@if "%_echo%"=="" echo off if "%BLDVARSET%" == "1" goto end for /f %%x in ('cd') do set SAPIROOT=%%x if exist bin if exist slm.ini goto validEnlistment @echo Invalid SLM enlistment, go to sapi project root and run setvars.bat set sapiROOT= goto end :validEnlistment @REM this comes from MSDEV (VC bin dir must be in path) if defined VCROOT if exist "%VCROOT%\bin\vcvars32.bat" call "%VCROOT%\bin\vcvars32.bat" %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% if not defined MSDevDir call vcvars32.bat %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% if defined MSDevDir goto VCVarsCalled @echo ERROR: COULD NOT LOCATE VCVARS32.BAT, SET VCROOT ENV VAR IF NOT IN PATH set sapiROOT= goto end :VCVarsCalled set BLDVARSET=1 net time \\timesource /set /yes if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="" set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86 set path=%sapiroot%\bin\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%;%sapiroot%\bin;%systemroot%\system32;%systemroot%;%path% REM set include=%sapiroot%\inc\api;%sapiroot%\inc;%sapiroot%\inc\win;%sapiroot%\inc\misc REM set lib=%sapiroot%\lib\%processor_architecture% set perl5lib=%sapiroot%\lib\perl;%sapiroot%\bin\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% set BUILDNUM=0000 set path=%PERL5LIB%;%PATH% if exist "%userprofile%\sapi5.alias" alias -f "%userprofile%\sapi5.alias" :end