/* * MSGFILTR.C * * This file contains a standard implementation of IMessageFilter * interface. * This file is part of the OLE 2.0 User Interface support library. * * (c) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1990 - 1992 All Rights Reserved * */ #define STRICT 1 #include "ole2ui.h" #include "msgfiltr.h" OLEDBGDATA typedef struct tagOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER { IMessageFilterVtbl FAR* m_lpVtbl; UINT m_cRef; HWND m_hWndParent; DWORD m_dwInComingCallStatus; // Status to return from // HandleIncomingCall HANDLEINCOMINGCALLBACKPROC m_lpfnHandleInComingCallback; // Callback function // to selectively handle // interface method calls BOOL m_fEnableBusyDialog; // enable RetryRejected // Call dialog BOOL m_fEnableNotRespondingDialog; // enable // MessagePending dialog MSGPENDINGPROC m_lpfnMessagePendingCallback; // MessagePending // Callback function LPFNOLEUIHOOK m_lpfnBusyDialogHookCallback; // Busy dialog hook LPTSTR m_lpszAppName; // Name of application // installing filter HWND m_hWndBusyDialog; // HWND of busy dialog. Used // to tear down dialog. BOOL m_bUnblocking; }OLESTDMESSAGEFILTER, FAR* LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER; /* interface IMessageFilter implementation */ STDMETHODIMP OleStdMsgFilter_QueryInterface( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) OleStdMsgFilter_AddRef(LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) OleStdMsgFilter_Release(LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis); STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) OleStdMsgFilter_HandleInComingCall ( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, DWORD dwCallType, HTASK htaskCaller, DWORD dwTickCount, #ifdef WIN32 LPINTERFACEINFO dwReserved #else DWORD dwReserved #endif ); STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) OleStdMsgFilter_RetryRejectedCall ( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, HTASK htaskCallee, DWORD dwTickCount, DWORD dwRejectType ); STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) OleStdMsgFilter_MessagePending ( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, HTASK htaskCallee, DWORD dwTickCount, DWORD dwPendingType ); static IMessageFilterVtbl g_OleStdMessageFilterVtbl = { OleStdMsgFilter_QueryInterface, OleStdMsgFilter_AddRef, OleStdMsgFilter_Release, OleStdMsgFilter_HandleInComingCall, OleStdMsgFilter_RetryRejectedCall, OleStdMsgFilter_MessagePending }; /* GetTopWindowInWindowsTask ** ------------------------- ** Get the top most window that has focus in the given task to be ** used as the parent for the busy dialog. we do this to handle the ** case where a dialog window is currently up when we need to give ** the busy dialog. if we use the current assigned parent window ** (which typically will be the frame window of the app), then the ** busy dialog will not be modal to the current active dialog ** window. */ static HWND GetTopWindowInWindowsTask(HWND hwnd) { HWND hwndActive = GetActiveWindow(); if (!hwndActive) return hwnd; if (GetWindowTask(hwnd) == GetWindowTask(hwndActive)) return hwndActive; else return hwnd; } STDAPI_(LPMESSAGEFILTER) OleStdMsgFilter_Create( HWND hWndParent, LPTSTR szAppName, MSGPENDINGPROC lpfnCallback, LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnOleUIHook // Busy dialog hook callback ) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter; LPMALLOC lpMalloc; if (CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, (LPMALLOC FAR*)&lpMalloc) != NOERROR) return NULL; lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpMalloc->lpVtbl->Alloc( lpMalloc, (sizeof(OLESTDMESSAGEFILTER))); lpMalloc->lpVtbl->Release(lpMalloc); if (! lpStdMsgFilter) return NULL; lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpVtbl = &g_OleStdMessageFilterVtbl; lpStdMsgFilter->m_cRef = 1; lpStdMsgFilter->m_hWndParent = hWndParent; lpStdMsgFilter->m_dwInComingCallStatus = SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED; lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnHandleInComingCallback = NULL; lpStdMsgFilter->m_fEnableBusyDialog = TRUE; lpStdMsgFilter->m_fEnableNotRespondingDialog = TRUE; lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpszAppName = szAppName; lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnMessagePendingCallback = lpfnCallback; lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnBusyDialogHookCallback = lpfnOleUIHook; lpStdMsgFilter->m_hWndBusyDialog = NULL; lpStdMsgFilter->m_bUnblocking = FALSE; return (LPMESSAGEFILTER)lpStdMsgFilter; } /* OleStdMsgFilter_SetInComingStatus ** --------------------------------- ** This is a private function that allows the caller to control what ** value is returned from the IMessageFilter::HandleInComing method. ** ** if a HandleInComingCallbackProc is installed by a call to ** OleStdMsgFilter_SetHandleInComingCallbackProc, then this ** overrides the dwIncomingCallStatus established by a call to ** OleStdMsgFilter_SetInComingStatus. Using ** OleStdMsgFilter_SetInComingStatus allows the app to reject or ** accept ALL in coming calls. Using a HandleInComingCallbackProc ** allows the app to selectively handle or reject particular method ** calls. */ STDAPI_(void) OleStdMsgFilter_SetInComingCallStatus( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, DWORD dwInComingCallStatus) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; if (!IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)lpStdMsgFilter, sizeof(OLESTDMESSAGEFILTER))) lpStdMsgFilter->m_dwInComingCallStatus = dwInComingCallStatus; else OleDbgAssert( TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_SetIncomingCallStatus: Invalid IMessageFilter*")); #if defined( _DEBUG ) { TCHAR szBuf[80]; TCHAR *szReturn; switch(dwInComingCallStatus) { case SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED: szReturn = TEXT("SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED"); break; case SERVERCALL_REJECTED: szReturn = TEXT("SERVERCALL_REJECTED"); break; case SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER: szReturn = TEXT("SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER"); break; default: szReturn = TEXT("** ERROR: UNKNOWN **"); break; } wsprintf( szBuf, TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_SetInComingCallStatus: Status set to %s.\r\n"), (LPTSTR)szReturn ); OleDbgOut3(szBuf); } #endif } /* OleStdMsgFilter_SetHandleInComingCallbackProc ** --------------------------------------------- ** This is a private function that allows the caller to install (or ** de-install) a special callback function to selectively ** handle/reject specific incoming method calls on particular ** interfaces. ** ** if a HandleInComingCallbackProc is installed by a call to ** OleStdMsgFilter_SetHandleInComingCallbackProc, then this ** overrides the dwIncomingCallStatus established by a call to ** OleStdMsgFilter_SetInComingStatus. Using ** OleStdMsgFilter_SetInComingStatus allows the app to reject or ** accept ALL in coming calls. Using a HandleInComingCallbackProc ** allows the app to selectively handle or reject particular method ** calls. ** ** to de-install the HandleInComingCallbackProc, call ** OleStdMsgFilter_SetHandleInComingCallbackProc(NULL); ** ** Returns previous callback proc in effect. */ STDAPI_(HANDLEINCOMINGCALLBACKPROC) OleStdMsgFilter_SetHandleInComingCallbackProc( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, HANDLEINCOMINGCALLBACKPROC lpfnHandleInComingCallback) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; HANDLEINCOMINGCALLBACKPROC lpfnPrevCallback = lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnHandleInComingCallback; if (!IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)lpStdMsgFilter, sizeof(OLESTDMESSAGEFILTER))) { lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnHandleInComingCallback = lpfnHandleInComingCallback; } else { OleDbgAssert( TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_SetIncomingCallStatus: Invalid IMessageFilter*")); } #if defined( _DEBUG ) { if (lpfnHandleInComingCallback) OleDbgOut3( TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_SetHandleInComingCallbackProc SET\r\n")); else OleDbgOut3( TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_SetHandleInComingCallbackProc CLEARED\r\n")); } #endif // _DEBUG return lpfnPrevCallback; } /* OleStdMsgFilter_GetInComingStatus ** --------------------------------- ** This is a private function that returns