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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClassMap
// Contains all the funcitons and data used for mapping a window class
// to an OLEACC proxy.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "oleacc_p.h"
#include "classmap.h"
#include "ctors.h"
#include "default.h"
#include "Win64Helper.h"
#include "RemoteProxy6432.h"
// Internal types & Forward decls.
// TODO: At some stage in future, this should be made dynamic instead of hardwired.
typedef struct tagREGTYPEINFO
CLSID clsid; // CLSID for this registered handler
BOOL bOK; // used if there is an error - set to false if so
TCHAR ClassName [ MAX_PATH ];
LPVOID pClassFactory;
HRESULT CreateRemoteProxy6432(HWND hwnd, long idObject, REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject);
// Arrays & Class Map Data...
// These three arrays (rgAtomClasses, rgClientTypes, and rgWindowTypes)
// are used by the FindWindowClass function below.
// The rgAtomClass array is filled in by the InitWindowClasses function.
// InitWindowClasses iterates through the resources, loading strings that
// are the names of the window classes that we recognize, putting them in
// the Global Atom Table, and putting the Atom numbers in rgAtomClass so
// that rgAtomClass[StringN] = GlobalAddAtom ("StringTable[StringN]")
// When FindWindowClass is called, it gets the "real" class name of the
// window, does a GlobalFindAtom of that string, then walks though
// rgAtomClasses to see if the atom is in the table. If it is, then we
// use the index where we found the atom to index into either the
// rgClientTypes or rgWindowTypes array, where a pointer to the object
// creation function is stored. These two arrays are static arrays
// initialized below. The elements in the array must correspond to the
// elements in the string table.
// The rgClientTypes array is where most of the classes are. Currently,
// all types of controls that we create have a parent control that is
// a CWindow object, except for Dropdowns and menu popups, which provide
// a window handler as well since they do something nonstandard for
// get_accParent(). The former returns the combobox it is in, the
// latter returns the menu item it comes from.
// NB - ordering of these should be considered fixed - as an offset
// referring to Listbox through RichEdit20W can be returned in response
// (The index is currently used to index directly into this table,
// but if the table order must change, another mapping table can
// be created and it used instead.)
CLASS_ENUM g_ClientClassMap [ ] =
CLASS_UpDownClient, // msctls_updown
CLASS_UpDownClient, // msctls_updown32
CLASS_ToolTipsClient, // tooltips_class
CLASS_ToolTipsClient, // tooltips_class32
CLASS_NONE, // SysMonthCal32
CLASS_DatePickerClient, // SysDateTimePick32
CLASS_EditClient, // RichEdit
CLASS_EditClient, // RichEdit20A
CLASS_EditClient, // RichEdit20W
CLASS_HtmlClient, // HTML_InternetExplorer
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '95 #1
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '95 #2
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '95 #3
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '95 #4
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '95 #5
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Excel '95 #1
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Excel '95 #2
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Excel '95 #3
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Excel '95 #4
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Excel '95 #5
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '97 #1
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '97 #2
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '97 #3
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '97 #4
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word '97 #5
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word 3.1 #1
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word 3.1 #2
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word 3.1 #3
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word 3.1 #4
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Word 3.1 #5
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Office '97 #1
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Office '97 #2
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Office '97 #3
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Office '97 #4
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Office '97 #5
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Excel '97 #1
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Excel '97 #2
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Excel '97 #3
CLASS_SdmClientA, // Excel '97 #4
CLASS_SdmClientA // Excel '97 #5
#define NUM_CLIENT_CLASSES ARRAYSIZE( g_ClientClassMap )
CLASS_ENUM g_WindowClassMap [ ] =
#define NUM_WINDOW_CLASSES ARRAYSIZE( g_WindowClassMap )
LPTSTR rgClassNames [ ] =
TEXT( "ListBox" ),
TEXT( "#32768" ),
TEXT( "Button" ),
TEXT( "Static" ),
TEXT( "Edit" ),
TEXT( "ComboBox" ),
TEXT( "#32770" ),
TEXT( "#32771" ),
TEXT( "MDIClient" ),
TEXT( "#32769" ),
TEXT( "ScrollBar" ),
TEXT( "msctls_statusbar32" ),
TEXT( "ToolbarWindow32" ),
TEXT( "msctls_progress32" ),
TEXT( "SysAnimate32" ),
TEXT( "SysTabControl32" ),
TEXT( "msctls_hotkey32" ),
TEXT( "SysHeader32" ),
TEXT( "msctls_trackbar32" ),
TEXT( "SysListView32" ),
TEXT( "OpenListView" ),
TEXT( "msctls_updown" ),
TEXT( "msctls_updown32" ),
TEXT( "tooltips_class" ),
TEXT( "tooltips_class32" ),
TEXT( "SysTreeView32" ),
TEXT( "SysMonthCal32" ),
TEXT( "SysDateTimePick32" ),
TEXT( "RichEdit20A" ),
TEXT( "RichEdit20W" ),
TEXT( "SysIPAddress32" ),
// The above CSTR_QUERYCLASSNAME_CLASSES classes can be referred
// See LookupWindowClassName() for more details.
