// Created 07-Jan-1993 11:20am by Jeff Parsons #include "shellprv.h" #pragma hdrstop #include const CHAR szIpOpen []= "SetupOpenInfFileW"; const CHAR szIpFindFirstLine []= "SetupFindFirstLineW"; const CHAR szIpFindNextLine []= "SetupFindNextLine"; const CHAR szIpGetStringField[]= "SetupGetStringFieldW"; const CHAR szIpGetIntField []= "SetupGetIntField"; const CHAR szIpClose []= "SetupCloseInfFile"; const TCHAR szOne []= TEXT("1"); // // WARNING: Do not change the format of this structure (BPSTR followed by // FARPROC) unless you also plan on the changing the code below that fills // the structure in. The sole purpose of this structure is and should // remain to obtain various exported procedure addresses from SETUPX.DLL! // typedef const CHAR *BPSTR; struct { BPSTR pszIpOpen; HINF (WINAPI *lpIpOpen)(LPCTSTR pszFileSpec, LPCTSTR InfClass, DWORD InfStyle, UINT *ErrorLine); BPSTR pszIpFindFirstLine; BOOL (WINAPI *lpIpFindFirstLine)(HINF hInf, LPCTSTR lpszSect, LPCTSTR lpszKey, PINFCONTEXT Context); BPSTR pszIpFindNextLine; BOOL (WINAPI *lpIpFindNextLine)(PINFCONTEXT ContextIn, PINFCONTEXT ContextOut); BPSTR pszIpGetStringField; BOOL (WINAPI *lpIpGetStringField)(PINFCONTEXT Context, DWORD FieldIndex, LPTSTR ReturnBuffer, DWORD ReturnBufferSize, DWORD * RequiredSize); BPSTR pszIpGetIntField; BOOL (WINAPI *lpIpGetIntField)(PINFCONTEXT Context, DWORD FieldIndex, INT * IntegerValue); BPSTR pszIpClose; VOID (WINAPI *lpIpClose)(HINF hInf); } sfnIp = { szIpOpen ,NULL, szIpFindFirstLine ,NULL, szIpFindNextLine ,NULL, szIpGetStringField,NULL, szIpGetIntField ,NULL, szIpClose ,NULL, }; #define NUM_FUNCTIONS 6 static UINT g_SXUseCount = 0; static HINSTANCE g_hSetupDLL = NULL; const TCHAR szRegKeyMSDOSApps[] = REGSTR_PATH_NEWDOSBOX; const TCHAR szParams[] = KEY_PARAMS; const TCHAR szBatchFile[] = KEY_BATCHFILE; const TCHAR szLowMem[] = KEY_LOWMEM; const TCHAR szEmsMem[] = KEY_EMSMEM; const TCHAR szXmsMem[] = KEY_XMSMEM; const TCHAR szDpmiMem[] = KEY_DPMIMEM; const TCHAR szEnable[] = KEY_ENABLE; const TCHAR szDisable[] = KEY_DISABLE; const TCHAR szWindowed[] = KEYVAL_WINDOWED; const TCHAR szBackground[] = KEYVAL_BACKGROUND; const TCHAR szExclusive[] = KEYVAL_EXCLUSIVE; const TCHAR szDetectIdle[] = KEYVAL_DETECTIDLE; const TCHAR szLowLocked[] = KEYVAL_LOWLOCKED; const TCHAR szEMSLocked[] = KEYVAL_EMSLOCKED; const TCHAR szXMSLocked[] = KEYVAL_XMSLOCKED; const TCHAR szUseHMA[] = KEYVAL_USEHMA; const TCHAR szEmulateROM[] = KEYVAL_EMULATEROM; const TCHAR szRetainVRAM[] = KEYVAL_RETAINVRAM; const TCHAR szFastPaste[] = KEYVAL_FASTPASTE; const TCHAR szALTTAB[] = KEYVAL_ALTTAB; const TCHAR szALTESC[] = KEYVAL_ALTESC; const TCHAR szCTRLESC[] = KEYVAL_CTRLESC; const TCHAR szPRTSCRN[] = KEYVAL_PRTSCRN; const TCHAR szALTPRTSCRN[] = KEYVAL_ALTPRTSCRN; const TCHAR szALTSPACE[] = KEYVAL_ALTSPACE; const TCHAR szALTENTER[] = KEYVAL_ALTENTER; const TCHAR szWinLie[] = KEYVAL_WINLIE; const TCHAR szGlobalMem[] = KEYVAL_GLOBALMEM; const TCHAR szRealMode[] = KEYVAL_REALMODE; const TCHAR szMouse[] = KEYVAL_MOUSE; const TCHAR szEMS[] = KEYVAL_EMS; const TCHAR szCDROM[] = KEYVAL_CDROM; const TCHAR szNetwork[] = KEYVAL_NETWORK; const TCHAR szDiskLock[] = KEYVAL_DISKLOCK; const TCHAR szPrivateCFG[] = KEYVAL_PRIVATECFG; const TCHAR szCloseOnExit[] = KEYVAL_CLOSEONEXIT; const TCHAR szAllowSSaver[] = KEYVAL_ALLOWSSAVER; const TCHAR szUniqueSettings[] = KEYVAL_UNIQUESETTINGS; const