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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
* *
* Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation *
* *
* Module Name: *
* *
* Region to Path Conversion class. *
* *
* Abstract: *
* *
* Code from Kirk Olynyk [kirko] created 14-Sep-1993. This code will *
* convert rectangular regions to a path by analyzing the DDA pattern. *
* *
* Discussion: *
* *
* Input *
* *
* The input to the diagonalization routing is a rectangular *
* path whose vertices have integer endpoints. Moreover it *
* is required that the path always has the region on its *
* left and that successive lines are mutually orthogonal. *
* *
* All paths are in device 28.4 coordinates. (Since all of *
* the input coordinates are integers, the fractional part of all *
* coordinates is zero.) *
* *
* Output *
* *
* A path that contains the same pixels as the originl path. *
* *
* Filling Convention *
* *
* Any region bounded by two non-horizontal lines is closed *
* on the left and open on the right. If the region is bounded *
* by two horizontal lines, it is closed on the top and open on *
* bottom. *
* *
* Definition *
* *
* A CORNER is subsequence of two lines from the orignal axial path. *
* It is convenient to partition the set of corners into two classes; *
* *
* A corner is "diagonalizable" the original two lines can be replaced *
* by a single diagonal line such that same pixels would be rendered *
* (using the filling convention defined above). *
* *
* *
* Nomenclature *
* *
* S ::= "SOUTH" ::= one pixel move in +y-direction *
* N ::= "NORTH" ::= one pixel move in -y-direction *
* E ::= "EAST" ::= one pixel move in +x direction *
* W ::= "WEST" ::= one pixel move in -x direction *
* *
* The set of diagonalizable corners are described by *
* the following regular expressions: *
* *
* *
* S(E+|W+) a one pixel move in the +y-direction *
* followed by at least one pixel in any horizontal *
* direction *
* *
* S+W an arbitary number of pixels in the +y-direction *
* followed by a single pixel move in the *
* negative x-direction. *
* *
* EN+ a one pixel move in the positive x-direction *
* followed by at least one pixel move in the negative *
* x-direction *
* *
* (E+|W+)N at least one-pixel move in the horizontal followed *
* by a single pixel move in the negative *
* y-direction. *
* *
* Algorithm *
* *
* <For each corner in the orginal path> *
* <if the corner is diagonalizable> THEN *
* *
* <just draw a single diagonal line> *
* ELSE *
* <draw both legs of the original corner> *
* END *
* *
* <Go around the path once again, merging successive *
* identical moves into single lines> *
* END *
* *
* In the code, both of these steps are done in parallel *
* *
* Further Improvements *
* *
* The output path the I generate with this algorithm will contain only *
* points that were vertices of the original axial path. A larger of *
* regular expressions could be searched for if I were willing to *
* consider using new vertices for the output path. For example *
* the regular exprssios N+WN and S+ES describe two "chicane turns" that *
* can be diagonalized. The price to be paid is the a more complex *
* code path. *
* *
#include "precomp.hpp"
* RegionToPath::ConvertRegionToPath *
* *
* Takes an enumerable clip region as input and outputs a path *
* *
* Assumptions *
* *
* 0. *this is the original path which will not be changed. *
* 1. All points on the path lie on integers *
* 2. All subpaths have the inside on the left *
* 3. All subpaths are closed *
* *
* History: *
* Mon 13-Sep-1993 15:53:50 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] *
* Wrote it. *
BOOL RegionToPath::ConvertRegionToPath(const DpRegion* inRegion,
DynPointArray& newPoints,
DynByteArray& newTypes)
BOOL result;
curIndex = 0;
// initialize array to reasonable no. of points + types
points = &newPoints;
types = &newTypes;
region = inRegion;