TEXT( "HTML_Internet Explorer" ),
TEXT( "bosa_sdm_Microsoft Word for Windows 95" ),
TEXT( "osa_sdm_Microsoft Word for Windows 95" ),
TEXT( "sa_sdm_Microsoft Word for Windows 95" ),
TEXT( "a_sdm_Microsoft Word for Windows 95" ),
TEXT( "_sdm_Microsoft Word for Windows 95" ),
TEXT( "bosa_sdm_XL" ),
TEXT( "osa_sdm_XL" ),
TEXT( "sa_sdm_XL" ),
TEXT( "a_sdm_XL" ),
TEXT( "_sdm_XL" ),
TEXT( "bosa_sdm_Microsoft Word 8.0" ),
TEXT( "osa_sdm_Microsoft Word 8.0" ),
TEXT( "sa_sdm_Microsoft Word 8.0" ),
TEXT( "a_sdm_Microsoft Word 8.0" ),
TEXT( "_sdm_Microsoft Word 8.0" ),
TEXT( "bosa_sdm_Microsoft Word 6.0" ),
TEXT( "osa_sdm_Microsoft Word 6.0" ),
TEXT( "sa_sdm_Microsoft Word 6.0" ),
TEXT( "a_sdm_Microsoft Word 6.0" ),
TEXT( "_sdm_Microsoft Word 6.0" ),
TEXT( "bosa_sdm_Mso96" ),
TEXT( "osa_sdm_Mso96" ),
TEXT( "sa_sdm_Mso96" ),
TEXT( "a_sdm_Mso96" ),
TEXT( "_sdm_Mso96" ),
TEXT( "bosa_sdm_XL8" ),
TEXT( "osa_sdm_XL8" ),
TEXT( "sa_sdm_XL8" ),
TEXT( "a_sdm_XL8" ),
TEXT( "_sdm_XL8" )
// [v-jaycl, 4/2/97] Table of registered handler CLSIDs.
// TODO:Make dynamic. Place at bottom of file w/ other data?
// [v-jaycl, 4/1/97] Grow to accomodate registered handlers.
// TODO: Kludge! Make this dynamic.
ATOM rgAtomClasses [ ARRAYSIZE(rgClassNames) + TOTAL_REG_HANDLERS ] = { 0 };
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InitWindowClasses()
// Adds a whole lot of classes into the Global atom table for comparison
// purposes.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitWindowClasses()
int istr;
TCHAR szClassName[128];
for (istr = 0; istr < NUM_CLIENT_CLASSES; istr++)
if( rgClassNames[ istr ] == NULL )
rgAtomClasses[istr] = NULL;
rgAtomClasses[istr] = GlobalAddAtom( rgClassNames[ istr ] );
// [v-jaycl, 4/2/97] Retrieve info for registered handlers from
// registry and add to global atom table.
// TODO: remove hard-wired strings.
const TCHAR szRegHandlers[] = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Active Accessibility\\Handlers");
TCHAR szHandler[255], szHandlerClassKey[255];
LONG lRetVal, lBuffSize;
HKEY hKey;
lRetVal = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegHandlers, &hKey );
if ( lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS )
for ( istr = 0; istr < TOTAL_REG_HANDLERS; istr++ )
lRetVal = RegEnumKey( hKey, istr, szHandler, sizeof(szHandler)/sizeof(TCHAR));
if ( lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS )
// [v-jaycl, 4/2/97] Translate string into CLSID, then get info
// on specific handler from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID subkey.
