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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// HMListView.odl : type library source for ActiveX Control project.
// This file will be processed by the Make Type Library (mktyplib) tool to
// produce the type library (HMListView.tlb) that will become a resource in
// HMListView.ocx.
#include <olectl.h>
#include <idispids.h>
[ uuid(5116A803-DAFC-11D2-BDA4-0000F87A3912), version(1.0),
helpstring("HMListView ActiveX Control module"),
control ]
// Primary dispatch interface for CHMListViewCtrl
[ uuid(5116A804-DAFC-11D2-BDA4-0000F87A3912),
helpstring("Dispatch interface for HMListView Control"), hidden ]
dispinterface _DHMListView
// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
// Use extreme caution when editing this section.
[id(1)] BSTR Title;
[id(2)] BSTR Description;
// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
// Use extreme caution when editing this section.
[id(3)] void SetProgressRange(long lLowerBound, long lUpperBound);
[id(4)] long GetProgressPos();
[id(5)] void SetProgressPos(long lPos);
[id(6)] long InsertItem(long lMask, long lItem, BSTR lpszItem, long lState, long lStateMask, long lImage, long lParam);
[id(7)] long InsertColumn(long lColumn, BSTR lpszColumnHeading, long lFormat, long lWidth, long lSubItem);
[id(8)] long SetItem(long lItem, long lSubItem, long lMask, BSTR lpszItem, long lImage, long lState, long lStateMask, long lParam);
[id(9)] long GetStringWidth(BSTR lpsz);
[id(10)] long GetColumnWidth(long lCol);
[id(11)] boolean SetColumnWidth(long lCol, long lcx);
[id(12)] long FindItemByLParam(long lParam);
[id(13)] long GetImageList(long lImageListType);
[id(14)] boolean DeleteAllItems();
[id(15)] boolean DeleteColumn(long lCol);
[id(16)] long StepProgressBar();
[id(17)] long SetProgressStep(long lStep);
[id(18)] long SetImageList(long hImageList, long lImageListType);
[id(19)] long GetNextItem(long lItem, long lFlags);
[id(20)] long GetItem(long lItemIndex);
[id(21)] boolean DeleteItem(long lIndex);
[id(22)] long GetItemCount();
[id(23)] boolean ModifyListStyle(long lRemove, long lAdd, long lFlags);
[id(24)] long GetColumnCount();
[id(25)] long GetColumnOrderIndex(long lColumn);
[id(26)] long SetColumnOrderIndex(long lColumn, long lOrder);
[id(27)] BSTR GetColumnOrder();
[id(28)] void SetColumnOrder(BSTR lpszOrder);
[id(29)] void SetColumnFilter(long lColumn, BSTR lpszFilter, long lFilterType);
[id(30)] void GetColumnFilter(long lColumn, BSTR* lplpszFilter, long* lpFilterType);
[id(31)] long GetSelectedCount();
[id(DISPID_ABOUTBOX)] void AboutBox();
// Event dispatch interface for CHMListViewCtrl
[ uuid(5116A805-DAFC-11D2-BDA4-0000F87A3912),
helpstring("Event interface for HMListView Control") ]
dispinterface _DHMListViewEvents
// Event interface has no properties
// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain event information here.
// Use extreme caution when editing this section.
[id(1)] void ListClick(long lParam);
[id(2)] void ListDblClick(long lParam);
[id(3)] void ListRClick(long lParam);
[id(4)] void CompareItem(long lItem1, long lItem2, long lColumn, long* lpResult);
[id(5)] void ListLabelEdit(BSTR lpszNewName, long lParam, long* plResult);
[id(6)] void ListKeyDown(long lVKCode, long lFlags, long* plResult);
[id(7)] void FilterChange(long lItem, BSTR pszFilter, long lFilterType, long* lpResult);
// Class information for CHMListViewCtrl
[ uuid(5116A806-DAFC-11D2-BDA4-0000F87A3912), licensed,
helpstring("HMListView Control"), control ]
coclass HMListView
[default] dispinterface _DHMListView;
[default, source] dispinterface _DHMListViewEvents;