if (region->IsSimple())
GpRect bounds;
newPoints.Add(GpPoint(bounds.X, bounds.Y));
newPoints.Add(GpPoint(bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y));
newPoints.Add(GpPoint(bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y + bounds.Height));
newPoints.Add(GpPoint(bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height));
newTypes.Add(PathPointTypeLine | PathPointTypeCloseSubpath);
return TRUE;
// convert region to right angle piecewise line segments
if (region->GetOutlinePoints(inPoints, inTypes) == TRUE)
curPoint = (GpPoint*) inPoints.GetDataBuffer();
curType = (BYTE*) inTypes.GetDataBuffer();
BOOL result = TRUE;
lastPoint = &inPoints.Last();
while (curPoint<=lastPoint && result)
endSubpath = FALSE;
firstPoint = curPoint;
result = DiagonalizePath();
return result;
return FALSE;
* RTP_PATHMEMOBJ::bWritePoint *
* *
* This routine takes as input a candidate point for writing. However *
* this routine is smart in that it analyzes the stream of candidate *
* points looking for consecutive sub-sets of points that all lie on the *
* same line. When such a case is recognized, then only the endpoints of *
* the interpolating line are actually added to the output path. *
* *
* I do not go to a great deal of trouble to determine if a candidate *
* point is on a line. All that I do is to see if the vector increment *
* to the new point is the same as the increment between prior points *
* in the input path. *
* *
* History: *
* Mon 13-Sep-1993 15:53:35 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] *
* Wrote it. *
BOOL RegionToPath::WritePoint()
GpPoint NewAB;
BOOL result = TRUE;
int jA = curIndex;
if (outPts == 2)
NewAB.X = pts[jA].X - writePts[1].X;
NewAB.Y = pts[jA].Y - writePts[1].Y;
if (NewAB.X != AB.X || NewAB.Y != AB.Y)
writePts[0] = writePts[1];
AB = NewAB;
writePts[1] = pts[jA];
else if (outPts == 0)
writePts[0] = pts[jA];
outPts += 1;
else if (outPts == 1)
writePts[1] = pts[jA];
AB.X = writePts[1].X - writePts[0].X;
AB.Y = writePts[1].Y - writePts[0].Y;
outPts += 1;
RIP(("RegionToPath::WritePoint -- point count is bad"));
result = FALSE;
* bFetchNextPoint ... in sub-path *
* *
* History: *
* Tue 14-Sep-1993 14:13:01 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] *
* Wrote it. *
BOOL RegionToPath::FetchNextPoint()
INT oldIndex = curIndex;
curIndex = (curIndex + 1) % 3;
// only output the first point if at end of a subpath
if (endSubpath)
// end of subpath, add first point on end of new path
flags[oldIndex] = 0;
pts[oldIndex] = *firstPoint;
return TRUE;
pts[oldIndex] = *curPoint;
// check for end subpath only?
if (*curType & PathPointTypeCloseSubpath)
endSubpath = TRUE;
flags[oldIndex] = LastPointFlag;
flags[oldIndex] = 0;
return TRUE;
* Path2Region::bDiagonalizeSubPathRTP_PATHMEMOBJ::bDiagonalizeSubPath *
* *
* History: *
* Tue 14-Sep-1993 12:47:49 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] *
* Wrote it. *
inline VOID RotateBackward(INT& x, INT& y, INT& z)
INT temp;
temp = x;
x = z;
z = y;
y = temp;
inline VOID RotateForward(INT& x, INT& y, INT& z)
INT temp;
temp = x;
x = y;
y = z;
z = temp;
BOOL RegionToPath::DiagonalizePath()
INT AB; // Length of leg A->B
INT BC; // Length of second leg B->C
INT bH; // set to 1 if second leg is horizontal
INT jA,jB,jC;
register BOOL bRet = TRUE; // if FALSE then return immediately
// otherwise keep processing.
outPts = 0; // no points so far in the write buffer
curIndex = 0; // set the start of the circular buffer
lastCount = 0;
// Fill the circular buffer with the first three points of the
// path. The three member buffer, defines two successive lines, or
// one corner (the path is guaranteed to be composed of alternating
// lines along the x-axis and y-axis). I shall label the three vertices
// of the corner A,B, and C. The point A always resides at ax[j],
// point B resides at ax[iMod3[j+1]], and point C resides at
// ax[iMod3[j+2]] where j can have one of the values 0, 1, 2.
