#ifndef _YNLIST_H #define _YNLIST_H typedef struct { LPTSTR pszzList; // Double NULL terminated list of directories UINT cbAlloc; // Space allocated to list, in BYTEs UINT cchUsed; // Space used in list, in CHARacters BOOL fEverythingInList; // TRUE if everything is considered on the list } DIRLIST, *PDIRLIST; typedef struct { DIRLIST dlYes; // List of YES directories DIRLIST dlNo; // List of NO directories } YNLIST, *PYNLIST; STDAPI_(void) CreateYesNoList(PYNLIST pynl); STDAPI_(void) DestroyYesNoList(PYNLIST pynl); STDAPI_(BOOL) IsInYesList(PYNLIST pynl, LPCTSTR szItem); STDAPI_(BOOL) IsInNoList(PYNLIST pynl, LPCTSTR szItem); STDAPI_(void) AddToYesList(PYNLIST pynl, LPCTSTR szItem); STDAPI_(void) AddToNoList(PYNLIST pynl, LPCTSTR szItem); STDAPI_(void) SetYesToAll(PYNLIST pynl); #endif // _YNLIST_H