///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class CMapKeyToValue - a mapping from 'KEY's to 'VALUE's, passed in as // pv/cb pairs. The keys can be variable length, although we optmizize the // case when they are all the same. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "headers.cxx" #pragma hdrstop #include #include "map_kv.h" #include "plex.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CMapKeyToValue::CMapKeyToValue(DWORD memctx, UINT cbValue, UINT cbKey, CMapKeyToValue::CMapKeyToValue(UINT cbValue, UINT cbKey, int nBlockSize, LPFNHASHKEY lpfnHashKey, UINT nHashSize) { Assert(nBlockSize > 0); m_cbValue = cbValue; m_cbKey = cbKey; m_cbKeyInAssoc = cbKey == 0 ? sizeof(CKeyWrap) : cbKey; m_pHashTable = NULL; m_nHashTableSize = nHashSize; m_lpfnHashKey = lpfnHashKey; m_nCount = 0; m_pFreeList = NULL; m_pBlocks = NULL; m_nBlockSize = nBlockSize; //if (memctx == MEMCTX_SAME) // memctx = CoMemctxOf(this); //m_memctx = memctx; //Assert(m_memctx != MEMCTX_UNKNOWN); } CMapKeyToValue::~CMapKeyToValue() { ASSERT_VALID(this); RemoveAll(); Assert(m_nCount == 0); } // simple, default hash function // REVIEW: need to check the value in this for GUIDs and strings STDAPI_(UINT) MKVDefaultHashKey(LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey) { UINT hash = 0; BYTE FAR* lpb = (BYTE FAR*)pKey; while (cbKey-- != 0) hash = 257 * hash + *lpb++; return hash; } BOOL CMapKeyToValue::InitHashTable() { ASSERT_VALID(this); Assert(m_nHashTableSize > 0); if (m_pHashTable != NULL) return TRUE; Assert(m_nCount == 0); if ((m_pHashTable = (CAssoc FAR* FAR*)CoTaskMemAlloc(m_nHashTableSize * sizeof(CAssoc FAR*))) == NULL) return FALSE; memset(m_pHashTable, 0, sizeof(CAssoc FAR*) * m_nHashTableSize); ASSERT_VALID(this); return TRUE; } void CMapKeyToValue::RemoveAll() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // free all key values and then hash table if (m_pHashTable != NULL) { // destroy assocs for (UINT nHash = 0; nHash < m_nHashTableSize; nHash++) { register CAssoc FAR* pAssoc; for (pAssoc = m_pHashTable[nHash]; pAssoc != NULL; pAssoc = pAssoc->pNext) // assoc itself is freed by FreeDataChain below FreeAssocKey(pAssoc); } // free hash table CoTaskMemFree(m_pHashTable); m_pHashTable = NULL; } m_nCount = 0; m_pFreeList = NULL; m_pBlocks->FreeDataChain(); m_pBlocks = NULL; ASSERT_VALID(this); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Assoc helpers // CAssoc's are singly linked all the time CMapKeyToValue::CAssoc FAR* CMapKeyToValue::NewAssoc(UINT hash, LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey, LPVOID pValue) { if (m_pFreeList == NULL) { // add another block CPlex FAR* newBlock = CPlex::Create(m_pBlocks, m_nBlockSize, SizeAssoc()); if (newBlock == NULL) return NULL; // chain them into free list register BYTE FAR* pbAssoc = (BYTE FAR*) newBlock->data(); // free in reverse order to make it easier to debug pbAssoc += (m_nBlockSize - 1) * SizeAssoc(); for (int i = m_nBlockSize-1; i >= 0; i--, pbAssoc -= SizeAssoc()) { ((CAssoc FAR*)pbAssoc)->pNext = m_pFreeList; m_pFreeList = (CAssoc FAR*)pbAssoc; } } Assert(m_pFreeList != NULL); // we