/* * Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * * maksassert.cpp * * Abstract: * * Implementas the assert functions. * maks_todo : use common assert macros instead. * * Author: * * Makarand Patwardhan - March 6, 1998 * * Comments * This file is here only because I could not find the right friendly assert includes. * maks_todo : should be removed later. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "maksassert.h" void MaksAssert(LPCTSTR exp, LPCTSTR file, int line) { TCHAR szMsg[1024]; _stprintf(szMsg, _T("assertion [%s] failed at [%s,%d]. Want to Debug?\n"), exp, file, line); LOGMESSAGE0(szMsg); OutputDebugString(szMsg); if (MessageBox(0, szMsg, _T("HydraOc.dll"), MB_YESNO ) == IDYES ) { if (IsDebuggerPresent ()) { DebugBreak(); } else { MessageBox(0,_T("hey sorry, I dont know how to attach a process to debuuger!"), _T("HydraOc.dll"), MB_OK); } } }