#define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #include "cabinet.h" #else #include #include #endif #include "rcids.h" // Define this here because its NT5-only and we compile for NT4 (its safe to // use this flag anyway, it will be ignored) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS DLG_PROGRAMFILECONFLICT DIALOGEX DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 272, 81 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | (DS_SETFONT|DS_FIXEDSYS) CAPTION "File Name Warning" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Ignore",IDIGNORE,215,60,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "&Rename",IDC_RENAME,159,60,50,14 CONTROL "",IDC_STATIC,"Static",SS_ETCHEDHORZ,7,51,258,1 CONTROL "&Don't perform this check at startup",IDC_MESSAGEBOXCHECKEX, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,7,62,139,10 ICON IDI_WARNING,IDC_STATIC,7,7,21,20 LTEXT "There is a file or folder on your computer called ""%s"" which could cause certain applications to not function correctly. Renaming it to ""%s"" would solve this problem. Would you like to rename it now?", IDC_MSG,34,7,224,37 END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // Do NOT remove "old" icons from this list. If you do, the icon index order // will be messed up and all people who persist the index will now have the wrong // icon. Instead, rename you icon to old_xxx.ico and just leave it here forever. // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ICO_MYCOMPUTER ICON "mycomp.ico" ICO_TREEUP_EXPLORER ICON "treeup.ico" ICO_OLD_PRINTER ICON "old_printer.ico" ICO_DESKTOP ICON "desktop.ico" ICO_OLD_PRINTER_ERROR ICON "old_printerr.ico" ICO_OLD_INFO ICON "old_info.ico" // don't use these, use the ICO_OLD_WARNING ICON "old_warning.ico" // version in USER instead ICO_OLD_ERROR ICON "old_error.ico" // IDI_WARNING, OIC_WARNING/INFO/ERROR ICO_SHOWDEMOTED ICON "overflow.ico" ICO_HIDEDEMOTED ICON "underflow.ico" ICO_OLD_MYCOMPUTER ICON "mycomold.ico" // old icon ICO_TRAYPROP_PLACEHOLDER ICON "folderop.ico" ICO_INTERNETBROWSER ICON "inetweb.ico" ICO_INTERNETMAIL ICON "inetmail.ico" ICO_WORDMAIL ICON "smwmail.ico" ICO_CLASSICSM ICON "clasicSM.ico" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bitmap // IDB_START BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "start.bmp" IDB_STARTCLASSIC BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "startclassic.bmp" IDB_START16 BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "start16.bmp" IDB_START16MASK BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "start16mask.bmp" IDB_TAAUTOHIDE BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "taautohide.bmp" IDB_TALOCKGROUP BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "talockgroup.bmp" IDB_TANOLOCKGROUP BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "tanolockgroup.bmp" IDB_TALOCKNOGROUP BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "talocknogroup.bmp" IDB_TANOLOCKNOGROUP BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "tanolocknogroup.bmp" IDB_TAQLLOCKGROUP BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "taqllockgroup.bmp" IDB_TAQLNOLOCKGROUP BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "taqlnolockgroup.bmp" IDB_TAQLLOCKNOGROUP BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "taqllocknogroup.bmp" IDB_TAQLNOLOCKNOGROUP BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "taqlnolocknogroup.bmp" IDB_NACLOCKCLEAN BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "naclockclean.bmp" IDB_NANOCLOCKCLEAN BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "nanoclockclean.bmp" IDB_NACLOCKNOCLEAN BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "naclocknoclean.bmp" IDB_NANOCLOCKNOCLEAN BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "nanoclocknoclean.bmp" #ifndef _WIN64 // // These are the Start Menu bitmaps that are used on Win32 machines. // IDB_SERVERSTARTBKG BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "srvbkg.bmp" IDB_TERMINALSERVICESBKG BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "tsbanner.bmp" IDB_PERSONALSTARTBKG BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "stmuper.bmp" IDB_PROFESSIONALSTARTBKG BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "stmupro.bmp" IDB_DCSERVERSTARTBKG BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "srvdc2.bmp" IDB_ADVSERVERSTARTBKG BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "srvadv2.bmp" IDB_EMBEDDED BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "startem.bmp" #else // _WIN64 // // These are the Start Menu bitmaps that are used on Win64 machines. // IDB_WIN64PROSTART BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "stmu64pr.bmp" IDB_WIN64ADVSERSTART BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "stmu64as.bmp" #endif IDB_STARTPREVIEWNEW BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "NewSM.bmp" IDB_STARTPREVIEWCLASSIC BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "ClassicSM.bmp" IDB_TRAYCHEVRONHORIZ BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "traych.bmp" IDB_TRAYCHEVRONHORIZOPEN BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "traycho.bmp" IDB_TRAYCHEVRONVERT BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "traycv.bmp" IDB_TRAYCHEVRONVERTOPEN BITMAP DISCARDABLE PURE "traycvo.bmp" #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Accelerator // ACCEL_TRAY ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "s", IDC_KBSTART, ALT VK_TAB, FCIDM_NEXTCTL, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT VK_TAB, FCIDM_NEXTCTL, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT,SHIFT VK_TAB, FCIDM_NEXTCTL, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT,CONTROL VK_TAB, FCIDM_NEXTCTL, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT,CONTROL,SHIFT VK_F5, FCIDM_REFRESH, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT VK_F6, FCIDM_NEXTCTL, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT VK_RETURN, IDM_TRAYPROPERTIES, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT,ALT "Z", IDM_UNDO, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT,CONTROL VK_F3, FCIDM_FINDFILES, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT "m", IDM_MINIMIZEALLHOTKEY, VIRTKEY,NOINVERT,ALT END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Menu // MENU_TRAYCONTEXT MENU PRELOAD DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN // WARNING -- CTray::BuildContextMenu assumes position of these menu items MENUITEM "&Adjust Date/Time", IDM_SETTIME MENUITEM "&Customize Notifications...", IDM_NOTIFYCUST MENUITEM SEPARATOR // END WARNING MENUITEM "Ca&scade Windows", IDM_CASCADE MENUITEM "Tile Windows &Horizontally", IDM_HORIZTILE MENUITEM "Tile Windows V&ertically", IDM_VERTTILE MENUITEM "&Show the Desktop", IDM_TOGGLEDESKTOP MENUITEM "&Undo", IDM_UNDO MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Tas&k Manager", IDM_SHOWTASKMAN MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Lock the Taskbar", IDM_LOCKTASKBAR MENUITEM "P&roperties", IDM_TRAYPROPERTIES END END MENU_GROUPCONTEXT MENUEX PRELOAD DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "", -1 BEGIN MENUITEM "Ca&scade", IDM_CASCADE MENUITEM "Tile &Horizontally", IDM_HORIZTILE MENUITEM "Tile V&ertically", IDM_VERTTILE MENUITEM "&Minimize Group", IDM_MINIMIZE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Close Group", IDM_CLOSE END END // NB - ToolbarMenu() relies on the order of these menu items. // REVIEW HACK Note the spaces after (Empty), these are intentional. // WARNING: if you change the order of this, or add new items, // you'll need to change the table in StartMenu_CatMenu // too. MENU_START MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "&Programs", IDM_PROGRAMS BEGIN MENUITEM "(Empty) ", IDM_PROGRAMSINIT,,MFS_GRAYED END POPUP "F&avorites", IDM_FAVORITES BEGIN MENUITEM "(Empty) ", -1,,MFS_GRAYED END POPUP "&Documents", IDM_RECENT BEGIN MENUITEM "(Empty) ", IDM_RECENTINIT,,MFS_GRAYED END POPUP "&Settings", IDM_SETTINGS BEGIN MENUITEM "&Control Panel", IDM_CONTROLS MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR #ifdef WINNT MENUITEM "&Windows Security...", IDM_MU_SECURITY MENUITEM "&Network Connections", IDM_NETCONNECT #else MENUITEM "Dial-up &Networking", IDM_NETCONNECT #endif // MENUITEM "&Start Menu", IDM_PROGRAMSFOLDER MENUITEM "&Printers and Faxes", IDM_PRINTERS // MENUITEM "&Fonts", IDM_FONTS // MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Taskbar and Start Menu", IDM_TRAYPROPERTIES END POPUP "Sear&ch", IDM_MENU_FIND BEGIN MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR END MENUITEM "&Help and Support", IDM_HELPSEARCH MENUITEM "&Run...", IDM_FILERUN MENUITEM "", IDM_SEP2, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "S&ynchronize", IDM_CSC MENUITEM "&Log Off %s...", IDM_LOGOFF MENUITEM "D&isconnect...", IDM_MU_DISCONNECT MENUITEM "Undock Comput&er", IDM_EJECTPC MENUITEM "Sh&ut Down...", IDM_EXITWIN END END MENU_STARTPANECONTEXT MENUEX PRELOAD DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "", -1 BEGIN MENUITEM "P&roperties", IDSYSPOPUP_STARTMENUPROP END END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // #ifdef WINNT // Neither of these two strings should exceed MAX_PATH in length STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_OKTOKILLAPP1 "The application is either too busy or unable to respond to your request to close." IDS_OKTOKILLAPP2 "Forcing it to close may cause that application to lose data. Do you want to force it to close?" END #endif STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_STARTBUTTONTIP "Click here to begin" IDS_UNDOTEMPLATE "&Undo %s" IDS_CASCADE "Cascade" IDS_TILE "Tile" IDS_MINIMIZEALL "Minimize All" IDS_SHOWDEMOTEDTIP "Show hidden icons" IDS_HIDEDEMOTEDTIP "Hide" IDS_BANGICONINFOTITLE "Hiding your inactive notification icons..." IDS_BANGICONINFOTIP1 "To see the hidden icons, click this button." IDS_TRAYNOTIFYTITLE "Notification Area" IDS_TASKBANDTITLE "Running Applications" IDS_HIDEDESKTOP "&Show Open Windows" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CABINET "Windows Explorer" IDS_STARTMENU "Start Menu" IDS_WINDOWS "Windows" #ifdef WINNT IDS_WINININORUN "Could not load or run '%1' specified in the registry. Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry." #else IDS_WINININORUN "Could not load or run '%1' specified in the WIN.INI file. Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the WIN.INI file." #endif IDS_TASKBAR "Taskbar" IDS_DESKTOP "Desktop" IDS_CANTFINDSPECIALDIR "Unable to run command.\nThe folder '%1' has been removed." IDS_NOTINITED "My Computer or Windows Explorer has not been properly initialized yet. Try again later." IDS_OUTOFMEM "There is not enough memory to complete this operation." #ifdef FULL_DEBUG IDS_START "unicode debug" IDS_STARTCLASSIC "Unicode Debug" #else IDS_START "start" IDS_STARTCLASSIC "Start" #endif IDS_STARTMENUANDTASKBAR "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" IDS_STARTMENUBALLOON_TIP "You can access all your programs, documents, and settings from the Start Menu. Click on the Start button to begin." IDS_STARTMENUBALLOON_TITLE "Click on the Start button" IDS_EXCEPTIONMSG "There was an internal error and one of the windows you were using has been closed." IDS_RESTRICTIONSTITLE "Restrictions" IDS_RESTRICTIONS "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DISPLAY_ERROR "Windows was unable to change the display settings for the new configuration. Return the computer to the previous state, shut down Windows, and restart the computer in the desired configuration." IDS_DISPLAY_WARN "There may be a problem with your display settings if you continue. To safely change to a new configuration, you should shut down Windows and restart the computer in the desired configuration. Do you want to continue anyway?" IDS_TASKDROP_ERROR "You cannot drop an item onto a button on the taskbar.\n\nHowever, if you drag the item over a button without releasing the mouse button, the window will open after a moment, allowing you to drop the item inside the window." IDS_ALREADYAUTOHIDEBAR "A toolbar is already hidden on this side of your screen.\nYou can have only one auto-hide toolbar per side." IDS_COMMON " (Common)" IDS_BETAEXPIRED "This pre-release version of ""Internet Explorer 4.0"" Desktop/Explorer has expired. Please update to the latest release of ""Internet Explorer 4.0"" from WWW.MICROSOFT.COM" IDS_RUNDLGTITLE "Run" // This has to be in sync with IDM_LOGOFF IDS_LOGOFFNOUSER "&Log Off..." // This has to be in sync with IDM_EXITWIN IDS_TURNOFFCOMPUTER "T&urn Off Computer..." #ifdef WINNT IDS_OPENCOMMON "O&pen All Users" IDS_EXPLORECOMMON "E&xplore All Users" #endif IDS_STARTMENUPROP "P&roperties" #ifdef WINNT //IDS_HELP_CMD "hh.exe>%systemroot%\\help\\windows.chm" // on Whistler, we use Help and Support IDS_HELP_CMD "helpctr.exe>-FromStartHelp" #else // on millennium, we use the Help AC IDS_HELP_CMD "helpctr.exe" #endif IDS_FIXSCREENRES_TITLE "Display Settings" IDS_FIXSCREENRES_TEXT "Your computer's screen resolution and color depth are currently set to a very low level. You can get a better picture by increasing these settings. To do this, click this balloon." IDS_OFFERTOUR_TITLE "Take a tour of Windows XP" IDS_OFFERTOUR_TEXT "To learn about the exciting new features in XP now, click here. To take the tour later, click All Programs on the Start menu, and then click Accessories." IDS_CLEANBOOTMSG "Windows is running in safe mode.\n\nThis special diagnostic mode of Windows enables you to fix a problem which may be caused by your network or hardware settings. Make sure these settings are correct in Control Panel, and then try starting Windows again. While in safe mode, some of your devices may not be available." IDS_CLEANBOOTMSGRESTORE "Windows is running in safe mode.\n\nThis special diagnostic mode of Windows enables you to fix a problem which may be caused by your network or hardware settings. Make sure these settings are correct in Control Panel, and then try starting Windows again. While in safe mode, some of your devices may not be available.\n\nTo proceed to work in safe mode, click Yes. If you prefer to use System Restore to restore your computer to a previous state, click No." IDS_BOGUSLABELS "|Go||" END //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // #include "explorer.rcv" #include "dlg.rc" #ifdef FEATURE_STARTPAGE #include "desktop2\resource.h" #include "desktop2\StartPage.rc" #endif #include "desktop2\resource.h" #include "desktop2\StartPane.rc" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED