# These are system (non-driver) files that should be # replaced before rebooting. Always needed; do not remove. drvmain.sdb = dontwait wow\wdrvmain.sdb = dontwait advapi32.dll = dontwait autochk.exe = dontwait autoconv.exe = dontwait basesrv.dll = dontwait cacls.exe = dontwait chkdsk.exe = dontwait cmd.exe = dontwait cnvfat.dll = dontwait comctl32.dll = dontwait comdlg32.dll = dontwait convert.exe = dontwait csrsrv.dll = dontwait desk.cpl = dontwait dhcpcsvc.dll = dontwait dhcpsapi.dll = dontwait diskcomp.com = dontwait diskcopy.com = dontwait find.exe = dontwait fmifs.dll = dontwait format.com = dontwait ftp.exe = dontwait gdi32.dll = dontwait hypertrm.dll = dontwait ifsutil.dll = dontwait imagehlp.dll = dontwait kernel32.dll = dontwait label.exe = dontwait lmhsvc.dll = dontwait locale.nls = dontwait localspl.dll = dontwait locator.exe = dontwait lpdsvc.dll = dontwait lsasrv.dll = dontwait lsass.exe = dontwait mgmtapi.dll = dontwait msgina.dll = dontwait msgsvc.dll = dontwait msv1_0.dll = dontwait nslookup.exe = dontwait ntbackup.exe = dontwait ntdll.dll = dontwait ntlsapi.dll = dontwait ntprint.dll = dontwait ntvdm.exe = dontwait nwprovau.dll = dontwait nwwks.dll = dontwait oleaut32.dll = dontwait olecnv32.dll = dontwait perfctrs.dll = dontwait printui.dll = dontwait rasapi32.dll = dontwait rasauto.dll = dontwait rasdlg.dll = dontwait rasman.dll = dontwait rastapi.dll = dontwait recover.exe = dontwait rshx32.dll = dontwait samlib.dll = dontwait samsrv.dll = dontwait savedump.exe = dontwait scardsvr.exe = dontwait schannel.dll = dontwait services.exe = dontwait sessmgr.exe = dontwait setupapi.dll = dontwait smss.exe = dontwait sortkey.nls = dontwait sorttbls.nls = dontwait srvsvc.dll = dontwait subst.exe = dontwait sysdm.cpl = dontwait syssetup.dll = dontwait tcpmonui.dll = dontwait ufat.dll = dontwait ulib.dll = dontwait untfs.dll = dontwait user32.dll = dontwait userenv.dll = dontwait userinit.exe = dontwait vwipxspx.dll = dontwait win32k.sys = dontwait win32spl.dll = dontwait winlogon.exe = dontwait winspool.drv = dontwait winsrv.dll = dontwait wkssvc.dll = dontwait wsecedit.dll = dontwait ntdetect.com = dontwait ntldr = dontwait oschoice.exe = dontwait osloader.exe = dontwait # Various adjustments that always need to be made. DELETE pc:,ntdetect.com:10,"":dontdelayuntilreboot pc:,ntldr:10,"":dontdelayuntilreboot pc:,halaacpi.dll:11,"" pc:,halacpi.dll:11,"" pc:,halmacpi.dll:11,"" pc:,halmps.dll:11,"" pc:,halsp.dll:11,"" pc:,halapic.dll:11,"" END ntoskrnl.exe = type: Uniprocessor ntkrnlmp.exe = type: Multiprocessor ntkrnlpa.exe = type: Uniprocessor ntkrpamp.exe = type: Multiprocessor imm32.dll = flag: 8 conime.exe = flag: 8 # Delete holdovers from Win9x. DELETE pc:,usbhub.sys:11,"" pc:,usbohci.sys:11,"" pc:,usbport.sys:11,"" pc:,usbuhci.sys:11,"" END # Not wanted in the service pack. DELETE pc:,hal.dll:11,"" pc:hal.dll,halaacpi.dll:11,"" pc:hal.dll,halacpi.dll:11,"" pc:hal.dll,halapic.dll:11,"" pc:hal.dll,halmps.dll:11,"" pc:hal.dll,halmacpi.dll:11,"" pc:hal.dll,halsp.dll:11,"" END # Entries from old infsections.tbl that are not found dynamically. # Not service pack specific, but may not be needed at all. ADD pc:,oschoice.exe:54,"":dontdelayuntilreboot pc:,osloader.exe:54,"":dontdelayuntilreboot END # Various special entries needed for packaging the service pack. ADD pc:,explorer.exe:65535,"wdrvc" pc:,halaacpi.dll:65535,"hals" pc:,halacpi.dll:65535,"hals" pc:,halapic.dll:65535,"hals" pc:,halmacpi.dll:65535,"hals" pc:,halmps.dll:65535,"hals" pc:,hal.dll:65535,"hals" END