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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// T126OBJ.HPP
// Drawing objects: point, openpolyline, closepolyline, ellipse
// Copyright Microsoft 1998-
void GetDestinationAddress(DrawingDestinationAddress *DestinationAddress, PUINT workspaceHandle, PUINT planeID);
void NormalizeRect(LPRECT lprc);
void CreateNonStandardPDU(NonStandardParameter * sipdu, LPSTR NonStandardString);
void TimeToGetGCCHandles(ULONG numberOfGccHandles);
// Member ID
#define MAKE_MEMBER_ID(nid,uid) (MAKELONG((nid),(uid)))
typedef ULONG MEMBER_ID; // loword = node_id, hiword = user_id
extern ULONG g_MyMemberID;
typedef struct
BYTE bCountryCode;
BYTE bExtension;
WORD wManufacturerCode;
BYTE nonstandardString;
class T126Obj
virtual ~T126Obj(){};
virtual void Draw(HDC hdc = NULL, BOOL bForcedDraw = FALSE, BOOL bPrinting = FALSE) = 0;
virtual void UnDraw(void) = 0;
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit(LPCRECT pRectHit) = 0;
BOOL RectangleHit(BOOL borderHit, LPCRECT pRectHit);
virtual void SetPenColor(COLORREF rgb, BOOL isPresent) = 0;
virtual BOOL GetPenColor(COLORREF * pcr) = 0;
virtual BOOL GetPenColor(RGBTRIPLE * prgb) = 0;
virtual BOOL HasFillColor(void) = 0;
virtual void SetFillColor(COLORREF rgb, BOOL isPresent) = 0;
virtual BOOL GetFillColor(COLORREF * pcr) = 0;
virtual BOOL GetFillColor(RGBTRIPLE * prgb) = 0;
virtual UINT GraphicTool(void) { return m_ToolType;}
virtual void SetViewHandle(UINT viewHandle) = 0;
// Edit stuff
virtual void ChangedAnchorPoint(void) = 0;
virtual BOOL HasAnchorPointChanged(void) = 0;
virtual void ChangedZOrder(void) = 0;
virtual BOOL HasZOrderChanged(void) = 0;
virtual void ChangedViewState(void) = 0;
virtual BOOL HasViewStateChanged(void) = 0;
virtual void ResetAttrib(void) = 0;
virtual void SetAllAttribs(void) = 0;
virtual void ChangedPenThickness(void) = 0;
virtual void OnObjectEdit(void) = 0;
virtual void OnObjectDelete(void) = 0;
virtual void SendNewObjectToT126Apps(void) = 0;
virtual void GetEncodedCreatePDU(ASN1_BUF *pBuf) = 0;
void GotGCCHandle(ULONG gccHandle);
// Draw, bitmap, or workspace object
UINT GetType(void){return m_T126ObjectType;};
void SetType(UINT type){m_T126ObjectType = type;};
// Workspace stuff
UINT GetWorkspaceHandle(void) {return m_workspaceHandle;};
void SetWorkspaceHandle(UINT handle) {m_workspaceHandle = handle;};
// Get/set plane id
void SetPlaneID(UINT planeID){m_planeID = planeID;}
UINT GetPlaneID(void) { return m_planeID; }
// This object's handle
UINT GetThisObjectHandle(void) {return m_thisObjectHandle;};
void SetThisObjectHandle(UINT handle) {m_thisObjectHandle = handle; TRACE_DEBUG(("Object 0x%08x Handle = %d", this, handle));};
// Get/set view state
void SetViewState(UINT viewState){m_viewState = viewState; ChangedViewState();}
UINT GetViewState(void) { return m_viewState;}
// Get/set zorder
void SetZOrder(ZOrder zorder);
ZOrder GetZOrder(void) { return m_zOrder; }
// Get/set anchor Point
void SetAnchorPoint(LONG x, LONG y);
void GetAnchorPoint(LPPOINT lpPoint) { *lpPoint = m_anchorPoint; }
// Get/set the bounding rectangle of the graphic object (in logical
// co-ordinates).
