select(STDOUT); $| =1; # force flush on STDOUT # default options $SrcDir = Srv; $ZipDir = "$SrcDir.Zip"; $ZipPref = IIS; $Debug = 0; $WinZip = 0; $DoOnly = ""; # STUPID must pipe some garbage in to pkzip when running from Remote $pkzip = "echo y | pkzip"; $zip2exe = "zip2exe"; $PkZipOptions = $WinZipOptions = "-Y -3 -c setup.exe -m \"Microsoft Internet Information Service\" -31 -LE"; for ( $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV ; $i++ ) { # force the argument to lower case @ARGV[$i] = "\L@ARGV[$i]"; print "Argument $i=\L@ARGV[$i]\n"; if ( @ARGV[$i] EQ "-src" ) { $SrcDir = @ARGV[++$i]; }elsif ( @ARGV[$i] EQ "-dst" ) { $ZipDir = @ARGV[++$i]; }elsif ( @ARGV[$i] EQ "-debug" ) { $Debug = 1; }elsif ( @ARGV[$i] EQ "-seeonly" ) { $zip2exeonly = 1; }elsif ( @ARGV[$i] EQ "-only" ) { $DoOnly = @ARGV[++$i]; }elsif ( @ARGV[$i] EQ "-winzip" ) { $WinZip = 1; }else { print "Unsupported argument @ARGV[$i]\n"; print "Usage: [-src ] [-dst<.>] [-debug] [-only i386|i386n|PPC|MIPS|ALPHA]\n "; print " -src \n"; print " -dst \n"; print " -only i386|i386n|PPC|MIPS|ALPHA] only do zip for\n"; print " -debug echo's statements does not execute them\n"; die(1); } } if ( ! -e $ZipDir ) { mkdir ($ZipDir, "RWX" ); } if ( $DoOnly EQ "" ) { @CpuDirs = ("i386", "i386N", "PPC", "ALPHA", "MIPS"); }else{ @CpuDirs = ($DoOnly); } print "CpuDirs == @CpuDirs \n"; @ZipDirsBase=("Clients", "Help", "Docs"); print "ZipDirsBase== @ZipDirsBase\n"; # Files not found elsewhere in the system # $RootFiles = "$SrcDir\\license.txt $SrcDir\\setup.exe $SrcDir\\inetsrv $SrcDir\\readme.txt $SrcDir\\readme.wri "; $MessageFile = "message.txt"; foreach $Cpu ( @CpuDirs ) { print "Cpu == $Cpu\n"; $ZipBase = "$ZipPref$Cpu"; $ZipPath = $ZipDir."\\" ; $ZipFile = "$"; $ZipExe = "$ZipBase.exe"; $ZipFilePath = "$ZipPath$"; $ZipExePath = "$ZipPath$ZipBase.exe"; print "ZipFile == $ZipFile\n"; # Asymble the list of Dirs to Zip # We make two versions of I386 one with clients without @ZipDirs = @ZipDirsBase; if ( "\L$Cpu" EQ "i386n" ) { $Cpu = "i386"; shift(@ZipDirs); # remove Clients Dir } unshift(@ZipDirs, $Cpu); print "ZipFilePath == $ZipFilePath\n"; print "ZipExePath == $ZipExePath\n"; print "ZipDirs == @ZipDirs\n"; if ( -e $ZipExePath ) {psystem("del $ZipExePath");} if ( !$zip2exeonly ) { if ( -e $ZipFilePath ) {psystem("del $ZipFilePath");} foreach $Dir ( @ZipDirs ) { psystem("$pkzip $ZipFilePath $SrcDir\\$Dir\\*.* -P -r -ex"); } # now tack on additional files that are not found in the recursed tree psystem("$pkzip $ZipFilePath $RootFiles -P -ex"); # add the comment that is printed out for this archive if ( -e $MessageFile ) { psystem("pkzip $ZipFilePath -z < $MessageFile "); } else { print "Message File \"$MessageFile\" does not exist. Skipping..\n"; } } if (-e $ZipFilePath ) { # must chdir to Dst Dir because SEE only works locally if ( $WinZip == 0 ) { psystem("pushd $ZipDir && $zip2exe $ZipFile\n"); } else { psystem("pushd $ZipDir && winzipse $ZipFile $WinZipOptions"); } } else { print "WARNING: $ZipFilePath does not exists... skipping zip to exe\n\n"; } } sub psystem{ print "Dbg=$Debug->@_\n"; if ($Debug == 0) {system(@_);} }