//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include #include ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include \r\n" "#include \r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // IDD_WELCOME_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 193 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Welcome to the Configure Your Server Wizard", IDC_BIG_BOLD_TITLE,115,7,195,27 LTEXT "This wizard helps you set up this server for use on your network.", IDC_STATIC,115,39,195,16 LTEXT "To continue, click Next.",IDC_STATIC,115,82,195,8 LTEXT "For some installations, you will be prompted to insert your Setup CD or provide the network location of the source files.", IDC_STATIC,115,61,195,16 END IDD_FINISH_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 193 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Completing the Configure Your Server Wizard", IDC_BIG_BOLD_TITLE,115,7,202,32 LTEXT "Static",IDC_FINISH_MESSAGE,115,78,202,65,SS_SUNKEN CONTROL "&Run this wizard again after these changes are made", IDC_RERUN_CHECK,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 115,149,202,10 LTEXT "To make these changes, click Finish.",IDC_STATIC,115, 167,199,8 LTEXT "You have successfully completed the Configure Your Server Wizard.", IDC_STATIC,115,45,202,16 LTEXT "You selected the following changes:",IDC_STATIC,115,67, 202,8 END IDD_CUSTOM_SERVER_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 166 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Select a role for this server. If you want this server to perform more than one function, you can run this wizard again to add more services.", IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,16 LTEXT "&Server type:",IDC_STATIC,7,19,147,8,NOT WS_VISIBLE LTEXT "Description",IDC_TYPE_DESCRIPTION_STATIC,7,111,303,48 CONTROL "List1",IDC_SERVER_TYPE_LIST,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_SORTASCENDING | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,7,24,303,82 END IDD_NETWORK_SERVER_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 143 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "A networking and communications server can provide any or all of the services below. Choose one or more services to install and click Next.", IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,16 CONTROL "&Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)", IDC_DHCP_CHECK,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,7, 25,303,10 LTEXT "A DHCP server assigns IP addresses to network clients. DHCP reduces the complexity of configuring computers for TCP/IP networks.", IDC_STATIC,19,37,291,16 CONTROL "D&omain Name System (DNS)",IDC_DNS_CHECK,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,7,57,303,10 LTEXT "A DNS server translates names to IP addresses and IP addresses to domain names.", IDC_STATIC,19,68,291,8 CONTROL "&Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)",IDC_WINS_CHECK, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,7,80,303,10 LTEXT "A WINS server maps IP addresses to computer names (NETBIOS names).", IDC_STATIC,19,92,291,8 CONTROL "&Routing and Remote Access (RRAS)",IDC_RRAS_CHECK, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,7,104,303,10 LTEXT "A RRAS server can route network traffic or set up either dial-up networking or a virtual private network (VPN).", IDC_STATIC,19,117,291,19 END IDD_DECISION_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Too long text",IDC_DESC_STATIC,7,0,303,24 CONTROL "&Express setup to establish a new network", IDC_EXPRESS_RADIO,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP, 7,31,303,10 CONTROL "&Custom setup for all other server configurations", IDC_CUSTOM_RADIO,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,7,83,303,10 LTEXT "Configure Your Server sets up this server as the first domain controller by:", IDC_STATIC,19,41,291,8 LTEXT "installing the Active Directory directory service, installing DNS and DHCP for management of IP addresses, and configuring a Telephony API (TAPI) application directory partition to support IP telelphony and multicast conferences.", IDC_STATIC,19,51,291,24 END IDD_AD_DOMAIN_NAME_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Type the full DNS name for the new domain\r\n (for example: headquarters.example.microsoft.com).", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,18 LTEXT "If your organization already has a DNS domain name registered with an Internet naming authority, you can use that name.", IDC_STATIC,21,24,275,19 LTEXT "&Full DNS name for new domain:",IDC_STATIC,22,47,275,8 EDITTEXT IDC_DOMAIN,21,57,275,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_NETBIOS_NAME DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 143 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "This is the name that users of earlier versions of Windows will use to identify the new domain. Click Next to accept the name shown, or type a new name.", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,19 LTEXT "&Domain NetBIOS name:",IDC_STATIC,21,27,76,8 EDITTEXT IDC_NETBIOS,125,24,171,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_OEMCONVERT END IDD_EXPRESS_DNS_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "On netowrks that use Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), this server can use DNS to translate computer names into IP addresses. Clients can use these names to connect to computers and devices on this network.", IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,24 LTEXT "DNS requires a static IP address and a subnet mask.", IDC_STATIC,7,29,303,8 LTEXT "To change the static IP address and subnet mask, type the appropriate values in the following text boxes.", IDC_STATIC,7,43,303,16 LTEXT "&Static IP address for this server:",IDC_STATIC,7,69, 303,8 CONTROL "IPAddress1",IDC_STATIC_IPADDRESS,"SysIPAddress32", WS_TABSTOP,7,80,100,15 LTEXT "S&ubnet mask:",IDC_STATIC,7,100,303,8 CONTROL "IPAddress1",IDC_MASK_IPADDRESS,"SysIPAddress32", WS_TABSTOP,7,111,100,15 END IDD_EXPRESS_DHCP_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "On TCP/IP networks, client computers must be associated with IP addresses. Windows uses DHCP to dynamically assign IP addresses to network computers and devices.", IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,16 LTEXT "A DHCP scope uses a beginning IP address and an ending IP address to limit the range of IP addresses that this server can assign.", IDC_STATIC,7,22,303,16 LTEXT "To change the scope, type the appropriate values in the following