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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@REM filter.cmd - JeremyD
@REM Updates _NTFILTER directory with files from _NTTREE
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@goto :EOF
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\sp";
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
my $temp = $?;
mkpath "$ENV{_NTFILTER}\\build_logs";
if (-e "$ENV{_NTFILTER}\\build_logs\\filter.log") {
if (-e "$ENV{_NTFILTER}\\build_logs\\filter.err") {
if ($ENV{LOGFILE} and -e $ENV{LOGFILE}) {
copy($ENV{LOGFILE}, "$ENV{_NTFILTER}\\build_logs\\filter.log");
if ($ENV{ERRFILE} and -e $ENV{ERRFILE}) {
copy($ENV{ERRFILE}, "$ENV{_NTFILTER}\\build_logs\\filter.err");
$? = $temp;
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
use ParseTable;
use Logmsg;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
filter.cmd [-v] [-qfe <qfenum>]
Updates the _NTFILTER directory of binaries with files from _NTTREE.
-v produce more verbose output and logging
-qfe run filter for a QFE build
my $qfe;
parseargs('?' => \&Usage,
'v' => \$Logmsg::DEBUG,
'qfe:' => \$qfe);
if ( @ARGV ) {
errmsg( "Invalid parameters" );
my $built_path = $ENV{_NTTREE};
my $sp_path = "\\\\\\spbins.$ENV{_BUILDARCH}$ENV{_BUILDTYPE}";
my $output_path = $ENV{_NTFILTER};
my $sym_log = "$output_path\\symbolcd\\symupd.txt";
my @non_product_dirs = (
# Additional files for TabletPC
# files for the symbol cd
# get files that are not in the OS product but are still needed
copy_non_product_files() if !$qfe;
# get relative path names of all files destined for the filtered binaries tree
my (@sp_files, @prune_files);
sp_files(\@sp_files, \@prune_files);
# load symbol location data for built files
if (!defined $ENV{BUILD_OFFLINE}) {
# clean up the filtered directory
# update it with the new files
# write a symbol location log for the whole expanded spfiles
write_sym_log($sym_log, @sp_files);
# copy_non_product_files
# Files that are not part of the OS product but are needed for other
# products produced by the build should be exempted from filtering.
# They should also only be built on official builds or if
# specifically requested.
# Takes no paramaters, no return value, doesn't throw any errors.
sub copy_non_product_files {
logmsg("Copying assorted non-product files from $built_path to $output_path");
for my $dir (@non_product_dirs) {
system("compdir /enust $built_path\\$dir $output_path\\$dir");
# copy over the whole build logs directory
system("compdir /enustd $built_path\\build_logs $output_path\\build_logs");
# filter_regex
# Builds a regular expression that will match the relative path of
# service pack files. Uses spfiles.txt for the file specifications.
# Codes.txt has the languages that may be used as ALT_PROJECT_TARGET.
# And there's a hard-coded pattern for sku, wow, coverage, etc
# directories.
# Takes no paramaters, return value is a regular expression suitable
# for use with qr//, throws a fatal error if spfiles.txt is not
# available. Many things that probably should be fatal are treated
# as warnings right now.
sub filter_regex {
logmsg("Building filtering regular expression");
my $lang_re = '(?:' . join('|', get_langs()) . ')';
my $variations_re = '(?:(?:covinf\\\\)?...inf|lang|wow6432|pre(?:-bbt|rebase))';
my @file_patterns;
my $sp_file = "$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\..\\build_logs\\files.txt";
print "$sp_file\n";
open SP, $sp_file or die "sp file list open failed: $!";
while (<SP>) {
s/;.*$//; # first strip comments
next if /^\s*$/; # then skip blank lines
my ($tag, $file) = /^(\S*)\s*(\S+)$/;
if (!$file) {
wrnmsg("Failed to parse line: $_ ($tag - $file)");
if ($tag =~ /d/) {
dbgmsg("File marked as delete: $file");
if ($file =~ /^(.+)\Q\...\E$/) {
my $dir = $1;
dbgmsg("Filter recursive directory: $dir");
push @file_patterns, "\Q$dir\E\\\\.+";
elsif ($file =~ /^(.+)\Q\*\E$/) {
my $dir = $1;
dbgmsg("Filter directory: $dir");
push @file_patterns, "\Q$dir\E\\\\[^\\\\]+";
else {
dbgmsg("Filter file: $file");
push @file_patterns, "\Q$file\E";
close SP;
my $files_re = '(?:' . join('|', @file_patterns) . ')';
my $filter_re =
dbgmsg("Filter RE: $filter_re");
return $filter_re;
# sp_files
# Scans the local binaries directory and the public spbins share for
# files matching spfiles.txt.
# Takes two array references. The first will be populated with the
# relative paths of files that should be updated. The second with
# paths of files that should be removed from filtered. No return.
sub sp_files {
my ($sp_files, $prune_files) = @_;
# keep track of files that have already been found locally
my %seen;
# a big regex that will match only files that should be copied
my $filter_regex = filter_regex();
# build up a regex of files to exclude from pruning
my $skip_dirs_re = '(?:' .
join('|', map {quotemeta} (@non_product_dirs,
'build_logs')) .
my $no_prune_regex = qr/$skip_dirs_re\\.+|.*symbols.*/io;
dbgmsg("No prune RE: $no_prune_regex");
logmsg("Removing old files from filtered directory");
for my $file (dirsearch($output_path, undef)) {
if ($file !~ /^$filter_regex$/) {
if ($file !~ /^$no_prune_regex$/) {
push @$prune_files, $file;
logmsg("Finding matching files in binaries directory");
for my $file (dirsearch($built_path, undef)) {
if ($file =~ /^$filter_regex$/) {
if (!$seen{lc $file}++) {
push @$sp_files, $file;
if (!defined $ENV{BUILD_OFFLINE}) {
logmsg("Finding matching files in spbins directory");
for my $file (dirsearch($sp_path, undef)) {
if ($file =~ /^$filter_regex$/) {
if (!$seen{lc $file}++) {
push @$sp_files, $file;
# prune_filtered_tree
# Removes stale files from the local filtered directory
# Takes a list of relative file names, no return value, failure to
# remove a file throws an error.
sub prune_filtered_tree {
my @files = @_;
logmsg("Pruning local filtered directory");
for my $file (@files) {
if (-e "$output_path\\$file") {
logmsg("pruning $output_path\\$file");
unlink "$output_path\\$file"
or die "unable to unlink $file $!";
