/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994-1997 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* atq.h This module contains async thread queue (atq) for async IO and thread pool sharing among various services. Brief Description of ATQ: For description, please see iis\spec\isatq.doc */ #ifndef _ATQ2_H_ #define _ATQ2_H_ dllexp VOID AtqGetDatagramAddrs( IN PATQ_CONTEXT patqContext, OUT SOCKET * pSock, OUT PVOID * ppvBuff, OUT PVOID * pEndpointContext, OUT SOCKADDR * * ppsockaddrRemote, OUT INT * pcbsockaddrRemote ); dllexp DWORD_PTR AtqContextGetInfo( PATQ_CONTEXT patqContext, enum ATQ_CONTEXT_INFO atqInfo ); dllexp BOOL AtqWriteDatagramSocket( IN PATQ_CONTEXT patqContext, IN LPWSABUF pwsaBuffers, IN DWORD dwBufferCount, IN OVERLAPPED * lpo OPTIONAL ); #endif // !_ATQ2_H_