; ; MPE.INF -- This file contains installation information for ; the MPE BDA codec ; ;*** Created 09/24/97 (Creation Date) ; [Version] signature="$CHICAGO$" LayoutFile=Layout.inf Class=Media ClassGUID={4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider=%Msft% [ControlFlags] ; ; Don't let this device be selected from "Add New Hardware" wizard. ; ExcludeFromSelect=* [Manufacturer] %MsftMfg%=Microsoft [DefaultInstall] AddReg=MPE.Install [MPE.Install] HKLM,%RunOnce%,"MPE0",,"rundll32.exe streamci,StreamingDeviceSetup %MPE.DeviceId%,GLOBAL,%GUID.BdaComponent%,%17%\MPE.inf,BDAcodec" [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=12 ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; M I C R O S O F T ; ; C O D E C ;--------------------------------------------------------------- [Microsoft] ; ; This is the standard PnP Section for the device. It is called as a result ; of SWEnum enumerating this SW PnP device. ; %MPE.DeviceDesc%=MPE,SW\{8E60217D-A2EE-47f8-B0C5-0F44C55F66DC} [MPE] Include=bda.inf Needs=BDA.Registration AddReg=MPE.AddReg ;;Include the following line for post dx8 builds CopyFiles=MPE.CopyDrivers [MPE.NT] Include=bda.inf Needs=BDA.Registration AddReg=MPE.AddReg.NT ;;Include the following line for post dx8 builds CopyFiles=MPE.CopyDrivers [MPE.AddReg] ; ; This section adds the driver service on 9x and adds device params ; HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,MPE.sys HKR,,DriverUsesSWEnumToLoad,3,01 HKR,,OkToHibernate,3,01 HKR,,DontSuspendIfStreamsAreRunning,3,01 [MPE.AddReg.NT] ; ; This section adds device params on NT ; HKR,,DriverUsesSWEnumToLoad,3,01 HKR,,OkToHibernate,3,01 HKR,,DontSuspendIfStreamsAreRunning,3,01 [MPE.CopyDrivers] MPE.sys,,,COPYFLG_NO_VERSION_DIALOG [BDAcodec] AddReg=BDAcodec.AddReg [BDAcodec.AddReg] HKR,,CLSID,,%Proxy.CLSID% HKR,,FriendlyName,,%MPE.FriendlyName% HKR,,Merit,1,00,00,60,00 [MPE.NT.Services] ; ; This section is required to add the driver service on NT ; AddService = MPE,0x00000002,MPE.ServiceInstall [MPE.ServiceInstall] DisplayName = %MPE.DeviceDesc% ServiceType = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = %SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\MPE.sys LoadOrderGroup= Extended Base