void SetRect(LPCRECT lprc);
void GetRect(LPRECT lprc);
void SetRectPts(POINT point1, POINT point2);
void SetBoundRectPts(POINT point1, POINT point2);
void GetBoundsRect(LPRECT lprc);
void SetBoundsRect(LPCRECT lprc);
BOOL PointInBounds(POINT point);
// Get/set the width of the pen used to draw the object
void SetPenThickness(UINT penThickness);
UINT GetPenThickness(void) { return m_penThickness;}
// Get/set penROP
void SetROP(UINT penROP) {m_penROP = penROP;}
UINT GetROP(void){return m_penROP;}
void MoveBy(int cx, int cy);
void MoveTo(int x, int y);
WBPOSITION m_MyPosition; // Returns this objects position in the list it is located
WBPOSITION GetMyPosition(void){return m_MyPosition;}
void SetMyPosition(WBPOSITION pos){m_MyPosition = pos;}
WorkspaceObj * m_pMyWorkspace;
WorkspaceObj * GetMyWorkspace(void){return m_pMyWorkspace;}
void SetMyWorkspace(WorkspaceObj * pWorkspace){m_pMyWorkspace = pWorkspace;}
void CalculateInvalidationRect(void);
void DrawMarker(LPCRECT pMarkerRect );
void DrawRect(void);
void SelectDrawingObject(void);
void UndrawMarker(LPCRECT pMarkerRect );
void UnselectDrawingObject(void);
void MoveBy(LONG x , LONG y);
void CreatedLocally(void){m_bCreatedLocally = TRUE;}
BOOL WasCreatedLocally(void){return m_bCreatedLocally;}
void ClearCreationFlags(void){m_bCreatedLocally = FALSE;}
void SelectedLocally(void);
void SelectedRemotely(void);
BOOL WasSelectedLocally(){return m_bSelectedLocally;}
BOOL WasSelectedRemotely(){return m_bSelectedRemotely;}
BOOL IsSelected(void){return (m_bSelectedLocally || m_bSelectedRemotely);}
void ClearSelectionFlags(void){m_bSelectedLocally = FALSE; m_bSelectedRemotely = FALSE;}
void EditedLocally(void){m_bEditedLocally = TRUE;}
BOOL WasEditedLocally(void){return m_bEditedLocally;}
void ClearEditionFlags(void){m_bEditedLocally = FALSE;}
void DeletedLocally(void){m_bDeleteLocally = TRUE;}
BOOL WasDeletedLocally(void){return m_bDeleteLocally;}
void ClearDeletionFlags(void){m_bDeleteLocally = FALSE;}
void SetOwnerID(ULONG ID){
TRACE_DEBUG(("SetOwnerID ID= %x",m_OwnerID));
ULONG GetOwnerID(void){return m_OwnerID;}
BOOL IAmTheOwner(void){return m_OwnerID == GET_NODE_ID_FROM_MEMBER_ID(g_MyMemberID);}
void AddToWorkspace();
UINT m_ToolType; // Tool type from UI
BOOL m_bCreatedLocally;
BOOL m_bSelectedLocally;
BOOL m_bSelectedRemotely;
BOOL m_bEditedLocally;
BOOL m_bDeleteLocally;
RECT m_boundsRect;
RECT m_rect;
ULONG m_OwnerID; // The owner of this selected object
UINT m_T126ObjectType;
UINT m_planeID; // Destination plane in workspace
UINT m_workspaceHandle; // Destination workspace for this object
UINT m_thisObjectHandle; // My own handle assigned by GCC
UINT m_viewState;
ZOrder m_zOrder;
POINT m_anchorPoint;
UINT m_penThickness;
UINT m_penROP;
class DCDWordArray
void Add(POINT point);
BOOL ReallocateArray(void);
POINT* GetBuffer(void) { return m_pData; }
void SetSize(UINT size);
UINT GetSize(void);
POINT* operator[](UINT index){return &(m_pData[index]);}
POINT* m_pData;
UINT m_Size;
UINT m_MaxSize;