// This file contains the implementation of CShellTreeWalker, a COM object // that inherits IShellTreeWalker, and it will recursively enumerate all the // files (or directories or both) starting from a root directory that match a // certain spec. // 1. The tree walker is reparse point aware, it does not traverse into reparse // point folders by default, but will if specified // 2. It keeps track of the number of files, directories, depth, and total // size of all files encountered. // 3. It will stop the traversal right away if any error message is returned // from the callback functions except for E_NOTIMPL // 4. It will jump out of the current working directory if S_FALSE is returned from callback // functions. // // History: // 12-5-97 by dli #include "shellprv.h" #include "validate.h" #define IS_FILE_DIRECTORY(pwfd) ((pwfd)->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) #define IS_FILE_REPARSE_POINT(pwfd) ((pwfd)->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) // Call back flags for _CallCallBack #define STWCB_FILE 1 #define STWCB_ERROR 2 #define STWCB_ENTERDIR 3 #define STWCB_LEAVEDIR 4 #define TF_TREEWALKER 0 STDAPI_(DWORD) PathGetClusterSize(LPCTSTR pszPath); class CShellTreeWalker : public IShellTreeWalker { public: CShellTreeWalker(); // IUnknown STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void) ; STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); // IShellTreeWalker STDMETHODIMP WalkTree(DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR pwszWalkRoot, LPCWSTR pwszWalkSpec, int iMaxPath, IShellTreeWalkerCallBack * pstwcb); private: LONG _cRef; DWORD _dwFlags; // Flags indicating the search status UINT _nMaxDepth; // Maximum depth we walk into UINT _nDepth; // Current depth UINT _nFiles; // Number of files we have seen so far UINT _nDirs; // Number of directories we have seen BOOL _bFolderFirst; // Do the folders first DWORD _dwClusterSize; // the size of a cluster ULONGLONG _ulTotalSize; // total size of all files we have seen ULONGLONG _ulActualSize; // total size on disk, taking into account compression, sparse files, and cluster slop TCHAR _szWalkBuf[MAX_PATH]; // The path buffer used in the walk LPCTSTR _pszWalkSpec; // The spec we use in FindFirstFile and FindNextFile IShellTreeWalkerCallBack * _pstwcb; // The call back interface pointer WIN32_FIND_DATA _wfd; // The temp storage of WIN32_FIND_DATA WIN32_FIND_DATA _fdTopLevelFolder; // The top level folder info HRESULT _CallCallBacks(DWORD dwCallReason, WIN32_FIND_DATA * pwfd); HRESULT _ProcessAndRecurse(WIN32_FIND_DATA * pwfd); HRESULT _TreeWalkerHelper(); }; CShellTreeWalker::CShellTreeWalker() : _cRef(1) { ASSERT(_dwFlags == 0); ASSERT(_bFolderFirst == FALSE); ASSERT(_nMaxDepth == 0); ASSERT(_nDepth == 0); ASSERT(_nDirs == 0); ASSERT(_ulTotalSize == 0); ASSERT(_ulActualSize == 0); ASSERT(_pszWalkSpec == NULL); ASSERT(_pstwcb == NULL); ASSERT(_szWalkBuf[0] == 0); } // _CallCallBack: convert the TCHARs to WCHARs and call the callback functions HRESULT CShellTreeWalker::_CallCallBacks(DWORD dwReason, WIN32_FIND_DATA * pwfd) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR wszDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszFileName[MAX_PATH]; #ifndef UNICODE CHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; #endif WIN32_FIND_DATAW wfdw = {0}; WIN32_FIND_DATAW* pwfdw = NULL; TREEWALKERSTATS tws = {0}; tws.nFiles = _nFiles; tws.nFolders = _nDirs; tws.nDepth = _nDepth; tws.ulTotalSize = _ulTotalSize; tws.ulActualSize = _ulActualSize; tws.dwClusterSize = _dwClusterSize; // _szWalkBuf to wszDir #ifdef UNICODE lstrcpy(wszDir, _szWalkBuf); lstrcpy(wszFileName, wszDir); PathCombine(wszFileName, wszFileName, pwfd->cFileName); #else SHAnsiToUnicode(_szWalkBuf, wszDir, ARRAYSIZE(wszDir)); lstrcpy(szTemp, _szWalkBuf); PathCombine(szTemp, szTemp, pwfd->cFileName); SHAnsiToUnicode(szTemp, wszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(wszFileName)); #endif if (pwfd && ((dwReason == STWCB_FILE) || (dwReason == STWCB_ENTERDIR))) { // WIN32_FIND_DATAA to WIN32_FIND_DATAW memcpy(&wfdw, pwfd, sizeof(*pwfd)); #ifndef UNICODE