must have something CMapKeyToValue::CAssoc FAR* pAssoc = m_pFreeList; // init all fields except pNext while still on free list pAssoc->nHashValue = hash; if (!SetAssocKey(pAssoc, pKey, cbKey)) return NULL; SetAssocValue(pAssoc, pValue); // remove from free list after successfully initializing it (except pNext) m_pFreeList = m_pFreeList->pNext; m_nCount++; Assert(m_nCount > 0); // make sure we don't overflow return pAssoc; } // free individual assoc by freeing key and putting on free list void CMapKeyToValue::FreeAssoc(CMapKeyToValue::CAssoc FAR* pAssoc) { pAssoc->pNext = m_pFreeList; m_pFreeList = pAssoc; m_nCount--; Assert(m_nCount >= 0); // make sure we don't underflow FreeAssocKey(pAssoc); } // find association (or return NULL) CMapKeyToValue::CAssoc FAR* CMapKeyToValue::GetAssocAt(LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey, UINT FAR& nHash) const { if (m_lpfnHashKey) nHash = (*m_lpfnHashKey)(pKey, cbKey) % m_nHashTableSize; else nHash = MKVDefaultHashKey(pKey, cbKey) % m_nHashTableSize; if (m_pHashTable == NULL) return NULL; // see if it exists register CAssoc FAR* pAssoc; for (pAssoc = m_pHashTable[nHash]; pAssoc != NULL; pAssoc = pAssoc->pNext) { if (CompareAssocKey(pAssoc, pKey, cbKey)) return pAssoc; } return NULL; } BOOL CMapKeyToValue::CompareAssocKey(CAssoc FAR* pAssoc, LPVOID pKey2, UINT cbKey2) const { LPVOID pKey1; UINT cbKey1; GetAssocKeyPtr(pAssoc, &pKey1, &cbKey1); return cbKey1 == cbKey2 && memcmp(pKey1, pKey2, cbKey1) == 0; } BOOL CMapKeyToValue::SetAssocKey(CAssoc FAR* pAssoc, LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey) const { Assert(cbKey == m_cbKey || m_cbKey == 0); if (m_cbKey == 0) { Assert(m_cbKeyInAssoc == sizeof(CKeyWrap)); // alloc, set size and pointer if ((pAssoc->key.pKey = CoTaskMemAlloc(cbKey)) == NULL) return FALSE; pAssoc->key.cbKey = cbKey; } LPVOID pKeyTo; GetAssocKeyPtr(pAssoc, &pKeyTo, &cbKey); memcpy(pKeyTo, pKey, cbKey); return TRUE; } // gets pointer to key and its length void CMapKeyToValue::GetAssocKeyPtr(CAssoc FAR* pAssoc, LPVOID FAR* ppKey,UINT FAR* pcbKey) const { if (m_cbKey == 0) { // variable length key; go indirect *ppKey = pAssoc->key.pKey; *pcbKey = pAssoc->key.cbKey; } else { // fixed length key; key in assoc *ppKey = (LPVOID)&pAssoc->key; *pcbKey = m_cbKey; } } void CMapKeyToValue::FreeAssocKey(CAssoc FAR* pAssoc) const { if (m_cbKey == 0) CoTaskMemFree(pAssoc->key.pKey); } void CMapKeyToValue::GetAssocValuePtr(CAssoc FAR* pAssoc, LPVOID FAR* ppValue) const { *ppValue = (char FAR*)&pAssoc->key + m_cbKeyInAssoc; } void CMapKeyToValue::GetAssocValue(CAssoc FAR* pAssoc, LPVOID pValue) const { LPVOID pValueFrom; GetAssocValuePtr(pAssoc, &pValueFrom); Assert(pValue != NULL); memcpy(pValue, pValueFrom, m_cbValue); } void CMapKeyToValue::SetAssocValue(CAssoc FAR* pAssoc, LPVOID pValue) const { LPVOID pValueTo; GetAssocValuePtr(pAssoc, &pValueTo); if (pValue == NULL) memset(pValueTo, 0, m_cbValue); else memcpy(pValueTo, pValue, m_cbValue); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // lookup value given key; return FALSE if key not found; in that // case, the value is set to