LPCTSTR apszKey[] = { szParams, szBatchFile, szLowMem, szEmsMem, szXmsMem, szDpmiMem, szEnable, szDisable, }; const LPCTSTR apszKeyVal[] = { szWindowed, // abKeyValIDBits[0] szBackground, // abKeyValIDBits[1] szExclusive, // abKeyValIDBits[2] szDetectIdle, // abKeyValIDBits[3] szLowLocked, // abKeyValIDBits[4] szEMSLocked, // abKeyValIDBits[5] szXMSLocked, // abKeyValIDBits[6] szUseHMA, // abKeyValIDBits[7] szEmulateROM, // abKeyValIDBits[8] szRetainVRAM, // abKeyValIDBits[9] szFastPaste, // abKeyValIDBits[10] szALTTAB, // abKeyValIDBits[11] szALTESC, // abKeyValIDBits[12] szCTRLESC, // abKeyValIDBits[13] szPRTSCRN, // abKeyValIDBits[14] szALTPRTSCRN, // abKeyValIDBits[15] szALTSPACE, // abKeyValIDBits[16] szALTENTER, // abKeyValIDBits[17] szWinLie, // abKeyValIDBits[18] szGlobalMem, // abKeyValIDBits[19] szRealMode, // abKeyValIDBits[20] szMouse, // abRMKeyValIDBits[0] szEMS, // abRMKeyValIDBits[1] szCDROM, // abRMKeyValIDBits[2] szNetwork, // abRMKeyValIDBits[3] szDiskLock, // abRMKeyValIDBits[4] szPrivateCFG, // abRMKeyValIDBits[5] szCloseOnExit, // special case 0 (see "special case 0" below) szAllowSSaver, // special case 1 (see "special case 1" below) szUniqueSettings, // Never transferred to PIF - Used to populate registry }; // Array of bit numbers that must be kept in sync with KEYVALIDs // // 0x80 means bit must be inverted // 0x40 means bit must be set in PfW386Flags2 instead of PfW386Flags const BYTE abKeyValIDBits[] = { BITNUM(fFullScreen) | 0x80, BITNUM(fBackground), BITNUM(fExclusive), BITNUM(fPollingDetect), BITNUM(fVMLocked), BITNUM(fEMSLocked), BITNUM(fXMSLocked), BITNUM(fNoHMA) | 0x80, BITNUM(fVidTxtEmulate) | 0x40, BITNUM(fVidRetainAllo) | 0x40, BITNUM(fINT16Paste), BITNUM(fALTTABdis) | 0x80, BITNUM(fALTESCdis) | 0x80, BITNUM(fCTRLESCdis) | 0x80, BITNUM(fPRTSCdis) | 0x80, BITNUM(fALTPRTSCdis) | 0x80, BITNUM(fALTSPACEdis) | 0x80, BITNUM(fALTENTERdis) | 0x80, BITNUM(fWinLie), BITNUM(fGlobalProtect), BITNUM(fRealMode), }; const BYTE abRMKeyValIDBits[] = { BITNUM(RMOPT_MOUSE), BITNUM(RMOPT_EMS), BITNUM(RMOPT_CDROM), BITNUM(RMOPT_NETWORK), BITNUM(RMOPT_DISKLOCK), BITNUM(RMOPT_PRIVATECFG), BITNUM(RMOPT_VESA), }; // FEATURE: other bits to be supported (maybe): // WIN_TOOLBAR, // WIN_SAVESETTINGS, // MSE_WINDOWENABLE | 0x80, // MSE_EXCLUSIVE, // TSK_NOWARNTERMINATE | 0x80, // // Load setupx.dll and get proc address for all entry points in table // BOOL InitSetupxDll(void) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; // Assume it works if (g_SXUseCount == 0) { // // Dynamically load SETUPX.DLL // UINT uOldMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); g_hSetupDLL = LoadLibrary(TEXT("SETUPAPI.DLL")); SetErrorMode(uOldMode); fSuccess = (g_hSetupDLL != NULL); if (fSuccess) { int i; BPSTR *ppsz; FARPROC *plpfn; ppsz = (BPSTR *)&sfnIp; for (i=0; iawchWorkDir, ppl->szPathName, min(ARRAYSIZE(lpnt40->awchWorkDir),ppl->iFileName+1)); // Working directories like C:\ are ok, but C:\FOO\ are not, // so remove trailing '\' in that case i = lstrlen((LPTSTR)lpnt40->awchWorkDir)-1; if (i > 2 && lpnt40->awchWorkDir[i] == TEXT('\\')) lpnt40->awchWorkDir[i] = TEXT('\0'); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchWorkDir, -1, lpPrg->achWorkDir, ARRAYSIZE(lpPrg->achWorkDir), NULL, NULL ); } else { WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, ppl->szPathName, min(ARRAYSIZE(lpPrg->achWorkDir),ppl->iFileName+1), (LPSTR)lpPrg->achWorkDir, ARRAYSIZE(lpPrg->achWorkDir), NULL, NULL ); // Working directories like C:\ are ok, but C:\FOO\ are not, // so remove trailing '\' in that case i = lstrlenA(lpPrg->achWorkDir)-1; if (i > 2 && lpPrg->achWorkDir[i] == '\\') lpPrg->achWorkDir[i] = '\0'; } } BOOL FAR GetAppsInfData(PPROPLINK ppl, LPPROPPRG lpPrg, LPPROPNT40 lpnt40, HINF hInf, LPCTSTR lpszApp, BOOL fNotAmbiguous, int flOpt) { HINF hinfApps; int id, i; TCHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szPIFSection[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; INFCONTEXT InfContext; DWORD dwSize; FunctionName(GetAppsInfData); // // Although not strictly part of INF processing, it's most // convenient here to search for any ICO file that might exist // in the same directory as the app, and select it for our default icon. // lstrcpyn(szTmp, ppl->szPathName, ppl->iFileExt+1); lstrcpy(szTmp + ppl->iFileExt, TEXT(".ICO")); if ((int)GetFileAttributes(szTmp) != -1) { lstrcpyn((LPTSTR)lpnt40->awchIconFile, szTmp, ARRAYSIZE(lpnt40->awchIconFile)); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchIconFile, -1, lpPrg->achIconFile, ARRAYSIZE(lpPrg->achIconFile), NULL, NULL ); lpPrg->wIconIndex = 0; PifMgr_SetProperties(ppl, MAKELP(0,GROUP_PRG), lpPrg, SIZEOF(*lpPrg), SETPROPS_CACHE); PifMgr_SetProperties(ppl, MAKELP(0,GROUP_NT40), lpnt40, SIZEOF(*lpnt40), SETPROPS_CACHE); } // // Dynamically load SETUPX.DLL // if (!InitSetupxDll()) goto DllLoadFalied; if (hInf) hinfApps = hInf; else hinfApps = (*sfnIp.lpIpOpen)(LoadStringSafe(NULL, IDS_APPSINF, szTmp, ARRAYSIZE(szTmp)), 0, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL ); if (hinfApps==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { id = IDS_CANTOPENAPPSINF; if (GetLastError()==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) id = IDS_NOAPPSINF; Warning((HWND)ppl, (WORD)id, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | MB_NOFOCUS); goto CloseDLL; } // OK, now we have APPS.INF open, so let's bounce around the [pif95] // section and try to find the app of interest. if (!(*sfnIp.lpIpFindFirstLine)(hinfApps, TEXT("pif95"), NULL, &InfContext)) { Warning((HWND)ppl, IDS_APPSINFERROR, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | MB_NOFOCUS); goto CloseInf; } // OK, we've found the [pif95] section, so let's go to it do { if (!(*sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField)(&InfContext, APPSINF_FILENAME, szTmp, ARRAYSIZE(szTmp), &dwSize)) continue; // We need to read the rest of the fields now, before we do any // more processing, because otherwise we lose our place in the file if (lstrcmpi(szTmp, ppl->szPathName+ppl->iFileName) == 0) { // See if Other File was specified, and then make sure it // exists. If it doesn't, then we need to continue the search. // Initialize szTmp with only the path portion of the app's // fully-qualified name. Giving lstrcpyn a length of iFileName+1 // insures that szTmp[ppl->iFileName] will be NULL. lstrcpyn(szTmp, ppl->szPathName, ppl->iFileName+1); (*sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField)(&InfContext, APPSINF_OTHERFILE, &szTmp[ppl->iFileName], ARRAYSIZE(lpPrg->achOtherFile), &dwSize); // If szTmp[ppl->iFileName] is no longer NULL, then // GetStringField filled it in. See if the file exists. if (szTmp[ppl->iFileName]) { if ((int)GetFileAttributes(szTmp) == -1) continue; // Other File didn't exist, continue search } // If the PIF data we have is ambiguous, and it has already // been initialized with data from this APPS.INF entry, then just // leave the PIF data alone and LEAVE. if (lpPrg->flPrgInit & PRGINIT_AMBIGUOUSPIF) { if (lstrcmpi((LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchOtherFile, szTmp+ppl->iFileName) == 0) { if (!szTmp[ppl->iFileName]) { // The comparison was inconclusive; both filenames // are blank. See if the filename contained in // lpPrg->achCmdLine matches lpszApp; if not, again // we should fail the search. // // It's ok to whack lpPrg->achCmdLine with a null; // OpenProperties (our only caller) doesn't depend on // that data in lpPrg. lpnt40->awchCmdLine[lstrskipfnameA(lpPrg->achCmdLine)] = L'\0'; if (lstrcmpi((LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchCmdLine, lpszApp) != 0) goto CloseInf; // unsuccessful search } fSuccess++; // successful search } // Otherwise, this APPS.INF entry isn't a match, implying // some of the PIF's settings don't really apply. We need // to fail this search, get back to OpenProperties, look ONLY // for _DEFAULT.PIF, and let it try to call GetAppsInfData // one more time. goto CloseInf; } // Otherwise, update Other File. THIS is the APPS.INF entry // we're going to use! lstrcpyn((LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchOtherFile, szTmp + ppl->iFileName, ARRAYSIZE(lpnt40->awchOtherFile)); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchOtherFile, -1, lpPrg->achOtherFile, ARRAYSIZE( lpPrg->achOtherFile ), NULL, NULL ); (*sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField)(&InfContext, APPSINF_TITLE, (LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchTitle, ARRAYSIZE(lpnt40->awchTitle), &dwSize); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchTitle, -1, lpPrg->achTitle, ARRAYSIZE( lpPrg->achTitle ), NULL, NULL ); lstrcpyn((LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchCmdLine, lpszApp, ARRAYSIZE(lpnt40->awchCmdLine)); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchCmdLine, -1, lpPrg->achCmdLine, ARRAYSIZE( lpPrg->achCmdLine ), NULL, NULL ); i = 0; (*sfnIp.lpIpGetIntField)(&InfContext, APPSINF_NOWORKDIR, &i); // Only set the working directory if "NoWorkDir" in the INF // is FALSE and no working directory was supplied by the caller. if (i == 0 && !lpnt40->awchWorkDir[0]) { // No hard-coded working directory, so let's provide one InitWorkDir(ppl, lpPrg, lpnt40); } szTmp[0] = 0; sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField(&InfContext, APPSINF_ICONFILE, szTmp, ARRAYSIZE(szTmp), &dwSize); if (!szTmp[0]) lstrcpy(szTmp, TEXT("SHELL32.DLL")); i = 0; sfnIp.lpIpGetIntField(&InfContext, APPSINF_ICONINDEX, &i); // Update the icon info now, if it's valid if (i != 0) { lstrcpy((LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchIconFile, szTmp); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)lpnt40->awchIconFile, -1, lpPrg->achIconFile, ARRAYSIZE( lpPrg->achIconFile ), NULL, NULL ); lpPrg->wIconIndex = (WORD) i; } (*sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField)(&InfContext, APPSINF_SECTIONID, szPIFSection, ARRAYSIZE(szPIFSection), &dwSize); szTmp[0] = TEXT('\0'); (*sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField)(&InfContext, APPSINF_NOPIF, szTmp, ARRAYSIZE(szTmp), &dwSize); // This