the current ** incoming call status. Can be used to disable/enable options ** in the calling application. ** ** Returns: one of ** ** SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED ** SERVERCALL_REJECTED ** SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER ** or -1 for ERROR ** */ STDAPI_(DWORD) OleStdMsgFilter_GetInComingCallStatus( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; DWORD dwReturn; if (!IsBadReadPtr((LPVOID)lpStdMsgFilter, sizeof(OLESTDMESSAGEFILTER))) dwReturn = lpStdMsgFilter->m_dwInComingCallStatus; else { OleDbgAssert( TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_GetIncomingCallStatus: Invalid IMessageFilter*")); dwReturn = (DWORD)-1; } #if defined( _DEBUG ) { TCHAR szBuf[80]; TCHAR *szReturn; switch(dwReturn) { case SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED: szReturn = TEXT("SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED"); break; case SERVERCALL_REJECTED: szReturn = TEXT("SERVERCALL_REJECTED"); break; case SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER: szReturn = TEXT("SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER"); break; default: szReturn = TEXT("-1"); break; } wsprintf( szBuf, TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_GetInComingCallStatus returns %s.\r\n"), (LPTSTR)szReturn ); OleDbgOut3(szBuf); } #endif return dwReturn; } /* OleStdMsgFilter_EnableBusyDialog ** -------------------------------- ** This function allows the caller to control whether ** the busy dialog is enabled. this is the dialog put up when ** IMessageFilter::RetryRejectedCall is called because the server ** responded SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER or SERVERCALL_REJECTED. ** ** if the busy dialog is NOT enabled, then the rejected call is ** immediately canceled WITHOUT prompting the user. in this situation ** OleStdMsgFilter_RetryRejectedCall always retuns ** OLESTDCANCELRETRY canceling the outgoing LRPC call. ** If the busy dialog is enabled, then the user is given the choice ** of whether to retry, switch to, or cancel. ** ** Returns previous dialog enable state */ STDAPI_(BOOL) OleStdMsgFilter_EnableBusyDialog( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, BOOL fEnable) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; BOOL fPrevEnable = lpStdMsgFilter->m_fEnableBusyDialog; if (!IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)lpStdMsgFilter, sizeof(OLESTDMESSAGEFILTER))) lpStdMsgFilter->m_fEnableBusyDialog = fEnable; else OleDbgAssert( TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_EnableBusyDialog: Invalid IMessageFilter*")); #if defined( _DEBUG ) { TCHAR szBuf[80]; wsprintf( szBuf, TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_EnableBusyDialog: Dialog is %s.\r\n"), fEnable ? (LPTSTR) TEXT("ENABLED") : (LPTSTR) TEXT("DISABLED") ); OleDbgOut3(szBuf); } #endif return fPrevEnable; } /* OleStdMsgFilter_EnableNotRespondingDialog ** ----------------------------------------- ** This function allows the caller to control whether ** the app "NotResponding" (Blocked) dialog is enabled. this is the ** dialog put up when IMessageFilter::MessagePending is called. ** If the NotResponding dialog is enabled, then the user is given ** the choice of whether to retry or switch to, but NOT to cancel. ** ** Returns previous dialog enable state */ STDAPI_(BOOL) OleStdMsgFilter_EnableNotRespondingDialog( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, BOOL fEnable) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; BOOL fPrevEnable = lpStdMsgFilter->m_fEnableNotRespondingDialog; if (!IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)lpStdMsgFilter, sizeof(OLESTDMESSAGEFILTER))) lpStdMsgFilter->m_fEnableNotRespondingDialog = fEnable; else OleDbgAssert( TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_EnableNotRespondingDialog: Invalid IMessageFilter*")); #if defined( _DEBUG ) { TCHAR szBuf[80]; wsprintf( szBuf, TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_EnableNotRespondingDialog: Dialog is %s.