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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// Assorted string utility functions for use in NetMeeting components.
// Derived from STRCORE.CPP.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <cstring.hpp>
// global helper functions for Unicode support in a DBCS environment
int UnicodeCompare(PCWSTR s, PCWSTR t)
// Treat NULL pointers like empty strings
// at the bottom of the collating order.
if (IsEmptyStringW(t)) {
if (IsEmptyStringW(s)) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;
// Done with empty string cases,
// so now do real compare.
for ( ; *s == *t; s++, t++) {
if (!*s) {
return 0;
return (*s > *t) ? 1 : -1;
PWSTR NewUnicodeString(PCWSTR _wszText)
PWSTR wszText = NULL;
UINT nChar;
if (_wszText) {
nChar = lstrlenW(_wszText) + 1;
wszText = new WCHAR[nChar];
if (wszText) {
CopyMemory((void *)wszText,
nChar * sizeof(WCHAR));
return wszText;
PWSTR DBCSToUnicode(UINT uCodePage, PCSTR szText)
int nChar;
PWSTR wszText = NULL;
if (szText) {
nChar = MultiByteToWideChar(uCodePage,
0, // character-type options
-1, // NULL terminated string
NULL, // return buffer (not used)
0); // getting length of Unicode string
if (nChar) {
wszText = new WCHAR[nChar];
if (wszText) {
nChar = MultiByteToWideChar(uCodePage,
0, // character-type options
-1, // NULL terminated string
wszText, // return buffer
nChar); // length of return buffer
if (!nChar) {
delete wszText;
wszText = NULL;
return wszText;
PSTR UnicodeToDBCS(UINT uCodePage, PCWSTR wszText)
int nChar;
PSTR szText = NULL;
if (wszText) {
nChar = WideCharToMultiByte(uCodePage,
0, // character-type options
-1, // NULL terminated string
NULL, // return buffer (not used)
0, // getting length of DBCS string
if (nChar) {
szText = new CHAR[nChar];
if (szText) {
nChar = WideCharToMultiByte(uCodePage,
0, // character-type options
-1, // NULL terminated string
szText, // return buffer
nChar, // length of return buffer
if (!nChar) {
delete szText;
szText = NULL;
return szText;
BOOL UnicodeIsNumber(PCWSTR wszText)
// If there are no characters, then treat it as not being a number.
if (!wszText || !*wszText) {
return FALSE;
// If any characters are not digits, then return FALSE.
do {
if ((*wszText < L'0') || (*wszText > L'9')) {
return FALSE;
} while(*++wszText);
// Got here so all characters are digits.
return TRUE;
/* G U I D T O S Z */
%%Function: GuidToSz
Convert the guid to a special hex string.
Assumes lpchDest has space for at least sizeof(GUID)*2 +6 chars.
LENGTH_SZGUID_FORMATTED is 30 and includes space for the null terminator.
Note the difference between this and UuidToString (or StringFromGUID2)
GUID Format: {12345678-1234-1234-1234567890123456}
VOID GuidToSz(GUID * pguid, LPTSTR lpchDest)
ASSERT(NULL != pguid);
ASSERT(NULL != lpchDest);
wsprintf(lpchDest, TEXT("{%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-"),
pguid->Data1, pguid->Data2, pguid->Data3, pguid->Data4[0], pguid->Data4[1]);
lpchDest += 1+8+1+4+1+4+1+2+2+1;
for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++)
wsprintf(lpchDest, TEXT("%02X"), pguid->Data4[i]);
lpchDest += 2;
lstrcpy(lpchDest, TEXT("}") );
/* S Z F I N D L A S T C H */
%%Function: SzFindLastCh
Returns a pointer to the ch within the lpsz or NULL if not found
LPTSTR SzFindLastCh(LPTSTR lpsz, TCHAR ch)
LPTSTR lpchRet;
for (lpchRet = NULL; *lpsz; lpsz = CharNext(lpsz))
if (ch == *lpsz)
lpchRet = lpsz;
return lpchRet;
/* T R I M S Z */
%%Function: TrimSz
Trim the whitespace around string.