// Get proxied window class name from
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{clsid}\AccClassName
lstrcpy( szHandlerClassKey, TEXT("CLSID\\"));
lstrcat( szHandlerClassKey, szHandler );
lstrcat( szHandlerClassKey, TEXT("\\AccClassName"));
lBuffSize = sizeof(szClassName)/sizeof(TCHAR);
lRetVal = RegQueryValue( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szHandlerClassKey, szClassName, &lBuffSize );
if ( lRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS )
// Add CLSID to registered types table and associated class
// name to global atom table and class types table.
#ifdef UNICODE
if ( CLSIDFromString( szHandler, &rgRegisteredTypes[istr] ) == NOERROR )
rgAtomClasses[istr + NUM_CLIENT_CLASSES] = GlobalAddAtom( szClassName );
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szHandler, -1, wszString, ARRAYSIZE(wszString));
if ( CLSIDFromString( wszString, &rgRegisteredTypes[istr] ) == NOERROR )
rgAtomClasses[istr + NUM_CLIENT_CLASSES] = GlobalAddAtom( szClassName );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UnInitWindowClasses()
// Cleans up the Global Atom Table.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UnInitWindowClasses()
// [v-jaycl, 4/2/97] Clean up registered handler atoms after
// class and window atoms have been removed.
for( int istr = 0 ; istr < NUM_CLIENT_CLASSES + TOTAL_REG_HANDLERS ; istr++ )
if( rgAtomClasses[ istr ] )
GlobalDeleteAtom( rgAtomClasses[ istr ] );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FindWindowClass()
// - has been replaced by:
// GetWindowClass
// FindAndCreateWindowClass
// LookupWindowClass
// LookupWindowClassName
// See comments on each function for more infotmation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetWindowClass()
// Gets an enum for the window class of this hwnd
// Paremeters:
// hwnd The window handle we are checking
// CLASS_ENUM enum for this window
// Returns:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLASS_ENUM GetWindowClass( HWND hWnd )
int RegHandlerIndex;
// fWindow param is FALSE - only interested in client classes...
if( ! LookupWindowClass( hWnd, FALSE, &ceClass, & RegHandlerIndex ) )
// CLASS_NONE means it's a registered handler
return CLASS_NONE;
return ceClass;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FindAndCreateWindowClass()
// Create an object of the appropriate class for given window.
// If no suitable class found, use the default object creation given,
// if any.
// Paremeters:
// hwnd Handle of window to create object to represent/proxy
// fWindow TRUE if we're interested in a window (as opposed to
// client) -type class
// pfnDefault Function to use to create object if no suitable class
// found.
// riid Interface to pass to object creation function
// idObject object id to pass to object creation function
// ppvObject Object is returned through this
// Returns:
// HRESULT resulting from object creation.
// S_OK or other success value on success,
// failure value on failure (surprise surprise!)
// If no suitable class found, and no default creation function
// supplied, returns E_FAIL.
// (Note that return of E_FAIL doesn't necessarilly mean no suitable
// class found, since it can be returned for other reasons - eg.
// error during creation of object.)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT FindAndCreateWindowClass( HWND hWnd,
BOOL fWindow,
CLASS_ENUM ceDefault,
long idObject,
long idCurChild,
REFIID riid,
void ** ppvObject )
int RegHandlerIndex;
// Try and find a native proxy or registered handler for this window/client...
if( ! LookupWindowClass( hWnd, fWindow, & ceClass, & RegHandlerIndex ) )
// Unknown class - do we have a default fn to use instead?
if( ceDefault != CLASS_NONE )
// Yup - use it...
ceClass = ceDefault;
// Nope - fail!
ppvObject = NULL;
return E_FAIL;
// If the window class cannot be handled in a bit-agnostic way then we may
// need to call a proxy of the server's bitness to create the accessible
// object. CreateRemoteProxy6432 returns S_OK if ppvObject is successfully created
// by the proxy factory. Otherwise just try to create it the normal way.
if( ! g_ClassInfo[ ceClass ].fBitAgnostic )
BOOL fIsSameBitness;
if (FAILED(SameBitness(hWnd, &fIsSameBitness)))
return E_FAIL; // this should never happen
if (!fIsSameBitness)
return CreateRemoteProxy6432( hWnd, idObject, riid, ppvObject );
// If target window is of same bitness, fall through and create proxy locally...
// At this point, ceClass != CLASS_NONE means we've either found a class above,
// or we're using the supplied default.
