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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
* Microsoft Windows
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1998.
* File: strtable.inl
* Contents: Inline functions for strtable.h
* History: 25-Jun-98 jeffro Created
#pragma once
#include "macros.h" // for THROW_ON_FAIL
#include "stgio.h"
* operator>>
* Reads a IdentifierRange<T> from a stream.
template<class T>
inline IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, IdentifierRange<T>& range)
stm >> range.idMin >> range.idMax;
if (range.idMin > range.idMax)
_com_issue_error (E_FAIL);
return (stm);
* operator<<
* Writes a IdentifierRange<T> to a stream.
template<class T>
inline IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const IdentifierRange<T>& range)
return (stm << range.idMin << range.idMax);
* CIdentifierPool<T>::CIdentifierPool
template<class T>
inline CIdentifierPool<T>::CIdentifierPool (T idMin_, T idMax_)
: m_idAbsoluteMin (idMin_),
m_idAbsoluteMax (idMax_),
m_idNextAvailable (idMin_)
ASSERT (m_idAbsoluteMin <= m_idAbsoluteMax);
m_AvailableIDs.push_front (Range (m_idAbsoluteMin, m_idAbsoluteMax));
ASSERT (m_StaleIDs.empty());
template<class T>
inline CIdentifierPool<T>::CIdentifierPool (IStream& stm)
stm >> *this;
* CIdentifierPool<T>::Reserve
template<class T>
T CIdentifierPool<T>::Reserve ()
* if no more IDs are available, recycle the stale IDs
if (m_AvailableIDs.empty())
m_AvailableIDs.splice (m_AvailableIDs.end(), m_StaleIDs);
ASSERT (m_StaleIDs.empty());
* if still no more IDs are available, throw an exception
if (m_AvailableIDs.empty())
throw (pool_exhausted());
* get the first ID from the first ID range
Range& FirstRange = m_AvailableIDs.front();
T idReserved = FirstRange.idMin;
* if we get here, we're going to return an ID, make sure it's the one
* we though it was going to be
ASSERT (idReserved == m_idNextAvailable);
* if the first ID range is now empty, remove it; otherwise,
* remove the ID we just reserved from the available range
if (FirstRange.idMin == FirstRange.idMax)
* remember the next available ID
if (!m_AvailableIDs.empty())
m_idNextAvailable = m_AvailableIDs.front().idMin;
else if (!m_StaleIDs.empty())
m_idNextAvailable = m_StaleIDs.front().idMin;
m_idNextAvailable = m_idAbsoluteMin;
return (idReserved);
* CIdentifierPool<T>::Release
template<class T>
bool CIdentifierPool<T>::Release (T idRelease)
* if the ID to be released falls outside
* the range managed by this pool, fail
if ((idRelease < m_idAbsoluteMin) || (idRelease > m_idAbsoluteMax))
ASSERT (false);
return (false);
* put the released ID in the stale pool
return (AddToRangeList (m_StaleIDs, idRelease));
* CIdentifierPool<T>::IsValid
template<class T>
bool CIdentifierPool<T>::IsValid () const
if (m_idAbsoluteMin > m_idAbsoluteMax)
return (false);
if (!IsRangeListValid (m_AvailableIDs))
return (false);
if (!IsRangeListValid (m_StaleIDs))
return (false);
return (true);
* CIdentifierPool<T>::IsRangeListValid
template<class T>
bool CIdentifierPool<T>::IsRangeListValid (const RangeList& rl) const
RangeList::const_iterator it;
for (it = rl.begin(); it != rl.end(); ++it)
if ((it->idMin < m_idAbsoluteMin) ||
(it->idMax > m_idAbsoluteMax))
return (false);
return (true);
* CIdentifierPool<T>::ScGenerate
template<class T>
SC CIdentifierPool<T>::ScGenerate (const RangeList& rlInUseIDs)
DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CIdentifierPool<T>::ScGenerate"));
* Invert the in-use IDs. We'll then have a collection of all the
* ID's that are not in use. Note that not all of these ID's are
* necessarily "available", since some may be stale.
RangeList rlNotInUseIDs = rlInUseIDs;
sc = ScInvertRangeList (rlNotInUseIDs);
if (sc)
return (sc);
* Find the range containing the next available ID.