code used to set INHBITPIF if the app was NOT on a // fixed disk, knowing that we would otherwise try to create // a PIF in the PIF directory instead of the app's directory; // in other words, NOPIF really meant "no PIF in the PIF // directory please, because this app is ambiguously named". // Now, we want to always allow PIF creation, so the user // always has a place to save properties for an app. But we // also need to propagate the old NOPIF flag to AMBIGUOUSPIF, // so that we'll always check to see if the PIF should be // regenerated (based on the presence of a NEW Other File). lpPrg->flPrgInit &= ~PRGINIT_AMBIGUOUSPIF; if (!fNotAmbiguous && szTmp[0] == TEXT('1')) lpPrg->flPrgInit |= PRGINIT_AMBIGUOUSPIF; if (flOpt & OPENPROPS_FORCEREALMODE) lpPrg->flPrgInit |= PRGINIT_REALMODE; // Time to dirty those properties! PifMgr_SetProperties(ppl, MAKELP(0,GROUP_PRG), lpPrg, SIZEOF(*lpPrg), SETPROPS_CACHE); PifMgr_SetProperties(ppl, MAKELP(0,GROUP_NT40), lpnt40, SIZEOF(*lpnt40), SETPROPS_CACHE); GetAppsInfSectionData(&InfContext, APPSINF_DEFAULT_SECTION, ppl); if (*szPIFSection) GetAppsInfSectionData(&InfContext, szPIFSection, ppl); // Make a note that we found INF settings (appwiz cares) ppl->flProp |= PROP_INFSETTINGS; // GetAppsInfSectionData affects program props, so get fresh copy PifMgr_GetProperties(ppl, MAKELP(0,GROUP_PRG), lpPrg, SIZEOF(*lpPrg), GETPROPS_NONE); // Now call appwiz in "silent configuration mode", to create the // per-app config and autoexec images, if app runs in real mode; // BUT don't do this if the caller (NOT the INF) specified no PIF, // to avoid unwanted dialog boxes popping up from appwiz. Yes, I'm // telling appwiz to be quiet, but sometimes he just can't contain // himself (ie, silent configuration may not be possible given the // the real-mode configuration required). if (!(ppl->flProp & PROP_INHIBITPIF)) { if (lpPrg->flPrgInit & PRGINIT_REALMODE) AppWizard(NULL, ppl, WIZACTION_SILENTCONFIGPROP); } FlushPIFData(ppl, FALSE); fSuccess++; // successful search goto CloseInf; } } while ((*sfnIp.lpIpFindNextLine)(&InfContext, &InfContext)); CloseInf: if (!hInf) (*sfnIp.lpIpClose)(hinfApps); CloseDLL: FreeSetupxDll(); DllLoadFalied: return fSuccess; } void GetAppsInfSectionData(PINFCONTEXT pInfContext, LPCTSTR lpszSection, PPROPLINK ppl) { int i, j, idKey; LPSTDPIF lpstd; LPW386PIF30 lp386; LPWENHPIF40 lpenh; TCHAR szVal[MAX_KEYVAL_SIZE]; TCHAR szVal2[MAX_KEYVAL_SIZE]; FunctionName(GetAppsInfSectionData); if (!(*sfnIp.lpIpFindFirstLine)(pInfContext, lpszSection, NULL, NULL)) return; ppl->cLocks++; lpstd = (LPSTDPIF)ppl->lpPIFData; // lp386 may or may not exist, but we'll create if not lp386 = GetGroupData(ppl, szW386HDRSIG30, NULL, NULL); if (!lp386) { if (AddGroupData(ppl, szW386HDRSIG30, NULL, SIZEOF(W386PIF30))) { lp386 = GetGroupData(ppl, szW386HDRSIG30, NULL, NULL); if (!lp386) goto UnlockPIF; } } // lpenh may or may not exist, but we'll create if not lpenh = GetGroupData(ppl, szWENHHDRSIG40, NULL, NULL); if (!lpenh) { if (AddGroupData(ppl, szWENHHDRSIG40, NULL, SIZEOF(WENHPIF40))) { lpenh = GetGroupData(ppl, szWENHHDRSIG40, NULL, NULL); if (!lpenh) goto UnlockPIF; } } do { BYTE bInvert; DWORD dwSize; idKey = GetKeyID(pInfContext); if (!