/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DCTInstaller.cpp Comments: implementation of COM object that installs the DCT agent service. (c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc. REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Christy Boles Revised on 02/18/99 11:34:16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // DCTInstaller.cpp : Implementation of CDCTInstaller #include "stdafx.h" //#include "McsDispatcher.h" #include "Dispatch.h" #include "DInst.h" #include "Common.hpp" #include "Err.hpp" #include "ErrDct.hpp" #include "UString.hpp" #include "QProcess.hpp" #include "IsAdmin.hpp" #include "TSync.hpp" #include "TReg.hpp" #include "TInst.h" #include "TFile.hpp" #include "ResStr.h" #include "sd.hpp" #include "CommaLog.hpp" #include //#import "\bin\McsVarSetMin.tlb" no_namespace #import "VarSet.tlb" no_namespace rename("property", "aproperty") TErrorDct err; TError & errCommon = err; StringLoader gString; extern TErrorDct errLog; extern BOOL gbCacheFileBuilt; #ifdef OFA #define AGENT_EXE L"OFAAgent.exe" #define SERVICE_EXE L"OFAAgentService.exe" #else #define AGENT_EXE GET_STRING(IDS_AGENT_EXE) #define SERVICE_EXE GET_STRING(IDS_SERVICE_EXE) #endif #define WORKER_DLL GET_STRING(IDS_WORKER_DLL) #define VARSET_DLL GET_STRING(IDS_VARSET_DLL) #define DATA_FILE GET_STRING(IDS_DATA_FILE) #define RESOURCE_DLL L"McsDmRes.dll" #define MESSAGE_DLL L"McsDmMsg.dll" #define CACHE_FILE L"DCTCache" #define AGENT_INTEL_DIR GET_STRING(IDS_AGENT_INTEL_DIR) #define AGENT_ALPHA_DIR GET_STRING(IDS_AGENT_ALPHA_DIR) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDCTInstaller namespace { class workerDeleteFile { _bstr_t m_strFile; public: workerDeleteFile(_bstr_t strFile):m_strFile(strFile) {} ~workerDeleteFile() { ::DeleteFile(m_strFile); } }; union Time { FILETIME m_stFileTime; LONGLONG m_llTime; }; bool IsServiceInstalling(_bstr_t sDirSysTgt, _bstr_t strTemp1, _bstr_t strTemp2) { bool bRes = false; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData1; if((hFind = FindFirstFile(strTemp1, &findData1)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WIN32_FIND_DATA findData2; ::FindClose(hFind); hFind = CreateFile( strTemp2, // pointer to name of the file GENERIC_WRITE, // access (read-write) mode 0, // share mode 0, // pointer to security attributes CREATE_ALWAYS, // how to create FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes 0 // handle to file with attributes to ); if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFind); hFind = FindFirstFile(strTemp2, &findData2); ::DeleteFile(strTemp2); if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::FindClose(hFind); // look at difference in file creation times Time t1, t2; t1.m_stFileTime = findData1.ftCreationTime; t2.m_stFileTime = findData2.ftCreationTime; LONGLONG lldiff = t2.m_llTime - t1.m_llTime; if((lldiff/10000000) <= 600) bRes = true; } } } if(!bRes) { hFind = CreateFile( strTemp1, // pointer to name of the file GENERIC_WRITE, // access (read-write) mode 0, // share mode 0, // pointer to security attributes CREATE_ALWAYS, // how to create FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes 0 // handle to file with attributes to ); if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::CloseHandle(hFind); } return bRes; } bool IsServiceRunning(_bstr_t strServer) { SC_HANDLE