Returns the number of characters in the string.
(chars/bytes in ANSI and DBCS, WCHARs/words in UNICODE)
UINT ich; // character index into rgwCharType
PTCHAR pchFirst;
PTCHAR pchLast;
PTCHAR pchCurr;
WORD rgwCharType[MAX_PATH];
if ((NULL == psz) || (0 == lstrlen(psz)))
return 0;
if (!GetStringTypeEx(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, psz, -1, rgwCharType))
WARNING_OUT(("TrimSz: Problem with GetStringTypeEx"));
return 0;
// search for first non-space
pchFirst = psz;
ich = 0;
while (_T('\0') != *pchFirst)
if (!(C1_SPACE & rgwCharType[ich]))
pchFirst = CharNext(pchFirst);
if (_T('\0') == *pchFirst)
// The entire string is empty!
*psz = _T('\0');
return 0;
// search for last non-space
pchCurr = pchFirst;
pchLast = pchCurr;
while (_T('\0') != *pchCurr)
if (!(C1_SPACE & rgwCharType[ich]))
pchLast = pchCurr;
pchCurr = CharNext(pchCurr);
ASSERT(_T('\0') != *pchLast);
// Null terminate the string
pchLast = CharNext(pchLast);
*pchLast = _T('\0');
// Update the original string
lstrcpy(psz, pchFirst);
// Return the new length
return lstrlen(psz);
// Implement lstrcpyW when not on a Unicode platform
#if !defined(UNICODE)
/* L S T R C P Y W */
%%Function: LStrCpyW
ASSERT(NULL != pszDest);
ASSERT(NULL != pszSrc);
if ((NULL != pszDest) && (NULL != pszSrc))
LPWSTR pszT = pszDest;
while (0 != (*pszT++ = *pszSrc++))
return pszDest;
/* L S T R C P Y N W */
%%Function: LStrCpyNW
LPWSTR LStrCpyNW(LPWSTR pszDest, LPCWSTR pszSrc, INT iMaxLength)
ASSERT(NULL != pszDest);
ASSERT(NULL != pszSrc);
if ((NULL != pszDest) && (NULL != pszSrc))
LPWSTR pszT = pszDest;
while ((--iMaxLength > 0) &&
(0 != (*pszT++ = *pszSrc++)))
if (0 == iMaxLength)
*pszT = L'\0';
return pszDest;
#endif // !defined(UNICODE)
/* _ S T R C H R */
%%Function: _StrChr
LPCTSTR pcszFound = NULL;
if (pcsz)
while (*pcsz)
if (*pcsz == c)
pcszFound = pcsz;
pcsz = CharNext(pcsz);
return pcszFound;
/* _ S T R C M P N */
%%Function: _StrCmpN
This does a case-sensitive compare of two strings, pcsz1 and pcsz2, of
at most cchMax characters. If we reach the end of either string, we
also stop, and the strings match if the other string is also at its end.
This function is NOT DBCS safe.
int _StrCmpN(LPCTSTR pcsz1, LPCTSTR pcsz2, UINT cchMax)
UINT ich;
for (ich = 0; ich < cchMax; ich++)
if (*pcsz1 != *pcsz2)
// No match.
return((*pcsz1 > *pcsz2) ? 1 : -1);
// Are we at the end (if we're here, both strings are at the
// end. If only one is, the above compare code kicks in.
if ('\0' == *pcsz1)
return 0;
// If we get here, cchMax characters matched, so success.