(*sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField)(pInfContext, APPSINF_KEYVAL, szVal, ARRAYSIZE(szVal), &dwSize)) continue; szVal2[0] = TEXT('\0'); if (idKey >= KEYID_LOWMEM && idKey <= KEYID_DPMIMEM) (*sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField)(pInfContext, APPSINF_KEYVAL2, szVal2, ARRAYSIZE(szVal2), &dwSize); bInvert = 0; switch (idKey) { case KEYID_UNKNOWN: ASSERTFAIL(); break; case KEYID_NONE: break; case KEYID_PARAMS: { WCHAR szTmp[ ARRAYSIZE(lp386->PfW386params) ]; MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPSTR)lp386->PfW386params, -1, szTmp, ARRAYSIZE(szTmp) ); (*sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField)(pInfContext, APPSINF_KEYVAL, szTmp, SIZEOF(lp386->PfW386params), &dwSize); } break; case KEYID_BATCHFILE: break; case KEYID_LOWMEM: if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, g_szAuto)) lp386->PfW386minmem = 0xFFFF; else lp386->PfW386minmem = (WORD) StrToInt(szVal); if (!szVal2[0]) lp386->PfW386maxmem = 0xFFFF; else lp386->PfW386maxmem = (WORD) StrToInt(szVal2); break; case KEYID_EMSMEM: if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, g_szNone)) { lp386->PfMaxEMMK = lp386->PfMinEMMK = 0; } if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, g_szAuto)) { lp386->PfMinEMMK = 0; lp386->PfMaxEMMK = 0xFFFF; } else lp386->PfMaxEMMK = lp386->PfMinEMMK = (WORD) StrToInt(szVal); if (szVal2[0]) lp386->PfMaxEMMK = (WORD) StrToInt(szVal2); break; case KEYID_XMSMEM: if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, g_szNone)) { lp386->PfMaxXmsK = lp386->PfMinXmsK = 0; } if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, g_szAuto)) { lp386->PfMinXmsK = 0; lp386->PfMaxXmsK = 0xFFFF; } else lp386->PfMaxXmsK = lp386->PfMinXmsK = (WORD) StrToInt(szVal); if (szVal2[0]) lp386->PfMaxXmsK = (WORD) StrToInt(szVal2); break; case KEYID_DPMIMEM: if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, g_szAuto)) lpenh->envProp.wMaxDPMI = 0; else lpenh->envProp.wMaxDPMI = (WORD) StrToInt(szVal); break; case KEYID_DISABLE: bInvert = 0x80; // fall into KEYID_ENABLE... case KEYID_ENABLE: for (i=1; 0 != (j = GetKeyValID(pInfContext, i)); i++) { int s; BYTE b; if (j == KEYVAL_ID_UNKNOWN) { ASSERTFAIL(); continue; } if (j == KEYVAL_ID_UNIQUESETTINGS) { continue; } j--; if (j < ARRAYSIZE(abKeyValIDBits)) { b = abKeyValIDBits[j]; s = b & 0x3F; b ^= bInvert; if (!(b & 0x80)) { if (!(b & 0x40)) { lp386->PfW386Flags |= 1L << s; } else lp386->PfW386Flags2 |= 1L << s; } else { if (!(b & 0x40)) lp386->PfW386Flags &= ~(1L << s); else lp386->PfW386Flags2 &= ~(1L << s); } } else { j -= ARRAYSIZE(abKeyValIDBits); if (j < ARRAYSIZE(abRMKeyValIDBits)) { b = abRMKeyValIDBits[j]; s = b & 0x3F; b ^= bInvert; if (!(b & 0x80)) lpenh->dwRealModeFlagsProp |= 1L << s; else lpenh->dwRealModeFlagsProp &= ~(1L << s); } else { j -= ARRAYSIZE(abRMKeyValIDBits); switch(j) { case 0: // special case 0 if (!bInvert) lpstd->MSflags |= EXITMASK; else lpstd->MSflags &= ~EXITMASK; break; case 1: // special case 1 if (bInvert) lpenh->tskProp.flTsk |= TSK_NOSCREENSAVER; else lpenh->tskProp.flTsk &= ~TSK_NOSCREENSAVER; break; default: ASSERTFAIL(); break; } } } } break; } } while ((*sfnIp.lpIpFindNextLine)(pInfContext, pInfContext)); UnlockPIF: ppl->cLocks--; } int GetKeyID(PINFCONTEXT pInfContext) { int i; TCHAR szCurKey[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; DWORD dwSize; FunctionName(GetKeyID); if ((*sfnIp.lpIpGetStringField)(pInfContext, APPSINF_KEY, szCurKey, ARRAYSIZE(szCurKey), &dwSize)) { for (i=0; i