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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// logon.h
#if !defined(LOGON__Logon_h__INCLUDED)
#define LOGON__Logon_h__INCLUDED
#pragma once
//#define ANIMATE_FLAG
// Forward declarations
class LogonAccount;
enum EFadeDirection;
class LogonFrame: public HWNDElement, public IElementListener
static HRESULT Create(OUT Element** ppElement); // Required for ClassInfo (always fails)
static HRESULT Create(HWND hParent, BOOL fDblBuffer, UINT nCreate, OUT Element** ppElement);
// Generic events
virtual void OnEvent(Event* pEvent);
// System events
virtual void OnInput(InputEvent* pEvent);
virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyInfo* ppi, int iIndex, Value* pvOld, Value* pvNew);
virtual Element* GetAdjacent(Element* peFrom, int iNavDir, NavReference const* pnr, bool bKeyable);
// Frame Callbacks
HRESULT OnLogUserOn(LogonAccount* pla);
HRESULT OnPower();
HRESULT OnUndock();
HRESULT OnTreeReady(Parser* pParser);
// Listener impl
virtual void OnListenerAttach(Element* peFrom) { peFrom; }
virtual void OnListenerDetach(Element* peFrom) { peFrom; }
virtual bool OnListenedPropertyChanging(Element* peFrom, PropertyInfo* ppi, int iIndex, Value* pvOld, Value* pvNew) { peFrom; ppi; iIndex; pvOld; pvNew; return true; }
virtual void OnListenedPropertyChanged(Element* peFrom, PropertyInfo* ppi, int iIndex, Value* pvOld, Value* pvNew);
virtual void OnListenedInput(Element* peFrom, InputEvent* pInput) { peFrom; pInput; }
virtual void OnListenedEvent(Element* peFrom, Event* pEvent) { peFrom; pEvent; }
// Operations
static int PointToPixel(int nPoint) { return MulDiv(nPoint, _nDPI, 72); }
HINSTANCE GetHInstance() { return _pParser->GetHInstance(); }
void HideAccountPanel() { _peRightPanel->SetLayoutPos(LP_None); _peLeftPanel->RemoveLocalValue(WidthProp);}
void ShowAccountPanel() { _peRightPanel->SetLayoutPos(BLP_Left); _peLeftPanel->SetWidth(380);}
void HideLogoArea() { _peLogoArea->SetLayoutPos(LP_None); }
void ShowLogoArea() { _peLogoArea->SetLayoutPos(BLP_Client); }
void HideWelcomeArea() { _peMsgArea->SetLayoutPos(LP_None); }
void ShowWelcomeArea() { _peMsgArea->SetLayoutPos(BLP_Client); }
void HidePowerButton() { _pbPower->SetVisible(false); }
void ShowPowerButton() { _pbPower->SetVisible(true); }
void SetPowerButtonLabel(LPCWSTR psz) { Element* pe = _pbPower->FindDescendent(StrToID(L"label")); if (pe) pe->SetContentString(psz); }
void InsertUndockButton() { _pbUndock->SetLayoutPos(BLP_Top); }
void RemoveUndockButton() { _pbUndock->SetLayoutPos(LP_None); }
void HideUndockButton() { _pbUndock->SetVisible(false); }
void ShowUndockButton() { _pbUndock->SetVisible(true); }
void SetUndockButtonLabel(LPCWSTR psz) { Element* pe = _pbUndock->FindDescendent(StrToID(L"label")); if (pe) pe->SetContentString(psz); }
void SetStatus(LPCWSTR psz) { if (psz){ _peHelp->SetContentString(psz);}}
void SetTitle(UINT uRCID);
void SetTitle(LPCWSTR pszTitle);
void SetButtonLabels();
HRESULT AddAccount(LPCWSTR pszPicture, BOOL fPicRes, LPCWSTR pszName, LPCWSTR pszUsername, LPCWSTR pszHint, BOOL fPwdNeeded, BOOL fLoggedOn, OUT LogonAccount **ppla);
NativeHWNDHost* GetNativeHost() {return _pnhh;}
void SetNativeHost(NativeHWNDHost *pnhh) {_pnhh = pnhh;}
void UpdateUserStatus(BOOL fRefreshAll = false);
LogonAccount* FindNamedUser(LPCWSTR pszUsername);
void SelectUser(LPCWSTR pszUsername);
void ResetUserList();
void Resize(BOOL fWorkArea);
void SetAnimations(BOOL fAnimations);
void ResetTheme();
BOOL UserListAvailable() {return _fListAvailable;}
void SetUserListAvailable(BOOL fListAvailable) {_fListAvailable = fListAvailable;}
// ClassInfo accessors (static and virtual instance-based)
static IClassInfo* Class;
virtual IClassInfo* GetClassInfo() { return Class; }
static HRESULT Register();
// state management
void SetState(UINT uNewState) {_nAppState = uNewState;}
UINT GetState() {return _nAppState;}
BOOL IsPreStatusLock() {return _fPreStatusLock;}
void EnterPreStatusMode(BOOL fLock);
void EnterLogonMode(BOOL fUnLock);
void EnterPostStatusMode();
void EnterHideMode();
void EnterDoneMode();
LRESULT InteractiveLogonRequest(LPCWSTR pszUsername, LPCWSTR pszPassword);
void NextFlagAnimate(DWORD dwFrame);
// Animations / Effects
HRESULT FxStartup();
LogonFrame() { }
virtual ~LogonFrame();
HRESULT Initialize(HWND hParent, BOOL fDblBuffer, UINT nCreate);
// Animations / Effects
HRESULT FxFadeAccounts(EFadeDirection dir, float flCommonDelay = 0.0f);
HRESULT FxLogUserOn(LogonAccount * pla);
