echo off rem rem This is the installation script for the OLE/DB and ADO rem components reqruired by Active Directory rem setlocal if CMDEXTVERSION 1 goto cmdok echo. echo This script requires CMD version 4.0 or better with echo CMD extensions version 1 enabled. goto end :cmdok echo. echo ************************************ echo * Copying OLE DB and ADO components echo ************************************ echo. set WARNING= if defined _NTDRIVE goto ntroot set _NTDRIVE=d: set WARNING=1 echo. echo WARNING: _NTDRIVE is not set, using %_NTDRIVE% :ntroot if defined _NTROOT goto ntdone set _NTROOT=\nt if not defined WARNING echo. echo WARNING: _NTROOT is not set, using %_NTROOT% :ntdone rem set ADS_DIR=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\private\oleds rem set SETUP_ROOT=%ADS_DIR%\setup rem Identify Platform directory based on PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE rem default is win95 set ISWIN95= if not "%1" == "" goto paramgiven goto noparamgiven :paramgiven set ISFORCED=1 if /i "%1" == "win95" goto setwin95 if /i "%1" == "i386" goto x86 if /i "%1" == "mips" goto mips if /i "%1" == "alpha" goto alpha if /i "%1" == "ppc" goto ppc :noparamgiven set ISFORCED= if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" goto x86 if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "MIPS" goto mips if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "ALPHA" goto alpha if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "PPC" goto ppc :setwin95 echo. echo Ole DB and ADO support is not yet there for Win95 Setup echo Exiting... goto end :x86 set PLATFORM=i386 goto next :mips set PLATFORM=mips goto next :alpha set PLATFORM=alpha goto next :ppc set PLATFORM=ppc goto next :next rem rem make platform-specific setup dir if it does not already exist rem if not exist %SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM% md %SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM% set ERRORCOUNT=0 rem rem These are the OLE DB and ADO specific DLLs rem call :copyoleds oledbsdk\lib\%PLATFORM%\msdatt.dll call :copyoleds oledbsdk\lib\%PLATFORM%\msdatl.dll call :copyoleds oledbsdk\lib\%PLATFORM%\msdadc.dll call :copyoleds oledbsdk\lib\%PLATFORM%\msdaer.dll call :copyoleds oledbsdk\lib\%PLATFORM%\msdaerr.dll call :copyoleds oledbsdk\lib\%PLATFORM%\msdaenum.dll if "%PLATFORM%" == "mips" goto end call :copyoleds oledbsdk\lib\%PLATFORM%\msado10.dll call :copyoleds oledbsdk\lib\%PLATFORM%\msader10.dll goto end REM REM Subroutines: REM :copyoleds set SOURCE=%ADS_DIR%\%1 set DEST=%SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM%\. goto copygeneric :copysetup set SOURCE=%SETUP_ROOT%\%1 set DEST=%SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM%\. goto copygeneric :copygeneric copy %SOURCE% %DEST% > NUL if errorlevel 1 goto copyerror echo Copied %SOURCE% echo to %DEST% goto :EOF :copyerror echo ERROR: Cannot copy %SOURCE% echo to %DEST% set /A ERRORCOUNT=%ERRORCOUNT%+1 goto :EOF :copyok :end endlocal