return 0;
/* _ S T R S T R */
%%Function: _StrStr
// BUGBUG - This function is *not* DBCS-safe
LPCTSTR _StrStr (LPCTSTR pcsz1, LPCTSTR pcsz2)
PTSTR pszcp = (PTSTR) pcsz1;
PTSTR pszs1, pszs2;
if ( !*pcsz2 )
return pcsz1;
while (*pszcp)
pszs1 = pszcp;
pszs2 = (PTSTR) pcsz2;
while ( *pszs1 && *pszs2 && !(*pszs1-*pszs2) )
pszs1++, pszs2++;
if (!*pszs2)
return pszcp;
return NULL;
/* _ S T R S T R */
%%Function: _StrStr
// BUGBUG - This function is *not* DBCS-safe
PWSTR pszcp = (PWSTR) pcsz1;
while (*pszcp)
PWSTR psz1 = pszcp;
PWSTR psz2 = (PWSTR) pcsz2;
while ( *psz1 && *psz2 && !(*psz1-*psz2) )
if (!*psz2)
return pszcp;
return NULL;
/* _ S T R P B R K */
%%Function: _StrPbrkA, _StrPbrkW
Private, DBCS-safe version of CRT strpbrk function. Like strchr but
accepts more than one character for which to search. The ANSI version
does not support searching for DBCS chars.
In the Unicode version, we do a nested search. In the ANSI version,
we build up a table of chars and use this to scan the string.
LPSTR _StrPbrkA(LPCSTR pcszString, LPCSTR pcszSearch)
ASSERT(NULL != pcszString && NULL != pcszSearch);
BYTE rgbSearch[(UCHAR_MAX + 1) / CHAR_BIT];
ZeroMemory(rgbSearch, sizeof(rgbSearch));
// Scan the search string
while ('\0' != *pcszSearch)
// Set the appropriate bit in the appropriate byte
rgbSearch[*pcszSearch / CHAR_BIT] |= (1 << (*pcszSearch % CHAR_BIT));
// Scan the source string, compare to the bits in the search array
while ('\0' != *pcszString)
if (rgbSearch[*pcszString / CHAR_BIT] & (1 << (*pcszString % CHAR_BIT)))
// We have a match
return (LPSTR) pcszString;
pcszString = CharNextA(pcszString);
// If we get here, there was no match
return NULL;
LPWSTR _StrPbrkW(LPCWSTR pcszString, LPCWSTR pcszSearch)
ASSERT(NULL != pcszString && NULL != pcszSearch);
// Scan the string, matching each character against those in the search string
while (L'\0' != *pcszString)
LPCWSTR pcszCurrent = pcszSearch;
while (L'\0' != *pcszCurrent)
if (*pcszString == *pcszCurrent)
// We have a match
return (LPWSTR) pcszString;
// pcszCurrent = CharNextW(pcszCurrent);
// pcszString = CharNextW(pcszString);
// If we get here, there was no match
return NULL;
// BUGBUG - Are DecimalStringToUINT and StrToInt the same?
/* D E C I M A L S T R I N G T O U I N T */
%%Function: DecimalStringToUINT
UINT DecimalStringToUINT(LPCTSTR pcszString)
UINT uRet = 0;
LPTSTR pszStr = (LPTSTR) pcszString;
while (_T('\0') != pszStr[0])
ASSERT((pszStr[0] >= _T('0')) &&
(pszStr[0] <= _T('9')));
uRet = (10 * uRet) + (BYTE) (pszStr[0] - _T('0'));
pszStr++; // NOTE: DBCS characters are not allowed!
return uRet;
PURPOSE: The atoi equivalent, to avoid using the C runtime lib
PARAMETERS: lpSrc - pointer to a source string to convert to integer
RETURNS: 0 for failure, the integer otherwise
(what if the string was converted to 0 ?)
int WINAPI RtStrToInt(LPCTSTR lpSrc) // atoi()
int n = 0;
if (*lpSrc == _T('-')) {
bNeg = TRUE;
while (((*lpSrc) >= _T('0') && (*lpSrc) <= _T('9')))
n *= 10;
n += *lpSrc - _T('0');
return bNeg ? -n : n;
/* _ S T R L W R W */
%%Function: _StrLwrW
// BUGBUG - This function does *not* handle all UNICODE character sets
for (PWSTR pwszCur = pwszSrc; (L'\0' != *pwszCur); pwszCur++)
if ( (*pwszCur >= L'A') && (*pwszCur <= L'Z') )
*pwszCur = *pwszCur - L'A' + L'a';
return pwszSrc;