hScm = OpenSCManager(strServer, NULL, GENERIC_READ); if(!hScm) { err.DbgMsgWrite(ErrW,L"Could not open SCManager on %s : GetLastError() returned %d", (WCHAR*)strServer, GetLastError()); return false; } CComBSTR bstrServiceName(L"OnePointFileAdminService"); SC_HANDLE hSvc = OpenService(hScm, GET_STRING(IDS_SERVICE_NAME), GENERIC_READ); if(!hSvc) { if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ) err.DbgMsgWrite(ErrW,L"Could not open service on %s : GetLastError() returned %d", (WCHAR*)strServer, GetLastError()); CloseServiceHandle(hScm); return false; } CloseServiceHandle(hScm); SERVICE_STATUS status; BOOL bRes = QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &status); if(!bRes) { err.DbgMsgWrite(ErrW,L"Could not get service status on %s : GetLastError() returned %d", (WCHAR*)strServer, GetLastError()); CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); return false; } CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); if(status.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED) return true; else return false; } } int GetTargetOSVersion(LPWSTR sServerName) { DWORD rc = NERR_Success; SERVER_INFO_101 * servInfo = NULL; int nVersion = 4; // Check version info rc = NetServerGetInfo(sServerName, 101, (LPBYTE *)&servInfo); if (rc == NERR_Success) { if(servInfo->sv101_version_major >= 5) nVersion = 5; else nVersion = 4; NetApiBufferFree(servInfo); } return nVersion; } DWORD // ret- OS return code CDCTInstaller::GetLocalMachineName() { DWORD rc = 0; WKSTA_INFO_100 * buf = NULL; rc = NetWkstaGetInfo(NULL,100,(LPBYTE*)&buf); if ( ! rc ) { safecopy(m_LocalComputer,L"\\\\"); UStrCpy(m_LocalComputer+2,buf->wki100_computername); NetApiBufferFree(buf); } return rc; } DWORD // ret- OS return code GetPlugInDirectory( WCHAR * directory // out- directory where plug-in files are ) { TRegKey key; DWORD rc; // Get the plug-ins directory from the registry rc = key.Open(GET_STRING(IDS_HKLM_DomainAdmin_Key),HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); if ( ! rc ) { rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"PlugInDirectory",directory,MAX_PATH * (sizeof WCHAR)); } return rc; } DWORD // ret- OS return code GetInstallationDirectory( WCHAR * directory // out- directory we were installed to ) { TRegKey key; DWORD rc; // Get the plug-ins directory from the registry rc = key.Open(GET_STRING(IDS_HKLM_DomainAdmin_Key),HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); if ( ! rc ) { rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"Directory",directory,MAX_PATH * (sizeof WCHAR)); } return rc; } DWORD // ret- OS return code GetProgramFilesDirectory( WCHAR * directory, // out- location of program files directory WCHAR const * computer // in - computer to find PF directory on ) { TRegKey hklm; TRegKey key; DWORD rc; rc = hklm.Connect(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,computer); if ( ! rc ) { rc = key.Open(L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion",&hklm); } if ( !rc ) { rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"ProgramFilesDir",directory,MAX_PATH * (sizeof WCHAR)); } return rc; } STDMETHODIMP // ret- HRESULT CDCTInstaller::InstallToServer( BSTR serverName, // in - computer name to install to BSTR configurationFile // in - full path to job file (varset file, copied as part of install) ) { DWORD