/*++ Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: MakeFLOP.C Abstract: Boot Floppy disk creation setup dialog Author: Bob Watson (a-robw) Revision History: 17 Feb 94 Written --*/ // // Windows Include Files // #include #include #include #include #include // unicode macros // // app include files // #include "otnboot.h" #include "otnbtdlg.h" // local windows message #define NCDU_START_FILE_COPY (WM_USER +1) #ifdef JAPAN // // For DOS/V setup disk define // #define SETUP_DOSV_1 1 #define SETUP_DOSV_2 2 #endif // // Module Static Data // static BOOL bCopying; // TRUE when copying files, FALSE to abort static BOOL IsZeroIpAddr ( IN PUSHORT pwIpVal ) /*++ Routine Description: evaluates an IP address array structure to determine if it's all zeroes Arguments: IN PUSHORT pwIpVal pointer to an IP address array of integers Return Value: TRUE if all 4 elements in the array are 0, otherwise FALSE --*/ { PUSHORT pwTest; int nElem; pwTest = pwIpVal; nElem = 0; while (nElem < 4) { if (*pwTest == 0) { pwTest++; nElem++; } else { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } static LPCTSTR GetDirPathFromUnc ( IN LPCTSTR szPath ) /*++ Routine Description: Parses the Directories from a UNC path specification, removing the Server and share point. Arguments: IN LPCTSTR szPath pointer to a zero terminated UNC path specification. Return Value: Pointer to somewhere in the string passed in the argument list where the directory path begins or a pointer to an empty string if the path specified contains only a server and sharepoint. --*/ { int nSlashCount = 0; LPTSTR szPathPtr; szPathPtr = (LPTSTR)szPath; if (IsUncPath(szPath)) { while (szPathPtr != 0) { if (*szPathPtr == cBackslash) nSlashCount++; ++szPathPtr; if (nSlashCount == 4) { break; // exit loop } } } if (nSlashCount != 4) { return cszEmptyString; } else { return szPathPtr; } } static BOOL GetServerAndSharepointFromUnc ( IN LPCTSTR szPath, OUT LPTSTR szServer ) /*++ Routine Description: copies only the server and share point to the buffer provided by the caller. Arguments: IN LPCTSTR szPath UNC path to parse OUT LPCTSTR szServer buffer provided to receive the Server and sharepoint. The buffer is assumed to be large enough to recieve the data. Return Value: TRUE if successful FALSE if error --*/ { int nSlashCount = 0; LPTSTR szPathPtr; LPTSTR szServPtr; szPathPtr = (LPTSTR)szPath; szServPtr = szServer; if (IsUncPath(szPath)) { while (szPathPtr != 0) { if (*szPathPtr == cBackslash) nSlashCount++; if (nSlashCount < 4) { *szServPtr++ = *szPathPtr++; } else { break; // exit loop } } } *szServPtr = 0; // terminate server name if (szServPtr == szServer) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } static DWORD UpdatePercentComplete ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN DWORD dwDone, IN DWORD dwTotal ) /*++ Routine Description: Update's the percent complete text in the dialog box using the information from the argument list. Arguments: IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialog box window IN DWORD dwDone Units completed (Must be less than 42,949,671) IN DWORD dwTotal Total Units (must be less than 4,394,967,296) Return Value: Percent completed. --*/ { DWORD dwPercent = 0; LPTSTR szOutBuff; szOutBuff = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); if (szOutBuff != NULL) { dwPercent = ((dwDone * 100) + 50) / dwTotal; if (dwPercent > 100) dwPercent = 100; _stprintf (szOutBuff, GetStringResource (FMT_PERCENT_COMPLETE), dwPercent); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_PERCENT_COMPLETE, szOutBuff); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szOutBuff); } return dwPercent; } static BOOL IsDestBootableDosFloppy ( ) /*++ Routine Description: Checks device in boot file path (from global structure) to see any of the "signature" boot files are present Arguments: None Return Value: TRUE if any of the boot files were found on the poot file path drive FALSE if not --*/ { LPTSTR szTestFileName; LPTSTR *pszThisFile; LPTSTR szNameStart; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; szTestFileName = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); if (szTestFileName == NULL) return FALSE; if (!IsUncPath(pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath)) { lstrcpy (szTestFileName, pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath); if (szTestFileName[lstrlen(szTestFileName)-1] == cBackslash) lstrcat(szTestFileName, cszBackslash); szNameStart = &szTestFileName[lstrlen(szTestFileName)]; // go through list of "test files" and see if any are present for (pszThisFile = (LPTSTR *)&szBootIdFiles[0]; *pszThisFile != NULL; pszThisFile++) { lstrcpy (szNameStart, *pszThisFile); if (FileExists(szTestFileName)) bReturn = TRUE; } // if here then none of the files could be found. } else { // if a UNC name return false } FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTestFileName); return bReturn; } static BOOL WriteMszToFile ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN LPCTSTR mszList, IN LPCTSTR szFileName, IN DWORD dwCreateFlags ) /*++ Routine Description: Function to output each entry in the "list" as a record in the "file" Entries that start with a left "square bracket" ([) will be prefixed with a new line. (for INF file formatting); NOTE: this function outputs ANSI characters to an ANSI file regardless if the _UNICODE flags are set or not. Arguments: IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to dialog box window IN LPCTSTR mszList Multi SZ list to write to the files IN LPCTSTR szFileName file name & path to write data to IN DWORD dwCreateFlags flags used by CreateFile function to open file. Return Value: TRUE no errors FALSE error (use GetLastError() to get more error data) --*/ { HANDLE hFile; LPTSTR szEntry; DWORD dwBytes; LPSTR szAnsiBuffer; BOOL bReturn; MSG msg; #if _UNICODE szAnsiBuffer = (LPSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); if (szAnsiBuffer == NULL) return FALSE; *(PDWORD)szAnsiBuffer = 0L; #endif hFile = CreateFile ( szFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, (FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE), NULL, dwCreateFlags, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { for (szEntry = (LPTSTR)mszList; *szEntry != 0; szEntry += lstrlen(szEntry) + 1) { #if _UNICODE // convert output buffer to ANSI //#if defined(DBCS) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0L, szEntry, -1, szAnsiBuffer, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, NULL); //#else // defined(DBCS) // wcstombs (szAnsiBuffer, szEntry, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); //#endif // defined(DBCS) #else // copy ansi data to output buffer szAnsiBuffer = szEntry; #endif // output to dialog box SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FROM_PATH, GetStringResource (FMT_INTERNAL_BUFFER)); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_TO_PATH, _tcslwr((LPTSTR)szFileName)); if (*szAnsiBuffer == '[') { WriteFile (hFile, "\r\n", 2, &dwBytes, NULL); } WriteFile (hFile, szAnsiBuffer, strlen(szAnsiBuffer), &dwBytes, NULL); WriteFile (hFile, "\r\n", 2, &dwBytes, NULL); // check for messages while (PeekMessage (&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage (&msg); DispatchMessage (&msg); } } CloseHandle (hFile); bReturn = TRUE; } else { bReturn = FALSE; } #if _UNICODE FREE_IF_ALLOC(szAnsiBuffer); #endif return bReturn; } static BOOL LoadProtocolIni ( OUT LPTSTR mszProtocolIni, OUT LPTSTR mszNetFileList, OUT PDWORD pdwNetFileCount ) /*++ Routine Description: Creates the Protocol.Ini file using information from the user specified configuration Arguments: OUT LPTSTR mszProtocolIni buffer to receive the file data OUT LPTSTR mszNetFileList buffer to recieve the list of files to copy as determined by scanning the INF based on the selected protocol & driver info. OUT PDWORD pdwNetFileCount pointer to DWORD variable used to maintain a running total count of the number of files to copy for the % done calculation. Return Value: TRUE if Protocol.INI file contents were generated FALSE if an error occured. --*/ { LPTSTR szThisString; LPTSTR szTemp; LPTSTR szTemp2; LPTSTR szNifKey; LPTSTR szSectionBuffer; LPCTSTR szDefaultValue = cszEmptyString; BOOL bTcp; // TRUE if protocol is TCP BOOL bIpx; // TRUE if protocol is IPX szSectionBuffer = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)); szTemp = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); szTemp2 = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); szNifKey = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); if ((szSectionBuffer == NULL) || (szTemp == NULL) || (szTemp2 == NULL) || (szNifKey == NULL)) { return FALSE; } // // TCP/IP & IPX are special cases, so detect them here // if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey, cszTcpKey, lstrlen(cszTcpKey)) == 0) { bTcp = TRUE; bIpx = FALSE; } else if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName, cszIpxKey, lstrlen(cszTcpKey)) == 0) { bTcp = FALSE; bIpx = TRUE; } else { // it's neither bTcp = FALSE; bIpx = FALSE; } if (szSectionBuffer != NULL) { *(PDWORD)szSectionBuffer = 0; } else { return FALSE; } //fill in text of protocol ini file // // add common files to Net dir list // lstrcpy (szTemp, pAppInfo->szDistPath); if (szTemp[lstrlen(szTemp)-1] != cBackslash) lstrcat (szTemp, cszBackslash); lstrcat (szTemp, cszOtnBootInf); GetPrivateProfileSection (cszOTNCommonFiles, szSectionBuffer, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, szTemp); for (szThisString = szSectionBuffer; *szThisString != 0; szThisString += (lstrlen(szThisString)+1)) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszNetFileList, GetKeyFromEntry (szThisString)); *pdwNetFileCount += 1; } // // add in protocol specific files here // GetPrivateProfileSection (pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey, szSectionBuffer, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, szTemp); for (szThisString = szSectionBuffer; *szThisString != 0; szThisString += (lstrlen(szThisString)+1)) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszNetFileList, GetKeyFromEntry (szThisString)); *pdwNetFileCount += 1; } // [network.setup] section AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, cszNetworkSetup); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, cszInfVersion); // examine & log netcard info lstrcpy (szTemp2, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInfKey); _tcsupr (szTemp2); _stprintf (szTemp, fmtNetcardDefEntry, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInfKey, szTemp2); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); // load transport information if (!bTcp) { // load the ndishlp transport AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, fmtTransportDefEntry); } // load transport from listbox lstrcpy (szTemp2, pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey); _tcsupr (szTemp2); _stprintf (szTemp, fmtTransportItem, pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey, szTemp2); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); // format the bindings _stprintf (szTemp, fmtLana0Entry, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInfKey, pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); if (!bTcp) { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtLana1Entry, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInfKey); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); } // format the netcard settings to the default values // add the net card driver file to the list of NetDir files QuietGetPrivateProfileString (pAppInfo->niNetCard.szDeviceKey, cszNdis2, cszEmptyString, szTemp2, MAX_PATH, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInf); // save filename lstrcpy (pAppInfo->niNetCard.szDriverFile, GetFileNameFromEntry(szTemp2)); AddStringToMultiSz (mszNetFileList, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szDriverFile); *pdwNetFileCount += 1; // output section with default values _stprintf (szTemp2, fmtIniSection, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInfKey); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp2); // lookup parameters GetPrivateProfileSection (pAppInfo->niNetCard.szNifKey, szSectionBuffer, MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInf); // process section. Format of each line is: // entry=IniName,DescriptionString,Type,OptionRange,Default,? // for each entry, I'll print: // IniName=Default // in the protocol.ini file // for (szThisString = szSectionBuffer; *szThisString != 0; szThisString += lstrlen(szThisString) +1) { if (_tcsnicmp(szThisString, cszDrivername, 10) == 0) { // drivername entry is a special case AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szThisString); } else { szDefaultValue = GetItemFromEntry(szThisString, 5); _stprintf (szTemp, fmtCmntIniKeyEntry, GetItemFromEntry(szThisString, 1), szDefaultValue); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); } } // // add protman files to the list // QuietGetPrivateProfileString (cszProtmanInstall, cszNetdir, cszEmptyString, szSectionBuffer, MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInf); // add all files to the list szThisString = _tcstok (szSectionBuffer, cszComma); while (szThisString != NULL ) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszNetFileList, GetFileNameFromEntry (szThisString)); *pdwNetFileCount += 1; szThisString = _tcstok (NULL, cszComma); } // do protman entry AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, fmtProtmanSection); lstrcpy (szNifKey, cszProtman); GetPrivateProfileSection (szNifKey, szSectionBuffer, MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInf); // process section. Format of each line is: // entry=IniName,DescriptionString,Type,Default // for each entry, I'll print: // IniName=Default // in the protocol.ini file // for (szThisString = szSectionBuffer; *szThisString != 0; szThisString += lstrlen(szThisString) +1) { if (_tcsnicmp(szThisString, cszDrivername, lstrlen(cszDrivername)) == 0) { // drivername entry is a special case AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szThisString); } else { szDefaultValue = GetItemFromEntry(szThisString, 4); if (lstrlen(szDefaultValue) > 0) { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtIniKeyEntry, GetItemFromEntry(szThisString, 1), szDefaultValue); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); } } } if (!bTcp) { // do NdisHlp section AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, cszMsNdisHlp); lstrcpy (szNifKey, cszMsNdisHlpXif); GetPrivateProfileSection (szNifKey, szSectionBuffer, MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInf); // process section. Format of each line is: // drivername=name // for (szThisString = szSectionBuffer; *szThisString != 0; szThisString += lstrlen(szThisString) +1) { if (_tcsnicmp(szThisString, cszDrivername, lstrlen(cszDrivername)) == 0) { // drivername entry is a special case AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szThisString); } else { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtIniKeyEntry, GetKeyFromEntry(szThisString), GetItemFromEntry(szThisString, 1)); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); } } // do bindings _stprintf (szTemp, fmtBindingsEntry, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInfKey); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); } // do Protocol configuration _stprintf (szTemp2, fmtIniSection, pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp2); _stprintf (szNifKey, fmtXifEntry, pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey); if (bTcp) { // format the TCP/IP protocol section here using information // from the previous dialog boxes AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, fmtNBSessions); if (IsZeroIpAddr (&pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.DefaultGateway[0])) { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtEmptyParam, cszDefaultGateway); } else { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtIpParam, cszDefaultGateway, pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.DefaultGateway[0], pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.DefaultGateway[1], pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.DefaultGateway[2], pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.DefaultGateway[3]); } AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); if (IsZeroIpAddr (&pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[0])) { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtEmptyParam, cszSubNetMask); } else { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtIpParam, cszSubNetMask, pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[0], pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[1], pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[2], pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[3]); } AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); if (IsZeroIpAddr (&pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[0])) { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtEmptyParam, cszIPAddress); } else { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtIpParam, cszIPAddress, pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[0], pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[1], pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[2], pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[3]); } AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); _stprintf (szTemp, fmtIniKeyEntry, cszDisableDHCP, ((pAppInfo->bUseDhcp) ? csz0 : csz1)); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, cszTcpIpDriver); } else { // for Protocols other than TCP/IP get the info from the INF GetPrivateProfileSection (szNifKey, szSectionBuffer, MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInf); // process section. Format of each line is: // entry=IniName,DescriptionString,Type,OptionRange,Default // for each entry, I'll print: // IniName=Default // in the protocol.ini file // for (szThisString = szSectionBuffer; *szThisString != 0; szThisString += lstrlen(szThisString) +1) { if (_tcsnicmp(szThisString, cszDrivername, lstrlen(cszDrivername)) == 0) { // drivername entry is a special case AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szThisString); } else { if (bIpx && pAppInfo->niNetCard.bTokenRing) { // another special case is when IPX is used with Token Ring // cards. if (_tcsnicmp(GetItemFromEntry(szThisString,1), cszFrame, lstrlen(cszFrame)) == 0) { szDefaultValue = cszTokenRingEntry; } } else { szDefaultValue = GetItemFromEntry(szThisString, 5); } // only write parameters that actually have a default value // to write if (lstrlen(szDefaultValue) > 0) { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtIniKeyEntry, GetItemFromEntry(szThisString, 1), szDefaultValue); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); } } } } _stprintf (szTemp, fmtBindingsEntry, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szInfKey); AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, szTemp); // IPX does not get a LANABASE entry if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey, cszIpxKey, lstrlen(cszIpxKey)) != 0) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszProtocolIni, fmtLanabase0); } FREE_IF_ALLOC (szSectionBuffer); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTemp); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTemp2); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szNifKey); return TRUE; } static BOOL LoadSystemIni ( OUT LPTSTR mszList ) /*++ Routine Description: Routine to generate the System.INI file for the boot floppy Arguments: OUT LPTSTR mszList buffer to fill with system.INI records NOTE: BUFFER SIZE is assumed to be sufficient (i.e. it's not checked!) Return Value: TRUE if entries generated FALSE if error --*/ { LPTSTR szTemp1; LPTSTR szTemp2; LPSTR szAnsi1; BOOL bReturn; szTemp1 = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); szTemp2 = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); szAnsi1 = (LPSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH); if ((szTemp1 != NULL) && (szTemp2 != NULL) && (szAnsi1 != NULL)) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, cszNetworkSection); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtNoFilesharing); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtNoPrintsharing); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtYesAutologon); _stprintf (szTemp1, fmtComputernameEntry, pAppInfo->szComputerName); CharToOemBuff (szTemp1, szAnsi1, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szTemp1)+1)); #ifdef UNICODE mbstowcs (szTemp2, szAnsi1, MAX_PATH); #else lstrcpy (szTemp2, szAnsi1); #endif AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, szTemp2); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtLanaRootOnA); _stprintf (szTemp1, fmtUsernameEntry, pAppInfo->szUsername); CharToOemBuff (szTemp1, szAnsi1, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szTemp1)+1)); #ifdef UNICODE mbstowcs (szTemp2, szAnsi1, MAX_PATH); #else lstrcpy (szTemp2, szAnsi1); #endif AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, szTemp2); _stprintf (szTemp1, fmtWorkgroupEntry, pAppInfo->szDomain); CharToOemBuff (szTemp1, szAnsi1, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szTemp1)+1)); #ifdef UNICODE mbstowcs (szTemp2, szAnsi1, MAX_PATH); #else lstrcpy (szTemp2, szAnsi1); #endif AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, szTemp2); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtNoReconnect); if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName, cszNetbeuiKey, lstrlen(cszNetbeuiKey)) == 0) { // only NetBEUI gets this AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtNoDirectHost); } AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtNoDosPopHotKey); if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey, cszIpxKey, lstrlen(cszIpxKey)) == 0) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtLmLogon1); } else { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtLmLogon0); } _stprintf (szTemp1, fmtLogonDomainEntry, pAppInfo->szDomain); CharToOemBuff (szTemp1, szAnsi1, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szTemp1)+1)); #ifdef UNICODE mbstowcs (szTemp2, szAnsi1, MAX_PATH); #else lstrcpy (szTemp2, szAnsi1); #endif AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, szTemp2); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtPreferredRedirFull); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtAutostartFull); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtMaxConnections); // network driver section AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtNetworkDriversSection); _stprintf (szTemp1, fmtNetcardEntry, pAppInfo->niNetCard.szDriverFile); CharToOemBuff (szTemp1, szAnsi1, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szTemp1)+1)); #ifdef UNICODE mbstowcs (szTemp2, szAnsi1, MAX_PATH); #else lstrcpy (szTemp2, szAnsi1); #endif AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, szTemp2); if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName, cszTCP, lstrlen(cszTCP)) == 0 ) { // tcpip Transport lstrcpy (szTemp1, fmtTcpTransportEntry); } else { lstrcpy (szTemp1, fmtNdisTransportEntry); if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName, cszNetbeui, lstrlen(cszNetbeui)) == 0 ) { // add NetBEUI string lstrcat (szTemp1, fmtNetbeuiAddon); } } AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, szTemp1); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtDevdir); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtLoadRmDrivers); // password file list (header only) AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtPasswordListSection); bReturn = TRUE; } else { bReturn = FALSE; } FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTemp1); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTemp2); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szAnsi1); return bReturn; } static BOOL LoadAutoexecBat ( OUT LPTSTR mszList ) /*++ Routine Description: Routine to generate the