@echo off REM REM Builds the setup files for the NT4 DSClient REM and copyies them to the .\binaries\usa directory REM IF %MERRILL_LYNCH% == 1 ( set BINARIES_LOC=.\binaries\ml ) ELSE ( set BINARIES_LOC=.\binaries\usa ) cd setup Echo Building the setup binaries... start /wait build -cZ cd .. Echo Checking out the previous version of setup sd edit .\%BINARIES_LOC%\setup.exe sd edit .\%BINARIES_LOC%\dscsetup.dll Echo Copying the setup binaries... copy .\setup\setup\obj\i386\setup.exe %BINARIES_LOC% copy .\setup\dscsetup\obj\i386\dscsetup.dll %BINARIES_LOC%