuts Cancel
ReinstallMode ReinstallUserData CheckBox 20 150 400 18 3 ReinstallUserData Verify that required &user registry entries are present ReinstallMachineData
SelectionDialog ActionDescription Text 255 80 210 25 3 {&Times9}Description of the currently selected action xxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
SelectionDialog Browse PushButton 400 172 69 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Browse Reset
SelectionDialog Cancel PushButton 72 211 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
SelectionDialog DiskCost PushButton 378 211 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Disk Cost Tree
SelectionDialog ItemDescription Text 255 25 210 50 3 Multiline description of the currently selected item xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xx xxxxx xxxxx x
SelectionDialog LocationFrame GroupBox 5 150 470 83 1
SelectionDialog LocationPath Text 50 177 325 31 1048579 Path
SelectionDialog LocationText Text 12 160 200 18 3 Current location:
SelectionDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> DiskCost
SelectionDialog Previous PushButton 174 211 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
SelectionDialog Reset PushButton 10 211 50 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Reset Cancel
SelectionDialog SelectionFrame GroupBox 250 10 225 140 1
SelectionDialog Size Text 255 105 210 40 3 {&Times9}The size of the current selection xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx
SelectionDialog Tree SelectionTree 5 17 230 132 3 _BrowseProperty Tree of selections Browse
UserExit Continue PushButton 300 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Continue Later OK
UserExit OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK Restore
UserExit Restore PushButton 100 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Restore Continue
UserExit Text Text 100 40 370 50 3 Test Install was interrupted before your new software was fully installed. You can run Install at another time.
UserExit Text2 Text 100 100 370 50 3 Do you want to restore the system to its prvious state, or you want to continue the installation at a later time?
VerifyReadyAdmin Back PushButton 204 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Back InstallNow
VerifyReadyAdmin Cancel PushButton 102 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Back
VerifyReadyAdmin InstallNow PushButton 306 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Install Now Cancel
VerifyReadyAdmin Text Text 130 10 270 60 3 Are you ready to install?
VerifyReadyDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
VerifyReadyDialog InstallNow PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Install Now Cancel
VerifyReadyDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous InstallNow
VerifyReadyDialog Text Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you ready to install?
VerifyReadyDialog Text2 Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you ready to complete your suspended installation?
VerifyRemoveAll Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
VerifyRemoveAll Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous RemoveNow
VerifyRemoveAll RemoveNow PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Remove Now Cancel
VerifyRemoveAll Text Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you sure you want to remove everything?