text boxes.", IDC_STATIC,7,43,303,8 LTEXT "&Start IP address:",IDC_STATIC,7,58,133,8 CONTROL "IPAddress1",IDC_START_IPADDRESS,"SysIPAddress32", WS_TABSTOP,7,71,100,15 LTEXT "&End IP address:",IDC_STATIC,7,91,303,8 CONTROL "IPAddress1",IDC_END_IPADDRESS,"SysIPAddress32", WS_TABSTOP,7,102,100,15 END IDD_RESTORE_PASSWORD_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Type and confirm the password you want to assign to this server's Administrator account, to be used when the computer is started in Directory Services Restore Mode.", IDC_MESSAGE,21,1,275,16 LTEXT "&Password:",IDC_STATIC,21,30,34,8 EDITTEXT IDC_PASSWORD,91,27,148,14,ES_PASSWORD | ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Confirm password:",IDC_STATIC,21,48,58,8 EDITTEXT IDC_CONFIRM,91,45,148,14,ES_PASSWORD | ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_PRINT_SERVER_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "By using the Add Printer Wizard, you can install printers and their associated drivers for Windows 2000 and Windows XP clients on your network.", IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,16 LTEXT "If some clients are running versions of Windows other than Windows 2000 or Windows XP, use the Add Printer Driver Wizard to install the appropriate drivers for these clients.", IDC_STATIC,7,17,303,16 LTEXT "For which clients do you want to install printers?", IDC_STATIC,7,40,303,8 CONTROL "&Windows 2000 and Windows XP clients only", IDC_W2K_RADIO,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP,7, 51,303,10 CONTROL "&All Windows clients",IDC_ALL_RADIO,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,7,65,303,10 END IDD_TERMINAL_SERVER_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Installing Terminal Server on this computer provides client computers running earlier versions of Windows access to Whistler Server programs. Users on your network can connect to this computer and use its programs to process tasks.", IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,24 LTEXT "Do you want to install Terminal Server on this server?", IDC_STATIC,7,68,303,8 CONTROL "&Yes, install Terminal Server",IDC_YES_RADIO,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP,7,79,303,10 CONTROL "N&o, do not install Terminal Server",IDC_NO_RADIO, "Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,7,91,303,10 LTEXT "If you want to administer this server remotely, you do not need to install Terminal Server. You can use Remote Desktop, which is already installed and configured on this server.", IDC_STATIC,7,32,303,16 ICON IDI_SMALL_WARNING,IDC_STATIC,7,54,20,20,SS_REALSIZEIMAGE LTEXT "You must install Terminal Server before you install the programs you want to share.", IDC_STATIC,27,55,276,8 END IDD_SHARE_POINT_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "To provide easier access to SharePoint Team Services features, you can set the SharePoint team Web site as the default home page for this server.", IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,16 CONTROL "&Yes, use the SharePoint team Web site as the default home page for this server", IDC_YES_RADIO,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP,7, 20,303,10 CONTROL "N&o, do not change the default home page for this server", IDC_NO_RADIO,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,7,56,303,10 LTEXT "This wizard backs up the current home page and then replaces its content with SharePoint team Web site content.", IDC_STATIC,19,32,291,16 LTEXT "This wizard creates a separate SharePoint team Web site on this server.", IDC_STATIC,19,68,291,8 END IDD_FILE_SERVER_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Configure Your Server applies default disk quotas to new users of any NTFS file system volume that contains a shared folder. If you set disk quotas for individual users and groups, they override the default disk quotas.", IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,24 CONTROL "&Set up default disk quotas for new users of this server", IDC_DEFAULT_QUOTAS_CHECK,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,7,31,303,10 LTEXT "&Limit disk space to:",IDC_SPACE_STATIC,19,44,69,8 EDITTEXT IDC_SPACE_EDIT,90,42,48,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER COMBOBOX IDC_SPACE_COMBO,144,43,36,37,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "S&et warning level to:",IDC_LEVEL_STATIC,19,63,67,8 EDITTEXT IDC_LEVEL_EDIT,90,60,48,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER COMBOBOX IDC_LEVEL_COMBO,144,61,36,30,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP CONTROL "&Deny disk space to users exceeding disk space limit", IDC_DENY_DISK_CHECK,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,19,82,291,10 LTEXT "Log an event when the user exceeds any of the following:", IDC_EVENT_STATIC,19,99,291,8 CONTROL "Dis&k space limit",IDC_DISK_SPACE_CHECK,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,19,111,291,10 CONTROL "&Warning level",IDC_WARNING_LEVEL_CHECK,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,19,124,291,10 END IDD_INDEXING_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Indexing Service catalogs the contents of the files in shared folders so that users can search them. Indexing Service is turned on by default when Whistler Server is installed.", IDC_INDEX_STATIC,7,0,303,16 ICON IDI_SMALL_WARNING,IDC_STATIC,7,22,20,20,SS_REALSIZEIMAGE LTEXT "Because Indexing Service might slow the performance of this server, you should use it only if users frequently search the contents of files on this server.", IDC_STATIC,28,21,275,16 LTEXT "Do you want to use Indexing Service on this server?", IDC_STATIC,7,48,303,8 CONTROL "&Yes, leave Indexing Service turned on",IDC_YES_RADIO, "Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,7,59,303,10 CONTROL "N&o, turn Indexing Service off",IDC_NO_RADIO,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,7,71,303,10 END IDD_NIC_SELECTION_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Available network cards:",IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,8 CONTROL "List1",IDC_NIC_LIST,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,7,12,303,38 END IDD_BEFORE_BEGIN_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN CONTROL "Before you continue, review the checklist for configuring a server.", IDC_LINK,"Link Window",WS_TABSTOP,7,0,303,8 LTEXT "Then complete the following steps:",IDC_STATIC,7,14,303, 8 LTEXT "h",IDC_BULLET1,7,26,8,8 LTEXT "Install the network cards, modems, and cables.", IDC_STATIC,24,26,286,8 LTEXT "h",IDC_BULLET2,7,36,8,8 LTEXT "Turn on all computers, printers, and external modems.", IDC_STATIC,24,36,286,8 LTEXT "h",IDC_BULLET3,7,46,8,8 LTEXT "Connect to the Internet.",IDC_STATIC,24,46,286,8 LTEXT "h",IDC_BULLET4,7,56,8,8 LTEXT "Find your Windows CD. For some installations, you will be prompted to insert your Setup CD or provide the network location of the source files.", IDC_STATIC,24,56,286,16 LTEXT "h",IDC_BULLET5,7,74,8,8 LTEXT "If you want customers or employees to gain access to your company over the Internet, ensure that you have a registered Internet domain name.", IDC_STATIC,24,74,286,8 LTEXT "When you click Next, the wizard will search for network connections.", IDC_STATIC,7,94,303,8 END IDD_SUCCESS_DIALOG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 234, 74 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Configure Your Server" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Your server was successfully configured.",IDC_STATIC,7, 7,220,8 CONTROL "Op&en a list of recommended tasks for this server configuration", IDC_HELP_LIST_CHECK,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,17,20,210,10 CONTROL "Ope&n the log file %1",IDC_LOG_FILE_CHECK,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,17,32,210,10 DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,92,53,50,14 END IDD_CLUSTER_SERVER_PAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 150 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Configure Your Server Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "What function will this server perform in the cluster?", IDC_STATIC,7,0,303,8 CONTROL "&First server in a new server cluster",IDC_YES_RADIO, "Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,7,11,303,10 CONTROL "&Member of an existing server cluster",IDC_NO_RADIO, "Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,7,23,303,10 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DESIGNINFO // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDD_WELCOME_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 VERTGUIDE, 115 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 186 END IDD_FINISH_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 VERTGUIDE, 115 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 186 END IDD_CUSTOM_SERVER_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 159 END IDD_NETWORK_SERVER_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 136 END IDD_DECISION_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_AD_DOMAIN_NAME_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_EXPRESS_DNS_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_EXPRESS_DHCP_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_RESTORE_PASSWORD_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_PRINT_SERVER_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_TERMINAL_SERVER_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_SHARE_POINT_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_FILE_SERVER_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_INDEXING_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_NIC_SELECTION_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_BEFORE_BEGIN_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END IDD_SUCCESS_DIALOG, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 227 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 67 END IDD_CLUSTER_SERVER_PAGE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 BOTTOMMARGIN, 143 END END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bitmap // IDB_BANNER16 BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\wzbanner.bmp" IDB_WATERMARK16 BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\wzwater.bmp" IDB_WATERMARK256 BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\watermark.bmp" IDB_BANNER256 BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\banner256.bmp" IDB_CHECK BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\check.bmp" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // // Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon // remains consistent on all systems. IDI_CYS_ICON ICON DISCARDABLE "res\\cys.ico" IDI_SMALL_WARNING ICON DISCARDABLE "res\\warning.ico" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WIZARD_TITLE "Configure Your Server Wizard" IDS_ALREADY_RUNNING "Configure Your Server Wizard is already running." IDS_BIG_BOLD_FONT_NAME "Verdana Bold" IDS_BIG_BOLD_FONT_SIZE "12" IDS_CONFIRM_CANCEL "Are you sure you want to exit the Configure Your Server Wizard?" IDS_INDEXING_SERVICE_OFF_YES_RADIO "&Yes, turn the Indexing Service on" IDS_INDEXING_SERVICE_OFF_NO_RADIO "N&o, leave Indexing Service turned off" IDS_CONFIRM_REBOOT "During this installation, Configure Your Server restarts your computer. Before continuing, close any open programs." IDS_NOT_ADMIN "You need Administrator privileges to run Configure Your Server." IDS_DC_UPGRADE_NOT_COMPLETE "You need to complete the upgrade of this machine by finishing the Active Directory Installation wizard. Configure Your Server will close now." IDS_DCPROMO_RUNNING "The Active Directory Installation wizard is running. Configure Your Server will close now." IDS_DCPROMO_PENDING_REBOOT "The Active Directory Installation wizard is finished, but you need to restart this computer to complete the process. Configure Your Server will close now." IDS_SERVER_CD "Windows Server CD_ROM" IDS_ADVANCED_SERVER_CD "Windows Advanced Server CD_ROM" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WINS_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "A WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) server maps computer names (NetBIOS names) to IP addresses.\n\nWINS is installed on this server. Select another server role, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_RRAS_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "A server running the Routing and Remote Access service can route network traffic or set up either dial-up networking or a Virtual Private Network (VPN).