// ceClass == CLASS_NONE means it's a registered handler class, using index
// RegHandlerIndex...
// Now create the object...
if( ceClass != CLASS_NONE )
return g_ClassInfo[ ceClass ].lpfnCreate( hWnd, idCurChild, riid, ppvObject );
return CreateRegisteredHandler( hWnd, idObject, RegHandlerIndex, riid, ppvObject );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateRemoteProxy6432()
// If the client and server are not the same bitness this code gets the
// accessible object from a proxy of the correct bitness.
// Paremeters:
// hwnd Handle of window to create object to represent/proxy
// idObject object id to pass to oleacc proxy
// riid Interface to QI for on returned proxy object
// ppvObject Object is returned through this
// Returns:
// HRESULT is S_OK if the proxy successfully creats the accessible object,
// HRESULT if an intermediate call fails.
HRESULT CreateRemoteProxy6432(HWND hwnd, long idObject, REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject)
// The server (hwnd) is not the same bitness so get a remote proxy
// factory object and use it to return the IAccessible object
IRemoteProxyFactory *p;
hr = GetRemoteProxyFactory(&p);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
IUnknown *punk = NULL;
hr = p->AccessibleProxyFromWindow( HandleToLong( hwnd ), idObject, &punk);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
if (!punk)
// TODO Performance improvement would be to do the QI on the other side
// but that would require custom marshalling of the riid struct.
hr = punk->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject);
return hr;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LookupWindowClass()
// Tries to find an internal proxy or a registered handler for the
// window, based on class name.
// If no suitable match found, it sends the window a WM_GETOBJECT
// message with OBJID_QUERYCLASSNAMEIDX - window can respond to
// indicate its real name. If so, a class name match is tried on
// that new name.
// If that fails, or the window doesn't respond to the QUERY message,
// FALSE is returned.
// Paremeters:
// hwnd The window handle we are checking
// fWindow This is true if...
// pceClass ptr to value to receive class enum
// pRegHandlerIndex ptr to value to receive reg.handler index
// Returns:
// Returns TRUE if match found, FALSE if none found.
// When TRUE returned:
// If internal proxy found, *pceClass points to index of class in
// class info array (entry contains a ctor fn plus other info).
// If reg handler found, *pceClass is set to CLASS_NONE, and
// *pRegHandlerIndex is set to a value that can be passed to
// CreateRegisteredHandler to create a suitable object.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL LookupWindowClass( HWND hWnd,
BOOL fWindow,
CLASS_ENUM * pceClass,
int * pRegHandlerIndex )
TCHAR szClassName[128];
// This works by looking at the class name. It uses a private function in
// USER to get the "real" class name, so that we see superclassed controls
// like VB's 'ThunderButton' as a button. (This only works for USER controls,
// though...)
if( ! MyGetWindowClass( hWnd, szClassName, ARRAYSIZE( szClassName ) ) )
return NULL;
// First do lookup on 'apparent' class name - this allows us to reg-handler
// even subclassed comctrls...
if( LookupWindowClassName( szClassName, fWindow, pceClass, pRegHandlerIndex ) )
// Found a match for the (possibly wrapped) class name - use it...
return TRUE;
LPTSTR pClassName = szClassName;
DWORD_PTR ref = 0;
SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 10000, &ref );
if( ! ref )
// No response - no match found, then, so return FALSE...
return FALSE;
// Valid / in-range response?
// (Remember, that we go from base..base+numclasses-1 instead of
// 0..numclasses-1 to avoid running afoul of Notes and other apps
// that return small LRESULTS to WM_GETOBJECT...)
// Yup - valid:
pClassName = rgClassNames[ ref - QUERYCLASSNAME_BASE ];
if( ! pClassName )
DBPRINTF( TEXT("Warning: reply to OBJID_QUERYCLASSNAMEIDX refers to unsupported class") );
return FALSE;
// Now try again, using 'real' COMCTRL class name.
return LookupWindowClassName( pClassName, fWindow, pceClass, pRegHandlerIndex );
DBPRINTF( TEXT("Warning: out-of-range reply to OBJID_QUERYCLASSNAMEIDX received") );
return FALSE; // TODO - add debug output
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LookupWindowClassName()
// Tries to find an internal proxy or a registered handler for the
// window, based on class name.
// Does so by converting class name to an 'atom', and looking through
// our reg handler and proxy tables.
