@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM MoveBuild.cmd REM Move a build from binaries to the release tree REM REM Written by WadeLa REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin perl -x "%~f0" %* @set RETURNVALUE=%errorlevel% @goto :endcmd #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs; sub Usage { print< \&Usage, 'n:' => \$ENV{mybuildnum}, 'd:' => \$ENV{direction}, 'qfe:' => \$ENV{qfe}); # *** NEXT FEW LINES ARE TEMPLATE *** $ENV{"_CPCMAGIC"}++;exit(system($0)>>8); __END__ :CPCBegin set _CPCMAGIC= setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS REM *** BEGIN YOUR CMD SCRIPT BELOW *** if "%qfe%" == "" ( if /i "%mybuildnum%" == "" ( call errmsg.cmd "either specify the build number or the QFE number, exiting..." goto :EOF ) ) if /i "%direction%" == "" ( call errmsg.cmd "No direction given, exiting..." goto :EOF ) if "%qfe%" == "" ( set RelPath=%_NTDRIVE%\release\%mybuildnum%\%lang%\%_buildarch%%_buildtype% ) else ( set RelPath=%_NTDRIVE%\release\Q%qfe%\%_buildarch%%_buildtype% ) if /i "%direction%" == "forward" goto :MoveForward if /i "%direction%" == "back" goto :MoveBack call errmsg.cmd "invalid direction, exiting..." goto :EOF :MoveForward if not exist %RelPath% ( call executecmd.cmd "md %RelPath%" ) if "%qfe%" == "" ( if exist %RelPath%\bin ( call errmsg.cmd "The release directory %RelPath%\bin already exists!" goto :EOF ) call executecmd.cmd "move %_ntpostbld% %RelPath%\bin" call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\bin\upd %RelPath%\upd" call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\bin\slp %RelPath%\slp" call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\bin\spcd %RelPath%\spcd" ) else ( :wait1 REM if not exist %RelPath%\bin_%lang% md %RelPath%\bin_%lang% REM call executecmd.cmd "move %_ntpostbld%\upd %RelPath%\bin_%lang%\upd" REM if not exist %RelPath%\bin_%lang%\wow6432 md %RelPath%\bin_%lang%\wow6432 REM call executecmd.cmd "move %_ntpostbld%\wow6432 %RelPath%\bin_%lang%\wow6432" call executecmd.cmd "move /y %_ntpostbld%\Q%qfe%.exe %RelPath%\Q%qfe%_%lang%.exe" if /i "%LANG%" == "usa" ( call executecmd.cmd "move %_ntpostbld%\upd %RelPath%\upd"; ) ) goto :EOF :MoveBack if "%qfe%" == "" ( if not exist %Relpath%\bin ( call errmsg.cmd "No build in %RelPath%" goto :EOF ) if exist %_NTPostBld% ( call errmsg.cmd "The _NTPostBld directory %_NTPostBld% already exists!" goto :EOF ) ) else ( if not exist %Relpath%\Q%qfe%_%lang%.exe ( call errmsg.cmd "No QFE to move back" goto :EOF ) ) if "%qfe%" == "" ( call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\bin %_NTPostBld%" call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\upd %_NTPostBld%\upd" call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\slp %_NTPostBld%\slp" call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\spcd %_NTPostBld%\spcd" ) else ( :wait2 REM call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\bin_%lang%\upd %_NTPostBld%" REM call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\bin_%lang%\wow6432 %_NTPostBld%" call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\Q%qfe%_%lang%.exe %_NTPostBld%\Q%qfe%.exe" if /i "%LANG%" == "usa" ( call executecmd.cmd "move %RelPath%\upd %_ntpostbld%\upd"; ) ) goto :EOF :endcmd @echo off if not defined seterror ( set seterror= for %%a in ( seterror.exe ) do set seterror=%%~$PATH:a ) @%seterror% %RETURNVALUE%