\n\nThe Routing and Remote Access service is installed on this server. Select another server role, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_RRAS_SERVER_DESCRIPTION2 "A server running the Routing and Remote Access service can route network traffic or set up either dial-up networking or a Virtual Private Network (VPN). If you select this item, the Configure Your Server Wizard starts the Routing and Remote Access Setup Wizard." IDS_WELCOME_TITLE "Welcome to the Configure Your Server Wizard" IDS_WELCOME_SUBTITLE "Text" IDS_FINISH_TITLE "Completing the Configure Your Server Wizard" IDS_FINISH_SUBTITLE "finish subtitle" IDS_CUSTOM_SERVER_TITLE "Server Role" IDS_CUSTOM_SERVER_SUBTITLE "You can set up this server to perform one or more specific roles. After you complete this wizard, you can add this server to a domain." IDS_NETWORK_SERVER_TITLE "Networking and Communications Services" IDS_NETWORK_SERVER_SUBTITLE "A networking and communications server provides naming and routing services to clients on the network." IDS_DECISION_TITLE "First Server on a Private Network" IDS_DECISION_SUBTITLE "If this is the first server on a private network, you can select either express setup or custom setup." IDS_AD_DOMAIN_TITLE "Active Directory Domain Name" IDS_AD_DOMAIN_SUBTITLE "A DNS name identifies an Active Directory domain." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DHCP_INF_WINDOW_TITLE "Windows Server Setup -- Installing DHCP Server" IDS_LAUNCH_DHCP_WIZARD_COMMAND_LINE "%1\\dhcpwiz.exe" IDS_LAUNCH_DHCP_WIZARD_FAILED "Unable to start the DHCP New Scope Wizard.\r\n" IDS_DHCP_WIZARD_FAILED "The DHCP New Scope Wizard was not completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_DHCP_WIZARD_SUCCEEDED "The DHCP New Scope Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DHCP_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY "DHCP installed and the New Scope Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DHCP_WIZARD_ERROR "DHCP installed successfully, but a problem occurred during the New Scope Wizard.\r\nPlease open the DHCP snap-in and follow the instructions to run the wizard again.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DHCP_INSTALL_FAILED "DHCP could not be installed on this server. See Windows Help for more information.\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DATACENTER_SERVER_CD "Windows Datacenter Server CD-ROM" IDS_WINDOWS_CD "Windows CD-ROM" IDS_MUST_ENTER_DOMAIN "You must type a domain name." IDS_DOMAIN_NAME_IN_USE "The name """"%1"""" is already in use on this network. Type a name that is not in use." IDS_NET_NOT_REACHABLE "The wizard is unable to reach the network to determine whether the new domain name """"%1"""" is already in use. This may be because the network cable is disconnected. (For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.)\r\n\r\nDo you want to use this name anyway?" IDS_NON_RFC_NAME "The name """"%1"""" does not conform to Internet Domain Name Service specifications, although it conforms to Microsoft specifications." IDS_DNS_NAME_TOO_LONG "The DNS name """"%1"""" is too long. The name can contain a maximum of %2!d! characters, or %3!d! UTF-8 bytes." IDS_BAD_DNS_SYNTAX "The syntax of the domain name """"%1"""" is incorrect.\r\n\r\nDNS names may contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens, but no spaces. Periods (.) are used to separate domain labels. Each domain label can be no longer than %2!d! bytes. You may not have every label be a number.\r\n\r\nExample: domain-1.microsoft.com." IDS_CONFIRM_NETBIOS_LOOKING_NAME "The domain name """"%1"""" does not appear to be a full DNS name. Full DNS names usually have more than one label separated by dots.\r\n\r\nExample: domain.microsoft.com.\r\n\r\nAre you sure you want to use the name """"%2""""?" IDS_GENERATED_NAME_WAS_TWEAKED "The default NetBIOS domain name """"%1"""" was selected due to name conflicts on the network." IDS_PASSWORD_MISMATCH "The confirmation does not match the password. Try typing the password again." IDS_IPADDRESS_REQUIRED "You must provide an IP address." IDS_CAPS_LOCK_TIP_TITLE "Caps Lock is on:" IDS_CAPS_LOCK_TIP_TEXT "Having Caps Lock on may cause you\r\nto enter the password incorrectly.\r\n\r\nYou should press Caps Lock to turn it\r\noff before entering the password." IDS_SYSOC_COMMAND_LINE "%1\\sysocmgr.exe /i:%2 /u:%3 /x /c" IDS_BOTH_IPADDRESS_REQUIRED "You must provide both a starting and ending address for the scope." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DNS_INF_WINDOW_TITLE "Windows Server Setup -- Installing DNS Server" IDS_LAUNCH_DNS_WIZARD_COMMAND_LINE "%1\\dnswiz.exe" IDS_LAUNCH_DNS_WIZARD_FAILED "Unable to start the Configure DNS Server Wizard.\r\n" IDS_DNS_WIZARD_FAILED "The Configure DNS Server Wizard was not completed successfully.\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DNS_WIZARD_SUCCEEDED "The Configure DNS Server Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_INSTALL_START_DNS "Install DNS and start the Configure DNS Server Wizard.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DNS_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY "DNS installed and the Configure DNS Server Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DNS_WIZARD_ERROR "Error returned was: %1\r\n" IDS_LOG_WIZARD_CANCELLED "The operation was cancelled by the user.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DNS_INSTALL_FAILED "DNS could not be installed on this server. See Windows Help for more information.\r\n" IDS_LOG_INSTALL_WMS_SUCCESS "WMS installed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_INSTALL_WMS_FAILED "WMS could not be installed on this server. Please run the Configure Your Server Wizard again or see Windows Help for more information.\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LAUNCH_RRAS_WIZARD_COMMAND_LINE "%1\\rraswiz.exe" IDS_LAUNCH_RRAS_WIZARD_FAILED "Unable to start the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard.\r\n" IDS_RRAS_WIZARD_FAILED "The Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard was not completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_RRAS_WIZARD_SUCCEEDED "The Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_RRAS_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY "The Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_RRAS_WIZARD_ERROR "A problem occurred during the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard.\r\nPlease open the Routing and Remote Access snap-in and follow the instructions to run the wizard again.\r\n" IDS_LOG_INSTALL_IIS_SUCCESS "IIS installed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_INSTALL_IIS_FAILED "IIS could not be installed on this server. Please run the Configure Your Server Wizard again or see Windows Help for more information.\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PRINTER_WIZARD_CONFIG_LOG_TEXT "Configurations for Print Server\r\n" IDS_LAUNCH_PRINTER_WIZARD_FAILED "Unable to start the Add Printer Wizard.