//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994. // // File: thopapi.hxx // // Contents: API thops header // // History: 22-Feb-94 DrewB Created // // Notes: This file declares generated tables found in // thtblapi.cxx // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __THOPAPI_HXX__ #define __THOPAPI_HXX__ // These are declared extern "C" because there was a bug in the // PPC compiler (aug '95) where the const related decorations on // the global data symbols was not done consistantly. By using // extern "C" the bug is simply avoided. extern "C" THOP CONST * CONST apthopsApiThops[]; extern VTBLFN CONST apfnApiFunctions[]; // These two routines aren't in the public headers but are needed // in vtblapi.cxx STDAPI ReadOleStg (LPSTORAGE pstg, DWORD FAR* pdwFlags, DWORD FAR* pdwOptUpdate, DWORD FAR* pdwReserved, LPMONIKER FAR* ppmk, LPSTREAM FAR* ppstmOut); STDAPI WriteOleStg (LPSTORAGE pstg, IOleObject FAR* pOleObj, DWORD dwReserved, LPSTREAM FAR* ppstmOut); #endif // #ifndef __THOPAPI_HXX__