# update_filtered_tree
# Brings the filtered directory up to date. The files returned by
# sp_files() are copied from either the locally built binaries or
# if the file is not found there from the public spbins share. On
# official builds the spbins share is also updated.
# Takes a list of relative file names, no return value, failure to
# copy a file throws an error.
sub update_filtered_tree {
my @files = @_;
logmsg("Updating local filtered directory");
for my $file (@files) {
if (-e "$built_path\\$file") {
copy_with_symbols($built_path, $output_path, $file)
or die "unable to copy $file " . Win32::GetLastError;
copy_with_symbols($built_path, $sp_path, $file);
else {
if (!defined $ENV{BUILD_OFFLINE}) {
copy_with_symbols($sp_path, $output_path, $file)
or die "unable to copy $file " . Win32::GetLastError;
# doing an official check isn't enough, the international build
# machines also seem to have a binplace.log. Also check to make
# sure the log is a reasonable size
if ($ENV{OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE} and !$qfe and
(-s "$built_path\\build_logs\\binplace.log" > 5_000_000) ) {
logmsg("Publishing official binplace log");
# if we don't save the official binplace log locally any other
# process that needs the path to symbols will have to fish
# around on its own, that would be bad
# technically we should merge in the local binplace log but
# this should cover most cases
logmsg("Saving full binplace.log as binplace.log.full");
if (!defined $ENV{BUILD_OFFLINE}) {
my %sym;
sub load_symbol_paths {
my $binp_file = shift;
open BINP, $binp_file or warn "open failed $binp_file: $!";
while (<BINP>) {
my ($full_bin, $full_pub, $full_pri) =
/[^\t]+ # location in the source tree
[^\t]+ # timestamp
([^\t]+) # location in the binaries tree
([^\t]*) # location of public symbol, may be undefined
([^\t]*) # location or private symbol, may be undefined
if ($full_pub or $full_pri) {
(my $bin = $full_bin) =~ s/.*?$ENV{_BUILDARCH}$ENV{_BUILDTYPE}\\//i;
(my $pub = $full_pub) =~ s/.*?$ENV{_BUILDARCH}$ENV{_BUILDTYPE}\\//i;
(my $pri = $full_pri) =~ s/.*?$ENV{_BUILDARCH}$ENV{_BUILDTYPE}\\//i;
$sym{lc $bin} = [lc $pub, lc $pri];
close BINP;
sub write_sym_log {
my $log = shift;
my @files = @_;
open SYMLOG, ">$log" or wrnmsg "symbol log open failed $!";
for my $file (@files) {
if ($sym{lc $file}) { # not all files have symbols;
my ($pub, $pri) = @{$sym{lc $file}};
if ($pub or $pri) {
print SYMLOG "$file,$pri,$pub\n";
close SYMLOG;
sub copy_with_symbols {
my ($src, $dst, $file) = @_;
# update the binary last, otherwise we can get in to the broken
# state of having old symbols but a current binary so we will
# detect no changes and leave the symbols bad
if ($sym{lc $file}) {
for my $s (@{$sym{lc $file}}) {
next unless $s;
if (-e "$src\\$s") {
copy_file("$src\\$s", "$dst\\$s")
or return;
else {
wrnmsg("expected symbol file not found: $src\\$s");
copy_file("$src\\$file", "$dst\\$file")
or return;
return 1;
sub copy_file {
my ($src, $dst) = @_;
my $rc;
if (-e $dst) {
my ($s_size, $s_time) = (stat($src))[7,9];
my ($d_size, $d_time) = (stat($dst))[7,9];
if ($s_size != $d_size or $s_time != $d_time) {
logmsg("$src -> $dst");
if (-e $dst and !-w _) { unlink $dst }
copy($src, $dst) or return;
else {
logmsg("$src == $dst");
else {
logmsg("$src -> $dst");
if (-e $dst and !-w _) { unlink $dst }
copy($src, $dst) or return;
return 1;
sub dirsearch {
my ($root, $dir) = @_;
my @return;
# full path to this directory
my $full = $dir ? "$root\\$dir" : $root;
# if we've been given a non-existant directory just return
if (!-d $full) { return }
# slurp the directory entries all at once, otherwise the recursive
# calls will stomp DIR (could also use IO::Directory)
opendir DIR, $full or die "$!: $full";
my @stuff = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
for my $file (@stuff) {
next if $file =~ /^\.\.?$/; # skip the . and .. pointers
my $file_relative = $dir ? "$dir\\$file" : $file;
# recurse if this is a directory
if (-d "$root\\$file_relative") {
push @return, dirsearch($root, $file_relative);
# check criteria if this is a file
else {
push @return, $file_relative;
return @return;
# return all langs from codes.txt in redmond format ('ger', 'jpn', 'fr', etc)
sub get_langs {
my @lang_data;
parse_table_file("$ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}\\codes.txt", \@lang_data);
return map { $_->{Lang} } @lang_data;
sub sys {
my $cmd = shift;
my $err = system($cmd);
$err = $err >> 8;
if ($err) {
errmsg("$cmd ($err)");
return $err;