\r\n" IDS_PRINTER_WIZARD_FAILED "The Add Printer Wizard was stopped, or was not completed successfully. The error was ""%1""\r\n" IDS_PRINTER_WIZARD_SUCCEEDED "The Add Printer Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PRINTER_DRIVER_WIZARD_FAILED "The Add Printer Driver Wizard was stopped, or was not completed successfully. The error was """"%1""""\r\n" IDS_LAUNCH_PRINTER_DRIVER_WIZARD_FAILED "Unable to start the Add Printer Driver Wizard.\r\n" IDS_PRINTER_DRIVER_WIZARD_SUCCEEDED "The Add Printer Driver Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LOG_INSTALL_START_DHCP "Install DHCP and start the New Scope Wizard\r\n" IDS_LOG_APP_OPTIMIZE_SUCCESS "This server is optimized for applications.\r\n" IDS_LOG_APP_OPTIMIZE_FAILED "This server is not optimized for applications.\r\n" IDS_LOG_APP_OPTIMIZE_FAILED_WITH_ERROR "Configure Your Server has encountered an error trying to optimize the performance of the server.\r\n" IDS_LOG_APP_CONFIGURE "Configurations for Application Server\r\n" IDS_LOG_APP_ABORTED "Terminal Server installation aborted.\r\n" IDS_LOG_APP_INSTALL_FAILED "Configure Your Server has encountered an error trying to install Terminal Server.\r\n" IDS_LOG_APP_REBOOT_SUCCESS "Terminal Server installed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_APP_REBOOT_FAILED "Terminal Server did not install successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DCPROMO_REBOOT_FAILED "This server has not been successfully promoted to a domain controller.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DHCP_AUTHORIZATION_SUCCEEDED "DHCP Server successfully authorizaed.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DHCP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED "DHCP Server authorization failed. Please open the DHCP snap-in to manually authorize.\r\n" IDS_LOG_TAPI_CONFIG_SUCCEEDED "TAPI directory successfully setup.\r\n" IDS_LOG_TAPI_CONFIG_SUCCEEDED_FORMAT "An Application Naming Context was successfully set up in Active Directory on this domain controller for use by TAPI client applications. If you later need to demote this machine from being a domain controller, this Application Naming Context will have to be explicitly removed with the TAPICFG utility. The Application Naming Context has the following DNS name: %1." IDS_LOG_TAPI_CONFIG_FAILED_FORMAT "TAPI directory has not been successfully setup [ %1 ].\r\n" IDS_LOG_FILE_SERVER "Configurations for File Server\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WINS_INF_WINDOW_TITLE "Windows Server Setup -- Installing WINS Server" IDS_LOG_INSTALL_WINS_SUCCESS "WINS installed successfully.\r\n" IDS_LOG_WINS_INSTALL_FAILED "WINS could not be installed on this server. See Windows Help for more information.\r\n" IDS_LAUNCH_DCPROMO_WIZARD_FAILED "Configure Your Server failed to launch the Active Directory Installation Wizard." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NETWORK_SERVER_TYPE "Networking and communications server (DHCP, DNS, WINS, and RRAS)" IDS_NETWORK_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "If you select this option, Configure Your Server installs the Windows networking services that you select. DHCP assigns IP addresses to network clients. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses and IP addresses to domain names. WINS maps computer names (NetBIOS names) to IP addresses. Routing and Remote Access can route network traffic or set up either dial-up networking or a virtual private network (VPN)." IDS_APPLICATION_SERVER_TYPE "Application Server (Terminal Server)" IDS_APPLICATION_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "Application servers store programs that licensed clients can gain access to and use. If you select this option, Configure Your Server optomizes this server to perform as an application server. You can also install Terminal Server, which sets up this server to process tasks for authorized clients." IDS_FILE_SERVER_TYPE "File server" IDS_FILE_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "File servers provide and manage access to files. If you select this option, you can limit disk space usage and turn on or off the indexing service on this server." IDS_PRINT_SERVER_TYPE "Print server" IDS_PRINT_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "Print servers provide and manage access to network printers and printer drivers. If you select this option, you can use the Add Printer Wizard and the Add Printer Driver Wizard to install printers and printer drivers on this server." IDS_SHARE_POINT_TYPE "SharePoint Team Services" IDS_SHAREPOINT_DESCRIPTION_BASE "Microsoft's SharePoint Team Services is a set of Web server extensions. These extensions help groups within an organization to work together by sharing information such as documents and threaded discussions." IDS_MEDIA_SERVER_TYPE "Streaming media server (WMS)" IDS_MEDIA_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "Streaming media servers store multimedia content that can be transmitted over an intranet or the Internet. If you select this option, Configure Your Server installs Windows Media Services. You can use Windows Media Services to deliver real-time multimedia content or to prepare and stream stored content." IDS_WEB_SERVER_TYPE "Web server (IIS)" IDS_WEB_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "Web servers host and manage Web sites and share information on a network. If you select this option, Configure Your Server installs Internet Information Services (IIS). You can use IIS to set up a Web or FTP site on your corporate intranet or create sites for the Internet." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DHCP_SERVER_TYPE "DHCP server" IDS_DHCP_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server assigns IP addresses to network clients. DHCP reduces the complexity of configuring computers for TCP/IP networks. If you select this item, the Configure Your Server Wizard installs DHCP and then starts the New Scope Wizard." IDS_DNS_SERVER_TYPE "DNS server" IDS_DNS_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "A DNS (Domain Name System) server translates domain names to IP addresses and IP addresses to domain names. If you select this item, the Configure Your Server Wizard installs DNS and then starts the Configure a DNS Server Wizard." IDS_WINS_SERVER_TYPE "WINS server" IDS_WINS_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "A WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) server maps computer names (NetBIOS names) to IP addresses. If you select this item, the Configure Your Server Wizard installs the WINS service." IDS_RRAS_SERVER_TYPE "Remote access server (Routing and