rcOs=0; // OS return code if ( ! *m_LocalComputer ) { rcOs = GetLocalMachineName(); if ( rcOs ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rcOs,DCT_MSG_NO_LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME_D,rcOs); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rcOs); } } // Check for admin privileges on the server rcOs = IsAdminRemote((WCHAR*)serverName); if ( rcOs == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { err.MsgWrite(ErrE,DCT_MSG_NOT_ADMIN_ON_SERVER_S,(WCHAR*)serverName); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rcOs); } else if ( rcOs == ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME ) { err.MsgWrite(ErrE,DCT_MSG_NO_ADMIN_SHARES_S,(WCHAR*)serverName); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rcOs); } else if ( rcOs == ERROR_BAD_NETPATH ) { err.MsgWrite(ErrE,DCT_MSG_COMPUTER_NOT_FOUND_S,(WCHAR*)serverName); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rcOs); } else if ( rcOs ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rcOs,DCT_MSG_NO_ADMIN_SHARE_SD,(WCHAR*)serverName,rcOs); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rcOs); } TDCTInstall x( serverName, m_LocalComputer ); DWORD typeThis = 0; DWORD typeTarg = 0; BOOL bNoProgramFiles = FALSE; BOOL bShareCreated = FALSE; SHARE_INFO_502 shareInfo; errCommon = err; do // once or until break { typeThis = QProcessor( m_LocalComputer ); typeTarg = QProcessor( serverName ); //do not install to ALPHAs, atleast for Whistler Beta 2 if (typeTarg == PROCESSOR_IS_ALPHA) return CO_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; // Set installation directories for source and target WCHAR sDirInstall[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDirPlugIn[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDirSrc[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDirTgt[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDirSysTgt[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDirTgtProgramFiles[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDirTgtProgramFilesLocal[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDestination[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sSvc[MAX_PATH]; SHARE_INFO_1 * shInfo1 = NULL; rcOs = GetInstallationDirectory(sDirInstall); if ( rcOs ) break; rcOs = GetPlugInDirectory(sDirPlugIn); //if ( rcOs ) break; rcOs = GetProgramFilesDirectory(sDirTgtProgramFiles,serverName); if ( rcOs ) { if ( rcOs != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { break; } // this doesn't work on NT 3.51, so if we can't get the program files directory, we'll // create a directory off the system root. safecopy(sDirTgtProgramFiles,"\\ADMIN$"); bNoProgramFiles = TRUE; rcOs = 0; } safecopy(sDirTgtProgramFilesLocal,sDirTgtProgramFiles); // See if the admin$ shares exist already if ( sDirTgtProgramFiles[1] == L':' && sDirTgtProgramFiles[2] == L'\\' ) { BOOL bNeedToCreateShare = FALSE; sDirTgtProgramFiles[1] = L'$'; sDirTgtProgramFiles[2] = 0; rcOs = NetShareGetInfo(serverName,sDirTgtProgramFiles,1,(LPBYTE*)&shInfo1); if ( rcOs ) { if ( rcOs == NERR_NetNameNotFound ) { bNeedToCreateShare = TRUE; } else { bNeedToCreateShare = FALSE; err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rcOs,DCT_MSG_ADMIN_SHARE_GETINFO_FAILED_SSD,serverName,sDirTgtProgramFiles,rcOs); // put the program files path name back like