SHAnsiToUnicode(pwfd->cFileName, wfdw.cFileName, ARRAYSIZE(wfdw.cFileName)); SHAnsiToUnicode(pwfd->cAlternateFileName, wfdw.cAlternateFileName, ARRAYSIZE(wfdw.cAlternateFileName)); #endif pwfdw = &wfdw; } switch (dwReason) { case STWCB_FILE: hr = _pstwcb->FoundFile(wszFileName, &tws, pwfdw); TraceMsg(TF_TREEWALKER, "TreeWalker Callback FoundFile: %s\\%s dwReason: %x nFiles: %d nDepth: %d nDirs: %d", _szWalkBuf, pwfd->cFileName, dwReason, _nFiles, _nDepth, _nDirs); break; case STWCB_ENTERDIR: hr = _pstwcb->EnterFolder(wszDir, &tws, pwfdw); TraceMsg(TF_TREEWALKER, "TreeWalker Callback EnterFolder: %s dwReason: %x nFiles: %d nDepth: %d nDirs: %d", _szWalkBuf, dwReason, _nFiles, _nDepth, _nDirs); break; case STWCB_LEAVEDIR: hr = _pstwcb->LeaveFolder(wszDir, &tws); break; // case STWCB_ERROR: // hr = _pstwcb->HandleError(S_OK, wszDir, &tws); // break; default: hr = S_OK; break; } // Error messages are significant to us, all E_ messages are interpreted as "Stop right now!!" if (hr == E_NOTIMPL) hr = S_OK; return hr; } // Call call back funtions on directories and files, recurse on directories if there is no objection // from the callback object HRESULT CShellTreeWalker::_ProcessAndRecurse(WIN32_FIND_DATA * pwfd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Don't recurse on reparse points by default if (IS_FILE_DIRECTORY(pwfd) && (!IS_FILE_REPARSE_POINT(pwfd) || (_dwFlags & WT_GOINTOREPARSEPOINT))) { // NTRAID94635 15mar00: If we are in a symbolic link, we need to detect cycles, // the common prefix method in BeenThereDoneThat will work as long as we // keep track of all junction point targets we ran into. // use _szWalkBuf since we dont want any stack variables, because we are a recursive function if (PathCombine(_szWalkBuf, _szWalkBuf, pwfd->cFileName)) { // We remember the total number of sub directories we have seen // doesn't matter if the client approves or not(call back returns S_OK or S_FALSE or E_FAIL) _nDirs++; // Let the CallBack object know that we are about to enter a directory if (_dwFlags & WT_NOTIFYFOLDERENTER) hr = _CallCallBacks(STWCB_ENTERDIR, pwfd); if ((hr == S_OK) && (_nDepth < _nMaxDepth)) { _nDepth++; hr = _TreeWalkerHelper(); _nDepth--; } else if (hr == S_FALSE) hr = S_OK; // Let the CallBack object know that we are about to leave a directory if (_dwFlags & WT_NOTIFYFOLDERLEAVE) _CallCallBacks(STWCB_LEAVEDIR, NULL); // Peel off the subdirectory we tagged on in the above PathCombine Ex:"c:\bin\fun --> c:\bin" PathRemoveFileSpec(_szWalkBuf); } } else { // Count the number of files and compute the total size before calling the // call back object. ULARGE_INTEGER ulTemp; _nFiles++; ulTemp.LowPart = pwfd->nFileSizeLow; ulTemp.HighPart = pwfd->nFileSizeHigh; _ulTotalSize += ulTemp.QuadPart; // when calculating the total size, we need to find out if the file is compressed or sparse (NTFS only case) if (pwfd->dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE)) { // use _szWalkBuf since we dont want any stack variables, because we are a recursive function PathCombine(_szWalkBuf, _szWalkBuf, pwfd->cFileName); // eithe the file is compressed or sparse, we need to call GetCompressedFileSize to get the real // size on disk for this file (NOTE: GetCompressedFileSize takes into account cluster slop, except // for files < 1 cluster, and we take care of that below) ulTemp.LowPart = SHGetCompressedFileSize(_szWalkBuf, &ulTemp.HighPart); _ulActualSize += ulTemp.QuadPart; // Peel off the filename we tagged on above PathRemoveFileSpec(_szWalkBuf); } else { // (reinerf) the cluster size could change if we started on one volume and have now // walked onto another mounted volume // // PathGetClusterSize caches the last request, so this check will be fast in the common case // PathCombine(_szWalkBuf, _szWalkBuf, pwfd->cFileName); _dwClusterSize = PathGetClusterSize(_szWalkBuf); PathRemoveFileSpec(_szWalkBuf); // if its not compressed, we just round up to the drive's cluster size. ulTemp was setup // already for us above, so just round it to the cluster and add it in _ulActualSize += ROUND_TO_CLUSTER(ulTemp.QuadPart, _dwClusterSize); } hr = _CallCallBacks(STWCB_FILE, pwfd); } return hr; } #define DELAY_ARRAY_GROW 32 // Recursive function that does the real work on the traversal, HRESULT CShellTreeWalker::_TreeWalkerHelper() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TraceMsg(TF_TREEWALKER, "TreeWalkerHelper started on: %s flags: %x nFiles: %d nDepth: %d nDirs: %d", _szWalkBuf, _dwFlags, _nFiles, _nDepth, _nDirs); // Let the CallBack object know that we are about to start the walk // provided he cares about the root if (_nDepth == 0 && !