Remote Access)" IDS_APPLICATION_SERVER_TYPE_SRV "Application Server" IDS_EXPRESS_PATH_TYPE "Express Path" IDS_EXPRESS_PATH_DESCRIPTION "Configure Your Server will install the Active Directory directory service, the DNS service, and the DHCP service." IDS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_TYPE "Domain Controller (Active Directory)" IDS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_DESCRIPTION "Domain controllers store directory data and manage user logon processes and directory searches. If you select this option, Configure Your Server starts the Active Directory Installation Wizard, which installs the Active Directory. You can also use this wizard to install DNS." IDS_CLUSTER_SERVER_TYPE "Server cluster node" IDS_CLUSTER_SERVER_DESCRIPTION "A cluster is a group of independent servers that is managed as a single system. Clustering improves server availability, manageability, and scalability. If you select this item, the Configure Your Server Wizard starts the New Server Cluster Wizard, which creates a new cluster or the Add Nodes Wizard, which adds this server to an existing server cluster." IDS_WEB_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "Web servers host and manage Web sites and share information on a network. Because Internet Information Services (IIS) is currently installed on this server, it is already a functional Internet server.\n\nSelect another server type, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_MEDIA_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "Streaming media servers store digital multimedia presentations that are transmitted over an intranet or the Internet. Because Windows Media Services is currently installed on this server, it is already a functional streaming media server.\n\nSelect another server type, or click Cancel to close the wizard." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_APPLICATION_FINISH_TEXT "Optimize this server for applications.\n" IDS_DHCP_FINISH_TEXT "Install DHCP.\nConfigure DHCP by using the New Scope Wizard.\n" IDS_DNS_FINISH_TEXT "Install DNS.\nConfigure DNS by using the Configure a DNS Server Wizard.\n" IDS_FILE_FINISH_TEXT "Set default disk quotas.\n" IDS_MEDIA_FINISH_TEXT "Install Windows Media Services.\n" IDS_PRINT_FINISH_TEXT "Add printers to this server using the Add Printer Wizard.\nAdd printer drivers to this server using the Add Printer Driver Wizard.\n" IDS_RRAS_FINISH_TEXT "Configure the Routing and Remote Access service by using the Routing and Remote Access Setup Wizard.\n" IDS_SHAREPOINT_FINISH_TEXT "Install SharePoint Team Services.\n" IDS_WEB_FINISH_TEXT "Install Internet Information Services (IIS).\n" IDS_WINS_FINISH_TEXT "Install WINS.\n" IDS_DC_FINISH_TEXT "Set up this server as a domain controller using the Active Directory Installation Wizard.\n" IDS_SHAREPOINT_FINISH_ADD_ADMIN "Add Microsoft SharePoint Administrator to the Start menu under Administrative Tools.\n" IDS_SHAREPOINT_FINISH_WEBPAGE_FORMAT "Create the following team Web site as the server home page: %1.\n" IDS_SHAREPOINT_FINISH_CREATE_FORMAT "Create the following team Web site: %1.\n" IDS_SHAREPOINT_FINISH_INDEXING "Turn Indexing Service on.\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NETBIOS_NAME_TITLE "NetBIOS Domain Name" IDS_NETBIOS_NAME_SUBTITLE "Specify a NetBIOS name for the new domain." IDS_EXPRESS_DNS_TITLE "Networking Properties: DNS" IDS_EXPRESS_DNS_SUBTITLE "DNS resolves IP addresses with computer names." IDS_EXPRESS_DHCP_TITLE "Networking Properties: DHCP" IDS_EXPRESS_DHCP_SUBTITLE "DHCP assigns IP addresses to clients on a network." IDS_RESTORE_PASSWORD_TITLE "Directory Services Restore Mode Administratore Password" IDS_RESTORE_PASSWORD_SUBTITLE "Safe mode starts Windows with these default settings: VGA monitor, Microsoft mouse driver, no network connections, and the minimum number of device drivers." IDS_PRINT_SERVER_TITLE "Printers and Printer Drivers" IDS_PRINT_SERVER_SUBTITLE "You can make printers and printer drivers available to clients on your network." IDS_TERMINAL_SERVER_TITLE "Terminal Server" IDS_TERMINAL_SERVER_SUBTITLE "Terminal Server sets up this server to process tasks for multiple client computers." IDS_SHARE_POINT_TITLE "SharePoint Team Web Site" IDS_SHARE_POINT_SUBTITLE "To provide users with easier access to SharePoint Team Services features such as automated document libraries, you can set the SharePoint team Web site as the default home page for this server." IDS_FILE_SERVER_TITLE "Disk Quotas" IDS_FILE_SERVER_SUBTITLE "Use disk quotas to track and control disk space usage on this server." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DCPROMO_FAILED "Configure Your Server has encountered an error using the Active Directory Installation Wizard. The wizard was not completed successfully or was cancelled by the user." IDS_DCPROMO_SUCCEEDED_NO_REBOOT "Configure Your Server completed the Active Directory Installation Wizard successfully, but the user chose not to reboot the machine." IDS_CLUSTER_LOG_LAUNCH_FAILED_NEW_CLUSTER "A problem occurred during the New Server Cluster Wizard. Please open the Cluster Administrator from the Start menu under Administrative Tools to correct the problem.\r\n" IDS_CLUSTER_LOG_SUCCESS_NEW_CLUSTER "The New Server Cluster Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_CLUSTER_LOG_CANCELLED_NEW_CLUSTER "Configure Your Server has encountered an error using the New Cluster Wizard. The wizard was cancelled.\r\n" IDS_LOG_WEB_HEADING "Configurations for Web Server\r\n" IDS_LOG_CLUSTER_HEADING "Configuration of Server Cluster Node\r\n" IDS_CLUSTER_LOG_SUCCESS_ADD_NODE "The Add Node Wizard completed successfully.\r\n" IDS_CLUSTER_LOG_CANCELLED_ADD_NODE "Configure Your Server has encountered an error using the Add node Wizard. The wizard was cancelled.\r\n" IDS_CLUSTER_LOG_LAUNCH_FAILED_ADD_NODE "A problem occurred during the Add Node Wizard. Please open the Cluster Administrator from the Start menu under Administrative Tools to correct the problem.\r\n" IDS_LOG_MEDIA_HEADING "Configurations for streaming media server\r\n" IDS_LOG_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_HEADING "Configurations of a Domain Controller\r\n" IDS_LOG_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INSTALL "Install Active Directory\r\n" IDS_LOG_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_SUCCESS "This server has been successfully promoted to a domain controller.