it was sDirTgtProgramFiles[1] = L':'; sDirTgtProgramFiles[2] = L'\\'; } } else { if ( shInfo1->shi1_type & STYPE_SPECIAL ) { // the admin share exists -- we'll just use it bNeedToCreateShare = FALSE; // put the program files path name back like it was sDirTgtProgramFiles[1] = L':'; sDirTgtProgramFiles[2] = L'\\'; } else { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_SHARE_IS_NOT_ADMIN_SHARE_SS,serverName,shInfo1->shi1_netname); bNeedToCreateShare = TRUE; } NetApiBufferFree(shInfo1); } if ( bNeedToCreateShare ) { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR emptySD; WCHAR shareName[LEN_Path]; WCHAR remark[LEN_Path]; BYTE emptyRelSD[LEN_Path]; DWORD lenEmptyRelSD = DIM(emptyRelSD); sDirTgtProgramFiles[1] = L':'; sDirTgtProgramFiles[2] = L'\\'; memset(&emptySD,0,(sizeof SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)); InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&emptySD,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); MakeSelfRelativeSD(&emptySD,emptyRelSD,&lenEmptyRelSD); TSD pSD((SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*)emptyRelSD,McsShareSD,FALSE); PACL dacl = NULL; TACE ace(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE,0,DACL_FULLCONTROL_MASK,GetWellKnownSid(1/*ADMINISTRATORS*/)); DWORD lenInfo = (sizeof shareInfo); pSD.ACLAddAce(&dacl,&ace,0); pSD.SetDacl(dacl); UStrCpy(shareName,GET_STRING(IDS_HiddenShare)); UStrCpy(remark,GET_STRING(IDS_HiddenShareRemark)); memset(&shareInfo,0,(sizeof shareInfo)); shareInfo.shi502_netname = shareName; shareInfo.shi502_type = STYPE_DISKTREE; shareInfo.shi502_remark = remark; shareInfo.shi502_max_uses = 1; shareInfo.shi502_path = sDirTgtProgramFiles; shareInfo.shi502_security_descriptor = pSD.MakeRelSD(); rcOs = NetShareAdd(serverName,502,(LPBYTE)&shareInfo,&lenInfo); if ( rcOs ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rcOs,DCT_MSG_TEMP_SHARE_CREATE_FAILED_SSD,serverName,shareName,rcOs); break; } else { safecopy(sDirTgtProgramFiles,shareName); bShareCreated = TRUE; } free(shareInfo.shi502_security_descriptor); shareInfo.shi502_security_descriptor = NULL; } } else { // something went wrong...the program files directory is not in drive:\path format err.MsgWrite(ErrW,DCT_MSG_INVALID_PROGRAM_FILES_DIR_SS,serverName,sDirTgtProgramFiles); } // setup source directory name for install UStrCpy( sDirSrc, sDirInstall ); switch ( typeTarg ) { case PROCESSOR_IS_INTEL: if ( typeTarg != typeThis ) { UStrCpy(sDirSrc + UStrLen(sDirSrc),AGENT_INTEL_DIR); UStrCpy(sDirPlugIn + UStrLen(sDirPlugIn),AGENT_INTEL_DIR); } break; case PROCESSOR_IS_ALPHA: if ( typeTarg != typeThis ) { UStrCpy(sDirSrc + UStrLen(sDirSrc),AGENT_ALPHA_DIR); UStrCpy(sDirPlugIn + UStrLen(sDirPlugIn),AGENT_ALPHA_DIR); } break; default: rcOs = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; break; } if ( rcOs ) break; //if the target machine is downlevel (NT4), dispatch NT4, non-robust, agent files int nVer = GetTargetOSVersion(serverName); if (nVer == 4) { _bstr_t sAgentDir = GET_STRING(IDS_AGENT_NT4_DIR); if (UStrLen(sDirSrc) + sAgentDir.length() < MAX_PATH) wcscat(sDirSrc, (WCHAR*)sAgentDir); if (UStrLen(sDirPlugIn) + sAgentDir.length() < MAX_PATH) wcscat(sDirPlugIn, (WCHAR*)sAgentDir); } // setup target directory name for install UStrCpy( sDirTgt, serverName ); UStrCpy( sDirTgt+UStrLen(sDirTgt), L"\\" ); if ( sDirTgtProgramFiles[1] == L':' ) { sDirTgtProgramFiles[1] = L'$'; } UStrCpy(sDirTgt + UStrLen(sDirTgt),sDirTgtProgramFiles); #ifdef OFA UStrCpy(sDirTgt + UStrLen(sDirTgt),L"\\OnePointFileAdminAgent\\"); #else UStrCpy(sDirTgt + UStrLen(sDirTgt),GET_STRING(IDS_AgentDirectoryName)); #endif UStrCpy( sDirSysTgt, serverName ); UStrCpy( sDirSysTgt+UStrLen(sDirSysTgt), L"\\ADMIN$\\System32\\" ); _bstr_t strTemp1(sDirSysTgt), strTemp2(sDirSysTgt); strTemp1 += (BSTR)GET_STRING(IDS_TEMP_FILE_1); strTemp2 += (BSTR)GET_STRING(IDS_TEMP_FILE_2); if(IsServiceInstalling(sDirSysTgt, strTemp1, strTemp2)) { err.MsgWrite(ErrE,DCT_MSG_AGENT_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING,(WCHAR*)serverName); #ifdef OFA return 0x88070040; #else return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING); #endif } workerDeleteFile wrk(strTemp1); if(IsServiceRunning(serverName)) { err.MsgWrite(ErrE,DCT_MSG_AGENT_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING,(WCHAR*)serverName); #ifdef OFA return 0x88070040; #else return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING); #endif } if ( bNoProgramFiles ) { #ifdef OFA UStrCpy(sSvc,"%systemroot%\\OnePointFileAdminAgent\\"); #else UStrCpy(sSvc,"%systemroot%\\OnePointDomainAgent\\"); #endif UStrCpy( sSvc + UStrLen(sSvc),SERVICE_EXE ); } else { UStrCpy( sSvc, sDirTgtProgramFilesLocal ); #ifdef OFA UStrCpy( sSvc + UStrLen(sSvc),L"\\OnePointFileAdminAgent\\"); #else UStrCpy( sSvc + UStrLen(sSvc),L"\\OnePointDomainAgent\\"); #endif UStrCpy( sSvc + UStrLen(sSvc),SERVICE_EXE ); sSvc[1] = L':'; } if ( UStrICmp(m_LocalComputer,serverName) ) { x.SetServiceInformation(GET_STRING(IDS_DISPLAY_NAME),GET_STRING(IDS_SERVICE_NAME),sSvc,NULL); } else { safecopy(sSvc,sDirSrc); UStrCpy(sSvc + UStrLen(sSvc),GET_STRING(IDS_SERVICE_EXE)); x.SetServiceInformation(GET_STRING(IDS_DISPLAY_NAME),GET_STRING(IDS_SERVICE_NAME),sSvc,NULL); } rcOs = x.ScmOpen(); if ( rcOs ) break; x.ServiceStop(); if ( UStrICmp( m_LocalComputer, serverName ) ) { // Create the target directory, if it does not exist if ( ! CreateDirectory(sDirTgt,NULL) ) { rcOs = GetLastError(); if ( rcOs && rcOs != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rcOs,DCT_MSG_CREATE_DIR_FAILED_SD,sDirTgt,rcOs); break; } } // shared MCS files // source files TInstallFile varset(VARSET_DLL,sDirSrc); // target\system32 files TInstallFile varsettargetsys(VARSET_DLL,sDirSysTgt,TRUE); // target\OnePoint files TInstallFile varsettarget(VARSET_DLL,sDirTgt,TRUE); // agent specific files TInstallFile worker(WORKER_DLL,sDirSrc); TInstallFile agent(AGENT_EXE,sDirSrc); TInstallFile service(SERVICE_EXE,sDirSrc); TInstallFile resourceMsg(RESOURCE_DLL,sDirSrc); TInstallFile eventMsg(MESSAGE_DLL,sDirSrc); TInstallFile workertarget(WORKER_DLL,sDirTgt,TRUE); TInstallFile agenttarget(AGENT_EXE,sDirTgt,TRUE); TInstallFile servicetarget(SERVICE_EXE,sDirTgt,TRUE); TInstallFile resourceMsgtarget(RESOURCE_DLL,sDirTgt,TRUE); TInstallFile eventMsgtarget(MESSAGE_DLL,sDirTgt,TRUE); #ifdef OFA if ( varset.CompareFile(&varsettargetsys) > 0 ) #endif { swprintf(sDestination,L"%s%s",sDirTgt,VARSET_DLL); varset.CopyTo(sDestination); } #ifdef OFA if ( worker.CompareFile(&workertarget) > 0 ) #endif { swprintf(sDestination,L"%s%s",sDirTgt,WORKER_DLL); worker.CopyTo(sDestination); } #ifdef OFA if ( agent.CompareFile(&agenttarget) > 