BUG #1 (Word95): IPersistFile::Load disables open-in-place Bug: When you bind to a WordDocument via file moniker, activating it as a DocObject will open it in the Word application window. This is caused by an internal flag, which is set by IPersistFile::Load. Work-around: Call SetHostName() after IPersistFile::Load, which will reset this internal flag. BUG #2 (Word 95): Word does not call IPersistStorage::Save when saving. Bug: Word95 does not call IPersistStorage::Save when I insert a new shell embedding and select File->Save(). Here is the calling sequence. [Excel] GetData, GetClassID, Save, HandsOffStorage, SaveComplated [PowerPoint] Update, GetClassID, Save, SaveComplated [WordPad] GetClassID, Save, SaveComplated [Word] Update, GetData, HandsOffStorage, SetHostNames, SaveComplated Work-around: Unknown