\r\n"), fEnable ? (LPTSTR) TEXT("ENABLED") : (LPTSTR) TEXT("DISABLED") ); OleDbgOut3(szBuf); } #endif return fPrevEnable; } /* OleStdMsgFilter_SetParentWindow ** ------------------------------- ** This function allows caller to set which window will be used as ** the parent for the busy dialog. ** ** OLE2NOTE: it would be inportant for an in-place active server to ** reset this to its current in-place frame window when in-place ** activated. if the hWndParent is set to NULL then the dialogs will ** be parented to the desktop. ** ** Returns: previous parent window */ STDAPI_(HWND) OleStdMsgFilter_SetParentWindow( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, HWND hWndParent) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; HWND hWndPrev = lpStdMsgFilter->m_hWndParent; lpStdMsgFilter->m_hWndParent = hWndParent; return hWndPrev; } STDMETHODIMP OleStdMsgFilter_QueryInterface( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; SCODE scode; /* Two interfaces supported: IUnknown, IMessageFilter */ if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IMessageFilter) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown)) { lpStdMsgFilter->m_cRef++; // A pointer to this object is returned *ppvObj = lpThis; scode = S_OK; } else { // unsupported interface *ppvObj = NULL; scode = E_NOINTERFACE; } return ResultFromScode(scode); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) OleStdMsgFilter_AddRef(LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; return ++lpStdMsgFilter->m_cRef; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) OleStdMsgFilter_Release(LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; LPMALLOC lpMalloc; if (--lpStdMsgFilter->m_cRef != 0) // Still used by others return lpStdMsgFilter->m_cRef; // Free storage if (CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, (LPMALLOC FAR*)&lpMalloc) != NOERROR) return (ULONG)0; lpMalloc->lpVtbl->Free(lpMalloc, lpStdMsgFilter); lpMalloc->lpVtbl->Release(lpMalloc); return (ULONG)0; } STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) OleStdMsgFilter_HandleInComingCall ( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, DWORD dwCallType, HTASK htaskCaller, DWORD dwTickCount, #ifdef WIN32 LPINTERFACEINFO dwReserved #else DWORD dwReserved #endif ) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; /* if a HandleInComingCallbackProc is in effect, then this ** overrides dwIncomingCallStatus established by a call to ** OleStdMsgFilter_SetInComingStatus. we will call this ** callback to allow the app to selectively handle or reject ** incoming method calls. the LPINTERFACEINFO parameter ** describes which method is being called. */ if (lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnHandleInComingCallback && !IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnHandleInComingCallback)){ return lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnHandleInComingCallback( dwCallType, htaskCaller, dwTickCount, dwReserved ); } switch (dwCallType) { case CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL: /* OLE2NOTE: we currently have NO pending outgoing call and ** there is a new toplevel incoming call. ** this call may be rejected. */ return lpStdMsgFilter->m_dwInComingCallStatus; case CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL_CALLPENDING: /* OLE2NOTE: we currently HAVE a pending outgoing call and ** there is a new toplevel incoming call. ** this call may be rejected. */ return lpStdMsgFilter->m_dwInComingCallStatus; case CALLTYPE_NESTED: /* OLE2NOTE: we currently HAVE a pending outgoing call and ** there callback on behalf of the previous outgoing ** call. this type of call should ALWAYS be handled. */ return SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED; case CALLTYPE_ASYNC: /* OLE2NOTE: we currently have NO pending outgoing call and ** there is a new asyncronis incoming call. ** this call can NEVER be rejected. OLE actually ignores ** the return code in this case and always allows the ** call through. */ return SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED; // value returned does not matter case CALLTYPE_ASYNC_CALLPENDING: /* OLE2NOTE: we currently HAVE a pending outgoing call and ** there is a new asyncronis incoming call. ** this call can NEVER be rejected. OLE ignore the ** return code in this case. */ return SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED; // value returned does not default: OleDbgAssert( TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_HandleInComingCall: Invalid CALLTYPE")); return lpStdMsgFilter->m_dwInComingCallStatus; } } STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) OleStdMsgFilter_RetryRejectedCall ( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, HTASK htaskCallee, DWORD dwTickCount, DWORD dwRejectType ) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; DWORD dwRet = 0; UINT uRet; #if defined( _DEBUG ) TCHAR szBuf[80]; #endif OLEDBG_BEGIN2(TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_RetryRejectedCall\r\n")) /* OLE2NOTE: we should only put up the application busy dialog when ** the callee has responded SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER. if the ** dwRejectType is SERVERCALL_REJECTED then there is something ** seriously wrong with the callee (perhaps a severe low memory ** situation). we don't want to even try to "Switch To" this app ** or even try to "Retry". */ if (dwRejectType == SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER && lpStdMsgFilter->m_fEnableBusyDialog) { OLEUIBUSY bz; /* OLE2NOTE: we do not want to put up the Busy dialog immediately ** the when an app says RETRYLATER. we should continue retrying ** for a while in case the app can un-busy itself in a ** reasonable amount of time. */ if (dwTickCount <= (DWORD)OLESTDRETRYDELAY) { dwRet = 500; // Retry after .5 sec OLEDBG_END2 return dwRet; } /* ** Set up structure for calling OLEUIBUSY dialog */ bz.cbStruct = sizeof(OLEUIBUSY); bz.dwFlags = 0L; bz.hWndOwner =GetTopWindowInWindowsTask(lpStdMsgFilter->m_hWndParent); bz.lpszCaption = lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpszAppName; bz.lpfnHook = lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnBusyDialogHookCallback; bz.lCustData = 0; bz.hInstance = NULL; bz.lpszTemplate = NULL; bz.hResource = 0; bz.hTask = htaskCallee; bz.lphWndDialog = NULL; // We don't need the hDlg for this call uRet = OleUIBusy(&bz); switch (uRet) { case OLEUI_BZ_RETRYSELECTED: dwRet = 0; // Retry immediately break; case OLEUI_CANCEL: dwRet = OLESTDCANCELRETRY; // Cancel pending outgoing call break; case OLEUI_BZERR_HTASKINVALID: // Htask was invalid, return OLESTDRETRYDELAY anyway dwRet = OLESTDRETRYDELAY; // Retry after msec #if defined( _DEBUG ) wsprintf( szBuf, TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_RetryRejectedCall, HTASK 0x%x invalid\r\n"), htaskCallee ); OleDbgOut3(szBuf); #endif break; } } else { dwRet = OLESTDCANCELRETRY; // Cancel pending outgoing call } #if defined( _DEBUG ) wsprintf(szBuf, TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_RetryRejectedCall returns %d\r\n"), dwRet); OleDbgOut3(szBuf); #endif OLEDBG_END2 return dwRet; } /* a significant message is consider a mouse click or keyboard input. */ #define IS_SIGNIFICANT_MSG(lpmsg) \ ( \ (PeekMessage((lpmsg), NULL, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, \ PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)) \ || (PeekMessage((lpmsg), NULL, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, \ PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)) \ || (PeekMessage((lpmsg), NULL, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, \ PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)) \ || (PeekMessage((lpmsg), NULL, WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK, WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK, \ PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)) \ || (PeekMessage((lpmsg), NULL, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYDOWN, \ PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)) \ || (PeekMessage((lpmsg), NULL, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, \ PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)) \ ) STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) OleStdMsgFilter_MessagePending ( LPMESSAGEFILTER lpThis, HTASK htaskCallee, DWORD dwTickCount, DWORD dwPendingType ) { LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER lpStdMsgFilter = (LPOLESTDMESSAGEFILTER)lpThis; DWORD dwReturn = PENDINGMSG_WAITDEFPROCESS; MSG msg; BOOL fIsSignificantMsg = IS_SIGNIFICANT_MSG(&msg); UINT uRet; #if defined( _DEBUG ) TCHAR