// XMLObject.cpp: implementation of the CXMLObject class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //hcp://system/sysinfo/msinfo.htm C:\WINDOWS\PCHEALTH\HELPCTR\System\SYSINFO\msinfo.htm #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "XMLObject.h" #include "msxml.h" #include "HistoryParser.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CXMLObject::CXMLObject() { } CXMLObject::~CXMLObject() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a new CXMLObject, which basically wraps the INSTANCE xml node pased in as pNode // pNode will have been selected with a query something like // Snapshot/CIM/DECLARATION/DECLGROUP.WITHPATH/VALUE.OBJECTWITHPATH/INSTANCE[@CLASSNAME $ieq$ "; // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::Create(CComPtr pNode, CString strClassName) { ASSERT(pNode != NULL && "NULL smart pointer passed in"); m_pNode = pNode; m_strClassName = strClassName; return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finds a specific property node in m_pNode //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetPROPERTYNode(LPCTSTR szProperty,CComPtr& pPropNode) { CString strSubQuery(_T("")); HRESULT hr; if (FALSE) { } else { strSubQuery = _T("PROPERTY[@NAME $ieq$"); strSubQuery += _T('\"'); strSubQuery += szProperty; strSubQuery += _T('\"'); strSubQuery += _T("]"); } CComBSTR bstrSubQuery(strSubQuery); hr = S_FALSE; hr = this->m_pNode->selectSingleNode(bstrSubQuery,&pPropNode); if (FAILED(hr) || !pPropNode) { return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tries to find the value specified by szProperty in associated INSTANCE node // (m_pNode) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetValue(LPCTSTR szProperty, VARIANT * pvarValue) { CComBSTR bstrAttributeText; CComPtr pSubNode; HRESULT hr = GetPROPERTYNode(szProperty,pSubNode); if (FAILED(hr)) { pvarValue->vt = VT_EMPTY; return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } ASSERT(pSubNode != NULL); CComVariant varAttr; varAttr.vt = VT_BSTR; hr = pSubNode->get_text(&varAttr.bstrVal); pvarValue->vt = VT_BSTR; pvarValue->bstrVal = varAttr.bstrVal; return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finds value specified by szProperty, returns it as string //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetValueString(LPCTSTR szProperty, CString * pstrValue) { try { if (!pstrValue) { ASSERT(0 && "NULL POINTER PASSED IN"); return E_FAIL; } HRESULT hr; CComVariant ovValue; hr = this->GetValue(szProperty,&ovValue); //some properties have to be interpolated if not found... if (ovValue.vt == VT_EMPTY) { if (_tcsicmp(szProperty,_T("__PATH")) == 0) { return GetPath(pstrValue); } else if (_tcsicmp(szProperty,_T("Antecedent")) == 0) { ASSERT(this->m_strClassName.CompareNoCase("Win32_PNPAllocatedResource") == 0); this->GetAntecedent(pstrValue); return S_OK; } else if (_tcsicmp(szProperty,_T("Dependent")) == 0) { ASSERT(this->m_strClassName.CompareNoCase("Win32_PNPAllocatedResource") == 0); this->GetDependent(pstrValue); return S_OK; } else if (_tcsicmp(szProperty,_T("Caption")) == 0) { if (this->m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_PnPEntity")) == 0) { //need to get PNP device name CString strPNPID; GetValueString(_T("DeviceID"),&strPNPID); CComPtr pDoc; if (FAILED(this->m_pNode->get_ownerDocument(&pDoc)) || !pDoc) { return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } *pstrValue = GetPNPNameByID(pDoc,CComBSTR(strPNPID)); return S_OK; } else if (this->m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_DMAChannel")) == 0) { return GetValueString(_T("Name"),pstrValue); } else if (this->m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_StartupCommand")) == 0) { return GetValueString(_T("Name"),pstrValue); } else if (this->m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_PortResource")) == 0) { return GetValueString(_T("Name"),pstrValue); } else if (this->m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_IRQResource")) == 0) { return GetValueString(_T("Name"),pstrValue); } else if (this->m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress")) == 0) { return GetValueString(_T("Description"),pstrValue); } else if (this->m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_StartupCommand")) == 0) { return GetValueString(_T("Name"),pstrValue); } } else if (_tcsicmp(szProperty,_T("Status")) == 0) { AfxSetResourceHandle(_Module.GetResourceInstance()); VERIFY(pstrValue->LoadString(IDS_ERROR_NOVALUE) && _T("could not find string resource")); return S_OK; } else if (_tcsicmp(szProperty,_T("Name")) == 0 && m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_Printer")) == 0) { return GetValueString(_T("DeviceID"),pstrValue); } else if (_tcsicmp(szProperty,_T("ServerName")) == 0 && m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_Printer")) == 0) { return GetValueString(_T("PortName"),pstrValue); } else if (_tcsicmp(szProperty,_T("DriveType")) == 0 && m_strClassName.CompareNoCase(_T("Win32_LogicalDisk")) == 0) { return GetValueString(_T("Description"),pstrValue); } AfxSetResourceHandle(_Module.GetResourceInstance()); VERIFY(pstrValue->LoadString(IDS_ERROR_NOVALUE) && _T("could not find string resource")); return hr; } if (ovValue.vt != VT_EMPTY) { USES_CONVERSION; CString strVal = OLE2A(ovValue.bstrVal); *pstrValue = strVal; return hr; } else { *pstrValue = _T(""); AfxSetResourceHandle(_Module.GetResourceInstance()); VERIFY(pstrValue->LoadString(IDS_ERROR_NOVALUE) && "could not find string resource"); return S_OK; } } catch(COleException e) { ASSERT(0 && "conversion error?"); } catch (...) { ASSERT(0 && "unknown error"); } return E_FAIL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finds value specified by szProperty, returns it as DWORD //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetValueDWORD(LPCTSTR szProperty, DWORD * pdwValue) { if (!pdwValue) { ASSERT(0 && "NULL POINTER PASSED IN"); return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } CComVariant varValue; HRESULT hr = GetValue(szProperty,&varValue); if (FAILED(hr)) { return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } hr = varValue.ChangeType(VT_UI4); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *pdwValue = varValue.ulVal; } else { return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finds value specified by szProperty, returns it as SYSTEMTIME //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetValueTime(LPCTSTR szProperty, SYSTEMTIME * psystimeValue) { if (!psystimeValue) { ASSERT(0 && "NULL POINTER PASSED IN"); return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } VARIANT variant; HRESULT hr = GetValue(szProperty, &variant); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) { USES_CONVERSION; LPTSTR szDate = OLE2T(V_BSTR(&variant)); if (szDate == NULL || _tcslen(szDate) == 0) { //probably "PROPOGATED" value return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } // Parse the date string into the SYSTEMTIME struct. It would be better to // get the date from WMI directly, but there was a problem with this. TBD - // look into whether or not we can do this now. ZeroMemory(psystimeValue, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); psystimeValue->wSecond = (unsigned short)_ttoi(szDate + 12); szDate[12] = _T('\0'); psystimeValue->wMinute = (unsigned short)_ttoi(szDate + 10); szDate[10] = _T('\0'); psystimeValue->wHour = (unsigned short)_ttoi(szDate + 8); szDate[ 8] = _T('\0'); psystimeValue->wDay = (unsigned short)_ttoi(szDate + 6); szDate[ 6] = _T('\0'); psystimeValue->wMonth = (unsigned short)_ttoi(szDate + 4); szDate[ 4] = _T('\0'); psystimeValue->wYear = (unsigned short)_ttoi(szDate + 0); } else hr = E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finds value specified by szProperty, returns it as FLOAT //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetValueDoubleFloat(LPCTSTR szProperty, double * pdblValue) { if (!pdblValue) { ASSERT(0 && "NULL POINTER PASSED IN"); return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } CComPtr pPropNode; CComVariant varValue; HRESULT hr = GetPROPERTYNode(szProperty,pPropNode); if (FAILED(hr) || !pPropNode) { return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } varValue.vt = VT_BSTR; hr = pPropNode->get_text(&varValue.bstrVal); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(0 && "could not get text from PROPERTY node"); *pdblValue = (double) -1; return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } hr = varValue.ChangeType(VT_R4); if (FAILED(hr)) { varValue.Clear(); ASSERT(0 && "unable to convert between variant types"); return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } *pdblValue = varValue.fltVal; return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function exists to provide compatiblilty with CWMIObject. All it does // is a GetValueString(szProperty,pstrValue) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetValueValueMap(LPCTSTR szProperty, CString * pstrValue) { if (!pstrValue) { ASSERT(0 && "NULL POINTER PASSED IN"); return E_MSINFO_NOVALUE; } return GetValueString(szProperty,pstrValue); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CXMLObjectCollection Class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CXMLObjectCollection::CXMLObjectCollection(CComPtr pXMLDoc) : m_pXMLDoc(pXMLDoc) { } CXMLObjectCollection::~CXMLObjectCollection() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the next node in list of INSTANCE nodes selected by // CXMLObjectCollection::Create, as a CXMLObject //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObjectCollection::GetNext(CWMIObject ** ppObject) { ASSERT(ppObject); if (m_pList == NULL) { ASSERT(0 && "CXMLObjectCollection::GetNext called on a null enumerator"); return E_FAIL; } CComPtr pNode; HRESULT hr = m_pList->nextNode(&pNode); if (!pNode) { //we're at end of m_pList return E_FAIL; } if (hr == S_OK && pNode) { if (*ppObject == NULL) { *ppObject = new CXMLObject(); } if (*ppObject) { hr = ((CXMLObject *)(*ppObject))->Create(pNode,m_strClassName); // this will AddRef the pointer if (FAILED(hr)) { delete (CXMLObject *)(*ppObject); *ppObject = NULL; } } if (*ppObject) { return hr; } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObjectCollection::Create(LPCTSTR szClass, LPCTSTR szProperties) { HRESULT hr; ASSERT(szClass); m_strClassName = szClass; CString strQuery; if (_tcsicmp(szClass,_T("Win32_PNPAllocatedResource")) == 0) { strQuery = _T("Snapshot//INSTANCENAME[@CLASSNAME"); } else { strQuery = _T("Snapshot//INSTANCE[@CLASSNAME"); } strQuery += _T("$ieq$"); strQuery += _T('\"'); strQuery += szClass; strQuery += _T('\"'); strQuery += _T("]"); long lListLen = 0; hr = this->m_pXMLDoc->getElementsByTagName(CComBSTR(strQuery),&m_pList); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && "could not get list of instances to match this class"); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CXMLJelper Class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //extern CComPtr g_pStream; CXMLHelper::CXMLHelper(CComPtr pXMLDoc): m_pXMLDoc(pXMLDoc) { } CXMLHelper::~CXMLHelper() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets a CXMLObjectCollection which contains a list of instances of the // class specified by szClass //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLHelper::Enumerate(LPCTSTR szClass, CWMIObjectCollection ** ppCollection, LPCTSTR szProperties) { CString strCorrectedClass = szClass; ASSERT(ppCollection); if (ppCollection == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; CXMLObjectCollection * pXMLCollection; if (*ppCollection) pXMLCollection = (CXMLObjectCollection *) *ppCollection; else pXMLCollection = new CXMLObjectCollection(m_pXMLDoc); if (pXMLCollection == NULL) return E_FAIL; // TBD - memory failure HRESULT hr = pXMLCollection->Create(strCorrectedClass, szProperties); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *ppCollection = (CWMIObjectCollection *) pXMLCollection; else delete pXMLCollection; return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // finds the instance node that matches szObjectPath, and stores the node // in a CXMLObject // szObjectPath will be