//#pragma title( "Common.hpp - Common classes of general utility" ) /* Copyright (c) 1995-1998, Mission Critical Software, Inc. All rights reserved. =============================================================================== Module - Common.hpp System - Common Author - Tom Bernhardt, Rich Denham Created - 1994-08-22 Description - Common classes of general utility. Updates - 1997-09-12 RED replace TTime class =============================================================================== */ #ifndef MCSINC_Common_hpp #define MCSINC_Common_hpp // Start of header file dependencies #ifndef _INC_LIMITS #include #endif #ifndef _INC_STDIO #include #endif #ifndef _INC_TIME #include #endif #ifndef MCSINC_Mcs_h #include "Mcs.h" #endif // End of header file dependencies #define SECS(n) (n * 1000) #define DIM(array) (sizeof (array) / sizeof (array[0])) #ifdef UNICODE typedef unsigned short UTCHAR; #define UTEXT(quote) ((unsigned short *) (L##quote)) #else typedef unsigned char UTCHAR; #define UTEXT(quote) ((unsigned char *) (quote)) #endif // UNICODE #define UnNull(ptr) ( (ptr) ? (ptr) : (UCHAR *) "" ) #define DAYSECS (24*60*60) class TTime { private: protected: public: time_t Now( // ret-current time time_t * pTime // out-optional current time ) const; #ifndef WIN16_VERSION __int64 NowAsFiletime( // ret-current time __int64 * pTime // out-optional current time ) const; time_t ConvertFiletimeToTimet( // ret-time_t representation __int64 fileTime // in -filetime representation ) const; #endif // WIN16_VERSION WCHAR * FormatIsoUtc( // ret-YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS string time_t tTime ,// in -time_t representation WCHAR * sTime // out-YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS string ) const; WCHAR * FormatIsoLcl( // ret-YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS string time_t tTime ,// in -time_t representation WCHAR * sTime // out-YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS string ) const; }; extern TTime gTTime; // global instance of TTime #ifndef WIN16_VERSION __int64 // ret-numeric value of string TextToInt64( TCHAR const * str ,// in-string value to parse __int64 minVal ,// in -min allowed value for result __int64 maxVal ,// in -max allowed value for result char const ** errMsg // out-error message pointer or NULL ); #endif // WIN16_VERSION typedef struct EaTimeZoneInfo { // all values are in seconds long bias; // time zone bias long dst; // daylight savings time bias long biasdst; // time zone bias including possible DST } EaTimeZoneInfo; // Return time zone information // If the returned value is TRUE, the EaTimeZoneInfo structure is filled in // If the returned value is FALSE, the EaTimeZoneInfo structure is all zeroes // Note: UTC (gTTime.Now( NULL )) minus pTimeZoneInfo->biasdst is the local date/time BOOL EaGetTimeZoneInfo( EaTimeZoneInfo * pTimeZoneInfo // in -time zone information ); #endif // MCSINC_Common_hpp // Common.hpp - end of file