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_FAILED "This server has not been successfully promoted to a domain controller. Please type dcpromo at a command line to open the Active Directory Installation Wizard to correct the problem.\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_INDEXING_TITLE "Indexing Service" IDS_INDEXING_SUBTITLE "Users can search indexed files for specific words or characters." IDS_FILE_FINISH_DISK_QUOTAS "Set default disk quotas.\n" IDS_FILE_FINISH_INDEXING_ON "Turn on Indexing Service.\n" IDS_FILE_FINISH_INDEXING_OFF "Turn off Indexing Service.\n" IDS_FINISH_NO_CHANGES "No changes have been selected." IDS_PRINT_FINISH_ALL_CLIENTS "Add printers to this server using the Add Printer Wizard.\nAdd printer drivers to this server using the Add Printer Driver Wizard.\n" IDS_PRINT_FINISH_W2K_CLIENTS "Add printers to this server using the Add Printer Wizard.\n" IDS_NIC_SELECTION_TITLE "Local Network Card Information" IDS_NIC_SELECTION_SUBTITLE "Select the network card to be used for the local network." IDS_BEFORE_BEGIN_TITLE "Before you continue..." IDS_BEFORE_BEGIN_SUBTITLE " " IDS_CLUSTER_TITLE "Server cluster node" IDS_CLUSTER_SUBTITLE "Each server contained in a cluster is called a node. This server can be the first node in a new cluster or can become a new node in an existing cluster." IDS_INDEX_PAGE_STATIC_INSTALLED "Indexing Service catalogs the contents of the files in shared folders so that users can search them. Indexing Service is turned on by default when Whistler Server is installed.\n" IDS_INDEX_PAGE_STATIC_NOT_INSTALLED "Indexing Service catalogs the contents of the files in shared folders so that users can search them. Indexing Service is currently turned off." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FILESERVER_QUOTAS_SHAREPOINT "File servers provide and manage access to files. If you select this option, you can use this wizard to limit the amount of disk space allocated to users of this server." IDS_FILESERVER_QUOTAS_NO_SHAREPOINT "File servers provide and manage access to files. If you select this option, you can use this wizard to limit the amount of disk space allocated to users of this server and turn on or off the indexing service on this server." IDS_FILESERVER_NO_QUOTAS_SHAREPOINT "File servers provide and manage access to files. All configurations available through the Configure Your Server wizard for a file server are complete." IDS_FILESERVER_NO_QUOTAS_NO_SHAREPOINT "File servers provide and manage access to files. If you select this option, you can turn on or off the indexing service on this server." IDS_CLUSTER_FINISH_TEXT_NEW_CLUSTER "Set up this server as the first node in a new cluster using the New Server Cluster Wizard.\n" IDS_CLUSTER_FINISH_TEXT_EXISTING_CLUSTER "Set up this server as a node on an existing cluster using the Add Nodes Wizard.\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_KB "KB" IDS_MB "MB" IDS_GB "GB" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_APP_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_OPTIMIZED "Application servers store programs that licensed clients can gain access to and use.\n\nThis server is already optimized to function as an application server. Select another server role, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_APP_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_NOT_OPTIMIZED "Application servers store programs that licensed clients can gain access to and use. If you select this item, the Configure Your Server Wizard optimizes this server to function as an application server." IDS_APP_ADVSERVER_DESCRIPTION_OPTIMIZED_INSTALLED "Application servers store programs that licensed clients can gain access to and use.\n\nThis server is optimized to function as an application server and Terminal Server has been installed.\n\nSelect another server role, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_APP_ADVSERVER_DESCRIPTION_OPTIMIZED_NOT_INSTALLED "Application servers store programs that licensed clients can gain access to and use.\n\nAlthough this server is already optimized to function as an application server, you can install Terminal Server to set up this server to process tasks for authorized clients." IDS_APP_ADVSERVER_DESCRIPTION_NOT_OPTIMIZED_NOT_INSTALLED "Application servers store programs that licensed clients can gain access to and use. If you select this item, the Configure Your Server Wizard optimizes this server to function as an application server. You can also install Terminal Server, which sets up this server to process tasks for authorized clients." IDS_APP_ADVSERVER_DESCRIPTION_NOT_OPTIMIZED_INSTALLED "Application servers store programs that licensed clients can gain access to and use. If you select this item, the Configure Your Server Wizard optimizes this server to function as an application server. Terminal Server has been installed." IDS_SHAREPOINT_DESCRIPTION_SPONLY "If you select this option, Configure Your Server installs SharePoint Team Services." IDS_SHAREPOINT_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "\nBecause SharePoint Team Services is installed on this server, these services are already available to users. Select another server role, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_SHAREPOINT_DESCRIPTION_SP_AND_INDEXING "If you select this option, Configure Your Server installs SharePoint Team Services and turns the Indexing Service on." IDS_SHAREPOINT_DESCRIPTION_SP_AND_IIS "If you select this option, Configure Your Server installs SharePoint Team Services and Internet Information Services (IIS)." IDS_SHAREPOINT_DESCRIPTION_SP_INDEXING_IIS "If you select this option, Configure Your Server installs SharePoint Team Services and Internet Information Services (IIS) and turns the Indexing Service on." IDS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "Domain controllers store directory data and manage user logon processes and directory searches. This server is a domain controller. Select another server type, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_NETWORK_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "A networking and communications server provides naming and routing services to clients on the network. The DHCP, DNS, WINS, and RRAS networking and communications services are installed on this server.\n\nSelect another server type, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_CLUSTER_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "A cluster is a group of independent servers that is managed as a single system. Clustering improves server availability, manageability, and scalability.