szBuf[128]; wsprintf( szBuf, TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_MessagePending, dwTickCount = 0x%lX\r\n"), (DWORD)dwTickCount ); OleDbgOut4(szBuf); #endif /* OLE2NOTE: If our tick count for this call exceeds our standard retry ** delay, then we need to put up the dialog. We will only ** consider putting up the dialog if the user has issued a ** "significant" event (ie. mouse click or keyboard event). a ** simple mouse move should NOT trigger this dialog. ** Since our call to ** OleUIBusy below enters a DialogBox() message loop, there's a ** possibility that another call will be initiated during the dialog, ** and this procedure will be re-entered. Just so we don't put up ** two dialogs at a time, we use the m_bUnblocking varable ** to keep track of this situation. */ if (dwTickCount > (DWORD)OLESTDRETRYDELAY && fIsSignificantMsg && !lpStdMsgFilter->m_bUnblocking) { if (lpStdMsgFilter->m_fEnableNotRespondingDialog) { OLEUIBUSY bz; lpStdMsgFilter->m_bUnblocking = TRUE; // Eat messages in our queue that we do NOT want to be dispatched while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_CLOSE, WM_CLOSE, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)); /* Set up structure for calling OLEUIBUSY dialog, ** using the "not responding" variety */ bz.cbStruct = sizeof(OLEUIBUSY); bz.dwFlags = BZ_NOTRESPONDINGDIALOG; bz.hWndOwner =GetTopWindowInWindowsTask(lpStdMsgFilter->m_hWndParent); bz.lpszCaption = lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpszAppName; bz.lpfnHook = lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnBusyDialogHookCallback; bz.lCustData = 0; bz.hInstance = NULL; bz.lpszTemplate = NULL; bz.hResource = 0; bz.hTask = htaskCallee; /* Set up the address to the hWnd in our MsgFilter structure. The ** call to OleUIBusy will fill this in with the hWnd of the busy ** dialog box */ bz.lphWndDialog = (HWND FAR *)&(lpStdMsgFilter->m_hWndBusyDialog); uRet = OleUIBusy(&bz); lpStdMsgFilter->m_bUnblocking = FALSE; return PENDINGMSG_WAITNOPROCESS; } #if defined( _DEBUG ) else { OleDbgOut3(TEXT("OleStdMsgFilter_MessagePending: BLOCKED but dialog Disabled\r\n")); } #endif } /* If we're already unblocking, we're being re-entered. Don't ** process message */ if (lpStdMsgFilter->m_bUnblocking) return PENDINGMSG_WAITDEFPROCESS; /* OLE2NOTE: If we have a callback function set up, call it with the ** current message. If not, tell OLE LPRC mechanism to automatically ** handle all messages. */ if (lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnMessagePendingCallback && !IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnMessagePendingCallback)){ MSG msg; /* OLE2NOTE: the app provided a MessagePendingCallback ** function. we will PeekMessage for the first message in ** the queue and pass it to the app. the app in its callback ** function can decide to Dispatch this message or it can ** PeekMessage on its own giving particular message filter ** criteria. if the app returns TRUE then we return ** PENDINGMSG_WAITNOPROCESS to OLE telling OLE to leave the ** message in the queue. If the app returns FALSE, then we ** return PENDINGMSG_WAITDEFPROCESS to OLE telling OLE to do ** its default processing with the message. by default OLE ** dispatches system messages and eats other messages and ** beeps. */ if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)) { if (lpStdMsgFilter->m_lpfnMessagePendingCallback(&msg)) { /* TRUE return means that the app processed message. ** ** NOTE: (CHANGE FROM OLE2.0 VERSION) we leave it up to ** the callback routine to remove the message if it ** wants. */ dwReturn = PENDINGMSG_WAITNOPROCESS; } else { /* FALSE means that the app did not process the ** message. we will let OLE take its ** default action. ** ** NOTE: (CHANGE FROM OLE2.0 VERSION) we used to return ** PENDINGMSG_WAITNOPROCESS to leave the message in ** the queue; now we return PENDINGMSG_WAITDEFPROCESS ** to let OLE do default processing. */ dwReturn = PENDINGMSG_WAITDEFPROCESS; #if defined( _DEBUG ) wsprintf( szBuf, TEXT("Message (0x%x) (wParam=0x%x, lParam=0x%lx) using WAITDEFPROCESS while blocked\r\n"), msg.message, msg.lParam, msg.wParam ); OleDbgOut2(szBuf); #endif // _DEBUG } } } return dwReturn; }