all zeros BOOL CMapKeyToValue::Lookup(LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey, LPVOID pValue) const { UINT nHash; HMAPKEY hmapkey = (HMAPKEY)GetAssocAt(pKey, cbKey, nHash); return LookupHKey(hmapkey, pValue); //return LookupHKey((HMAPKEY)GetAssocAt(pKey, cbKey, nHash), pValue); } // lookup value given key; return FALSE if NULL (or bad) key; in that // case, the value is set to all zeros BOOL CMapKeyToValue::LookupHKey(HMAPKEY hKey, LPVOID pValue) const { // REVIEW: would like some way to verify that hKey is valid register CAssoc FAR* pAssoc = (CAssoc FAR*)hKey; if (pAssoc == NULL) { memset(pValue, 0, m_cbValue); return FALSE; // not in map } ASSERT_VALID(this); GetAssocValue(pAssoc, pValue); return TRUE; } // lookup and if not found add; returns FALSE only if OOM; if added, // value added and pointer passed are set to zeros. BOOL CMapKeyToValue::LookupAdd(LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey, LPVOID pValue) const { if (Lookup(pKey, cbKey, pValue)) return TRUE; // value set to zeros since lookup failed return ((CMapKeyToValue FAR*)this)->SetAt(pKey, cbKey, NULL); } // the only place new assocs are created; return FALSE if OOM; // never returns FALSE if keys already exists BOOL CMapKeyToValue::SetAt(LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey, LPVOID pValue) { UINT nHash; register CAssoc FAR* pAssoc; ASSERT_VALID(this); if ((pAssoc = GetAssocAt(pKey, cbKey, nHash)) == NULL) { if (!InitHashTable()) // out of memory return FALSE; // it doesn't exist, add a new Association if ((pAssoc = NewAssoc(nHash, pKey, cbKey, pValue)) == NULL) return FALSE; // put into hash table pAssoc->pNext = m_pHashTable[nHash]; m_pHashTable[nHash] = pAssoc; ASSERT_VALID(this); } else { SetAssocValue(pAssoc, pValue); } return TRUE; } // set existing hkey to value; return FALSE if NULL or bad key BOOL CMapKeyToValue::SetAtHKey(HMAPKEY hKey, LPVOID pValue) { // REVIEW: would like some way to verify that hKey is valid register CAssoc FAR* pAssoc = (CAssoc FAR*)hKey; if (pAssoc == NULL) return FALSE; // not in map ASSERT_VALID(this); SetAssocValue(pAssoc, pValue); return TRUE; } // remove key - return TRUE if removed BOOL CMapKeyToValue::RemoveKey(LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pHashTable == NULL) return FALSE; // nothing in the table register CAssoc FAR* FAR* ppAssocPrev; UINT i; if (m_lpfnHashKey) i = (*m_lpfnHashKey)(pKey, cbKey) % m_nHashTableSize; else i = MKVDefaultHashKey(pKey, cbKey) % m_nHashTableSize; ppAssocPrev = &m_pHashTable[i]; CAssoc FAR* pAssoc; for (pAssoc = *ppAssocPrev; pAssoc != NULL; pAssoc = pAssoc->pNext) { if (CompareAssocKey(pAssoc, pKey, cbKey)) { // remove it *ppAssocPrev = pAssoc->pNext; // remove from list FreeAssoc(pAssoc); ASSERT_VALID(this); return TRUE; } ppAssocPrev = &pAssoc->pNext; } return FALSE; // not found } // remove key based on pAssoc (HMAPKEY) BOOL CMapKeyToValue::RemoveHKey(HMAPKEY hKey) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pHashTable == NULL) return FALSE; // nothing in the table // REVIEW: would like some way to verify that hKey is valid CAssoc FAR* pAssoc = (CAssoc