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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
* Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
* Module Name:
* pngnoncrit.hpp
* Abstract:
* Header file for a class definition that derives from SPNGREAD
* and is capable of reading non-critical chunks (using FChunk).
* Revision History:
* 9/24/99 DChinn
* Created it.
#include "libpng\spngsite.h"
#include "libpng\spngread.h"
#include "libpng\spngwrite.h"
// PNG tIME chunk definition
struct LastChangeTime
UINT16 usYear;
BYTE cMonth;
BYTE cDay;
BYTE cHour;
BYTE cMinute;
BYTE cSecond;
class GpSpngRead : public SPNGREAD
GpSpngRead::GpSpngRead(BITMAPSITE &bms, const void *pv, int cb, bool fMMX);
/* FChunk sets up the following fields, they are initialized as above
(this may be used to detect absence of the fields.) */
ULONG m_uOther; // Offset of complete GIF (msOG).
ULONG m_cbOther; // Byte count of complete GIF
ULONG m_uOA; // Offset of Office Art data (msOA).
ULONG m_cbOA; // Byte count of Office Art data.
SPNG_U32 m_ucHRM[8]; // Uninterpreted chromaticities x 100000
SPNG_U32 m_xpixels; // Pixels per metre/unknown
SPNG_U32 m_ypixels; // Pixels per metre/unknown
SPNG_U32 m_uGamma;
ULONG m_uiCCP; // Offset of ICC data
ULONG m_cbiCCP; // Length of compressed ICC data
int m_ctRNS; // Length of tRNS chunk
SPNG_U8 m_btRNS[256]; // transparency values from tRNS chunk
SPNG_U8 m_bsBit[4];
SPNG_U8 m_bIntent;
SPNG_U8 m_bpHYs; // Should be 0 or 1 for valid chunks
SPNG_U8 m_bImportant; // From msOC
bool m_fcHRM; // cHRM chunk seen
SPNG_U8* m_pTitleBuf; // Buffer for storing title
ULONG m_ulTitleLen; // Length of title buffer
SPNG_U8* m_pAuthorBuf; // Buffer for storing author
ULONG m_ulAuthorLen; // Length of author buffer
SPNG_U8* m_pCopyRightBuf; // Buffer for storing copyright
ULONG m_ulCopyRightLen; // Length of copyright buffer
SPNG_U8* m_pDescriptionBuf; // Buffer for storing Description
ULONG m_ulDescriptionLen; // Length of Description buffer
SPNG_U8* m_pCreationTimeBuf; // Buffer for storing Creation Time
ULONG m_ulCreationTimeLen; // Length of Creation Time buffer
SPNG_U8* m_pSoftwareBuf; // Buffer for storing Software
ULONG m_ulSoftwareLen; // Length of Software buffer
SPNG_U8* m_pDeviceSourceBuf; // Buffer for storing Device Source
ULONG m_ulDeviceSourceLen; // Length of Device Source buffer
SPNG_U8* m_pCommentBuf; // Buffer for storing comments
ULONG m_ulCommentLen; // Length of comments
SPNG_U8* m_pICCBuf; // Buffer for storing ICC profile
ULONG m_ulICCLen; // Length of ICC profile
SPNG_U8* m_pICCNameBuf; // Buffer for storing ICC profile name
ULONG m_ulICCNameLen; // Length of ICC profile name
SPNG_U8* m_pTimeBuf; // Buffer for storing date/time value
ULONG m_ulTimeLen; // Length of date/time value
SPNG_U8* m_pSPaletteNameBuf; // Buffer for suggested palette's name
ULONG m_ulSPaletteNameLen; // Length of the suggested palette name
SPNG_U16* m_phISTBuf; // Buffer for histogram palette
INT m_ihISTLen; // Length of the histogram palette
/* Find out whether any of the sBIT information is significant, also
fills in the rgb with resolved/corrected values of the bit depths
(will set all to the actually bit depth if there was no sBIT
chunk.) */
bool FsBIT(SPNG_U8 rgb[4]) const;
/* To extract a CIEXYZTRIPLE from the cHRM chunk use this. If there
is no cHRM chunk or sRGB has been seen the sRGB triple is returned
instead. If the chunk produces out of range values false is returned
and an sRGB value is generated. */
/* To obtain information from non-critical chunks the following API must be
implemented. It gets the chunk identity and length plus a pointer to
that many bytes. If it returns false loading of the chunks will stop
and a fatal error will be logged, the default implementation just skips
the chunks. Note that this is called for *all* chunks including
IDAT. m_fBadFormat is set if the API returns false. */
virtual bool FChunk(SPNG_U32 ulen, SPNG_U32 uchunk, const SPNG_U8* pb);
bool GetTextContents(ULONG* pulLength,
SPNG_U8** ppBuf,
SPNG_U32 ulen,
const SPNG_U8* pb,
bool bIsCompressed);
bool ParseTextChunk(SPNG_U32 ulen,
const SPNG_U8* pb,
bool bIsCompressed);
class GpSpngWrite : public SPNGWRITE
GpSpngWrite(BITMAPSITE &bms);