%11% dsadmin.dll False dsadmin.dll Active directory Users and Computers snapin %11% dsprop.dll False dsprop.dll AD property pages RawFile MSVCRT.dll RawFile MSVCP50.dll RawFile ntdll.dll RawFile KERNEL32.dll RawFile ADVAPI32.dll RawFile USER32.dll RawFile GDI32.dll RawFile COMCTL32.dll RawFile NTDSAPI.dll RawFile comdlg32.dll RawFile ole32.dll RawFile OLEAUT32.dll RawFile ACTIVEDS.dll RawFile dsuiext.dll RawFile NETAPI32.dll RawFile MPR.dll RawFile CRYPT32.dll RawFile CRYPTUI.dll RawFile cryptdll.dll %11% schmmgmt.dll False schmmgmt.dll AD schema management snapin %11% dnsmgr.dll False dnsmgr.dll DNS Manager snapin %11% certmgr.dll False certmgr.dll cert template manager snapin RawFile MFC42u.DLL RawFile ATL.DLL RawFile certcli.dll %11% domain.dll False domain.dll AD domains and trusts snapin %11% dsadmin.hlp False dsadmin.hlp helpfile for dsadmin.dll %11% certmgr.hlp False %11% dnsmgr.hlp False %11% domadmin.hlp False %11% schmmgmt.hlp False Server Admin tools in admin pack 1.0 The tools from the server group that ship in the admin pack 2000 Microsoft Corp. Microsoft Corp. jimharr jimharr 9/27/2000 9/28/2000