// Paremeters:
// pClassName name of class to lookup
// fWindow This is true if...
// pceClass ptr to value to receive proxy class enum
// pRegHandlerIndex ptr to value to receive reg.handler index
// Returns:
// Returns TRUE if match found, FALSE if none found.
// When TRUE returned:
// If internal proxy found, *pceClass is set to class index for the
// proxy. (Can index into classinfo table to get ctor fn.)
// If reg handler found, *pceClass is set to CLASS_NONE, and
// *pRegHandlerIndex is set to a value that can be passed to
// CreateRegisteredHandler to create a suitable object.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL LookupWindowClassName( LPCTSTR pClassName,
BOOL fWindow,
CLASS_ENUM * pceClass,
int * pRegHandlerIndex )
// Get atom from classname - use it to lookup name in registered and
// internal proxy tables...
ATOM atom = GlobalFindAtom( pClassName );
if( ! atom )
return FALSE;
// Search registered handler table first...
int istr;
if( rgAtomClasses[ istr ] == atom )
*pRegHandlerIndex = istr - NUM_CLIENT_CLASSES;
*pceClass = CLASS_NONE;
return TRUE;
// Search internal proxy client/window table...
int cstr = (int)(fWindow ? NUM_WINDOW_CLASSES : NUM_CLIENT_CLASSES);
for( istr = 0; istr < cstr ; istr++ )
if( rgAtomClasses[ istr ] == atom )
*pceClass = fWindow ? g_WindowClassMap[ istr ] : g_ClientClassMap[ istr ];
// Only want to return TRUE if there is actually a proxy class for this window class...
return *pceClass != CLASS_NONE;
return FALSE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateRegisteredHandler()
// This function takes an HWND, OBJID, RIID, and a PPVOID, same as the
// other CreateXXX functions (like CreateButtonClient, etc.) This function
// is used by calling FindWindowClass, which sees if a registered handler
// for the window class of HWND is installed. If so, it sets a global variable
// s_iHandlerIndex that is an index into the global rgRegisteredTypes
// array. That array contains CLSID's that are used to call CoCreateInstance,
// to create an instance of an object that supports the interface
// IAccessibleHandler.
// After creating this object, this function calls the object's
// AccesibleObjectFromId method, using the HWND and the OBJID, and filling
// in the PPVOID to be an IAccessible interface.
// [v-jaycl, 4/2/97] Special function returned by FindWindowClass()
// for creating registered handlers.
// [v-jaycl, 5/15/97] Renamed second parameter from idChildCur to idObject
// because I believe that what the parameter really is, or at least how I
// intend to use it.
// [v-jaycl, 8/7/97] Changed logic such that we now get an accessible
// factory pointer back from CoCreateInstance() which supports
// IAccessibleHandler. This interface provides the means for getting an
// IAccessible ptr from a HWND/OBJID pair.
// NOTE: To support any number of IIDs requested from the caller, we
// try QIing on the caller-specified riid parameter if our explicit QI on
// IID_IAccessibleHandler fails.
// [BrendanM, 9/4/98]
// Index now passed by parameter, so global var and mutex no longer needed.
// Called by FindAndCreateWindowClass and CreateStdAccessibleProxyA.
HRESULT CreateRegisteredHandler( HWND hwnd,
long idObject,
int iHandlerIndex,
REFIID riid,
LPVOID * ppvObject )
// TODO: optimize by caching the proxy's object factory pointer.
// CoCreateInstance() only needs to be called once per
// proxy, not for each request for an object within a proxy.
// For satisfying the caller-specific IID, we can just QI
// on the cached object factory pointer.
// First QI on IAccessibleHandler directly to retrieve
// a pointer to the proxy object factory that
// manufactures accessible objects from object IDs.
hr = CoCreateInstance( rgRegisteredTypes[ iHandlerIndex ],
&pv );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
// We must have a qualified proxy since it supports
// IAccessibleHandler, so get the accessible object.
#ifndef _WIN64
hr = ((LPACCESSIBLEHANDLER)pv)->AccessibleObjectFromID( (UINT_PTR)hwnd,
(LPACCESSIBLE *)ppvObject );
#else // _WIN64
#endif // _WIN64
// Else try using the caller-specific IID
hr = CoCreateInstance( rgRegisteredTypes[ iHandlerIndex ],
ppvObject );
return hr;