(_dwFlags & WT_EXCLUDEWALKROOT) && (_dwFlags & WT_NOTIFYFOLDERENTER)) { // Get the info for the TopLevelFolder HANDLE hTopLevelFolder = FindFirstFile(_szWalkBuf, &_fdTopLevelFolder); if (hTopLevelFolder == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LPTSTR pszFileName; DWORD dwAttribs = -1; // assume failure // We could have failed if we tried to do a FindFirstFile on the root (c:\) // or if something is really wrong, to test for this we do a GetFileAttributes (GetFileAttributesEx on NT) // on NT we can use GetFileAttributesEx to get both the attribs and part of the win32fd if (GetFileAttributesEx(_szWalkBuf, GetFileExInfoStandard, (LPVOID)&_fdTopLevelFolder)) { // success! dwAttribs = _fdTopLevelFolder.dwFileAttributes; pszFileName = PathFindFileName(_szWalkBuf); lstrcpyn(_fdTopLevelFolder.cFileName, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(_fdTopLevelFolder.cFileName)); lstrcpyn(_fdTopLevelFolder.cAlternateFileName, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(_fdTopLevelFolder.cAlternateFileName)); } else { // fall back to the ole GetFileAttrbutes dwAttribs = GetFileAttributes(_szWalkBuf); if (dwAttribs != -1) { // success! // On win95 we steal a bunch of the find data from our first child, and fake the rest. // Its the best we can do. memcpy(&_fdTopLevelFolder, &_wfd, sizeof(_fdTopLevelFolder)); _fdTopLevelFolder.dwFileAttributes = dwAttribs; pszFileName = PathFindFileName(_szWalkBuf); lstrcpyn(_fdTopLevelFolder.cFileName, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(_fdTopLevelFolder.cFileName)); lstrcpyn(_fdTopLevelFolder.cAlternateFileName, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(_fdTopLevelFolder.cAlternateFileName)); } } if (dwAttribs == -1) { // this is very bad, so we bail TraceMsg(TF_TREEWALKER, "Tree Walker: GetFileAttributes/Ex(%s) failed. Stopping the walk.", _szWalkBuf); return E_FAIL; } } else { // We sucessfully got the find data, good. FindClose(hTopLevelFolder); } // call the callback for the first enterdir hr = _CallCallBacks(STWCB_ENTERDIR, &_fdTopLevelFolder); } // Do the real tree walk here if (hr == S_OK) { // always use *.* to search when we are not at our maximum level because // we need the sub directories // PERF: this can be changed on NT by using FindFirstFileEx if WT_FOLDERONLY LPCTSTR pszSpec = (_pszWalkSpec && (_nDepth == _nMaxDepth)) ? _pszWalkSpec : c_szStarDotStar; if (PathCombine(_szWalkBuf, _szWalkBuf, pszSpec)) { HDSA hdsaDelayed = NULL; // array of found items that will be delayed and processed later HANDLE hFind; // Start finding the sub folders and files hFind = FindFirstFile(_szWalkBuf, &_wfd); // Peel off the find spec Ex:"c:\bin\*.* --> c:\bin" PathRemoveFileSpec(_szWalkBuf); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BOOL bDir = FALSE; do { // Skip over the . and .. entries. if (PathIsDotOrDotDot(_wfd.cFileName)) continue; bDir = BOOLIFY(IS_FILE_DIRECTORY(&_wfd)); // If this is a file, and we are not interested in files or this file spec does not match the one we were // looking for. if ((!bDir) && ((_dwFlags & WT_FOLDERONLY) || (_pszWalkSpec && (_nDepth < _nMaxDepth) && !PathMatchSpec(_wfd.cFileName, _pszWalkSpec)))) continue; // The following EQUAL determines whether we want to process // the data found or save it in the HDSA array and process them later. // Enumerate the folder or file now? (determined by the WT_FOLDERFIRST flag) if (bDir == BOOLIFY(_bFolderFirst)) { // Yes hr = _ProcessAndRecurse(&_wfd); // if hr is failure code someone said "stop right now" // if hr is S_FALSE some one said "quit this directory and start with next one" if (hr != S_OK) break; } else { // No; enumerate it once we're