if (bRet = FetchNextPoint() && FetchNextPoint() && FetchNextPoint())
ASSERTMSG(curIndex == 0, ("RegionToPath::DiagonalizeSubPath()"
" -- curIndex != 0"));
// bH ::= <is the second leg of the corner horizontal?>
// if the second leg of the corner is horizontal set bH=1 otherwise
// set bH=0. Calculate the length of the first leg of the corner
// and save it in fxAB. Note that I do not need to use the iMod3
// modulus operation since j==0.
if (pts[2].Y == pts[1].Y)
bH = 1;
AB = pts[1].Y - pts[0].Y;
bH = 0;
AB = pts[1].X - pts[0].X;
// Start a new subpath at the first point of the subpath.
jA = 0;
jB = 1;
jC = 2;
while (bRet)
if (!(flags[jA] & LastPointFlag))
// Assert that the the legs of the corner are along
// the axes, and that the two legs are mutually
// orthogonal
ASSERTMSG(pts[jC].X == pts[jB].X || pts[jC].Y == pts[jB].Y,
("Bad Path :: C-B is not axial"));
ASSERTMSG(pts[jA].X == pts[jB].X || pts[jA].Y == pts[jB].Y,
("Bad Path :: B-A is not axial"));
(pts[jC].X - pts[jB].X) *
(pts[jB].X - pts[jA].X)
(pts[jC].Y - pts[jB].Y) *
(pts[jB].Y - pts[jA].Y)
== 0,
("Bad Path :: B-A is not orthogonal to C-B")
// If the first vertex of the corner is the last point in the
// original subpath then we terminate the processing. This point
// has either been recorded with PATHMEMOBJ::bMoveTo or
// PATHMEMOBJ::bPolyLineTo. All that remains is to close the
// subpath which is done outside the while loop
if (flags[jA] & LastPointFlag)
// There are two paths through the following if-else clause
// corners respectively. These two clauses are identical
// except for the interchange of ".x" with ".y". It might be
// a good idea to have macros or subrouines for these sections
// in order that they be guranteed to be identical.
// Is the second leg of the corner horizontal?
if (bH)
// Yes, the second leg of the corner is horizontal
BC = pts[jC].X - pts[jB].X;
// Is the corner diagonalizable?
if ((AB > 0) && ((AB == 1) || (BC == -1)))
// Yes, the corner is diagonalizable
// If the middle of the corner was the last point in the
// original path then the last point in the output path
// is the first point in the corner. This is because the
// last line in the output path is this diagonalized
// corner which will be produced automatically by the
// CloseFigure() call after this while-loop. Thus, in
// this case we would just break out of the loop.
if (flags[jB] & LastPointFlag)
// The corner is diagonalizable. This means that we are no
// longer interested in the first two points of this corner.
// We therefore fetch the next two points of the path
// an place them in our circular corner-buffer.
if (!(bRet = FetchNextPoint() && FetchNextPoint()))
// under modulo 3 arithmetic, incrementing by 2 is
// equivalent to decrementing by 1
// fxAB is set to the length of the first leg of the new
// corner.
AB = pts[jB].Y - pts[jA].Y;
// No, the corner is not diagonalizable
// The corner cannot be diagonalized. Advance the corner
// to the next point in the original path. The orientation
// of the second leg of the corner will change. The length
// of the first leg of the new corner is set equal to the
// length of the second leg of the previous corner.
if (!(bRet = FetchNextPoint()))
bH ^= 1;
AB = BC;
// Diagonalize the HORIZONTAL->VERTICAL corner
BC = pts[jC].Y - pts[jB].Y;
if ((BC < 0) && ((AB == 1) || (BC == -1)))
if (flags[jB] & LastPointFlag)
if (!(bRet = FetchNextPoint() && FetchNextPoint()))
AB = pts[jB].X - pts[jA].X;
if (!(bRet = FetchNextPoint()))
bH ^= 1;
AB = BC;
if (!(bRet = WritePoint()))
if (bRet)
ASSERTMSG(outPts == 2, ("GDI Region To Path -- numPts is not 2"));
types->Add(PathPointTypeLine | PathPointTypeCloseSubpath);