Autoexec.bat file for the boot floppy Arguments: OUT LPTSTR mszList Buffer to write autoexec.bat entries into NOTE: BUFFER SIZE is assumed to be sufficient (i.e. it's not checked!) Return Value: TRUE if entries generated FALSE if error --*/ { LPTSTR szTemp; LPTSTR szTemp2; LPTSTR szSectionBuffer; LPTSTR szDir; LPTSTR szEntry; szSectionBuffer = GlobalAlloc (GPTR, (SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR))); szTemp = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); szTemp2 = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); if ((szSectionBuffer == NULL) || (szTemp == NULL) || (szTemp2 == NULL)) { return FALSE; } #ifdef JAPAN // fixed kkntbug #12382 // NCAdmin:"[] Make Japanese startup disks" is not functioning. if (bJpnDisk) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, GetStringResource (FMT_LOAD_AUTOEXEC_ECHO)); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtPause); } #endif AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtPathSpec); // load network starting commands from INF // get commands from INF for this protocol // // put INF filename into szTemp // lstrcpy (szTemp, pAppInfo->szDistPath); if (szTemp[lstrlen(szTemp)-1] != cBackslash) lstrcat (szTemp, cszBackslash); lstrcat (szTemp, cszAppInfName); // // put key name made from protocol and "_autoexec" into szTemp2 // lstrcpy (szTemp2, pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey); lstrcat (szTemp2, fmtAutoexec); GetPrivateProfileSection (szTemp2, szSectionBuffer, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, szTemp); for (szEntry = szSectionBuffer; *szEntry != 0; szEntry += (lstrlen(szEntry) + 1)) { lstrcpy (szTemp, fmtNetPrefix); lstrcat (szTemp, GetKeyFromEntry(szEntry)); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, szTemp); } // create network connection commands if (GetServerAndSharepointFromUnc(pAppInfo->piTargetProtocol.szDir, szTemp2)) { _stprintf (szTemp, fmtNetUseDrive, szTemp2); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, szTemp); } else { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, GetStringResource (FMT_CONNECTING_COMMENT)); } // create setup command szDir = (LPTSTR)GetDirPathFromUnc(pAppInfo->piTargetProtocol.szDir); if (lstrlen(szDir) > 0) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, GetStringResource (FMT_RUNNING_SETUP_COMMENT)); _stprintf (szTemp, fmtSetupCommand, szDir, pAppInfo->szTargetSetupCmd); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, szTemp); } else { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, GetStringResource (FMT_OTN_COMMENT)); } FREE_IF_ALLOC (szSectionBuffer); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTemp); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTemp2); return TRUE; } static BOOL LoadConfigSys ( OUT LPTSTR mszList ) /*++ Routine Description: Routine to write Config.Sys entries for the Boot Floppy. Arguments: OUT LPTSTR mszList Buffer to write Config.sys commands into NOTE: BUFFER SIZE is assumed to be sufficient (i.e. it's not checked!) Return Value: TRUE --*/ { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtFilesParam); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtDeviceIfsHlpSys); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtLastDrive); if (GetBootDiskDosVersion (pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath) >= 5) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtLoadHiMem); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtLoadEMM386); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtDosHigh); #ifdef JAPAN // fixed kkntbug #12382 // NCAdmin:"[] Make Japanese startup disks" is not functioning. if (bJpnDisk) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtBilingual); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtFontSys); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtDispSys); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtKeyboard); AddStringToMultiSz (mszList, fmtNlsFunc); } #endif } return TRUE; } static BOOL MakeFlopDlg_NCDU_START_FILE_COPY ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++ Routine Description: Processes NCDU_START_FILE_COPY message. Allocates buffers to be used in creating boot and network configuration files. Fills them in using information from the pAppInfo struct then writes them to the output files on the destination drive. Once the generated files have been written, the other files are copied from the OTN dir to the destination drive. If all goes well, then the dialog box is closed. Arguments: IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to dialog box window IN WPARAM wParam Not Used IN LPARAM lParam Not Used Return Value: FALSE. --*/ { LPTSTR mszNetFileList; LPTSTR mszProtocolIni; LPTSTR mszSystemIni; LPTSTR mszAutoexecBat; LPTSTR mszConfigSys; DWORD dwNetFileCount = 0; DWORD dwFilesCopied = 0; DWORD dwDestClusterSize = 0; DWORD dwFileBytesToCopy = 0; DWORD dwDestFreeSpace = 0; DWORD dwFileSize; LPTSTR szSrcFile; LPTSTR szSrcFilePart; LPTSTR szDestFile; LPTSTR szDestFilePart; LPTSTR szThisFile; LPTSTR szInfFile; int nMbResult; BOOL bBootable; BOOL bAborted = FALSE; DWORD dwSystemFileSize; MSG msg; UINT nExitCode = IDOK; #ifdef JAPAN LPTSTR szThisString; LPTSTR szVolumeName; LPTSTR szTextString; LPTSTR szSectionBuffer; LPTSTR szDOSVDirectory; LPTSTR szTemp; #endif mszNetFileList = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE); mszProtocolIni = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE); mszSystemIni = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE); mszAutoexecBat = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); mszConfigSys = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); szSrcFile = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); szDestFile = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); szInfFile = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); #ifdef JAPAN szVolumeName = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); szTextString = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); szSectionBuffer = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); szDOSVDirectory = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); szTemp = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); #endif if ((mszNetFileList != NULL) && (mszProtocolIni != NULL) && (mszConfigSys != NULL) && (mszAutoexecBat != NULL) && (szSrcFile != NULL) && (szDestFile != NULL) && (szInfFile != NULL) && #ifdef JAPAN (szVolumeName != NULL) && (szTextString != NULL) && (szSectionBuffer != NULL) && (szDOSVDirectory != NULL) && (szTemp != NULL) && #endif (mszSystemIni != NULL)) { *(PDWORD)mszNetFileList = 0L; *(PDWORD)mszProtocolIni = 0L; *(PDWORD)mszSystemIni = 0L; *(PDWORD)mszAutoexecBat = 0L; *(PDWORD)mszConfigSys = 0L; #ifdef JAPAN if (wParam) { wsprintf(szTemp, GetStringResource (FMT_OTN_BOOT_FILES_DOSV), wParam); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_COPY_APPNAME, szTemp); } #endif szDestFilePart = szDestFile; // to initialize the var lstrcpy (szInfFile, pAppInfo->szDistPath); if (szInfFile[lstrlen(szInfFile)-1] != cBackslash) lstrcat (szInfFile, cszBackslash); lstrcat (szInfFile, cszAppInfName); if (GetPrivateProfileString (cszSizes, csz_SystemFileSize_, cszEmptyString, szSrcFile, MAX_PATH, szInfFile) > 0) { // a value was found so get the filesize value from the string dwSystemFileSize = GetSizeFromInfString (szSrcFile); } else { dwSystemFileSize = 0; } #ifdef JAPAN if (wParam == SETUP_DOSV_2) { _stprintf (szTextString, GetStringResource (FMT_LOAD_NET_CLIENT2), GetStringResource ( (pAppInfo->mtBootDriveType == F3_1Pt44_512) ? CSZ_35_HD : CSZ_525_HD), pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath); while(1) { GetVolumeInformation( pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath, szVolumeName, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (lstrcmp(szVolumeName, cszDOSVLabel1)) { SetVolumeLabel(pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath, cszDOSVLabel2); break; } else { nMbResult = DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_DRIVE_NOT_BOOTDISK, FMT_LOAD_NET_CLIENT2_TITLE, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); if (nMbResult == IDCANCEL) { bCopying = FALSE; break; } } } } #endif if (!(bBootable = IsDestBootableDosFloppy())) { #ifdef JAPAN if (wParam == SETUP_DOSV_2) { while ((nMbResult = DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_DRIVE_NOT_BOOTDISK, 0, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_INFO)) != IDCANCEL) { if ((bBootable = IsDestBootableDosFloppy())) { break; } } if (nMbResult == IDCANCEL) bCopying = FALSE; } if (bCopying == FALSE) #endif AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_COPY_TO_FLOPPY); } #ifdef JAPAN if (wParam == SETUP_DOSV_1) SetVolumeLabel(pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath, cszDOSVLabel1); #endif #ifdef JAPAN if ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_2) || !wParam) { #endif // generate protocol.ini LoadProtocolIni ( mszProtocolIni, mszNetFileList, &dwNetFileCount); dwNetFileCount += 1; // account for protocol.ini file // generate system.ini LoadSystemIni (mszSystemIni); dwNetFileCount += 1; #ifdef JAPAN } else { if (QuietGetPrivateProfileString (cszOtnInstall, cszDOSV, cszEmptyString, szDOSVDirectory, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, szInfFile) > 0) { GetPrivateProfileSection (cszOTNDOSVFiles, szSectionBuffer, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, szInfFile); for (szThisString = szSectionBuffer; *szThisString != 0; szThisString += (lstrlen(szThisString)+1)) { lstrcpy(szTemp, szDOSVDirectory); lstrcat(szTemp, cszBackslash); lstrcat(szTemp, GetKeyFromEntry (szThisString)); AddStringToMultiSz (mszNetFileList, szTemp); dwNetFileCount += 1; } } GetPrivateProfileSection (cszDOSVCommonFiles, szSectionBuffer, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, szInfFile); for (szThisString = szSectionBuffer; *szThisString != 0; szThisString += (lstrlen(szThisString)+1)) { AddStringToMultiSz (mszNetFileList, GetKeyFromEntry (szThisString)); dwNetFileCount += 1; } } #endif // generate autoexec.bat LoadAutoexecBat (mszAutoexecBat); dwNetFileCount += 1; #ifdef JAPAN if ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_1) || !wParam) { #endif // generate config.sys LoadConfigSys (mszConfigSys); dwNetFileCount += 1; #ifdef JAPAN } #endif // determine number of bytes to copy to destination dwDestClusterSize = GetClusterSizeOfDisk (pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath); dwFileBytesToCopy = 0; // clear #ifdef JAPAN if ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_2) || !wParam) { #endif // get size of file that will be written dwFileBytesToCopy += GetMultiSzLen (mszProtocolIni); // and round up to the next sector size dwFileBytesToCopy += dwDestClusterSize - (dwFileBytesToCopy % dwDestClusterSize); // get size of file that will be written dwFileBytesToCopy += GetMultiSzLen (mszSystemIni); // and round up to the next sector size dwFileBytesToCopy += dwDestClusterSize - (dwFileBytesToCopy % dwDestClusterSize); #ifdef JAPAN } #endif // get size of file that will be written dwFileBytesToCopy += GetMultiSzLen (mszAutoexecBat); // and round up to the next sector size dwFileBytesToCopy += dwDestClusterSize - (dwFileBytesToCopy % dwDestClusterSize); #ifdef JAPAN if ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_1) || !wParam) { #endif // get size of file that will be written dwFileBytesToCopy += GetMultiSzLen (mszConfigSys); // and round up to the next sector size dwFileBytesToCopy += dwDestClusterSize - (dwFileBytesToCopy % dwDestClusterSize); #ifdef JAPAN } #endif #ifdef JAPAN if ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_1) || !wParam) { #endif // get size of files in copy list and add to internally created files lstrcpy (szSrcFile, pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szDir); if (szSrcFile[lstrlen(szSrcFile)-1] != cBackslash) lstrcat (szSrcFile, cszBackslash); szSrcFilePart = &szSrcFile[lstrlen(szSrcFile)]; #ifdef JAPAN } #endif for (szThisFile = mszNetFileList; *szThisFile != 0; szThisFile += (lstrlen(szThisFile) + 1)) { // make full path of filename lstrcpy (szSrcFilePart, szThisFile); // get the size of the file and add it to the total dwFileSize = QuietGetFileSize (szSrcFile); if (dwFileSize != 0xFFFFFFFF) { dwFileBytesToCopy += dwFileSize; // and round to the next larger allocation unit dwFileBytesToCopy += dwDestClusterSize - (dwFileBytesToCopy % dwDestClusterSize); } } dwDestFreeSpace = ComputeFreeSpace (pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath); if (dwDestFreeSpace < dwFileBytesToCopy) { DisplayMessageBox (hwndDlg, NCDU_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE, 0, MB_OK_TASK_EXCL); bCopying = FALSE; bAborted = TRUE; nExitCode = IDCANCEL; // operation ended in error } else { if (!bBootable) { // see if there will be room to add the system files // later... dwFileBytesToCopy += dwSystemFileSize; if (dwDestFreeSpace < dwFileBytesToCopy) { if (DisplayMessageBox (hwndDlg, NCDU_SYSTEM_MAY_NOT_FIT, 0, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_INFO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDCANCEL) { bCopying = FALSE; bAborted = TRUE; nExitCode = IDCANCEL; // operation ended in error } else { // they want to continue so stick a message in the // exit messages AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_SMALL_DISK_WARN); } } } } if (bCopying) { // write files to root directory lstrcpy (szDestFile, pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath); if (szDestFile[lstrlen(szDestFile)-1] != cBackslash) lstrcat (szDestFile, cszBackslash); szDestFilePart = &szDestFile[lstrlen(szDestFile)]; // make sure destination path exists CreateDirectoryFromPath (szDestFile, NULL); #ifdef JAPAN if ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_1) || !wParam) { #endif // config.sys lstrcpy (szDestFilePart, cszConfigSys); if (WriteMszToFile (hwndDlg, mszConfigSys, szDestFile, CREATE_ALWAYS)) { UpdatePercentComplete (hwndDlg, ++dwFilesCopied, dwNetFileCount); } else { // bail out here since there was a copy error nMbResult = MessageBox ( hwndDlg, GetStringResource (CSZ_UNABLE_COPY), szDestFile, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); if (nMbResult == IDCANCEL) { bCopying = FALSE; nExitCode = IDCANCEL; // operation ended in error } else { AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_FLOPPY_NOT_COMPLETE); } } #ifdef JAPAN } #endif } if (bCopying) { // autoexec.bat lstrcpy (szDestFilePart, cszAutoexecBat); if (WriteMszToFile (hwndDlg, mszAutoexecBat, szDestFile, CREATE_ALWAYS)) { UpdatePercentComplete (hwndDlg, ++dwFilesCopied, dwNetFileCount); } else { // bail out here since there was a copy error nMbResult = MessageBox ( hwndDlg, GetStringResource (CSZ_UNABLE_COPY), szDestFile, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); if (nMbResult == IDCANCEL) { bCopying = FALSE; nExitCode = IDCANCEL; // operation ended in error } else { AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_FLOPPY_NOT_COMPLETE); } } } if (bCopying) { // write INI files // make NET subdir lstrcpy (szDestFilePart, cszNet); CreateDirectory (szDestFile, NULL); // add net sub dir to dest path if (szDestFile[lstrlen(szDestFile)-1] != cBackslash) lstrcat (szDestFile, cszBackslash); szDestFilePart = &szDestFile[lstrlen(szDestFile)]; #ifdef JAPAN if ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_2) || !wParam) { #endif lstrcpy (szDestFilePart, cszSystemIni); if (WriteMszToFile (hwndDlg, mszSystemIni, szDestFile, CREATE_ALWAYS)) { UpdatePercentComplete (hwndDlg, ++dwFilesCopied, dwNetFileCount); } else { // bail out here since there was a copy error nMbResult = MessageBox ( hwndDlg, GetStringResource (CSZ_UNABLE_COPY), szDestFile, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); if (nMbResult == IDCANCEL) { bCopying = FALSE; nExitCode = IDCANCEL; // operation ended in error } else { AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_FLOPPY_NOT_COMPLETE); } } #ifdef JAPAN } else { // make DOSV subdir lstrcpy (szDestFilePart, cszDOSV); CreateDirectory (szDestFile, NULL); } #endif } #ifdef JAPAN if ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_2) || !wParam) { #endif if (bCopying) { lstrcpy (szDestFilePart, cszProtocolIni); if (WriteMszToFile (hwndDlg, mszProtocolIni, szDestFile, CREATE_ALWAYS)) { UpdatePercentComplete (hwndDlg, ++dwFilesCopied, dwNetFileCount); } else { // bail out here since there was a copy error nMbResult = MessageBox ( hwndDlg, GetStringResource (CSZ_UNABLE_COPY), szDestFile, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); if (nMbResult == IDCANCEL) { bCopying = FALSE; nExitCode = IDCANCEL; // operation ended in error } else { AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_FLOPPY_NOT_COMPLETE); } } } #ifdef JAPAN } #endif if (bCopying) { // copy files in list from ??? to destination dir lstrcpy (szSrcFile, pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szDir); if (szSrcFile[lstrlen(szSrcFile)-1] != cBackslash) lstrcat (szSrcFile, cszBackslash); szSrcFilePart = &szSrcFile[lstrlen(szSrcFile)]; for (szThisFile = mszNetFileList; *szThisFile != 0; szThisFile += (lstrlen(szThisFile) + 1)) { lstrcpy (szSrcFilePart, szThisFile); lstrcpy (szDestFilePart, szThisFile); if (bCopying) { SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FROM_PATH, szSrcFile); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_TO_PATH, szDestFile); if (!CopyFile (szSrcFile, szDestFile, FALSE)) { // error in file copy so bail out here // bail out here since there was a copy error nMbResult = MessageBox ( hwndDlg, GetStringResource (CSZ_UNABLE_COPY), szSrcFile, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); if (nMbResult == IDCANCEL) { bCopying = FALSE; nExitCode = IDCANCEL; // operation ended in error } else { AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_FLOPPY_NOT_COMPLETE); } } else { // copy was successful so update the % complete // and Set destination File attributest to NORMAL SetFileAttributes (szDestFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); UpdatePercentComplete (hwndDlg, ++dwFilesCopied, dwNetFileCount); } // check for messages while (PeekMessage (&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage (&msg); DispatchMessage (&msg); } } else { break; } } } } #ifdef JAPAN if (bCopying) { if (wParam == SETUP_DOSV_1) { _stprintf (szTextString, GetStringResource (FMT_LOAD_NET_CLIENT2), GetStringResource ( (pAppInfo->mtBootDriveType == F3_1Pt44_512) ? CSZ_35_HD : CSZ_525_HD), pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath); nMbResult = MessageBox ( hwndDlg, szTextString, GetStringResource (FMT_LOAD_NET_CLIENT2_TITLE), MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); if (nMbResult == IDCANCEL) { bCopying = FALSE; } } } #endif if (bCopying) { #ifdef JAPAN if (((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_2) && bBootable) || !wParam) { #endif // files copied completely, but check params. AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_CHECK_PROTOCOL_INI); DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_COMPLETE, 0, MB_OK_TASK_INFO); #ifdef JAPAN } #endif } else { if (!bAborted) { // don't show "not copied" dialog since they know // this // floppy not copied completely AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_FLOPPY_NOT_COMPLETE); DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_NOT_COMPLETE, 0, MB_OK_TASK_EXCL); } } if (nExitCode == IDOK) { // enable display of exit messages since a floppy was created EnableExitMessage(TRUE); } #ifdef JAPAN if (!wParam || (wParam == SETUP_DOSV_2) || ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_1) && !bCopying)) { #endif EndDialog (hwndDlg, nExitCode); #ifdef JAPAN } #endif FREE_IF_ALLOC (mszNetFileList); FREE_IF_ALLOC (mszProtocolIni); FREE_IF_ALLOC (mszSystemIni); FREE_IF_ALLOC (mszConfigSys); FREE_IF_ALLOC (mszAutoexecBat); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szSrcFile); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szDestFile); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szInfFile); #ifdef JAPAN FREE_IF_ALLOC (szVolumeName); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTextString); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szSectionBuffer); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szDOSVDirectory); FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTemp); #endif #ifdef JAPAN if ((wParam == SETUP_DOSV_1) && !bCopying) return FALSE; #endif return TRUE; } static BOOL MakeFlopDlg_WM_INITDIALOG ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes the text fields of the dialog box and post's the "start copying" message Arguments: IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to dialog box window IN WPARAM wParam Not Used IN LPARAM lParam Not Used Return Value: --*/ { // intialize Global data bCopying = TRUE; RemoveMaximizeFromSysMenu (hwndDlg); PositionWindow (hwndDlg); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_COPY_APPNAME, GetStringResource (FMT_OTN_BOOT_FILES)); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FROM_PATH, cszEmptyString); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_TO_PATH, cszEmptyString); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_PERCENT_COMPLETE, GetStringResource (FMT_ZERO_PERCENT_COMPLETE)); SetFocus (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDCANCEL)); // start copying files PostMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_START_FILE_COPY, 0, lParam); // clear old Dialog and register current PostMessage (GetParent(hwndDlg), NCDU_CLEAR_DLG, (WPARAM)hwndDlg, IDOK); PostMessage (GetParent(hwndDlg), NCDU_REGISTER_DLG, NCDU_COPYING_FILES_DLG, (LPARAM)hwndDlg); SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); return FALSE; } static BOOL MakeFlopDlg_WM_COMMAND ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++ Routine Description: Process WM_COMMAND message. Stops copying if the Cancel (abort) button is pressed. Arguments: IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to dialog box procedure IN WPARAM wParam LOWORD contains the id of the control that initiated this message IN LPARAM lParam Not Used Return Value: --*/ { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: bCopying = FALSE; return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } INT_PTR CALLBACK MakeFlopDlgProc ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN UINT message, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++ Routine Description: Main Dialog Box Procedure. Dispatches Windows messages to the appropriate processing routine. The following windows messages are processed by this module: WM_INITDIALOG: dialog initialization routine WM_COMMAND: user input NCDU_START_FILE_COPY: local windows message to start copy op. Arguments: Standard WNDPROC arguments Return Value: FALSE if message is not processed by this routine, otherwise the value returned by the dispatched routine. --*/ { switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return (MakeFlopDlg_WM_INITDIALOG (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_COMMAND: return (MakeFlopDlg_WM_COMMAND (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); #ifdef JAPAN // fixed kkntbug #12382 // NCAdmin:"[] Make Japanese startup disks" is not functioning. case NCDU_START_FILE_COPY: if (bJpnDisk) { if (!MakeFlopDlg_NCDU_START_FILE_COPY (hwndDlg, SETUP_DOSV_1, lParam)) return TRUE; return (MakeFlopDlg_NCDU_START_FILE_COPY (hwndDlg, SETUP_DOSV_2, lParam)); } else return (MakeFlopDlg_NCDU_START_FILE_COPY (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); #else case NCDU_START_FILE_COPY: return (MakeFlopDlg_NCDU_START_FILE_COPY (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); #endif case WM_PAINT: return (Dlg_WM_PAINT (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_MOVE: return (Dlg_WM_MOVE (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_SYSCOMMAND: return (Dlg_WM_SYSCOMMAND (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); default: return FALSE; } }