finished with the opposite. if (!hdsaDelayed) hdsaDelayed = DSA_Create(sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA), DELAY_ARRAY_GROW); if (!hdsaDelayed) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } DSA_AppendItem(hdsaDelayed, &_wfd); } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &_wfd)); FindClose(hFind); } else { // find first file failed, this is a good place to report error DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); TraceMsg(TF_TREEWALKER, "***WARNING***: FindFirstFile faied on %s%s with error = %d", _szWalkBuf, _pszWalkSpec, dwErr); } // Process the delayed items, these are either directories or files if (hdsaDelayed) { // we should have finished everything in the above do while loop in folderonly case ASSERT(!(_dwFlags & WT_FOLDERONLY)); // if hr is failure code someone said "stop right now" // if hr is S_FALSE some one said "quit this directory and start with next one" if (hr == S_OK) { int ihdsa; for (ihdsa = 0; ihdsa < DSA_GetItemCount(hdsaDelayed); ihdsa++) { WIN32_FIND_DATA * pwfd = (WIN32_FIND_DATA *)DSA_GetItemPtr(hdsaDelayed, ihdsa); hr = _ProcessAndRecurse(pwfd); if (hr != S_OK) break; } } DSA_Destroy(hdsaDelayed); } // Let the CallBack object know that we are finishing the walk if (_nDepth == 0 && !(_dwFlags & WT_EXCLUDEWALKROOT) && (_dwFlags & WT_NOTIFYFOLDERLEAVE) && (S_OK == hr)) hr = _CallCallBacks(STWCB_LEAVEDIR, &_fdTopLevelFolder); // hr was S_FALSE because someone wanted us to jump out of this current directory // but don't pass it back to our parent directory if (hr == S_FALSE) hr = S_OK; } else TraceMsg(TF_TREEWALKER, "***WARNING***: PathCombine failed!!!!"); } return hr; } // IShellTreeWalker::WalkTree is the main function for the IShellTreeWalker interface HRESULT CShellTreeWalker::WalkTree(DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR pwszWalkRoot, LPCWSTR pwszWalkSpec, int iMaxDepth, IShellTreeWalkerCallBack * pstwcb) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szWalkSpec[64]; // must have a call back object to talk to ASSERT(IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(pstwcb, IShellTreeWalkerCackBack)); if (pstwcb == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; // make sure we have a valid directory to start with ASSERT(IS_VALID_STRING_PTRW(pwszWalkRoot, -1)); if ((pwszWalkRoot != NULL) && (pwszWalkRoot[0] != L'\0')) { SHUnicodeToTChar(pwszWalkRoot, _szWalkBuf, ARRAYSIZE(_szWalkBuf)); // call back _pstwcb = pstwcb; // copy the search flags and fix it up _dwFlags = dwFlags & WT_ALL; // this will save us from using the hdsa array to hold the directories if (_dwFlags & WT_FOLDERONLY) { _dwFlags |= WT_FOLDERFIRST; // It will be pretty meanless if the below flags are not set, because // we don't call FoundFile in the FolderOnly case. ASSERT(_dwFlags & (WT_NOTIFYFOLDERENTER | WT_NOTIFYFOLDERLEAVE)); } if (_dwFlags & WT_FOLDERFIRST) _bFolderFirst = TRUE; if ((pwszWalkSpec != NULL) && (pwszWalkSpec[0] != L'\0')) { SHUnicodeToTChar(pwszWalkSpec, szWalkSpec, ARRAYSIZE(szWalkSpec)); _pszWalkSpec = szWalkSpec; } _nMaxDepth = (dwFlags & WT_MAXDEPTH) ? iMaxDepth : 256; _dwClusterSize = PathGetClusterSize(_szWalkBuf); hr = _TreeWalkerHelper(); } else TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CShellTreeWalker::WalkTree Failed! due to bad _szWalkBuf"); return hr; } // IShellTreeWalker::QueryInterface HRESULT CShellTreeWalker::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CShellTreeWalker, IShellTreeWalker), { 0 }, }; return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppv); } // IShellTreeWalker::AddRef ULONG CShellTreeWalker::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&_cRef); } // IShellTreeWalker::Release ULONG CShellTreeWalker::Release() { if (InterlockedDecrement(&_cRef)) return _cRef; delete this; return 0; } STDAPI CShellTreeWalker_CreateInstance(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, OUT void **ppvOut) { HRESULT hr; *ppvOut = NULL; CShellTreeWalker *pstw = new CShellTreeWalker; if (!pstw) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; hr = pstw->QueryInterface(riid, ppvOut); pstw->Release(); return hr; }