RangeList::iterator it;
for (it = rlNotInUseIDs.begin(); it != rlNotInUseIDs.end(); ++it)
* if this range contains the next available ID, we've found a hit
if ((m_idNextAvailable >= it->idMin) && (m_idNextAvailable <= it->idMax))
* if the next available ID is at the beginning of this range,
* things are simple; we can just break out of the loop
if (m_idNextAvailable == it->idMin)
* otherwise, we need to split the current range into two
* adjacent ranges so the code below that copies to the
* stale and available ranges can work; then we can break out
* of the loop
Range range (m_idNextAvailable, it->idMax);
it->idMax = m_idNextAvailable - 1;
it = rlNotInUseIDs.insert (++it, range);
* confirm that we found one
ASSERT (it != rlNotInUseIDs.end());
* everything before the next available ID that's not it use is stale;
* everything after the next available ID that's not in use is available;
std::copy (rlNotInUseIDs.begin(), it, std::back_inserter(m_StaleIDs));
std::copy (it, rlNotInUseIDs.end(), std::back_inserter(m_AvailableIDs));
return (sc);
* CIdentifierPool<T>::AddToRangeList
* This adds an identifier to the specified range list.
* This really should be a member function on a RangeList class, like so:
* class RangeList : public std::list<Range>
* {
* public:
* bool Add (const Range& rangeToAdd);
* bool Add (T tAdd);
* };
* but compiler bugs prevent it.
template<class T>
bool CIdentifierPool<T>::AddToRangeList (RangeList& rl, T idAdd)
return (AddToRangeList (rl, Range (idAdd, idAdd)));
template<class T>
bool CIdentifierPool<T>::AddToRangeList (RangeList& l, const Range& rangeToAdd)
RangeList::iterator it;
for (it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it)
Range& rangeT = *it;
* the range to add shouldn't overlap the existing range in any way
if (((rangeToAdd.idMin >= rangeT.idMin) && (rangeToAdd.idMin <= rangeT.idMax)) ||
((rangeToAdd.idMax >= rangeT.idMin) && (rangeToAdd.idMax <= rangeT.idMax)))
ASSERT (false);
return (false);
* If the range to add is immediately to the left of the current
* range (that is, the upper bound of the range to add is immediately
* adjacent to the lower bound of the current range), it can be
* absorbed into the current range and we're done.
* Note that we don't have to worry about coalescing this range
* with the preceeding range. That case would have been covered
* by the next clause, in the preceeding iteration of this loop.
if (rangeToAdd.idMax == (rangeT.idMin - 1))
rangeT.idMin = rangeToAdd.idMin;
return (true);
* If the range to add is immediately to the right of the current
* range (that is, the lower bound of the range to add is immediately
* adjacent to the upper bound of the current range), it can be
* absorbed into the current range and we're done.
else if (rangeToAdd.idMin == (rangeT.idMax + 1))
rangeT.idMax = rangeToAdd.idMax;
* Now check the next available range (if there is one).
* If it begins where the current range now ends, then
* the two ranges can be coalesced into a single range.
if (++it != l.end())
Range& rangeNext = *it;
ASSERT (rangeT.idMax < rangeNext.idMin);
if (rangeT.idMax == (rangeNext.idMin - 1))
rangeT.idMax = rangeNext.idMax;
l.erase (it);
return (true);
* If the upper bound of the range to insert is less than the
* lower bound of the current available range, we need to insert
* the new range here. The insertion is handled outside the loop.
else if (rangeToAdd.idMax < rangeT.idMin)
* If we get here, then we need to create a new available range
* to the left of the current iterator, which will address the
* end of the list if the ID is greater than the current maximum
* available ID.
ASSERT ((it == l.end()) || (rangeToAdd.idMax < (it->idMin - 1)));
l.insert (it, rangeToAdd);
return (true);
* CIdentifierPool<T>::ScInvertRangeList
* Changes rlInvert into a range list containing all elements between
* m_idAbsoluteMin and m_idAbsoluteMax that were not originally in
* rlInvert.
* So, if the range looks like this before inversion:
* +----+----+ +----+----+
* m_idAbsoluteMin | 5 | 10 | --------> | 15 | 20 | m_idAbsoluteMax
* +----+----+ +----+----+
* it will look like this after inversion:
* +-----------------+----+ +----+----+ +----+-----------------+
* | m_idAbsoluteMin | 4 | --------> | 11 | 14 | --------> | 21 | m_idAbsoluteMax |
* +-----------------+----+ +----+----+ +----+-----------------+
template<class T>
SC CIdentifierPool<T>::ScInvertRangeList (RangeList& rlInvert) const
DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CIdentifierPool::ScInvertRangeList"));
* if there's nothing in the list to invert, the inverted
* list will contain a single range spanning min to max
if (rlInvert.empty())
rlInvert.push_front (Range (m_idAbsoluteMin, m_idAbsoluteMax));
return (sc);
* determine whether we'll need to add ranges on the front or back,
* and initialize the ranges we'll add if we will
Range rFirst;
bool fAddFirstRange = (rlInvert.front().idMin > m_idAbsoluteMin);
if (fAddFirstRange)
rFirst.idMin = m_idAbsoluteMin;
rFirst.idMax = rlInvert.front().idMin - 1;
Range rLast;
bool fAddLastRange = (rlInvert.back().idMax < m_idAbsoluteMax);
if (fAddLastRange)
rLast.idMin = rlInvert.back().idMax + 1;
rLast.idMax = m_idAbsoluteMax;
* Change rlInvert to contain ranges that represent the gaps
* between the ranges it currently contains. The size of rlInvert
* will be one less than its original size when this process is
* complete.
RangeList::iterator it = rlInvert.begin();
RangeList::iterator itNext = ++rlInvert.begin();
while (itNext != rlInvert.end())
* morph this range into the range representing the gap between
* this range and the next one
it->idMin = it->idMax + 1;
it->idMax = itNext->idMin - 1;
* advance the iterators
it = itNext++;
* remove the extraneous node at the end of the list
* append to the beginning and/or end, if necessary
if (fAddFirstRange)
rlInvert.push_front (rFirst);
if (fAddLastRange)
rlInvert.push_back (rLast);
return (sc);
* operator>>
* Reads a CIdentifierPool<T> from a stream
template<class T>
IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CIdentifierPool<T>& pool)
* read the min and max IDs from the stream
stm >> pool.m_idAbsoluteMin >> pool.m_idAbsoluteMax;
* read the available and stale IDs
stm >> pool.m_AvailableIDs >> pool.m_StaleIDs;
* find out how big the stream is
STATSTG statstg;
HRESULT hr = stm.Stat (&statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME);
if (FAILED (hr))
_com_issue_error (hr);
* get our seek position
liOffset.QuadPart = 0;
hr = stm.Seek (liOffset, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uliSeekPos);
if (FAILED (hr))
_com_issue_error (hr);
* Older files won't have saved the next available ID. If it's there,
* read it; if not, use a default value for pool.m_idNextAvailable.
if (statstg.cbSize.QuadPart > uliSeekPos.QuadPart)
stm >> pool.m_idNextAvailable;
if (!pool.m_AvailableIDs.empty())
pool.m_idNextAvailable = pool.m_AvailableIDs.front().idMin;
pool.m_idNextAvailable = pool.m_idAbsoluteMin;
* validate what we read
if (!pool.IsValid ())
_com_issue_error (E_FAIL);
return (stm);
* operator<<
* Writes a CIdentifierPool<T> to a stream.
template<class T>
IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const CIdentifierPool<T>& pool)
* write the min and max IDs to the stream
stm << pool.m_idAbsoluteMin << pool.m_idAbsoluteMax;
* Write an empty collection of available and stale IDs to keep the
* stream format the same as previous versions. Beginning with MMC 2.0,
* the available and stale IDs will be regenerated from the next available
* ID and in-use IDs after the string table is read in. This is done to
* minimize the data that needs to be saved with the new XML file format.
CIdentifierPool<T>::RangeList rlEmpty;
stm << rlEmpty; // available IDs
stm << rlEmpty; // stale IDs
* write the next available ID
stm << pool.m_idNextAvailable;
return (stm);
template<class T>
void CIdentifierPool<T>::Persist(CPersistor &persistor)
persistor.PersistAttribute(XML_ATTR_ID_POOL_ABSOLUTE_MIN, m_idAbsoluteMin);
persistor.PersistAttribute(XML_ATTR_ID_POOL_ABSOLUTE_MAX, m_idAbsoluteMax);
persistor.PersistAttribute(XML_ATTR_ID_POOL_NEXT_AVAILABLE, m_idNextAvailable);
* CIdentifierPool<T>::Dump
#ifdef DBG
template<class T>
void CIdentifierPool<T>::DumpRangeList (const RangeList& l) const
int cEntries = 0;
for (RangeList::const_iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it)
Trace (tagStringTable, _T("Range %d:min=%d, max=%d"),
++cEntries, (int) it->idMin, (int) it->idMax);
template<class T>
void CIdentifierPool<T>::Dump () const
Trace (tagStringTable, _T("Next available ID: %d"), m_idNextAvailable);
Trace (tagStringTable, _T("Available IDs:"));
DumpRangeList (m_AvailableIDs);
Trace (tagStringTable, _T("Stale IDs:"));
DumpRangeList (m_StaleIDs);
#endif // DBG
* operator>>
inline IStorage& operator>> (IStorage& stg, CComObject<CMasterStringTable>& mst)
return (stg >> static_cast<CMasterStringTable&>(mst));
* operator<<
inline IStorage& operator<< (IStorage& stg, const CComObject<CMasterStringTable>& mst)
return (stg << static_cast<const CMasterStringTable&>(mst));
#endif /* STRTABLE_INL */