static void CALLBACK OnLoginCenterStage(GMA_ACTIONINFO * pmai);
// References to key descendents
Selector* _peAccountList;
ScrollViewer* _peViewer;
Element* _peRightPanel;
Element* _peLeftPanel;
Button* _pbPower;
Button* _pbUndock;
Element* _peHelp;
Element* _peOptions;
Element* _peMsgArea;
Element* _peLogoArea;
LogonAccount* InternalFindNamedUser(LPCWSTR pszUsername);
static int _nDPI;
Parser* _pParser;
BOOL _fListAvailable;
BOOL _fPreStatusLock;
HWND _hwndNotification;
UINT _nStatusID;
UINT _nAppState;
NativeHWNDHost *_pnhh;
Value* _pvHotList;
Value* _pvList;
HDC _hdcAnimation;
HBITMAP _hbmpFlags;
DWORD _dwFlagFrame;
UINT _nColorDepth;
class LogonAccountList: public Selector
static HRESULT Create(OUT Element** ppElement); // Required for ClassInfo
// System events
virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyInfo* ppi, int iIndex, Value* pvOld, Value* pvNew);
// ClassInfo accessors (static and virtual instance-based)
static IClassInfo* Class;
virtual IClassInfo* GetClassInfo() { return Class; }
static HRESULT Register();
LogonAccountList() { }
virtual ~LogonAccountList() { }
HRESULT Initialize() { return Selector::Initialize(); }
// Animations / Effects
HRESULT FxMouseWithin(EFadeDirection dir);
// LogonState property enum
#define LS_Pending 0
#define LS_Granted 1
#define LS_Denied 2
#define LAS_Initialized 0
#define LAS_PreStatus 1
#define LAS_Logon 2
#define LAS_PostStatus 3
#define LAS_Hide 4
#define LAS_Done 5
#define LASS_Email 0
#define LASS_LoggedOn 1
class LogonAccount: public Button
static HRESULT Create(OUT Element** ppElement); // Required for ClassInfo
// Generic events
virtual void OnEvent(Event* pEvent);
// System events
virtual void OnInput(InputEvent* pEvent);
virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyInfo* ppi, int iIndex, Value* pvOld, Value* pvNew);
// Account Callbacks
void OnAuthenticatedUser();
BOOL OnAuthenticateUser(LPCWSTR pszInPassword = NULL);
void OnHintSelect();
void OnStatusSelect(UINT nLine);
HRESULT OnTreeReady(LPCWSTR pszPicture, BOOL fPicRes, LPCWSTR pszName, LPCWSTR pszUsername, LPCWSTR pszHint, BOOL fPwdNeeded, BOOL fLoggedOn, HINSTANCE hInst);
// Operations
static void InitPasswordPanel(Element* pePwdPanel, Edit* pePwdEdit, Button* pbPwdInfo, Element* peKbdIcon) { _pePwdPanel = pePwdPanel; _pePwdEdit = pePwdEdit; _pbPwdInfo = pbPwdInfo; _peKbdIcon = peKbdIcon;}
HRESULT InsertPasswordPanel();
HRESULT RemovePasswordPanel();
void InsertStatus(UINT nLine) { _pbStatus[nLine]->SetLayoutPos(BLP_Top); }
void RemoveStatus(UINT nLine) { _pbStatus[nLine]->SetLayoutPos(LP_None); }
void HideStatus(UINT nLine) { _pbStatus[nLine]->SetVisible(false); }
void ShowStatus(UINT nLine) { _pbStatus[nLine]->SetVisible(true); }
void SetStatus(UINT nLine, LPCWSTR psz);
void DisableStatus(UINT nLine) { _pbStatus[nLine]->SetEnabled(false); }
void ShowPasswordIncorrectMessage();
void UpdateNotifications(BOOL fUpdateEverything);
void AppRunningTip();
void UnreadMailTip();
BOOL IsPasswordBlank();
void ShowEdit();
void HideEdit();
// Cached atoms for quicker identification
static ATOM idPwdGo;
static ATOM idPwdInfo;
// Property definitions
static PropertyInfo* LogonStateProp;
// Quick property accessors
int GetLogonState() DUIQuickGetter(int, GetInt(), LogonState, Specified)
HRESULT SetLogonState(int v) DUIQuickSetter(CreateInt(v), LogonState)
void SetRunningApps(DWORD dwRunningApps) {_dwRunningApps = dwRunningApps;}
void SetUnreadMail(DWORD dwUnreadMail) {_dwUnreadMail = dwUnreadMail;}
LPCWSTR GetUsername() {return _pvUsername->GetString();}
static LogonAccount* GetCandidate() { return _peCandidate; }
static void ClearCandidate() { _peCandidate = NULL; }
static void SetKeyboardIcon(HICON hIcon);
// ClassInfo accessors (static and virtual instance-based)
static IClassInfo* Class;
virtual IClassInfo* GetClassInfo() { return Class; }
static HRESULT Register();
// Animations / Effects
HRESULT FxLogUserOn();
LogonAccount() { }
virtual ~LogonAccount();
HRESULT Initialize();
// Animations / Effects
HRESULT FxMouseWithin(EFadeDirection dir);
// References to key descendents
Button* _pbStatus[2];
static Element* _pePwdPanel;
static Edit* _pePwdEdit;
static Button* _pbPwdInfo;
static Element* _peKbdIcon;
static LogonAccount* _peCandidate;
Value* _pvUsername;
Value* _pvHint;
BOOL _fPwdNeeded;
BOOL _fLoggedOn;
BOOL _fHasPwdPanel;
DWORD _dwUnreadMail;
DWORD _dwRunningApps;
void CALLBACK LogonParseError(LPCWSTR pszError, LPCWSTR pszToken, int dLine);
#endif // LOGON__Logon_h__INCLUDED