something like "Win32_DMAChannel.DMAChannel=2" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLHelper::GetObject(LPCTSTR szObjectPath, CWMIObject ** ppObject) { ASSERT(ppObject); if (ppObject == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; // //strip everything to left of ":" CString strPath(szObjectPath); int i = strPath.Find(_T(":")); if (i > -1) { strPath = strPath.Right(strPath.GetLength() - i - 1); } i = strPath.Find(_T(".")); //separate the string into resource type (e.g. Win32_DMAChannel) CString strClassName; if (i > -1) { strClassName = strPath.Left(i); strPath = strPath.Right(strPath.GetLength() - i - 1); } //get the name of the attribute we're looking for in the XML file: CString strPropertyName; CString strPropertyValue; i = strPath.Find(_T("=")); if (i > -1) { strPropertyName = strPath.Left(i); strPath = strPath.Right(strPath.GetLength() - i - 1); //get the value that we need to match in the antecedent strPropertyValue = strPath; } //Create the XML Query pattern to find a node that matches CString strQuery = _T("Snapshot//INSTANCE[@CLASSNAME $ieq$ "); strQuery += _T("\""); strQuery += strClassName; strQuery += _T("\""); strQuery += _T("]/PROPERTY[@NAME $ieq$ "); strQuery += _T("\""); strQuery += strPropertyName; strQuery += _T("\"]"); CComBSTR bstrQuery(strQuery); CComPtr pList; HRESULT hr; hr = m_pXMLDoc->getElementsByTagName(bstrQuery,&pList); if (FAILED(hr) || !pList) { return E_FAIL; } //find the node whose KEYVALUE node's value matches strPropertyValue long lListLen; hr = pList->get_length(&lListLen); for(int n = 0; n < lListLen; n++) { CComPtr pNode; hr = pList->nextNode(&pNode); if (FAILED(hr) || !pNode) { return E_FAIL; } CComBSTR bstrValue; hr = pNode->get_text(&bstrValue); USES_CONVERSION; CString strValue = OLE2A(bstrValue); if (strValue.CompareNoCase(strPropertyValue) == 0) { CComPtr pInstanceNode; hr = pNode->get_parentNode(&pInstanceNode); if (FAILED(hr) || !pInstanceNode) { ASSERT(0 && "could not get parent node of PROPERTY"); return E_FAIL; } CXMLObject* pObject = new CXMLObject(); pObject->Create(pInstanceNode,strClassName); *ppObject = pObject; return S_OK; } } return E_FAIL; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Gets the text from the sub (child) node of pNode which is selected by bstrQuery //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT GetSubnodeText(CComPtr pNode,CComBSTR bstrQuery, CString& strText) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr pSubNode; hr = pNode->selectSingleNode(bstrQuery,&pSubNode); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pSubNode) { ASSERT(0 && "xml query matched no nodes"); return E_FAIL; } CComBSTR bstrText; hr = pSubNode->get_text(&bstrText); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); USES_CONVERSION; strText = OLE2A(bstrText); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets the Antecedent node component of an Association // m_pNode is probably an INSTANCE of Win32_PnPAllocatedResource; // we need to search for /PROPERTY.REFERENCE //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetAntecedent(CString* pstrAntecedent) { HRESULT hr; CString strWMIPath; CComPtr pSubNode; hr = m_pNode->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(_T("KEYBINDING[@NAME $ieq$ \"Antecedent\"]")),&pSubNode); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pSubNode) { return E_FAIL; } CString strTemp; hr = GetSubnodeText(pSubNode,CComBSTR(_T("VALUE.REFERENCE/INSTANCEPATH/NAMESPACEPATH/HOST")),strTemp); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); strWMIPath = _T("\\\\"); strWMIPath += strTemp; strWMIPath += _T("\\root"); strWMIPath += _T("\\cimv2"); CComPtr pInstanceNode; hr = pSubNode->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(_T("VALUE.REFERENCE/INSTANCEPATH/INSTANCENAME")),&pInstanceNode); CComPtr pElement; hr = pInstanceNode->QueryInterface(IID_IXMLDOMElement,(void**) &pElement); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pElement) { return E_FAIL; } CComVariant varElement; hr = pElement->getAttribute(CComBSTR("CLASSNAME"),&varElement); pElement.Release(); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return E_FAIL; } strWMIPath += _T(":"); USES_CONVERSION; strWMIPath += OLE2A(varElement.bstrVal); //now get the "Keybinding Name" pInstanceNode.Release(); pElement.Release(); hr = pSubNode->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(_T("VALUE.REFERENCE/INSTANCEPATH/INSTANCENAME/KEYBINDING")),&pInstanceNode); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = pInstanceNode->QueryInterface(IID_IXMLDOMElement,(void**) &pElement); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pElement) { return E_FAIL; } hr = pElement->getAttribute(CComBSTR("NAME"),&varElement); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pElement) { return E_FAIL; } strWMIPath += _T("."); strWMIPath += OLE2A(varElement.bstrVal); //now get value on right of = CComBSTR bstrValue; hr = pInstanceNode->get_text(&bstrValue); strWMIPath += _T("="); strWMIPath += OLE2A(bstrValue); pInstanceNode.Release(); pElement.Release(); *pstrAntecedent = strWMIPath; return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets the Dependent node component of an Association // m_pNode is probably an INSTANCE of Win32_PnPAllocatedResource; // we need to search for /PROPERTY.REFERENCE //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetDependent(CString* pstrDependent) { HRESULT hr; CString strWMIPath; CComPtr pSubNode; hr = this->m_pNode->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(_T("KEYBINDING[@NAME $ieq$ \"Dependent\"]")),&pSubNode); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pSubNode) { return E_FAIL; } CString strTemp; hr = GetSubnodeText(pSubNode,CComBSTR(_T("VALUE.REFERENCE/INSTANCEPATH/NAMESPACEPATH/HOST")),strTemp); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); strWMIPath = _T("\\\\"); strWMIPath += strTemp; strWMIPath += _T("\\root"); strWMIPath += _T("\\cimv2"); CComPtr pInstanceNode; hr = pSubNode->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(_T("VALUE.REFERENCE/INSTANCEPATH/INSTANCENAME")),&pInstanceNode); CComPtr pElement; hr = pInstanceNode->QueryInterface(IID_IXMLDOMElement,(void**) &pElement); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pElement) { return E_FAIL; } CComVariant varElement; hr = pElement->getAttribute(CComBSTR("CLASSNAME"),&varElement); pElement.Release(); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return E_FAIL; } strWMIPath += _T(":"); USES_CONVERSION; strWMIPath += OLE2A(varElement.bstrVal); //now get the "Keybinding Name" pInstanceNode.Release(); pElement.Release(); hr = pSubNode->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(_T("VALUE.REFERENCE/INSTANCEPATH/INSTANCENAME/KEYBINDING")),&pInstanceNode); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = pInstanceNode->QueryInterface(IID_IXMLDOMElement,(void**) &pElement); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pElement) { return E_FAIL; } hr = pElement->getAttribute(CComBSTR("NAME"),&varElement); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pElement) { return E_FAIL; } strWMIPath += _T("."); strWMIPath += OLE2A(varElement.bstrVal); //now get value on right of = pInstanceNode.Release(); pElement.Release(); hr = pSubNode->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR("VALUE.REFERENCE/INSTANCEPATH/INSTANCENAME/KEYBINDING/KEYVALUE"),&pInstanceNode); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = pInstanceNode->QueryInterface(IID_IXMLDOMElement,(void**) &pElement); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pElement) { return E_FAIL; } hr = pElement->getAttribute(CComBSTR("VALUETYPE"),&varElement); CComBSTR bstrText; hr = pInstanceNode->get_text(&bstrText); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pElement) { return E_FAIL; } strWMIPath += _T("="); strWMIPath += OLE2A(bstrText); *pstrDependent = strWMIPath; return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets a pseudo WMI path from an INSTANCE node //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLObject::GetPath(CString* strPath) { HRESULT hr; *strPath = _T("\\\\A-STEPHL500\\root\\cimv2"); *strPath += _T(":"); *strPath += this->m_strClassName; *strPath += _T("."); CString strDependent; //Get INSTANCEPATH node, which is previous sibling to INSTANCE ASSERT(m_pNode != NULL && "NULL m_pNode"); CComPtr pInstancePathNode; hr = m_pNode->get_previousSibling(&pInstancePathNode); if (FAILED(hr) || !pInstancePathNode) { ASSERT(0 && "could not get INSTANCEPATH node from m_pNode"); return E_FAIL; } // get INSTANCENAME CComPtr pInstanceNameNode; hr = pInstancePathNode->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR(_T("INSTANCENAME")),&pInstanceNameNode); if (FAILED(hr) || !pInstanceNameNode) { ASSERT(0 && "could not get INSTANCENAME node from m_pNode"); return E_FAIL; } // get KEYBINDING CComPtr pKeyBindingNode; //hr = pInstanceNameNode->selectSingleNode(CComBSTR("KEYBINDING"),&pKeyBindingNode); hr = pInstanceNameNode->get_firstChild(&pKeyBindingNode); if (FAILED(hr) || !pKeyBindingNode) { ASSERT(0 && "could not get KEYBINDING node from m_pNode"); return E_FAIL; } //get KEYBINDING name CComPtr pNameElement; hr = pKeyBindingNode->QueryInterface(IID_IXMLDOMElement,(void**) &pNameElement); if (FAILED(hr) | !pNameElement) { ASSERT(0 && "could not QI pNode for Element"); return E_FAIL; } CComVariant varKeybindingName; hr = pNameElement->getAttribute(CComBSTR(_T("NAME")),&varKeybindingName); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(0 && "could not get NAME attribute from pNameElement"); } USES_CONVERSION; *strPath += OLE2A(varKeybindingName.bstrVal); //get KEYBINDING value CComBSTR bstrKeyValue; hr = pKeyBindingNode->get_text(&bstrKeyValue); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && "failed to get keybinding value"); *strPath += _T("="); *strPath += OLE2A(bstrKeyValue); return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Refreshes the category //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CXMLSnapshotCategory::Refresh(CXMLDataSource * pSource, BOOL fRecursive) { if (!SUCCEEDED(pSource->Refresh(this))) { return FALSE; } if (fRecursive) { for(CMSInfoCategory* pChildCat = (CMSInfoCategory*) this->GetFirstChild();pChildCat != NULL;pChildCat = (CMSInfoCategory*) pChildCat->GetNextSibling()) { if(pChildCat->GetDataSourceType() == XML_SNAPSHOT) { if (!((CXMLSnapshotCategory*)pChildCat)->Refresh(pSource,fRecursive)) return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Creates a snapshot category that parallels a cagetory in the "live" tree // by copying category name, etc from pLiveCat //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CXMLSnapshotCategory::CXMLSnapshotCategory(CMSInfoLiveCategory* pLiveCat,CXMLSnapshotCategory* pParent,CXMLSnapshotCategory* pPrevSibling) : CMSInfoLiveCategory(pLiveCat->m_uiCaption, pLiveCat->m_strName, pLiveCat->m_pRefreshFunction, pLiveCat->m_dwRefreshIndex, pParent, pPrevSibling, _T(""), NULL, TRUE, ALL_ENVIRONMENTS) { m_iColCount = pLiveCat->m_iColCount; m_pRefreshFunction = pLiveCat->m_pRefreshFunction; m_strCaption = pLiveCat->m_strCaption; if (m_iColCount) { m_acolumns = new CMSInfoColumn[m_iColCount]; if (m_acolumns != NULL) { m_fDynamicColumns = TRUE; for (int i = 0; i < m_iColCount; i++) { m_acolumns[i].m_strCaption = pLiveCat->m_acolumns[i].m_strCaption; m_acolumns[i].m_uiCaption = pLiveCat->m_acolumns[i].m_uiCaption; m_acolumns[i].m_uiWidth = pLiveCat->m_acolumns[i].m_uiWidth; m_acolumns[i].m_fSorts = pLiveCat->m_acolumns[i].m_fSorts; m_acolumns[i].m_fLexical = pLiveCat->m_acolumns[i].m_fLexical; m_acolumns[i].m_fAdvanced = pLiveCat->m_acolumns[i].m_fAdvanced; } } } //build tree using existing live categories CMSInfoLiveCategory* pLiveChild = (CMSInfoLiveCategory*) pLiveCat->GetFirstChild(); if (pLiveChild) { m_pFirstChild = NULL; CXMLSnapshotCategory* pPrevSS = NULL; for(;pLiveChild != NULL;pLiveChild = (CMSInfoLiveCategory*) pLiveChild->GetNextSibling()) { CXMLSnapshotCategory* pNewSS = new CXMLSnapshotCategory(pLiveChild,this,pPrevSS); if (m_pFirstChild == NULL) { ASSERT(pPrevSS == NULL); m_pFirstChild = pNewSS; } pPrevSS = pNewSS; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a CXMLDatasource from an XML file specified in strFileName //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLDataSource::Create(CString strFileName, CMSInfoLiveCategory* pRootLiveCat,HWND hwnd) { m_hwnd = hwnd; m_pHistoryRoot = &catHistorySystemSummary; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void**)&m_pXMLDoc); if (FAILED(hr) || !m_pXMLDoc) { ASSERT(0 && "unable to create instance of IID_IXMLDOMDocument"); return E_FAIL; } VARIANT_BOOL varBSuccess; try { hr = m_pXMLDoc->load(CComVariant(strFileName),&varBSuccess); if (FAILED(hr) || !varBSuccess) { ASSERT(0 && "unable to load xml document"); m_pXMLDoc = NULL; return E_FAIL; } } catch(...) { m_pXMLDoc = NULL; return E_FAIL; } //TD: verify that this is looks like a valid incident file or saved DCO stream this->m_pRoot = new CXMLSnapshotCategory(pRootLiveCat,NULL,NULL); return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXMLDataSource::Refresh(CXMLSnapshotCategory* pCat) { if (pCat->GetDataSourceType() != XML_SNAPSHOT || ! pCat->m_pRefreshFunction) { return S_OK; } CoInitialize(NULL); CXMLHelper* pWMI = new CXMLHelper(m_pXMLDoc); HRESULT hrWMI = E_FAIL; if (pWMI) hrWMI = pWMI->Create(_T("")); CMapPtrToPtr mapRefreshFuncToData; CPtrList lstCategoriesToRefresh; CMSInfoLiveCategory * pLiveCategory; HRESULT hr; if (pCat->m_iColCount) { pLiveCategory = (CMSInfoLiveCategory *) pCat; if (pLiveCategory->EverBeenRefreshed()) { if (pWMI) delete pWMI; return S_OK; } CPtrList * aptrList = new CPtrList[pLiveCategory->m_iColCount]; if (aptrList) { // Retrieve any refresh function specific storage that may have been created. void * pRefreshData; if (!mapRefreshFuncToData.Lookup((void *)pLiveCategory->m_pRefreshFunction, pRefreshData)) pRefreshData = NULL; // Call the refresh function for this category, with the refresh index. hr = pLiveCategory->m_pRefreshFunction(pWMI, pLiveCategory->m_dwRefreshIndex, NULL, aptrList, pLiveCategory->m_iColCount, &pRefreshData); pLiveCategory->m_hrError = hr; // If the refresh function allocated some storage, save it. if (pRefreshData) mapRefreshFuncToData.SetAt((void *)pLiveCategory->m_pRefreshFunction, pRefreshData); if (SUCCEEDED(pLiveCategory->m_hrError)) { // Get the number of rows of data. int iRowCount = (int)aptrList[0].GetCount(); #ifdef _DEBUG for (int i = 0; i < pLiveCategory->m_iColCount; i++) ASSERT(iRowCount == aptrList[i].GetCount()); #endif // Update the category's current data. This has to be done in a // critical section, since the main thread accesses this data. pLiveCategory->DeleteContent(); if (iRowCount) pLiveCategory->AllocateContent(iRowCount); for (int j = 0; j < pLiveCategory->m_iColCount; j++) for (int i = 0; i < pLiveCategory->m_iRowCount; i++) { CMSIValue * pValue = (CMSIValue *) aptrList[j].RemoveHead(); pLiveCategory->SetData(i, j, pValue->m_strValue, pValue->m_dwValue); // Set the advanced flag for either the first column, or // for any column which is advanced (any cell in a row // being advanced makes the whole row advanced). if (j == 0 || pValue->m_fAdvanced) pLiveCategory->SetAdvancedFlag(i, pValue->m_fAdvanced); delete pValue; } pCat->m_dwLastRefresh = ::GetTickCount(); } else { // The refresh was cancelled or had an error - delete the new data. If the // refresh had an error, record the time the refresh was attempted. if (FAILED(pLiveCategory->m_hrError)) pCat->m_dwLastRefresh = ::GetTickCount(); } for (int iCol = 0; iCol < pLiveCategory->m_iColCount; iCol++) while (!aptrList[iCol].IsEmpty()) // shouldn't be true unless refresh cancelled delete (CMSIValue *) aptrList[iCol].RemoveHead(); delete [] aptrList; } } RefreshFunction pFunc; void * pCache; for (POSITION pos = mapRefreshFuncToData.GetStartPosition(); pos;) { mapRefreshFuncToData.GetNextAssoc(pos, (void * &)pFunc, pCache); if (pFunc) pFunc(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, &pCache); } mapRefreshFuncToData.RemoveAll(); if (pWMI) delete pWMI; CoUninitialize(); return 0; }