@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM build_number.cmd REM Prints the build number of the current set of binaries. REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs; use BuildName; sub Usage { print<] Prints the build number of the current set of binaries. -m major portion of the build number only Reads from %_NTPostBld%\\build_logs\\BuildName.txt USAGE my $major = 0; parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'm' => \$major); my $number = $major ? build_number_major : build_number; if (!defined $number) { exit(1); } print "$number\n";