FAR*)hKey; if (pAssoc == NULL || pAssoc->nHashValue >= m_nHashTableSize) // null hkey or bad hash value return FALSE; register CAssoc FAR* FAR* ppAssocPrev; ppAssocPrev = &m_pHashTable[pAssoc->nHashValue]; while (*ppAssocPrev != NULL) { if (*ppAssocPrev == pAssoc) { // remove it *ppAssocPrev = pAssoc->pNext; // remove from list FreeAssoc(pAssoc); ASSERT_VALID(this); return TRUE; } ppAssocPrev = &(*ppAssocPrev)->pNext; } return FALSE; // not found (must have a messed up list or passed // a key from another list) } HMAPKEY CMapKeyToValue::GetHKey(LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey) const { UINT nHash; ASSERT_VALID(this); return (HMAPKEY)GetAssocAt(pKey, cbKey, nHash); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Iterating // for fixed length keys, copies key to pKey; pcbKey can be NULL; // for variable length keys, copies pointer to key to pKey; sets pcbKey. void CMapKeyToValue::GetNextAssoc(POSITION FAR* pNextPosition, LPVOID pKey, UINT FAR* pcbKey, LPVOID pValue) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); Assert(m_pHashTable != NULL); // never call on empty map register CAssoc FAR* pAssocRet = (CAssoc FAR*)*pNextPosition; Assert(pAssocRet != NULL); if (pAssocRet == (CAssoc FAR*) BEFORE_START_POSITION) { // find the first association for (UINT nBucket = 0; nBucket < m_nHashTableSize; nBucket++) if ((pAssocRet = m_pHashTable[nBucket]) != NULL) break; Assert(pAssocRet != NULL); // must find something } // find next association CAssoc FAR* pAssocNext; if ((pAssocNext = pAssocRet->pNext) == NULL) { // go to next bucket for (UINT nBucket = pAssocRet->nHashValue + 1; nBucket < m_nHashTableSize; nBucket++) if ((pAssocNext = m_pHashTable[nBucket]) != NULL) break; } // fill in return data *pNextPosition = (POSITION) pAssocNext; // fill in key/pointer to key LPVOID pKeyFrom; UINT cbKey; GetAssocKeyPtr(pAssocRet, &pKeyFrom, &cbKey); if (m_cbKey == 0) // variable length key; just return pointer to key itself *(void FAR* FAR*)pKey = pKeyFrom; else memcpy(pKey, pKeyFrom, cbKey); if (pcbKey != NULL) *pcbKey = cbKey; // get value GetAssocValue(pAssocRet, pValue); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CMapKeyToValue::AssertValid() const { #ifdef _DEBUG Assert(m_cbKeyInAssoc == (m_cbKey == 0 ? sizeof(CKeyWrap) : m_cbKey)); Assert(m_nHashTableSize > 0); Assert(m_nCount == 0 || m_pHashTable != NULL); if (m_pHashTable != NULL) Assert(!IsBadReadPtr(m_pHashTable, m_nHashTableSize * sizeof(CAssoc FAR*))); if (m_lpfnHashKey) Assert(!IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)m_lpfnHashKey)); if (m_pFreeList != NULL) Assert(!IsBadReadPtr(m_pFreeList, SizeAssoc())); if (m_pBlocks != NULL) Assert(!IsBadReadPtr(m_pBlocks, SizeAssoc() * m_nBlockSize)); // some collections live as global variables in the libraries, but // have their existance in some context. Also, we can't check shared // collections since we might be checking the etask collection // which would cause an infinite recursion. // REVIEW: Assert(m_memctx == MEMCTX_SHARED || // CoMemctxOf(this) == MEMCTX_UNKNOWN || CoMemctxOf(this) == m_memctx); #endif //_DEBUG }