\n\nCluster service is installed on this server, which is already set up to function as a member of a cluster. Select another server role, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_DNS_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "A DNS (Domain Name Syste) server translates domain names to IP addresses and IP addresses to domain names.\n\nThe DNS service is installed on this server. Select another server role, or click Cancel to close the wizard." IDS_DHCP_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_INSTALLED "A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server assigns IP addresses to network clients. DHCP reduces the complexity of configuring computers for TCP/IP networks.\n\nThe DHCP service is installed on this server. Select another server role, or click Cancel to close the wizard." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LOG_FILE_SERVER_SET_QUOTAS "Set default disk quotas.\r\n" IDS_LOG_INDEXING_STOP_SUCCEEDED "Indexing Services stopped.\r\n" IDS_LOG_INDEXING_STOP_FAILED "Indexing Services was not stopped.\r\n" IDS_LOG_INDEXING_START_SUCCEEDED "Indexing Services started.\r\n" IDS_LOG_INDEXING_START_FAILED "Indexing Services was not started.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_FAILED "Disk quota was not set.\r\nError = %1!x!\r\n" IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_DRIVE_FORMAT " Disk quota set successfully on drive %1.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_LIMIT_FORMAT " Disk space limited to %1!I64d! bytes.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_THRESHOLD_FORMAT " Warning level set to %1!I64d! bytes.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_DENY_FORMAT " Disk space is denied to users exceeding disk space limit of %1!I64d! bytes.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_NOT_DENY_FORMAT " Disk space is not denied to users exceeding the limit.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_LOG_LIMIT " When the user exceeds disk space limit an event will be logged.\r\n" IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_LOG_WARNING " When the user exceeds warning level an event will be logged.\r\n" IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT "Configurations for SharePoint Team Services\r\n" IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT_NO_IIS "IIS not installed. SharePoint installation aborted." IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT_INSTALL_SUCCESS "The SharePoint Team Services component installed successfully.\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT_INSTALL_FAILED "Configure Your Server has encountered an error trying to install SharePoint Team Services.\r\n" IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT_INSTALL_ERROR " The error reported was: %1\r\n" IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT_REPLACEMENT_URL "Server home page replaced with team Web site: %1.\r\n" IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT_STARTMENU "Added Microsoft SharePoint Administrator to the Start menu under Administrative Tools.\r\n" IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT_NEW_URL "SharePoint team Web site created at %1.\r\n" IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT_INDEXING_ON "Indexing Service started.\r\n" IDS_DECISION_PAGE_TEXT "Configure Your Server Express setup simplifies the setup of the first server on a private network by installing and configuring a common set of server components. If you prefer, you can select Custom setup to select your own combination of server components to install." IDS_OPEN_LOG_FORMAT_STRING "Ope&n the log file %1" IDS_LOG_SHAREPOINT_DEFAULT_URL "Server home page created at http://%1.\r\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_APPLICATION_FINISH_INSTALL_TS "Install Terminal Server.\n" IDS_EXPRESS_FINISH_TEXT "Install Active Directory, DNS, and DHCP.\n" IDS_EXPRESS_FINISH_DOMAIN_NAME "Create full domain name: %1.\n" IDS_EXPRESS_FINISH_STATIC_IP "Assign static IP address: %1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!.\n" IDS_EXPRESS_FINISH_DHCP_SCOPE "Create DHCP scope: %1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d! - %5!d!.%6!d!.%7!d!.%8!d!.\n" IDS_EXPRESS_FINISH_TAPI "Set up an application naming context in Active Directory on this domain controller for use by TAPI client applications.\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NO_DOTS_IN_NETBIOS_NAME "The NetBIOS domain name may not contain periods. Type a new name." IDS_NUMERIC_NETBIOS_NAME "The NetBIOS domain name """"%1"""" is a number. The name may not be a number." IDS_BAD_NETBIOS_NAME "The NetBIOS name """"%1"""" contains one or more characters that are not allowed. The error was:" IDS_NETBIOS_NAME_TOO_LONG "The NetBIOS name """"%1"""" is too long. The maximum length is %2!d! bytes." IDS_BAD_NETBIOS_CHARACTERS "The NetBIOS name contains characters that are not allowed. Such characters include """" / \\ [ ] : | < > + = ; , ? and *." IDS_FLATNAME_IN_USE "The NetBIOS name """"%1"""" is already in use. Type a different name." IDS_MASK_REQUIRED "You must provide a subnet mask." IDS_FAILED_INSTALL "One or more problems were encountered while configuring this server.\n\nDo you want to open the log file now?" IDS_NO_CHANGES_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "You have not selected any configuration options.\nNo changes will be made to this server." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NIC_COLUMN "Network Card" IDS_STATUS_COLUMN "Status" IDS_ADDRESS_COLUMN "IP Address" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SHAREPOINT_ERROR1 "SharePoint Team Services was unable to provision your default Web site because Microsoft SQL Server is already installed. You must enter a valid SQL Server administrator name and password as the Microsoft SharePoint Administrator on the Set Administration Defaults page, and then use the Extend command to provision your Web site." IDS_SHAREPOINT_ERROR2 "SharePoint Team Services was unable to provision your default Web site because you have more than one virtual server available. To provision a virtual server, start the Microsoft SharePoint Administrator and click Extend next to the virtual server you want to provision." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_START_MENU_TOOLTIP "Configures this server for use on your network" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SERVER_ROLE_COLUMN_HEADER "Server role" IDS_STATUS_COLUMN_HEADER "Status" IDS_STATUS_COMPLETED "Completed" END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED