/*++ Copyright (c) 1990-1998, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Module Name: printnew.h Abstract: This module contains the header information for the Win32 property sheet print common dialogs. Revision History: 11-04-97 JulieB Created. Feb-2000 LazarI major redesign (not to use printui anymore) --*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef WINNT // // Include Files. // #include #include #include // // Constant Declarations. // // // Dialog Constants. // #define IDD_PRINT_GENERAL 100 #define IDD_PRINT_GENERAL_LARGE 101 #define IDI_COLLATE ico1 #define IDC_PRINTER_LIST 1000 #define IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW 1001 #define IDC_PRINT_TO_FILE 1002 #define IDC_FIND_PRINTER 1003 #define IDC_STATUS_TEXT 1004 #define IDC_STATUS 1005 #define IDC_LOCATION_TEXT 1006 #define IDC_LOCATION 1007 #define IDC_COMMENT_TEXT 1008 #define IDC_COMMENT 1009 #define IDC_DRIVER 1010 #define IDC_HIDDEN_TEXT 1011 #define IDC_RANGE_ALL rad1 #define IDC_RANGE_SELECTION rad2 #define IDC_RANGE_CURRENT rad3 #define IDC_RANGE_PAGES rad4 #define IDC_RANGE_EDIT edt1 #define IDC_RANGE_TEXT1 stc1 #define IDC_RANGE_TEXT2 stc2 #define IDC_COPIES edt2 #define IDC_COPIES_TEXT stc3 #define IDC_COLLATE chx1 #define IDC_STATIC -1 // // Typedef Declarations. // typedef struct { UINT ApiType; LPPRINTDLGEX pPD; DWORD ProcessVersion; DWORD dwFlags; UINT FinalResult; HRESULT hResult; BOOL fApply; BOOL fOld; DWORD dwExtendedError; HRESULT hrOleInit; #ifdef UNICODE LPPRINTDLGEXA pPDA; BOOL fPrintTemplateAlloc; #endif } PRINTINFOEX, *PPRINTINFOEX; // // Registry keys. // static const TCHAR c_szSettings[] = TEXT("Printers\\Settings"); static const TCHAR c_szViewMode[] = TEXT("ViewMode"); // // CPrintBrowser Class. // class CPrintBrowser : public IShellBrowser, public ICommDlgBrowser2, public IPrintDialogCallback, public IPrintDialogServices { public: // *** IUnknown methods *** STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (THIS); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (THIS); // *** IOleWindow methods *** STDMETHOD(GetWindow) (THIS_ HWND *lphwnd); STDMETHOD(ContextSensitiveHelp) (THIS_ BOOL fEnterMode); // *** IShellBrowser methods *** (same as IOleInPlaceFrame) STDMETHOD(InsertMenusSB) (THIS_ HMENU hmenuShared, LPOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS lpMenuWidths); STDMETHOD(SetMenuSB) (THIS_ HMENU hmenuShared, HOLEMENU holemenu, HWND hwndActiveObject); STDMETHOD(RemoveMenusSB) (THIS_ HMENU hmenuShared); STDMETHOD(SetStatusTextSB) (THIS_ LPCOLESTR lpszStatusText); STDMETHOD(EnableModelessSB) (THIS_ BOOL fEnable); STDMETHOD(TranslateAcceleratorSB) (THIS_ LPMSG lpmsg, WORD wID); // *** IShellBrowser methods *** STDMETHOD(BrowseObject) (THIS_ LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, UINT wFlags); STDMETHOD(GetViewStateStream) (THIS_ DWORD grfMode, LPSTREAM *pStrm); STDMETHOD(GetControlWindow) (THIS_ UINT id, HWND *lphwnd); STDMETHOD(SendControlMsg) (THIS_ UINT id, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pret); STDMETHOD(QueryActiveShellView) (THIS_ struct IShellView **ppshv); STDMETHOD(OnViewWindowActive) (THIS_ struct IShellView *pshv); STDMETHOD(SetToolbarItems) (THIS_ LPTBBUTTON lpButtons, UINT nButtons, UINT uFlags); // *** ICommDlgBrowser2 methods *** STDMETHOD(OnDefaultCommand) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv); STDMETHOD(OnStateChange) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv, ULONG uChange); STDMETHOD(IncludeObject) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv, LPCITEMIDLIST lpItem); STDMETHOD(Notify) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv, DWORD dwNotifyType); STDMETHOD(GetDefaultMenuText) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv, WCHAR *pszText, INT cchMax); STDMETHOD(GetViewFlags)(THIS_ DWORD *pdwFlags); // *** IPrintDialogCallback methods *** STDMETHOD(InitDone) (THIS); STDMETHOD(SelectionChange) (THIS); STDMETHOD(HandleMessage) (THIS_ HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pResult); // *** IPrintDialogServices methods *** STDMETHOD(GetCurrentDevMode) (THIS_ LPDEVMODE pDevMode, UINT *pcbSize); STDMETHOD(GetCurrentPrinterName) (THIS_ LPTSTR pPrinterName, UINT *pcchSize); STDMETHOD(GetCurrentPortName) (THIS_ LPTSTR pPortName, UINT *pcchSize); // *** Our own methods *** CPrintBrowser(HWND hDlg); ~CPrintBrowser(); BOOL OnInitDialog(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL OnChildInitDialog(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); VOID OnDestroyMessage(); BOOL OnCommandMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL OnChildCommandMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL OnNotifyMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPNMHDR lpnmhdr); BOOL OnSelChange(); BOOL OnChangeNotify(LONG lNotification, LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidl); BOOL OnAccelerator(HWND hwndActivePrint, HWND hwndFocus, HACCEL haccPrint, PMSG pMsg); VOID OnNoPrinters(HWND hDlg, UINT uID); VOID OnInitDone(); private: HRESULT CreatePrintShellView(); UINT GetViewMode(); VOID SetViewMode(); HRESULT CreateHookDialog(); BOOL UpdateStatus(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); BOOL SelectSVItem(); BOOL GetCurrentPrinter(); VOID InitPrintToFile(); VOID InitPageRangeGroup(); VOID InitCopiesAndCollate(); BOOL SaveCopiesAndCollateInDevMode(LPDEVMODE pDM, LPTSTR pszPrinter); BOOL SetCopiesOnApply(); VOID SaveDevMode(); BOOL MergeDevMode(LPTSTR pszPrinterName); BOOL IsValidPageRange(LPTSTR pszString, UINT *pErrorId); BOOL ConvertPageRangesToString(LPTSTR pszString, UINT cchLen); UINT IntegerToString(DWORD Value, LPTSTR pszString, UINT cchLen); VOID ShowError(HWND hDlg, UINT uCtrlID, UINT uMsgID, ...); int ShowMessage(HWND hDlg, UINT uCtrlID, UINT uMsgID, UINT uType, BOOL bBeep, ...); int InternalShowMessage(HWND hDlg, UINT uCtrlID, UINT uMsgID, UINT uType, BOOL bBeep, va_list args); UINT InsertDevicePage(LPCWSTR pszName, PDEVMODE pDevMode); UINT RemoveDevicePage(); UINT RemoveAndInsertDevicePage(LPCWSTR pszName, PDEVMODE pDevMode); BOOL FitViewModeBest(HWND hwndListView); VOID SelectPrinterItem(LPITEMIDLIST pidlItem); BOOL IsCurrentPrinter(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); BOOL OnRename(LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidl); // // The error codes returned by InstallDevMode/UninstallDevMode functions below. // enum { kSuccess, // Success no error kError, // General error kInvalidDevMode, // Invalid devmode specified kInvalidPrinterName, // Invalid printer name specified kAccessDenied, // User does not have access to printer }; // // These functions maintain the internal devmode, driver UI stuff and // implement the printui.dll functionality - bPrinterSetup(...). // BOOL FindPrinter(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR pszBuffer, UINT cchSize); BOOL GetInternalPrinterName(LPTSTR pszBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize); LPDEVMODE GetCurrentDevMode(); BOOL GetDefaultDevMode(HANDLE hPrinter, LPCTSTR pszPrinterName, PDEVMODE *ppDevMode, BOOL bFillWithDefault); BOOL WrapEnumPrinters(DWORD dwFlags, LPCTSTR pszServer, DWORD dwLevel, PVOID* ppvBuffer, PDWORD pcbBuffer, PDWORD pcPrinters); BOOL GetUsablePrinter(LPTSTR szPrinterNameBuf, DWORD *pcchBuf); BOOL GetInternalDevMode(PDEVMODE *ppOutDevMode, LPCTSTR pszPrinter, HANDLE hPrinter, PDEVMODE pInDevMode); UINT InstallDevMode(LPCTSTR pszPrinterName, PDEVMODE pDevModeToMerge); UINT UninstallDevMode(); // // Members start here. // UINT cRef; // compobj refcount HWND hwndDlg; // handle of this dialog HWND hSubDlg; // handle of the hook dialog HWND hwndView; // current view window HWND hwndUpDown; // UpDown Control Window handle; IShellView *psv; // shell view object IShellFolderView *psfv; // shell folder view object IShellFolder2 *psfRoot; // print folder shell folder LPITEMIDLIST pidlRoot; // pidl for print folder IPrinterFolder *ppf; // printer folder private interface HIMAGELIST himl; // system imagelist (small images) PPRINTINFOEX pPI; // ptr to PRINTINFOEX struct LPPRINTDLGEX pPD; // caller's PRINTDLGEX struct IPrintDialogCallback *pCallback; // ptr to app's callback interface IObjectWithSite *pSite; // ptr to app's SetSite interface LPDEVMODE pDMInit; // ptr to the initial DEVMODE struct LPDEVMODE pDMCur; // ptr to the current DEVMODE struct LPDEVMODE pDMSave; // ptr to the last good DEVMODE struct UINT cchCurPrinter; // size, in chars, of pszCurPrinter LPTSTR pszCurPrinter; // ptr to name of current printer DWORD nCopies; // number of copies DWORD nMaxCopies; // max number for the "number of copies" DWORD nPageRanges; // number of page ranges in pPageRange DWORD nMaxPageRanges; // max number of page ranges allowed LPPRINTPAGERANGE pPageRanges; // ptr to an array of page range structs BOOL fCollateRequested; // collate is requested BOOL fSelChangePending; // we have a selchange message pending BOOL fFirstSel; // still need to set first selection BOOL fAPWSelected; // add printer wizard is selected BOOL fNoAccessPrinterSelected; // a printer we do not have access to is selected BOOL fDirtyDevmode; // Set if we change the devmode while editing. BOOL fDevmodeEdit; // devmode editor is open BOOL fAllowCollate; // whether collation is allowed by the device UINT nInitDone; // number of CDM_INITDONE messages UINT nListSep; // number of characters in szListSep TCHAR szListSep[20]; // list separator UINT uRegister; // change notify register TCHAR szScratch[kPrinterBufMax]; // scratch buffer UINT uDefViewMode; // How the default view mode is mapped LPDEVMODE pInternalDevMode; // ptr to the internal DEVMODE TCHAR szPrinter[kPrinterBufMax]; // The internal printer name HANDLE hPrinter; // The internal printer }; // // Context Help IDs. // DWORD aPrintExHelpIDs[] = { grp1, NO_HELP, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW, IDH_PRINT_PRINTER_FOLDER, IDC_STATUS_TEXT, IDH_PRINT_SETUP_DETAILS, IDC_STATUS, IDH_PRINT_SETUP_DETAILS, IDC_LOCATION_TEXT, IDH_PRINT_SETUP_DETAILS, IDC_LOCATION, IDH_PRINT_SETUP_DETAILS, IDC_COMMENT_TEXT, IDH_PRINT_SETUP_DETAILS, IDC_COMMENT, IDH_PRINT_SETUP_DETAILS, IDC_PRINT_TO_FILE, IDH_PRINT_TO_FILE, IDC_FIND_PRINTER, IDH_PRINT_FIND_PRINTER, IDC_DRIVER, IDH_PRINT_PREFERENCES, grp2, NO_HELP, IDOK, IDH_PRINT_BTN, 0, 0 }; DWORD aPrintExChildHelpIDs[] = { grp1, NO_HELP, IDC_RANGE_ALL, IDH_PRINT32_RANGE, IDC_RANGE_SELECTION, IDH_PRINT32_RANGE, IDC_RANGE_CURRENT, IDH_PRINT32_RANGE, IDC_RANGE_PAGES, IDH_PRINT32_RANGE, IDC_RANGE_EDIT, IDH_PRINT32_RANGE, IDC_RANGE_TEXT1, IDH_PRINT32_RANGE, IDC_RANGE_TEXT2, IDH_PRINT32_RANGE, grp2, NO_HELP, IDC_COPIES, IDH_PRINT_COPIES, IDC_COPIES_TEXT, IDH_PRINT_COPIES, IDC_COLLATE, IDH_PRINT_COLLATE, IDI_COLLATE, IDH_PRINT_COLLATE, 0, 0 }; // // Function Prototypes. // HRESULT PrintDlgExX( PPRINTINFOEX pPI); HRESULT Print_ReturnDefault( PPRINTINFOEX pPI); BOOL Print_LoadLibraries(); VOID Print_UnloadLibraries(); BOOL Print_LoadIcons(); BOOL Print_InvokePropertySheets( PPRINTINFOEX pPI, LPPRINTDLGEX pPD); BOOL_PTR Print_GeneralDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL_PTR Print_GeneralChildDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT Print_MessageHookProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL Print_InitDialog( HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); HRESULT Print_ICoCreateInstance( REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv); BOOL Print_SaveDevNames( LPTSTR pCurPrinter, LPPRINTDLGEX pPD); VOID Print_GetPortName( LPTSTR pCurPrinter, LPTSTR pBuffer, int cchBuffer); HANDLE Print_GetDevModeWrapper( LPTSTR pszDeviceName, HANDLE hDevMode); BOOL Print_NewPrintDlg( PPRINTINFO pPI); #ifdef UNICODE HRESULT ThunkPrintDlgEx( PPRINTINFOEX pPI, LPPRINTDLGEXA pPDA); VOID FreeThunkPrintDlgEx( PPRINTINFOEX pPI); VOID ThunkPrintDlgExA2W( PPRINTINFOEX pPI); VOID ThunkPrintDlgExW2A( PPRINTINFOEX pPI); #endif #endif // WINNT #ifdef __cplusplus }; // extern "C" #endif