;/*++ ; ; Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. ; All rights reserved. ; ; MODULE NAME: ; ; msg.mc & msg.h ; ; ABSTRACT: ; ; Message file containing messages for the TrustMon WMI provider. ; This comment block occurs in both msg.h and msg.mc, however ; msg.h is generated from msg.mc, so make sure you make changes ; only to msg.mc. ; ; CREATED: ; ; 6/12/00 EricB ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; ;--*/ MessageIdTypedef=DWORD MessageId=0 SymbolicName=TRUSTMON_SUCCESS Severity=Success Language=English The operation was successful. . MessageId= SymbolicName=TRUSTMON_MOFCOMP_SUCCESS Severity=Success Language=English The TrustMon MOF file was successfully compiled into the WMI repository. . ; ;// Severity=Informational Messages (Range starts at 2000) ; MessageId=2000 SymbolicName=TRUSTMON_UNUSED_1 Severity=Informational Language=English Unused . ; ;// Severity=Warning Messages (Range starts at 4000) ; MessageId=4000 SymbolicName=TRUSTMON_UNUSED_2 Severity=Warning Language=English Unused . ; ;// Severity=Error Messages (Range starts at 6000) ; MessageId=6000 SymbolicName=TRUSTMON_MOFCOMP_FAILED Severity=Error Language=English The TrustMon MOF compilation failed with error '%1' at line %2 of MOF file %3. .