0 ) #endif { swprintf(sDestination,L"%s%s",sDirTgt,AGENT_EXE); agent.CopyTo(sDestination); } #ifdef OFA if ( service.CompareFile(&servicetarget) > 0 ) #endif { swprintf(sDestination,L"%s%s",sDirTgt,SERVICE_EXE); service.CopyTo(sDestination); } #ifdef OFA if ( resourceMsg.CompareFile(&resourceMsgtarget) > 0 ) #endif { swprintf(sDestination,L"%s%s",sDirTgt,RESOURCE_DLL); resourceMsg.CopyTo(sDestination); } #ifdef OFA if ( eventMsg.CompareFile(&eventMsgtarget) > 0 ) #endif { swprintf(sDestination,L"%s%s",sDirTgt,MESSAGE_DLL); eventMsg.CopyTo(sDestination); } // Copy files needed for plug-ins if ( m_PlugInFileList ) { TNodeListEnum e; TFileNode * pNode; for ( pNode = (TFileNode*)e.OpenFirst(m_PlugInFileList) ; pNode ; pNode = (TFileNode*)e.Next() ) { TInstallFile plugInSource(pNode->FileName(),sDirPlugIn); TInstallFile plugInTarget(pNode->FileName(),sDirTgt,TRUE); swprintf(sDestination,L"%s%s",sDirTgt,pNode->FileName()); plugInSource.CopyTo(sDestination); } e.Close(); } } else { safecopy(sDirTgt,sDirSrc); } // Copy the job file // separate the directory and filename WCHAR sConfigPath[MAX_PATH]; safecopy(sConfigPath,(WCHAR*)configurationFile); WCHAR * lastslash = wcsrchr(sConfigPath,L'\\'); if ( lastslash ) { *lastslash = 0; } WCHAR const * sConfigFile = lastslash + 1; TInstallFile config(sConfigFile,sConfigPath); swprintf(sDestination,L"%s%s",sDirTgt,sConfigFile); config.CopyTo(sDestination); if ( gbCacheFileBuilt ) { // also copy the dct cache file TInstallFile cache(CACHE_FILE,sConfigPath); swprintf(sDestination,L"%s%s",sDirTgt,CACHE_FILE); cache.CopyTo(sDestination); } // start the service rcOs = x.ServiceStart(); } while ( FALSE ); if ( bShareCreated ) { rcOs = NetShareDel(serverName,GET_STRING(IDS_HiddenShare),0); if ( rcOs ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrW,rcOs,DCT_MSG_SHARE_DEL_FAILED_SSD,serverName,GET_STRING(IDS_HiddenShare),rcOs); } } if ( rcOs && rcOs != E_ABORT ) { err.SysMsgWrite( ErrW, rcOs, DCT_MSG_AGENT_INSTALL_FAILED_SD, (WCHAR*)serverName, rcOs); } if ( SUCCEEDED(rcOs) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rcOs); } else { return rcOs; } } STDMETHODIMP // ret- HRESULT CDCTInstaller::SetCredentials( BSTR account, // in - account name BSTR password // in - password ) { m_Account = account; m_Password = password; return S_OK; } // Installs the agent to a computer // VarSet input: // InstallToServer - computer to install agent on // ConfigurationFile - file containing varset for job, installed with agent // STDMETHODIMP // ret- HRESULT CDCTInstaller::Process( IUnknown * pWorkItem // in - varset containing data ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IVarSetPtr pVarSet = pWorkItem; _bstr_t serverName; _bstr_t dataFile; // Read the server name serverName = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_InstallToServer)); dataFile = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_ConfigurationFile)); if ( serverName.length() ) { errLog.DbgMsgWrite(0,L"%ls\t%ls\t%ls",(WCHAR*)serverName,L"JobFile",(WCHAR*)dataFile); hr = InstallToServer(serverName,dataFile); _bstr_t strChoice = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_DeleteJobFile)); if(strChoice == _bstr_t(GET_STRING(IDS_YES))) ::DeleteFile(dataFile); errLog.DbgMsgWrite(0,L"%ls\t%ls\t%ld",(WCHAR*)serverName,L"Install",HRESULT_CODE(hr)); } return hr; }